For LL in the UK
Not bed and breakfast, although I guess that did fit into the equation more than a few times, but boobs and butts. This blog zeroes in on some that I have enjoyed over the years since your misdemeanors LL.
As I have said more than once before, I walked into a life and world that, having been married for thirty plus years before meeting you, I didn't know existed. Sadly, that had to happen through the death of my wife prematurely and far too young.
I did indeed find a life way beyond any imaginings I might have had. It has been a dream LL. So many women and so little effort required by me. I wondered sometimes whether I had some special quality or aura that made them come onto me, but I have been assured by many ladies that is just my smile, my demeanor and ...good English manners! That and a certain 'something else' that they all loved.
Many and that includes a few I have met in the last year or so, just cut to the chase and make it quite clear that they want to have sex with me. Not at all bad for a man of my age. One comment I often receive is that older men make the best lovers, LL. It's all down to experience and knowledge of how to please a woman and, in doing so please oneself. I have done that dozens of times since your day.
Also, as I have mentioned before it is not at all difficult with my travels to have several women on the go, so to speak, at the same time. None, and I mean none including you, have ever figured out what I might have been up to. Well, you know what they say....use it or lose it. I certainly haven't lost it yet!
Onto the ladies, which as always include some you have seen before, .....
Need I say more....
Northern California 2008
...or even more here. Taken in the hills, on her property near Los Angeles.
Surrey 2006
Perfection (with a little help from Photoshop). Delightful lady living near Dorking. This suburban wives...wowie!
Berkshire 2008
Same applies here, although I got to lay her more than once, on more than one occasion.
Near Bologna, Italy 2007
No worries LL. It was in a quiet back street and very early one summer's morning.
Norfolk 2004
London 2005
Near Ipswich, Suffolk 2005
Sarah. Boy did she have sizeable boobs for her size. Taken her backyard during a weekday. Diary says Tuesday April 19. Interesting almost one month to the day that you started with the fat man. (Remember the gizmo I planted on your computer?!)
Wyoming, USA 2007
Travelling in the empty spaces over here had its benefits, especially on this occasion.
Florida 2019
About to, and about to share a bath. The tub was large enough and then some.
A Pole poled. Her wish I don't think she would have offered her 'petals' if not, do you LL. Alicja was her name...probably still is. hotel room.
New Orleans 2007
Nice black lady called Claudine. No she wasn't from the street. She owns her quite large realty business. We still do business and we did business of an entirely different and very physical sort back then. She sure could go, yessir!
Near Cannes 2018
A little relaxation onshore. Plenty of lovely women in that neck of the woods, LL.
Near Munich, Germany 2008
A commission. Lovely isn't she.
Barbados 2008
I still have my place there. Nicely decorated on this particular day too. You have no idea of my life since you went astray, but I try to keep you a----breast.
Brighton 2007
At the 'love nest',, what else.
Rouen, France 2006
Camille. One of the ladies I used to visit regularly in Rouen. Her choice, I just went along with her wishes. You have seen her before LL.
Souillac, France 2008
Eloise, naughty Eloise.
Monaco 2018
Being 'entertained' at her place, and she did keep me engaged day and night. I will see her again this summer.
Oslo, Norway 2007
Nothing cold about Astrid, very warm in fact and decidedly hot in bed.
New York 2018
My dear friend (and regular) in New York. I will see her later this week. That's another of my white shirts by the way, LL.
Canterbury, Kent 2005
Val, loved this photo and I must say I rather like it myself. We connected via the Internet and I shot down there from Norfolk to see her. Well we sure did connect over the two or three days I was there and shot was a very appropriate word. Into her and all over her perky breasts.
Winchester, Hampshire 1970
Marion. Nice memory of way back when, in my Navy days.
Beziers France 2006
I first met Celeste when I was looking at property in Carcassonne LL. Beziers is not very far from there. Celeste had/has a wonderful smile...and a few other attributes that are very attractive!
