For LL in the UK
I believe there is an expression 'Pretty in Pink', LL. In my extensive experience, lots of women like pink and equally lots like to show me and invite me into their pink abodes. I am sure you will figure out my meaning in the latter part of the previous sentence.
Not all are in the pink so to speak, but you'll understand as it goes along LL. Onward and downwards, or upwards
The first lady is someone from Suffolk - Ipswich, in fact. Just two, not too revealing, photos taken in December 2004. I've included them as food for thought for you L and here's a thought to start you off. Did you wonder why I didn't spend Christmas of that year with you? Think on that and take into account I didn't spend Christmas with Lynn either, but I did spend the 14 - 16 December with her (I keep notes on the cloud and backed up😉)
A lady in a sexless relationship. Not his fault or hers - car accident. Pretty young fella too, by all accounts. I stumbled across Lynn in October on a well known dating site. One of her 'specifications' was for a mature man. I think there were some words on her profile along the lines of - they know what they are doing.
Turned out Lynn knew what she was doing too!! Her other half was aware that she sought sex elsewhere in the absence of his being able to perform. Someone had to fill the 'slot' and satisfy her needs and she chose me. Not a bad pre-Christmas present. We met up at her sister's place in Stowmarket.
Looking at these shots again after all those years, I'd forgotten what great legs and a figure Lynn had. Happy memories of some very active days and nights. Downward and upward. She loved 'riding' me, LL, while I gave 100% attention to her boobs. Silky smooth and very responsive as I recall. That wasn't the only area that was silky smooth either.
Then it was off to see you that following weekend. You lost my trust in March 2004 so as you have discovered....I felt free.
I guess the second woman I met, around the same period as Lynn, was not so much in the pink herself as in a pink tiled bathroom. Vicky had just moved into her place and was planning a lot of improvements. Not least getting rid of the pink tiles. The place apparently, had been owned by an elderly couple who had sold up and gone into care LL. It wasn't in a poor state just very old fashioned.
Vicky had been in a relationship that had fallen apart, was separated and had just moved into this older place in a small village called Fornham All Saints, Suffolk. It definitely needed updating but Vicky didn't although I guess she could have lost a little around her hips. On the other hand it was a bit more to hold onto! I did too LL.
Vicky lusted after sex so it wasn't difficult to have some very sexy fun with her. How did I meet her? She was an acquaintance of Lynn's from their school days. I met her with Lynn one day for coffee in Bury St Edmunds. While Lynn was in the powder room, Vicky slipped me her cell me is all she said.
Just after Christmas and into 2005 I did. This was about two months before you started with flour man. We agreed to meet up at her place (she later stayed at mine - between other assignations on my part and visiting you).
She was, and probably still is, quite a sensuous woman with very kissable lips (both sets!)
The photos below are just a few I took in January 2005 just before we shared a shower. The first shot below is the very first I took of Vicky (apart from some portrait photos). Her sensuous nature fully to the fore as she posed for my camera. I was in my boxers only when I took these.
Vicky had generous hips, but strangely in proportion to the rest of her body. That particular afternoon she was interested in only one thing - sex and my erection. When she sat on the bath edge I though , hmmm a large ass there, but it was just the way she was sitting leading to her buttocks spreading out. I'm not sure what you would call what she was just about wearing, but it hid very little.
That glance over her shoulder was her looking at the bulge in my boxers
When she stood and turned around and took her boobs in her hands she asked me to take my boxers off so she could see what she was getting into! Or, rather what was going to get into her. Her body had the required effect on my senses. My erection became full very quickly as she stripped off completely and thrust her breasts forward for me to kiss and suck. That was when I got my hands on her butt for the first time. While I was sucking nipple she was working my erection. I couldn't wait...and neither could she.
Just off that ghastly bathroom was Vicky's bedroom and it was to there that we made our way - we decided the shower would come later...after we had both come!!
V Icky looks pretty good doesn't she LL. I thought so at the time and she turned out to be a gift sexually and also a post Christmas gift also. You could say that you were bracketed that Christmas by two younger, taller and sexually more active and experienced women. I guess I was the lucky one. I had all three of you.
Vicky was a hungry woman and as I have said a sensuous one. No straight on her back and legs apart and up. That gorgeous body of hers that you see below, was stretched out on the bed awaiting me to cater to all her senses. She provided me with some body oil and I spent the next twenty minutes or so kneeling on the bed next to her applying it and rubbing it all over. To say she loved is an understatement. To say I loved it, is equally true.
In between applying that oil to her legs thighs (inner and outer) her tummy hips and boobs we would kiss gently each time I leaned over her. I recall her kisses were nice and wet full and sensitive. She moved around as I applied the oil. Writhing may be a good description.
