For LL in the UK
Funny, isn't it LL, how ready women have been to strip off for me over the years, including you. After your time, the camera had something to do with that fact, but not entirely. Jo, below is a case in point.
I first met Jo at a barbers I used to use way back before I met you. She knew about my loss as G used to come in and wait when I was having what hair I had, cut. Even less these days, but I keep it real short now. I'm not sure when she started to flirt with me, but I guess it was during 2004. Before that she would cut my hair and keep things fairly normal. By the time 2004 came around I started to get a little flirty banter from her, which I returned. I don't think any clients noticed as it was on a level that they wouldn't pick up on.
The other thing she did was purposely check my hair by pushing her boobs against the back of my head then brush them against it as she moved around the front to check the cut. Then she would lean forward to do my eyebrows so I had nowhere to look but at her boobs and cleavage, just about contained within her tee shirt or top.
We talked of other things of course, holidays, when I changed cars, did I cook?, how was I getting on after losing my wife etc etc. One of the subjects that came up was my increasing involvement with photography. I remember one occasion when I came back from your place I think in May of that year after a very satisfying stopover in Yorkshire. Jo brought up the subject of photography and asked if I would photograph her. I wasn't sure what she had in mind, but I explained I didn't have a studio. She gave me her cell number and a day later I phoned her.
We arranged a time and place for the photos. It was Wednesday the next day, her day off. The time we agreed upon, I think, was 10.30 a.m. The place, my home in Norfolk and hopefully, I thought at the time, its surroundings, for some good photos.
We had coffee when Jo arrived in her little Fiesta. I showed her around the house and then outside on the patio and by the pool. She looked over the fields and observed that my location was very private. Then she asked what the wood was a few hundred yards away to the west. I said it was a copse that had been planted back in the 90's and was now fairly mature.
I remember I went inside to fetch my camera and a close up lens along with the one already in the camera. When I went outside I couldn't see Jo immediately, but then spotted her walking toward the copse. It was hot that day and she wore jeans and a tee shirt which had a message on it about not liking you will see below.
I don't like soccer/football either naps for Jo until somewhat later.
I called out to her and said I would follow. She merged into the bushes over there and I followed. As I approached with my camera, tripod and additional lens, she waved to me from behind a waist high bush, LL. In between the bushes and small trees the area had open grassy spaces. Jo seemed to have moved into one of those areas.
When, finally, I reached her she had shed her jeans and all that was beneath them and invited me to photograph her as she stood posing wearing just her tee shirt and it was obvious there was nothing beneath that either. Flirting had become something a lot more sexual LL. Here I was camera in hand affixed to the tripod contemplating but not voicing what it was that made women strip off for me and be prepared to share their bodies with me. There was no doubt in my mind that was she had in mind.
I took various shots of her as she played with her tee shirt, first showing her ass to me then her uncluttered pussy (no pubes at all ) and her boobs. It didn't take much for my interest to manifest itself within my shorts. Read on, below the first few shots....
Jo knelt in the grass and I told her to play with the wild flowers as I took more shots. By now she was wearing the tee shirt only around her waist. Standing again she removed it completely. It was hard (now there's a word!) to believe that this beautiful young woman had been transformed in the middle of this copse from my hairdresser clad in jeans and a tee shirt to a beautiful naked woman.
She looked far better naked than in her old jeans.
As I took the shots she moved deeper into the copse and I moved my tripod as well. We were talking most of the time. The move deeper into the bushes was for a reason she asked for and I was only too willing to agree to.
Occasionally, there might be a dog walker in the fields around my house and the copse, although the latter was mostly fenced off There was no one that day and we had infiltrated quite deeply into it. Jo kept posing for my camera coming quite close. So close at one point that she took my had while I was looking through the viewfinder and placed it between her legs.
I remember she was soft and warm there, with just the slightest hint of moisture present in her pussy. It was tight too, but gradually reacting to my touch.

I took a few more shots but we were losing interest in the photo shoot and inversely gaining much more interest in each other. Before Jo knelt down in the grass and I managed a few more shots, she had my polo shirt off, my belt undone and my zipper open. I am sure you can imagine that while Jo was doing that I had my hands full...of breast. Wonderful to touch and responsive too.
The more I fondled and squeezed them, the fuller and firmer they became LL, to say nothing of what happened to her nipples. By now Jo had my shorts around my ankles along with my boxers.. We embraced, fondled each other in our tow most responsive areas and then....
...Jo knelt down in the grass and said for me to take her from behind. We positioned ourselves and while were doing that her previously closed and barely moist pussy was now open, welcoming and her juices were dripping.
We wasted no time out there in the bushes. It was exciting, it is always exciting having sex outdoors with the remote chance of being discovered. We weren't Kneeling behind Jo and between her legs I slipped my erection inside her and we fucked like it was going out of fashion LL. Boy was she wet. I nearly slipped out twice. Jo loved it. She arched her back so I could go as deep as possible on each thrust and she made it clear vocally that I was hitting all the right spots I held her thighs so that my thrusting didn't push her forward and then as she was close to coming I grabbed her boobs and squeeeeee-zed them. She came.
Soon after she said to me - 'race you back to the house'. I just had time to put my boxers on gather up my clothes, tripod and....her jeans panties and top. By the time I cleared the copse LL all I could see was Jo cantering across the few hundred yards of meadow toward the house, stark naked and her boobs bouncing in rhythm with her running.
I made it back to the house, last of course. Then I dumped my gear in the kitchen (which you once knew. Picked up Jo in a fireman's lift, over my shoulder and took her upstairs..... photos in the bedroom on this occasion. When we arrived I gently threw her onto her back on the bed, opened her legs and mounted her. Jo for her part complied wholeheartedly, holding her legs apart so I could enter her.
This time our lovemaking was a little slower and I wanted to relish her fully before I came. She loved it. She was insatiable. The more I thrust into her slowly the more she wanted me to be faster and bring her to another orgasm. I refrained and pleasured her pussy in every way I knew how...and I do know how. Eventually, I couldn't hold back any more and started coming down hard on her and on her clit and after some pretty vigorous humping she raised herself up toward me and came, just as I did. What a morning.
We lay in each other's arms afterward and Jo said she had no idea that that older man could make love to a younger woman like her and to think how long she had been cutting my hair. It wasn't over. I said she was insatiable and she was. After about twenty minutes or so she stroked my cock into another erection then straddled me and rode me real fast and hard while I played with her boobs. She came again and collapsed afterward onto my chest, my erection still inside her.
By now I had hardened fully and I rolled her over and finished things for the morning, by dipping into her liquid wide open pussy and fucking her until I came. This time she just lay there legs akimbo and exhausted.
You had no idea of any of this or indeed my other conquests in 2004 or 2005 LL. I bet you never imagined me chasing a naked thirty something across the meadows near my house watching her breasts rise and fall while she straddled me and all her screams and moans as she reached her climax.
I think that when you thought you had left me in October 2005, you had 'won' so to speak. You hadn't, far from it. I was a whole different ball game to the men you had met before and since, whether it be women or my success in life. I know you regretted your decision and still do. Your choice and your 'wrong decision' to quote your own words
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