I am meeting up with her in the summer when I visit my home. Nice thought.
Berkshire 2004
Some one I met via a dating site. Wealthy family with a daughter with rather nice perky boobs. Two to three days there while her creatives were away on holiday, were quite rewarding. Didn't go further. I think she just wanted to be laid. I was happy to oblige, naturally.
London 2006
Emma's apartment in Islington.
Ashford Kent 1969
Sheila and I at her Gran's place. We sure did give Grannie's bed-springs a good workout. She was a nother of my many girlfriends back in the day, LL.
London 2008
Caroline in her shower. She is a real sexy beast and quite classy too. She's washing more than dirt off in the photo. Love her erect nipples in this shot. Another slim long legged lady. My favorite type...I wonder where that leaves you.....hmmmm.
Paris Studio 2008
This turned out to be a very interesting shoot with these two young French ladies. No names, their fathers are too well known.
Oregon, 2006
Laurie. I rate her one of my best lays in the North West. She loves sex and as I do too, we were and are the perfect match. Her boobs are still perfect for me and looking at them back then, I recall how much she liked me handling them and sucking on them.
Near Bristol UK 2008
From where I was laying on that day in 2008 it was pretty obvious Celtic blood flowed through Ceri's veins. The fact she bore a Welsh name was a giveaway too. Service with a smile at this hotel LL. She was on the staff and right about then on me...lovely.
So easy to get you once intimated....and I have gotten layed so many times since 2004, I've lost count!
New York State 2006
This shot was taken in Mel's backyard which as you might have guessed is/was very private. The location is near Albany, summer of 2006, while you were still doing what you are doing now. Spending your weekends north of the border doing the same old stuff.
Nothing like a bit of outdoor sex, LL and Mel was always up, or down, for that.
I used to call in there en route to New Hampshire from NYC.

Boston Studio 2008
California 2007
Her name is Jayne. Slim tanned (all over) and possessed of long legs and nice boobs. She was a client who be came a lover for a brief period during my extended stay over there.
Cumbria 2004
All that time you thought you had hoodwinked me over visiting J on the side and the other men, including the one you have been with since late 2005 and a bit before. You hadn't of course. I was way ahead of the curve.
To that end I have included three ladies of whom I had the pleasure back in 2004 and 2005, along with you too, of course, LL. I'm not greedy. Three women in a week is enough for me...usually.
Alison above lived to the east of your location at Brampton. Leave your place at 9.00 a.m. and I was easily on her doorstep by 10.00. That key ring I had, contained more than mine and your door keys. Sometimes if she had day off I would stay for lunch and some fun, and then drive home, but more often than not I would stay over the night, sometimes two.
Cumbria 2004
This lady is Carole and lived to the south of you. Somewhere a little beyond Keswick. She was my favorite of all the women I knew in your neck of the woods. Partly because she had a lovely personality and partly because she had a gorgeous body. I sometimes spent several days with her getting home Thursday to check post, cut the grass and then drive up to you from Norfolk on the Friday...and you didn't have a clue. You only had yourself to blame....and look at what you lost!!!
Sad little life you lead now with a guy who won't make old bones.
Cumbria 2004
I've included this shot of Lauren for several reasons. One she was fifteen years younger than you at that fact she was thirty four going on thirty five. Two she was tall and slim and three she has just been fucked twice by yours truly in this shot.
She loved it, I loved it and her body. Laurie was always well satisfied by the time I left. Imagine LL, from you at your age to Laurie. Pretty damn good for me wasn't it. You, well you only had you to blame, as I have already said.
Los Angeles 2018
Los Angeles 2018
Thought I would end his blog with something reasonably up to date.
Her name isn't going to be revealed, but suffice to say she is very wealthy like the writer. Given the shots of her that I have posted above I don't think I need say much more about this blonde LA lady. No comparison with the 'fish wife' you have become is there LL.
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
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