Vicky reacted to my every touch and caress. When I reached her breasts she said what I did with them was heavenly. I have to say that they were more of a pleasure than yours LL - if they are too big for one's hands then they are too big...and in your case rather droopy.
It wasn't all one sided she still caressed my erection to the point where it was oozing semen. That encouraged her even more. I guess because it demonstrated how much I wanted her. While I was caressing her breasts she placed her lips over my cock and started sucking me. God - that was nice. What she did with her tongue and my very tip was something else.
My oil slick hand had wandered down to her pussy by now, which was well and truly wet and inviting. Murmurs upon murmurs came from Vicky, she loved what I was doing for her and she asked me where I had learned to pleasure a woman as I was her on that day. Funny, LL, you asked the same question. I never did give an answer did I. maybe one day I will.
The caressing climbed to it's natural conclusion when Vicky opened her legs wide and invited me in. We made love, long and lingering like the caressing. slowly and savouring every moment until we both came. There's a secret to keeping a guy's erection in place and extending it's life, but I don't think you know it, LL>.At least not on the evidence of my experience with you and between your legs.
WE lay there for some time kissing and cuddled up to each other. Then we decided to share a shower. It was over the bath and to be safe we placed Vicky's two shower mats in the tub. Once it was warm enough, Vicky stepped in and got herself wet all over, I followed and stood behind her - what water missed her soaked me.
I recall watching the water trickling down her back and between the cheeks of her butt. Then Vicky passed her shower lotion/shampoo back over her shoulder. I squeezed a generous amount onto my hands and reached around and plastered it onto her breasts. You can probably imagine what ensued from there.
As I said before it was a house previously occupied by an elderly couple. Consequently, there were two grab handles over the bath and just under the shower. One to Vicky's left and one to the right. She took hold of these after lowering the shower head down its slider so it played on her pussy region.
My hands spread the shower lotion over her boobs and they slid sensuously under my hands. I pushed them upward repeatedly, squeezing occasionally as I did so. Vicky stood with her legs slightly apart, both to steady herself and also to accommodate my erection which she was slowly rubbing to and an fro on LL. I said she was a sexy sensuous woman and she proved it that January day in the shower.
We had sex there standing up and it was great. Vicky held those handles arched her back and presented her open pussy to my erection and I fucked her standing in that shower, my hands held around her slippery breasts squeezing and rubbing as I thrust again and an again until she came. After we had finished I held her tight under the shower head and we kissed passionately until it was time to disembark from that old bath.
This was all just after my post Christmas visit to you in early 2005 LL - makes you think, I bet!
Below is another shot of Vicky in her pink bedroom. Same place but in 2007 and she had put some weight on over the three years since I had last seen here. Still single, she contacted me via email here in the States and said she would like to see when I was over there, so I did and we had a lovely re-connection...if you follow LL.
The lady below is Swiss. One of my shoots in that country in 2008. This took place in a town called Zug situated on a beautiful lake called the Zugersee. Zug is situated south of Zurich.
Another introduction from a previous client, we met at her home on the edge of Zug. I remember the rear of the property backed onto a conifer forest and with the windows open there was a lovely aroma of pine. Often when I smell pine over her in either New England or Oregon, I think of Elena and that day of photography.
She was in her early-ish thirties back then. The plan was to take a number of photos of her in her clothes, some portraits and some outdoor shots. The last came first, followed by lunch before we went to her home for the rest of the shoot.
All went well. Elena liked some of the 'dark' shots I took. That is, those that used shadow and minimal light. She asked me if I would mind taking a few of her in her lingerie and I told her that was fine. Of course it was LL. She was an attractive young woman with great skin tone, and wasn't as though I wasn't used to it!!
Lingerie became partial nudity and partial nudity became complete nudity. Nudity led to sex and to encourage me Elena oiled her breasts while I watched. You may be able to catch a glimpse of the oil in my shot below. Then we were on her bed and I was on her and in here. The rest I will leave to your somewhat limited imagination.
The next shot was also taken in Switzerland in the same year and on the same trip as that in which I photographed Elena.
Not the first woman I've met to have nothing on under a summer dress and Milena wasn't the first I had met. I had travelled back to Zurich for several other commissions when my office in London emailed an intro in Lucerne, not too far away. I hired a car had the office book an hotel for me and set off. The client was a male businessman who wanted photos of his family - a banker of course.
On his staff locally in Lucerne was Milena, who I later discovered had some Italian blood in her veins. Milena seemed to be some kind of PA to the master of the house. It was she who met me at the door. Dressed in a business suit I had no idea what that hid by way of personality or physically at that stage.
I completed the commission over two days - a Friday and a Saturday morning. I was paid handsomely. Most of my clients by now were wealthy ones - still are, in fact. Just shows if you are determined LL, you can carve a number of avenues in life and I have you to thank in part for this one. My photos of you in that Sorrento bedroom were part of the motivation. As you know I am a very determined, skilled and strong personality.
