For LL in the UK
Something of a mixed bag in this blog. Well they do say variety is the spice of life, don't they. Ladies from a variety of locations. Some near to you some far, far away. Some dressed and some decidedly not. Some more recent, and some from the past.
I know I rub it in but your actions were the best thing that happened to me, although I didn't think so at the time! Photography and wealth opened a lt of doors, and quite a few of them were bedroom ones.
You were the catalyst to my rather 'active' life after, and a little before, we parted. On so many occasions you were wrong, wrong about me, wrong about your future and very wrong in your decision making. One thing you were right about was what you said after we had parted...'You'll be OK there are plenty of women who are just waiting for a good lay, out there' . 100% correct!
I didn't get to lay all the ladies that follow, but most I did!
I booked an hotel suite just off Times Square LL. It was beautifully furnished and, being one of the highest grade places, came with almost pure satin sheets. I found those quite sensual. I met Joanne there too. She is American ( I am now, of course) and was on her own. It was pretty hot, hence the summer dress she is wearing.
As you can see we ended up in my room. This is the first occasion, there were two more before Joanne had to check out. This photo is a lovely memento of our brief time together, enjoying the City, it's sights and, of course, each other.
London 2018
Selena, a friend. Shot taken just before we went out for the evening.
Florida 2019
A friend's daughter.
London 2019
Just back from dinner. I wonder what Camilla had in mind. Well I didn't have to wonder, did I, LL.

Cumbria 2005
Well, just inside Cumbria to be precise. Different route home for me that day. Kendal was my destination that two days. Your task is to guess whether this is before or after...the ...ummm ... event.
Her name is Janice. As well as being inside Cumbria, I was also inside Janice, quite a few times. After all I had to make my numerous journeys there worthwhile!
New York 2007
A rather risky shot taken just outside the studio at the request of Amelia, my client that morning. Great body don't you think LL. I did, and I have all her photos from the shoot.
Portugal 2006
Before I went off to Majorca with Carole in September of that year, I was in a different part of the Iberian Peninsula, namely The Algarve with another lady who had no one to holiday with. Denise was from Norfolk back then and was I guess nearly twenty years my junior. That didn't stop her though and she insisted on paying her way. Well the flight and hotel. I insisted on everything else. Like you LL, I never told my women certainly back then anything about my wealth. I just let them believe I was 'comfortable. That, of course, was a considerable understatement, as you subsequently found out....too late.
Five days with Denise and her firm bouncy body was a delight. We used to end the evening drinking on the balcony of the apartment we had rented. She in a summer dress of course and me in lightweight chinos. The only difference was she more often than not would dispense with her panties. Our chairs side by side, but facing each other enabled a little play for both of us. She with my appendage, me with her pussy. Not a bad precursor to bouncing her on the bed.
California 2008
Her pool her rules. Happy to go along with them including the nude bathing - what red-blooded male wouldn't LL. Remember our play in the pool up at FM. ..bags of sugar? Well the Californian ones were equally as big, but a lot firmer.
Big pool, big boobs and a lovely figure to compliment them. Eva was a very engaging more ways than you might imagine. I certainly made a connection (or two or three plus) there!
Near Munich 2007
A quickly snatched shot which I failed to focus fully. However it's not often I got the chance to get down and dirty with a mädchen on a sheepskin rug. This wasn't the first time but then the other two women weren't German. Freda was a lovely person with a great body and 'appetite' to match. We met of all places having a beer. You can't go to Munich without doing that. Some food and German beer was just what I needed after a long drive down to Bavaria.
Usual thing happened, at least it happened to me a few times. No spare seats so she asked if she could join me at my table. We talked and talked that evening and eventually left together. I offered to see her home - she didn't live far from where we ate or from my hotel.
Freda invited me in for coffee and ...I didn't leave until the following afternoon LL. The shot above was taken the following morning and she was still up for more even after quite a session the night before. These younger women have kept me quite fit!
I wonder where she is now. You might say, just another one night stand, but it was more than that...several times more. She scored a very good 8/10 in my book. A few things to learn, if I had the time to stay but I was heading for several commissions in Austria.
Uppsala, Norway 2008
Another occasion a sheepskin rug came into play and we played a lot on that rug. Her name is Aneth. I'd forgotten what lovely pert butt she had until I loaded this shot. She was then a post grad at the university there. Long story as to how she and I ended up on that rug, which I'll save for another time.
See the two following shots of Aneth also
Moving on, and that was my way back then, hence 'sojourner' .....
Near Arcachon France 2006
This was taken on a fairly remote beach. Dominique lived in Bordeaux but had asked me for a portfolio of shots via a friend in Rouen, my friend and hers. I had no idea who I was off to photograph when I landed in Bordeaux but soon found out. Dominique was a beautiful lady as you can see above.
