For LL in the UK
I guess you could put any sort of interpretation on the title of this blog, LL. My original intention was that it refer to your side of the Pond and my side, here in the USA. On considering the photographs I can see that it might easily also refer to both sides of the women's bodies.
A real selection here for you to think on. All this time, since way back in 2004, you have had the pleasure of one rather short fat guy...oh ... and me for a while. Whereas, I have been enjoying...well I have just been enjoying and enjoying...and it doesn't get better than that. With my drive, I have never tired of it, or the women in my life.
You seem so distant and small town by comparison ... and small minded.
Enough of that. Here are some of the women that have featured in my life. Apologies - I have no doubt you have seen some before, but not these particular shots
This was a studio shot for a client and I have to say she had a wonderful body. A real pleasure to shoot...
London 2018
This is also a studio shot taken your side of the Atlantic last year. A little more revealing than the previous one and also one that led to a little extra-curricular activity. She's not putting the necklace on she's taking it off. Bored housewives who receive no attention are all on the 'hunt' for a good lay LL. Being single, I'm only too happy to oblige.
Italy 2008
This wasn't one of my language teachers LL, but someone I met in Portofino and enjoyed two fantastic days with. Who wouldn't fall for those breasts and legs, I ask myself.
Selfie from Lowestoft 2007
I first had the opportunity to lay this lady back in 2005. This selfie was an attempt to lure me back. I recall her boobs well and the fact she was, let's say, a little chunky around the hips. Some 17 years younger than me I taught her, satisfied her and awakened her in ways she had not experienced. My notes tell me she is marked as 5/3/3/2/4/3. If you recall LL 5 is the number of times I had her on her back or front or rear and the other numbers are the times we had sex on each occasion. That is just from a two week period in June 2005.
Marbella, 2018
An invitee from Antibes, LL. One of the jet set from the French Riviera who had expressed a wish to see my villa in Marbella, so I told her come over for a couple of days. That turned into four or five days and nights. I knew it would kick off well and she didn't disappoint me LL by suggesting a little afternoon 'entertainment. Too hot outside but also quite hot inside...the bedroom and her! Such pale skin and a flawless complexion...all over. All of that and the added bonus of delightful boobs, LL.
Near Copenhagen 2018
Of all the women around the world that I have had the pleasure...of. It has been the so called 'working class' ones, like you, that have had the hang-ups over life and sex. While you weren't too bad in the sex area the rest of you was.
Thank goodness I moved on and became more discerning after and during your time. Most were pretty free and easy ...and easy in a sexual way too. No hang ups, no wanting to be attached and those that knew, didn't have a problem with me (or them) going elsewhere from time to time. As long as they didn't know or didn't know the details it didn't bother them. That was especially true with the Scandinavians and the Latin races...Italians, french and Spanish.
Sex came naturally to them as it does to me. Freyer above was a case in point. Shortly after that shot above, I removed her panties and we made love right there on cushions. In case you are wondering it was a long wide, very wide, window seat. She loved me nuzzling her boobs while I slowly thrust in and out, in and out.
Surrey 2019
I was on my way from Knightsbridge by car to Brighton, when I got a call from Caroline who lives in Surrey. She is something of an old acquaintance, if you follow. I have known here three or four years mainly through events in London. Two years ago she married, but has no children.
I'm pretty sure the marriage is not what Caroline really wanted. Anyway she asked me whether I had any pressing engagements. I hadn't, I was going to Brighton where I have a property (what you might call a love nest LL). I've mentioned it before.
She wondered if I might like to have lunch with her. I told her I would love to. Caroline suggested I pick her up at her place and she would book lunch. I turned into her driveway and travelled up to the house. She came out of the main door and got into the car. I didn't have time to go around and open the door for her. She directed me to where we were to have lunch. It was superb, but then I know Caroline has impeccable taste. We lingered a while over lunch during which she told me her husband was in Frankfurt for the whole week until the Friday. This being Monday, I knew what she was considering.
We had only made love once before, at my place in London. One can never be absolutely certain with women, and you support that theory LL, but Caroline came right out with it and said 'Would you fuck me later?' Neither of us were sure if anyone overheard, but I smiled and nodded slightly to signal my assent.
The upshot (a most appropriate word!) was that we went back to Caroline's, she disappeared when we arrived and then reappeared in the gown you see above. I also noted she had removed her wedding and engagement rings. She sat on the arm of her couch LL and then let the whole thing part and slip off her shoulders.