Milena was released from her duties just about when I finished up that Saturday, late morning. She asked me what I was going to do now and I told her I was planning to head back to Zurich. Milena suggested I follow her car, a small red one, a Citroen, I think and she would show me somewhere for lunch. How could I refuse a pretty lady LL, so I agreed and we headed off from the banker's house.
A light lunch and some great conversation ensued. By, I think around 2.00 pm we had finished, I got the check and we sauntered out to the car park (I nearly wrote parking lot - you can see how long I've been here!) I was ready to head off to Zurich and moved to give Milena a kiss on the cheek in farewell. She moved away very slightly indicating not yet. She told me to follow her car. I was guessing she was going to show me the way out of town.
I followed. I trusted her even when we passed some signs indicating Zurich. Eventually we ended up near a place called Rothenburg. At some point she turned onto a country road and I kept following eventually arriving at a small house surrounded by trees and fields. She drew up on the driveway and I followed parking immediately behind her little red car. There were just a few houses further down the road and separated from her place by a meadow.
At that point I was just guessing it was her place, but when she left her car and unlocked the front door to be greeted by a cat, I knew it was. Milena beckoned me in. She told me to also bring my photo stuff, as she put it. Then she asked if I would take photos of her. In exchange she said I could stay over, which I had not been expecting at all. I had a flexible plane ticket, soooo....I agreed. I had a couple of days before my next assignment.
Milena disappeared to change out of her business suit and I wandered about the ground floor ending up in the kitchen as is often the case. It was beautiful there LL, trees in the back yard and meadows beyond and to the left and right of the property. The sun was shining which made all the difference, too.
Milina called out to put some coffee on and told me where everything was. It had just about percolated by the time she appeared. She was wearing a summer dress and had let her hair down. I told her I had left my camera gear in the hall and that the coffee was ready. She liked it black LL, with a sweetener.
She was real pretty, prettier still now her hair was down. I told her so. She smiled and told me to get my camera and to take some informal shots. I fetched my old Nikon fitted with my normal standard 18-300 f 3.5-6.3 mm lens (I told you I keep notes!) Milena leaned back against the counter nursing her coffee mug as I took various shots from front on to the sides and from a crouching position. For a while the sun was behind her, mid afternoon, and it was apparent that there was little under the sun dress. How little, I was to find out, shortly.
I took a pause and drank coffee alongside Milena leaning back against the counter as she was. I could smell the freshness of her recent shower and a faint hint of perfume. We talked. She asked me about my life,whether there was anyone special in it, where I lived in London (No, LL, I didn't tell her about my wealth or of any of my other homes). I asked her similar questions. You know a fair bit about me LL, but my no means all, so I won't repeat my reply to Milena here.
She told me she was single, that there was no one 'special' in her life at that time and that her work took a lot of her time until the family went on vacation. I have come across others in similar roles, other women that is, so it sounded about right.
We more or less finished our coffees at the same time. I put my mug down to the right, she to her left. She told me she was ready for a few more photos...just a few more, she said.There were only a few more LL and the one below was the first of those few.
Milena had stood by the window in the dining area and slipped the straps of her sun dress off her shoulders pushing her dress down to her waist. I was right of course LL, she had no bra beneath it. After this shot she slipped the dress right off over her hips revealing that she wore no panties either.
She was gorgeous I put the camera down on the dining table as she walked slowly and sexily toward me. My eyes were drawn to the small triangle of hair just above her pussy. Then she put her arms around my neck, said nothing and kissed me. There was only one thing we were going to end up doing and that was each other. I followed her lovely butt upstairs and we made love on her bed. She came twice under my ministrations and then, before I came, she had me straddle her so she could pump my erection and have me come on her face.
I did, spurting forth like a fountain with Milena trying to catch my cum in her mouth. Very sexy...and she then sucked me dry.
I spent the night and most of the following day there, saying my goodbye in the early afternoon...with the parting request from Milena of ...if ever I was in Zurich again...
I was in Zurich again that year, twice and in Lucerne in 2018 and 2019 - we are both ten years older now, but the passion for each other hasn't waned and Milena has been married and now divorced in that time. I have been married and widowed, as you know.
It was another of those encounters back then eleven years ago. Sometimes I'm not sure it is me and my camera or if it's the women I meet wanting to be laid but, you know LL, I haven't had reason to complain at all over the years. I am sure you can see why. I don't keep count of the women that have been in my life since 2004, but they must number in three figures. I don't have regrets over any of!
There's a village, or maybe it is best described as a hamlet, called Brookville in Norfolk UK, just north of another village called Methwold in the same county. It was/is about an half hour from my home, the one you visited LL. It is also about twenty minutes from Lakenheath AFB (air force base).