Not all her shots were nude like the one above, of course. She genuinely wanted a complete portfolio which I largely shot at her home and out and about around Bordeaux. It was her suggestion to visit the Landes de Gascogne national park after the commission was complete. I remember it was a Saturday when we headed off to the park, which is basically a natural wilderness abutting the sea.
Dominque had already told me she was impressed with my photography skills. I was unaware that she had also learnt of my sexual ones! We ate on a remote beach, as only the French can along with some wine of course. We decided to swim at least that was what I thought we were going to do.
Up until that point I hadn't seen her in anything other than dresses etc. She stripped off down to a bikini she was wearing. I donned my swimmers and thought we would swim, but Dominique asked me to take her photo in various poses which I did. As I did she slipped her bikini to off so I kept firing away then she removed the bottoms. She posed for the shot above among others, which I won't be posting as I still count her as a dear friend.
Well, LL, from there I am sure you can guess what happened. It was lovely and warm, she was/is French, I'm highly sexed and so we made love to the sound of the sea and the birds. That was a day I still treasure even now, thirteen years on.
Kent 1969
Goodness me! I had forgotten all about busty Brenda (my private name for her) This shot was taken on Broadstairs beach in 1969 after an 'all nighter' at a disco and then at her place, which was quite close to the beach. This must have been taken in the very early morning, but I can't remember now. I do remember those boobs though, who wouldn't!
Near Souillac, Lot, France 2008
Taken in an old outbuilding near a village, near Souillac. Francine was lovely and so was her body, so warm and soft that Sunday morning as I held her in my arms, before ....
Essex 2005
Sometimes LL, you have to take the rough as well as the smooth and Tracy was decidedly on the rough side, but a lay is a lay and she was pretty good under me, and on top, especially those boobs of hers. Nice firm and very good to handle and squeeze. Two visits and I was done with her...and she was done too ... several times on each visit.
London 2007
A selfie from one of my younger encounters, trying to tempt me. She did.
Copenhagen, 2008
Dorthe was what you might call a regular. That is we regularly met purely for sex, whenever I was free in Copenhagen. She was beautiful then, and still is. Our last 'get together' was Fall last year.
London 2005
Jane and her gorgeous boobs. many is the time I have sucked on her breasts and nipples and they still looked good in 2018. That I can tell you from close up and very personal experience!
Dorset, 1968
Two twenty year old young people on a quiet beach in West Dorset. I am sure you can guess what we got up to. The innocence of youth eh, LL.

Singapore, 2007
The view from the bedroom window and the view in the bedroom window, neither are bad are they.
Her name is Song.
Sarasota, Florida 2018
Now you know why I pop up to Sarasota. Always worth the trip to see Ellie...and more!
London Studio 2006
Los Angeles, California 2008
A commission. Where else would I come across boobs like that LL. No names, for good reason. Some editing has been applied and enhancement.
Norfolk UK 2004
Not a Norfolk girl, in fact someone from the John Innes that time. Wasn't difficult to hook up with all sorts of women back then and I didn't have to travel far either! Always been a sucker for good sized boobs, in more ways than one, and a good figure with long slender legs.
Canterbury 1971
One of my last girl friends before I met my first wife. Her name was or is Erina. We were at school together, and definitely together when I took this shot in the art college, one weekend. It was empty - she had a key, I recall.
New York 2018
Studio shot.
Newmarket, Suffolk UK 2018
This was close by the town which in it's main part is not a lot to write home about. All the usual main street stores. However the northern end of the town is the up market part and it was near here that I went to catch up with Karen. She is the daughter of a retired race horse trainer and owner. That is as far as I will go.
We share a love for horses, although I don't have and don't want race horses on my ranch. I guess I could make remarks about rather racy fillies here, but the fact is Karen and I really get on well together. She has her life of course and I have mine, but having first met and become lovers in 2004 we have kept our friendship going.
This was the first time I had met up with her since 2012, when Ash and I visited Newmarket to go racing. Well as you can see one thing led to another LL and when she wanted to rekindle our sexual encounters who was I to refuse, especially with boobs as gorgeous as hers.
I will be over again this year and may have her visit at the ranch, sometime.
Despite the 'D' this is not Germany but California. I had just bought this classic car and with Martine for company, had taken it out for a ride. That wasn't the only ride I managed that day nor was it Martine's only ride. Happy days eh, LL, happy days.
The year was 2008, just three years nearly after you went your way, into near oblivion for me. The car I had shipped back to Florida. It's still here with other vehicles. I also have an E-type Jag and a number of others. Well, you have to do something will all that money.
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
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