Then she stood and it came off entirely. Caroline walked over toward me as I shed my clothes. By the time she reached me we were both completely naked and my interest in her body was showing itself to it's fullest extent LL. She placed her arms around my neck and pressed her body against mine. There was nowhere for my cock to go, except between her legs and also between her rather open petals which soon be came quite moist.
She rocked against me gently, uttering some nice mmmm's. I could smell her hair. It was fresh and exuded a lovely fragrance. Her body warm against mine despite it being cold outside - after all it was January of this year and early January at that. My hands were around her back, holding her against me. I think we both could have stayed like that for a while. I know she needed lots of cuddles, I could sense it as she buried herself in my arms.
My hands eventually drifted lower, to her butt and then she was on her back on the large couch in the day room, her legs apart inviting me in. I knelt before her and buried my head between her legs. Caroline knew what was coming - her of course LL. Apart from that I used my tongue on her pussy slowly exploring those open petals down there and teasing her clitoris until that little pearl was erect.
She liked me inserting her tongue right inside her pussy and then slowly withdrawing it across her clit. I did this several time until she started moaning. Her juices were flowing freely now and then with several more quite fast movement on her clit she came. As she did her pussy contracted on my tongue and it was flooded with her coming. I allowed her to recover a bit. she was shuddering and her tummy was contacting.
Caroline told me she thought she was coming again. Not wishing to waste that pleasure I stood, she drew her legs right up and I inserted myself inside her, thrusting slowly at first. I leaned forward and caressed and squeezed her nice firm boobs and she had her second coming. I stayed inside her. After all I was still fully erect and hadn't come.
She told me afterward that the experience was 'ecstatic'. Her word. I knew she wanted to be fucked hard and fast. She had pulled me hard against her by now and so I obliged. It was quite erotic. The feeling of her silky insides, the touch of her thighs against me and her engorged boobs and erect, hard nipples to play with. I thrust down on her so firmly she started moving across the couch. then I could feel my coming building inside me, making its way out in a real hurry.
It was at that point Caroline came a third time. She screamed it out this time, no preliminary moans, just a full on blast accompanied lots of oh yes's and OMG, OMG. I came, she came and I collapsed on top her with my cock still inside. We were both panting, bot sweating a little and stuck together in more ways than one. Slowly I withdrew and rolled off her.
We both showered. She has this enormous shower rather like mine here in the States, so that was very pleasurable too. I stayed the her bed and the next morning made my way to Brighton and my place there.
After Brighton, and at Caroline's request, I called in at her place very early. She was still in bed, but she had given me a key. I walked up to her bedroom, stripped off and slipped under the duvet. We had a rematch of what took place on Monday. Me on top, her on top, in the shower and then after coffee I left late morning. Her husband's flight would get in at Heathrow mid afternoon.
I will undoubtedly see Caroline again when I am next over there....
I count myself as being extremely fortunate LL. Fortunate in that my business decisions have amassed such a fortune as I now possess, and all that goes with it, fortunate in meeting all the women I have met and many of which I have enjoyed and, fortunate that we parted and that I never had to wonder whether you were being unfaithful. I couldn't trust you.
Hemingway had a way of putting it - The best way to find out if you can trust someone is to trust them. I did that with you and you broke my trust. That was Hemingway's point.
Last year when I was certainly fairly low after Ash's death I bumped into Ella in London. I have know her some time through photography. She asked where Ash was and I had to tell her she had passed away. We were in Regent Street and she gave me a big hug right in the middle of the sidewalk.
We ducked into Ralph's Coffee Bra and ordered, so we could talk a little more. I told her about Ash's death Ll and she placed her hands over mine as I did. Ella lives in Kensington, now on her own as she's divorced. At that stage last year, I guess I was a little lost and she recognized it. She suggested going back to her place for lunch rather than eat out surrounded by people, so we did. My home in Knightsbridge at that stage still had a fair amount of Ash's things there and going back there by myself didn't appeal. I was glad of Ella's company and her suggestion.
We had lunch at her home. She hugged me a few times and all that afternoon we just sat and talked. It helped me enormously.
Ella comforted me greatly that day...and night. We ended up in bed together and made love. I took the shot above the following morning. She looks good doesn't she LL.