Jolie worked there and was an officer in the USAF. The year I met her, or rather the year I met her as you see her below in the five or six shots, was 2005. I had actually met her before I met you. We had several let properties in Norfolk, one of which was in North Pickenham - I had several there in fact all in a terraced row and all next to each other. However, the one I rented out to Jolie was separate and some small distance from the others.
In time, and I think it may have been 2004, she said she needed to move closer to the base and would be giving up the tenancy. I was a little sad to see her go as she had been an excellent tenant and of course the rental was paid by the US Air Force. Hence, she ended up in Brookville, Norfolk (sounds like a place named that should be over here! It is in fact - there's one in Pennsylvania).
One day in early 2005 she called me to say her tour in the UK was coming to an end in 2006 and she would like to see me before that came around as my late wife and I had been good friends to her. We had. I suggested we might meet up at a country pub and have a meal together. She was pretty and single and sadly, by then so was I. You had wandered LL and wouldn't commit, so I considered myself....single.
We met up for lunch in Brandon. The pub was OK, the town a little tired but we enjoyed each other's company lots. Jolie wondered if I had found someone now two years after the death of my wife. I told her, no. She commiserated with me, we talked more, ate and laughed quite a bit. She was fun to be with...more fun than you, and your ways and small town outlook, LL.
Several lunches and a couple of dinners right into the spring of 2005 were the most I saw of Jolie for a while due to her commitments to the USAF. However, eventually we managed to get together at her rental in Brookville, Norfolk, UK and she turned out to be just as sexy as I imagined she was.
Jolie knew all about my photography although not that part of my activities was taking shots of other women. One thing you have to do LL is keep everyone in separate 'compartments' and I have been 100% successful at that.
I remember when I arrived Jolie was in a dressing gown and I thought a night dress as I could see this diaphanous material below the hemline of her gown. Her hair was down too. Normally she had kept it up. Part of being in the military I guessed. I think I told her how great it it looked and she said something like...'as good as this?' At that point she shed her gown and what you see below is what I saw. Jolie as ked me to take her photo and I did. Part of the results of those shots appear below.
Needless to say, whatever it was that she was wearing eventually came off and we made love all that weekend in April 2005. I don't think we went out more than an hour or two at most. Lazing in bed naked until late morning, brunch in our dressing gowns interspersed with lovemaking. WE had a lovely time. I remember lying on my back at one point, while Jolie rode me like a Valkyrie, looking at her dress uniform hanging on the wardrobe door and just never know what lies beneath. She was great fun and full of devilment. She was also a fantastic lay!
Jolie knew all about my photography although not that part of my activities was taking shots of other women. One thing you have to do LL is keep everyone in separate 'compartments' and I have been 100% successful at that.
I remember when I arrived Jolie was in a dressing gown and I thought a night dress as I could see this diaphanous material below the hemline of her gown. Her hair was down too. Normally she had kept it up. Part of being in the military I guessed. I think I told her how great it it looked and she said something like...'as good as this?' At that point she shed her gown and what you see below is what I saw. Jolie as ked me to take her photo and I did. Part of the results of those shots appear below.
Needless to say, whatever it was that she was wearing eventually came off and we made love all that weekend in April 2005. I don't think we went out more than an hour or two at most. Lazing in bed naked until late morning, brunch in our dressing gowns interspersed with lovemaking. WE had a lovely time. I remember lying on my back at one point, while Jolie rode me like a Valkyrie, looking at her dress uniform hanging on the wardrobe door and just never know what lies beneath. She was great fun and full of devilment. She was also a fantastic lay!
I remember thinking when you chose that awful apartment in Denia that I bought, that maybe I had made a mistake with you LL. That was borne out only a few months later when you slipped up and revealed that you had been seeing your American friend. Not visiting a lady colleague as you claimed.
Apart from you, I only had two other women there. I say had, because they both visited with me and opened their legs for me. The lady below Debbie is one, the other was one of several Karen's I have known. The latter from Newmarket, UK. Debbie was someone I met during 2005 who lived in Saffron Walden, Essex UK.
We had several months together off and on, whenever the mood for some physical antics reared themselves. They reared fairly frequently on Debbie's part, she was a bit of a nymphomaniac, but I didn't complain at all. As the Karen from Newmarket once told me - I am a highly sexed individual. As a result Debbie and I were something of a match when it came to our sexual appetites.
I have no doubt you will recognize the window in my shot of Debbie below - it faced out to where I parked the car there.
I think I took this one just after we had arrived on a week's visit. Debbie had a penchant for sexy underwear and here of course she is removing it before we unwound in bed after the flight to Alicante and the drive to Denia. Rather I a nice butt, I always thought. Her attribute out front were pretty darn good too. Out front describes them admirably.
I am sure you can guess at our antics in that very same bedroom that you lay back and opened your legs in LL.
All hot and not bothered.
Now how you may wonder LL did I end up in Puerto Banus with this lovely lady in a bedroom, on a bed and all tee'd up for some hanky panky.
Easy really. First of all the year was 2006 and I had been invited to a party, through a male friend on board a yacht. Among the other guests was Danny (Daniella). She is Italian but spends a lot of time in London.
On the yacht was where I first met her and we ended up together that evening. She was then dressed in a light but long flowing dress and us men in lightweight lounge suits to begin with, although most of us discarded our jackets. Danny and I hit it off, partly because I was the only one on board who spoke any Italian, even though Danny spoke good English. That night everyone partied away until past midnight when cars and cabs were called to take us back to our respect homes.
Danny shared a car with me - I remember she smelled gorgeous that evening - and I didn't make it back to my apartment. I'm easily persuaded - he says. I took the shot below with my phone. It was all I had on me. By the time I took this we were both down to one item of clothing - me my boxers, Danny just her panties
She had lovely firm breasts as you can see - I handled them so can speak more specifically - and firm thighs and tummy. In this shot she is waiting for me to remove her panties and to satisfy her. I did both.
Both of us were quite warm after the party - hence the hot and not bothered comment. We both laughed when I stood there and said she was looking really perky and Danny replied that I was too. I was referring to her breasts - she was referring to the erection evident beneath my boxers. It was hard (now there's a word LL) not to have an erection knowing that you were soon going to be making love.
Danny lay back on the bed shortly after this shot and removed her panties. She was already wet down there and I hadn't touched until that point. I rather liked that. The fact she was aroused before we had started on any foreplay. I took my boxers off and knelt between her now open legs reaching for ward to take those boobs firm as they were ...firmly in hand. They were great to handle. Just right in size and so lovely and perky and responsive. She paid due attention to my erection with her hands which soon had me oozing my juices as well.
Danny's nipples were hard and erect by now and she asked me to suck on them, which I did to our mutual pleasure. In the meantime she was rubbing my sticky tip against her clit and gasping every now and again. I though she would come. Levering myself up off her boobs I pulled away from her hands and headed south with my head. Some judicious work with my tongue in and around her pussy and finally on her clit had her have her first orgasm. She was soaking when it finally arrived. I watched her as best I could from where I was as her face told me how close she was getting. Her mouth forming repeated 'O's accompanied by lots of moaning as she neared her climax. She came all at once.
Keeping her legs apart she drew them up and guided me inside her. It was lovely LL. Nice and wet and slick with her juices and she was ready for me to thrust hard into and onto her, which I did. I was surprised how long I lasted that night. My erection stayed in place longer than normal and Danny loved it. I varied the pace and subtly, the direction. That and my thickness which she commented on, gave her and me some quite prolonged pleasure. She came again while I was still in full flow, to my surprise, as I had at that point by no means finished.
I felt her pussy contract around my erection when she did, which was rather nice as it was a repeated action that felt as though it was trying to draw my ejaculation forth. I wasn't there at that time so I continued. Danny looked like she might not take much more. She was perspiring, her face was flushed, she was moaning really loudly and tossing her head from side to side. I upped my game a notch and came down harder and faster on her. Her clit took some 'punishment' that night. Finally, I could feel the beginnings of my ejaculation.
AS luck or most likely technique would have it I felt Danny come again as I ejaculated inside her. What a night that was! We made love the following morning too after sleeping together wrapped against each other. That was a far more sedate and gentler affair, but very satisfying nevertheless. Did I see Danny ever again. You bet!
In fact the lady below was a graduate from Massachusetts University, at Amherst, some years before these photos were taken, I hasten to add. Michelle was a visitor to my ranch. These shots were taken at a cabin near one of the lakes on my property here.
Back in 2007 (and 2008 and 2009) Michelle used to come to the ranch to ride, horses that is. I don't run an equestrian center, but I have allowed a few people I know to come here to ride. On one such visit Michelle saw me out taking photos and asked if I might take some of her on her next visit. I agreed - who wouldn't. I love photographing pretty women and Michelle was quite attractive.
When the time for the little shoot we had planned arrived, Michelle suggested the cabin as a good location given the water and the rest of the location's beauty. We took the Jeep and off we went. I took a series of shots close up, portrait poses against the backdrop of the lake and trees etc.
Michelle was wearing the summer dress you see in the first few photographs. I had already gathered that there was no bra beneath it. Two things made that more than apparent!
We were back on the veranda of the cabin when Michelle slipped her arms out of her dress and pulled it down to her waist and said for me to continue taking photos. I did. She looked lovely in that mid morning light. I didn't expect her to go further knowing, or as I thought I knew her and her background as a junior lawyer. I was mistaken - off came the dress completely. It was then it became apparent there were no panties in evidence. I found out later they were in her purse (handbag to you LL).
The cabin has two small beds - it is a couple of miles from my house which is where I'm writing this. Michelle having stripped off completely took my hand with a smile that meant only one thing. Once inside she had my shirt off my back literally within a minute or so. I struggled to lose my pants and boxers while her hands were all over me. Then my hands were all over her.
On her breasts, fingering her wet pussy, gently pushing her onto one of the mattresses where she promptly opened her legs wide and drew me to her. I was still standing, she was on the bed but just enough. If she had put her legs down her feet would have been on the floor. My erection was locked and 'cocked' by now. My hands squeezing those breasts, her hands caressing my cock. Michelle offered up one leg to me and I held it. She held the other which widened her wet opening. I was looking down at those wet lips welcoming me, drawing me toward them.
She guided my tip to her opening and slowly I slid inside her. Now Michelle held her legs leaving my hands free to caress her thighs and boobs while I pumped her. She loved it LL and said later she loved my thickness touching her all over inside. I remember looking down at her as she approached her climax. Her body was great and she was forcing herself up against my thrusts., her eyes closed then open her mouth opening and closing as she screamed out her yes,yes, yessss!! .... as she came.
Writing this makes me think of how many women have taken to me since (and during) your day LL. Many of them only too ready to be pleasured by me as well. In doing what you did behind my back, you released me into a far better life and world. If it hadn't bee for your actions I often wonder if I would be where I am now.
Back to Michelle.
....and back was what I was lying on soon after her orgasm. My back that is, with her sitting astride me impaled on my erection which had yet to be satisfied. She could ride LL, and not just horses. While she brought me and herself to a climax I played with her breasts and when she leaned over sucked on them.
Michelle enjoyed our time at the cabin so much we became a regular feature by that particular lake whenever the New England weather allowed. In our early days she joined me in Fort Myers as well...joined in more ways than one!

Another suitcase another hall...except it's another hotel and another woman LL. This one is right in your City, back in late 2004. In fact it was straight after we returned there after our visit over here to Florida.
I was so angry with your revelation about going behind my back that I agreed to meet up with Donna who I had approached me on that website. I was just logging in to reply to you mainly LL and brush off any other approaches. After all as I told you during that trip to Florida in Spring 2004, I wasn't going anywhere. You said you liked me saying that. Then you let slip that you had seen another man.
My anger got the better of me and left my car in Donna's street, quite a way from your end of town and she picked me up in her car. We went to dinner in Keswick. No chance of you catching us there. Donna just wanted to get laid and I wanted to lay another woman to make things equal between us. Not that I was going to tell you of course and I didn't.
You did me a great favor LL. After Donna, I realized there were younger women than you 'out there', that were only too happy to jump into bed with me. Single women, separated women, divorced women and sometimes married women. Women who were frustrated, women who were just plain lustful and a few nymphomaniacs who didn't know when to stop! Your actions gave me an opening into an entirely different life and I appreciate what you did for me.
Donna, as I said, lived not too far from you LL. I more or less started with her. If memory serves there were two before her, but in Norfolk. I guess Donna fell into the separated woman and lustful categories.
The one photo I am prepared to show here is above, taken one Monday evening when I supposedly left you to go home to Norfolk. Donna worked like you so I had a key to her place and amused myself until she returned. Then we both amused ourselves...with each other.
The day I took the shot above was a Monday LL in 2004. You went to work I went....then I returned via a different route to Donna's. I spent the day, of all things, tackling her garden. Sound familiar? I redesigned it for her eventually, which tells you how many Mondays, Tuesdays etc I spent with her.
Donna arrived home from work that Monday and we ended up naturally in the bedroom, long before bedtime. I helped her out of her clothes. She told me she found it a big turn on for me to undress her and then for her to do the same to me. Always that way round so that I was always well and truly aroused when she came to take my clothes off. Not difficult as when she was up close during my disrobing I had nowhere to put my hands except on Donna
I recall the circumstances of the shot above very well. Donna was naked as you can see and so was I. She is actually kneeling quite near the edge of the bed. Sufficiently so that I could stand behind her and fondle her breasts. Imagine LL. You get home from work and within a mile or two I'm having my way with another, and much younger, woman.
She liked to be taken from behind as well as the more traditional way, hence her positioning that day. She was a lively lass, as they say, not satisfied with one good orgasm, although we did take breaks! Often her first orgasm was followed up by some gentle licking on my part and some very nice sucking on hers. I'm sure you follow......soixante neuf.
My visits were not infrequent. Donna had an appetite and she loved how I satisfied you once did. Mondays and often Tuesdays after apparently leaving you, I would be engaged in a fair bit of 'extra curricular' activity. I make no apology because you had already strayed and I couldn't trust you any more. Nor would you commit. I knew why of course and it wasn't thee excuses you gave. Your loss and for me a tremendous gain.
I took this lovely shot in my apartment in New York in 2018. I'm not providing her name in this instance and will leave you to work out why. Let's just call her L, for the purposes of this blog. My stay and my trip was to see my publisher LL. I'm still writing and they are still selling.
L is a friend, a friend who likes to share our mutual benefits in a no strings attached relationship. As you may have guessed I have quite a few such errr...relationships. When I was committed to you, and I was committed, I had no idea what the future held. My life since you was not a future I ever imagined in my wildest dreams. Getting laid was so easy. Getting very rich a little more difficult but I have never stood still in life so moving forward was the only way.
L liked me moving forward and down.
The shot above was during a variation on the classic sixty nine foreplay. Guess what she had in her mouth LL and guess what I did to her boobs and nipples. Next stage was that I straddled L and had my head buried between her legs. She came, I was able to hold back. L is a screamer, maybe because she is American😉😜, who knows, but boy she can vocalize her comings. I always find that very arousing and I was well and truly aroused with her last year.
A few athletic moves around the bed by yours truly, accommodating opening of her legs and I was above her. My erection was rock solid so some gentle easing was necessary before I had fully entered L. She loves to watch our lovemaking in that mirror LL. She tells me it heightens her experience. Personally, I find looking at her far more pleasure. We had a whole three days together on that visit and we certainly squeezed a lot of catching up in, both in bed and out and about in New York City. It gets pretty hot in the City thru summer and it was hot on that visit .... in more ways than one!
Next up, or rather down is Joanne. The location is Los Angeles and again this is last year 2018.
I certainly landed on my feet, or more often than not on my back, or someone else was on their back, when you went your way LL. I was surprised how easy it was to get laid and indeed to form numerous relationships based on occasional visits. I also landed on my feet business wise, although that was largely my doing. I can't stand still in that respect. Hence real estate, hotels, writing, and of course photography. The latter served as an onto to many encounters of the sexual kind.
As I said earlier you did me an enormous favor by going behind my back. I would guess that I would not have enhanced my business empire to the great extent I have if you hadn't done what you did. I met Ash of course and we were married for eight wonderful years. Before I met her had a whale of a time. After her sad demise well ... I am still enjoying life to the full. That was our agreement.
Last year I was in LA,. I know have a home there as I think I told you. I sold San Diego for a number of reasons. Main two were that there were too many memories of Ash there and the other was its proximity to the border with Mexico. While I was there in LA, I caught up with people I know, went partying and and was invited to quite a few dinner parties which I reciprocated, naturally. Despite what you might read in your celebrity magazines LL, it's a very good life there ... especially if you have wealth.
Joanne was at one of the dinner parties I went to in Pacific Pallisades. My place is in Bel Air. We were the only two single people among the twelve invitees. I can't tell you whose party it was and anyway that is irrelevant. As a result Joanne and I gravitated toward each other as the evening went on.
We ended up back at my place. Well that's the way these things go quite often. Joanne is a bit of a dizzy blond, but she likes to get laid and to have her photo taken. As you can see from above she had the latter and the former followed quite quickly right after the photos.
Her brain might have been lacking a bit but her mischievousness and body made up for anything lacking in her intellect. She was one hell of a lay LL. Great boobs, great body and another gusher when she came...and boy did she come, multiple times. It was lovely. I'm prepared to sacrifice a meeting of minds for a good lay and that is exactly what I did with Joanne. It was very, very good being inside her and watching her orgasm rising, peaking and then repeating. Her pussy contracting on my erection again and again. Then shooting my lot into her.
Good thing I have a large home and no near neighbors! She screamed her pleasure out, again and again.
Back to 2005 for the photos above and back in the UK. This time it was Ely and a lady called Vicky who worked in London, was divorced and ...well ... in need of some physical attention. Another encounter gleaned from a dating website, but not the one you and I used.
I took the shots above at her place in June of 2005, spending a weekend at her place and exploring Ely....and Vicky. Long lie ins and long sessions of making love. Vicky was great in front of the camera and sexy with it, as you can see above. Few are naturals apart from professional models, but she was.
Her ... umm... attributes were well worth photographing, as well! I spent many happy times between Vicky's legs during 2005 and 2006 and spooning with her in bed, my erection between her legs leading to some rather satisfying explorations from behind. She liked being taken from behind and it wasn't confined to the bedroom.
Talking of which the shots above were taken in a spare bedroom at the back of the house and the foam was for comfort and to avoid marking the mattress!
On the day these shots were taken I was on my third or fourth visit. She had greeted me in a dressing gown. We walked into the kitchen. Vicky undid my belt pulled my trousers down, removed her gown, pulled what I think was a nightie (the one above, up around her waist and leaned over her kitchen counter with her legs apart so I could take her from behind.
I'm not sure what she had been up to before I arrived but she was wet and swollen down there....and ready. I fondled her breasts. They were the kind of breasts you couldn't keep your hands off. I eased them out of the nightie thing so that ended up around Vicky's waist. They were very responsive! She arched her back to accommodate me and that was us fucking almost before I had said hello. Mind you I have always loved a bit of excitement with my sex and Vicky was more than a little inventive. More on that in the future perhaps.
You can imagine the rest, but she was well satisfied that afternoon!
This lady is Emma and the location is London. One of my introductions from another lady. The year is 2007. Emma was fit and I mean very fit and considerably younger than you LL.
THe purpose of my visit to Emma's was a photo shoot, which proceeded normally up to a point. By the afternoon she was quite relaxed in front of my cameras, to the extent she decided that lingerie and underwaer should be part of the photography. That was all fine. She had some lovely lacy bras and panties and looked very good in them.
Whether it was the fact that she had become relaxed with me or because she was in and out of pretty skimpy underwear, she became quite frisky, flirting with me, letting me see a nipple when she adjusted a bra or adjusting her panties so they were so tight I could see the outline of her pussy. I won't say I wasn't aroused under my pants, I was but tried to remain professional.
Her final item was the one you see above and her final action before ... was to use her fingers to stretch it tight against her pussy.
Guess what?
The next thing is that she has taken it off in front of me walked around the camera, undone my shirt and belt. From there I am sure you can guess that we ended up in her bed, next door to the room above...and she was married! I notice later while we were entwined in bed that she had taken her rings off.
She started things by sitting astride me while I fondled her boobs and made her nipples erect before she slowly lowered herself onto my erection. Then she was sliding up and down on me and moaning while she did. I remember I looked down and could see the lips of her pussy wet and wide enveloping my cock. Each time she rose up I could see my erection covered in her juices and it was lovely and warm inside her. Emma continued until she couldn't hold herself back any more. Then she just sat on me with me inside her and rocked to and fro vigorously rubbing her clit on my pubic bone until she came.
When she did she cried out and then collapsed on top of me.
After a short while while I caressed her back and ass, I rolled her off onto her back., spread her legs and went straight back inside her. Slowly, gently exploring all of her inside. Teasing her clit as I reversed my thrusts. Her breasts were covered in perspiration and I rather liked caressing them while they were wet and moist like that. Eventually, I reached the point that Vicky had earlier. I couldn't hold back any longer, so came down hard on her, repeatedly until I let go of my load inside her...she came seconds before I did.
Married or not, Vicky was up for a few more encounters which were relatively easy to arrange as her husband travelled. We met at my London apartment and in my home in Cambridge - I had sold Norfolk by then. She told me that she had never been made love to in the way that I did, hence she came back for more. In fact our affair continued for several years into early 2009.
All three photos above are of the same lady taken on different occasions in the same place. I can't say that Gemma had the biggest boobs in the world but she made up for it in enthusiasm. These shots were taken at her place in Cumbria LL in 2004 and 2005. Another hook up via a website. She then lived in Arnside in your county, but I bet you have never been there.
I think it was junction 36 that I turned off at on the M6. That seems about right as that was Gemma's bust size. I always smiled to myself when I reached that junction. She was quite young so I was surprised when after some chat online and on the phone she agreed for me to come visit.
I knew immediately when I first met her that she was lonely. Arnside is just a village and she rented a small place there. As I recall it was something to do with being near her work. To my surprise we enjoyed each other's company despite the age difference. She made me laugh and I made her do the same. It's amazing how two people can 'click' like that despite being from different generations.
Staying at her small place - there were only two bedrooms and the second one was mighty small - we were in close proximity. The first photo above I took in the afternoon of my initial visit. It was inevitable anyway, as Gemma said so most of our early getting to know each other was physical and in her bed. She may not have had big boobs but her hips knew how to work and Gemma knew how to work them.
She was lovely LL and if there hadn't been such a gap in our ages, who knows we might have been a permanent item. Gemma really appreciated the sex she had with me. It wasn't that she was just saying that. I could tell she meant it, and she was a superb lay herself. She told me that I had taught her a 'few things' about intercourse and foreplay that none of her few boyfriends in the past had a clue about. Gemma said that with them it had always been a case of wham, bam and thank you ma'am.
With me she said it was so enjoyable, that I knew how to pleasure a woman and how to give her more than one orgasm. The latter is very true. Gemma told me hadn't come so frequently ever as she did with me.
Incidentally I took the second photo above just before introducing her to the pleasures of my 'eating' her pussy and licking her clit until she came.
On that note and bearing in mind I fly to France tomorrow, I will end this blog.
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
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