Marbella 2008
A house guest at my villa in Marbella. I think the photo tells you all you need to know, LL.
Boston, Massachusetts Studio 2018
This was a really fun day...a Monday on the way home from you. I didn't get back until the Tuesday. You can guess where she has had her mouth, I'm sure and she received a real mouthful too. For me it was very nice indeed. Something you told me you don't do, but others did and really enjoyed it.
Her name is Maggie. I had to have a shot of the first woman to do that for me for some time.
Hilton Head, South Carolina 2018
I've enhanced this shot a little but not much as Grace was and is just about perfect. She is one of my hotel managers although the photo was taken at her place one afternoon. She loves it and I loved her for what she did for me, sexually. Boy could she make me 'rise to the occasion'!! More than once too.
Denia 2008
An English guest at my Denia villa. No prizes for guessing what we got up to most nights and many an afternoon. Five days of real fun before she flew back the Stansted.
My experience of Scandinavian women is that they have few if any inhibitions when comes to sex. So refreshing after some, just a few, of the English women I met.
One of my many trips to Denmark on business, the pharmaceutical business. It was common knowledge at the company that I was single and on this occasion that I was planning to explore Denmark a little. This lady Karla, who you have seen before worked at the company. We knew each other well...very well in fact. She decided to come with me and this shot was taken at a place we stayed at in Aalborg.
Another lady who decided to go commando when she came back from the bathroom. I took this shot while we were both sitting on the floor chatting. I was leaning against a couch. Needless to say with the display above., the chatting came to an abrupt halt and we were soon entwined and fully connected.
Italy 2007
A lovely shot of Chiara's cleavage mmmm.
A slightly older woman in her mid forties, who ran the B & B I stopped off at on the outskirts of San Antonio, Texas. This was during my journey across the Southern USA. One night or rather in the case of this shot, evening was when this was taken. No other guests - she ran the place by herself and was divorced.
Guess what LL, we had sex. I was single always up for a session with an attractive woman and she hadn't had a man for quite sometime. An easy lay you could say.
Italy 2008
Sofia is older than she looks in this shot. She isn't much taller than your 5' 2", but she had a perfect butt which was a delight to handle. Sometime, but not in your case, the best things come in small packages. That was the case with Sofia, her nice tight pussy and small boobs.

Lake Tahoe, California 2006
This great place is north east of San Francisco LL. I decided to explore and hired a very comfortable lodge there. Through the trees and a little way away from me were other lodges or large cabins and the lady above was the occupant of the nearest one. Both alone on vacation we decided to explore together.
We had a great time and the exploration didn't only include the natural landscape either! Lori and I explored each her lodge and at mine. What a week that was! She posed for this shot and she loves it. Lori still lives at Oakland and I still see her away from her home when I am in San Fran. She still has that great body too...which is more than can be said for you!
From there I went to the dolphins you never believed in, in Baja and I met Kim.
Lake Tahoe 2007
During my extended stay in California that year, I went back to Lake Tahoe. It's a great place to vacation and generally chill out. I picked up a 'friend' in San Francisco, or rather a little south of there and we enjoyed a week's break together.
That is Andrea above, bathing in our private pool. I'll leave you to guess what she's wearing LL...if anything.
London 2005
Studio shoot. This shot in fact is out of focus but at present I can't find a better one so this will have to do. It was a lingerie shoot in the studio. Seeing Natalie change in and out of undies most of the day certainly did wonders for me that day. This was before we parted. Rather nice isn't she.
Vasteras, Sweden 2008
A....ummm....friend. Nice butt, nice house and a very, very nice woman.
Uppsala, Sweden 2008
This lady is Swedish and postgraduate from the university in Uppsala. I have connections with the university on a research level. I had started funding a program there. Lykke, that's her first name, was one of the researchers back then. She is now an assistant professor.
My connections with the university took on a whole different meaning when we went out to dinner together and I ended up back at her place, in bed and with my hands on her delectable body. Her boobs really turned me on LL. I have a thing about firm pointed, cone like ones and Lykke fulfilled all my wishes in that respect and others. She of course didn't go unsatisfied either.
Sucking on her boobs and nipples was heavenly as was her nice rather tight pussy. Great trip...ummm...all round.
London 2018
Post consummation. Emma taken it easy after two rounds in bed with me. She hardly managed to get her thongs off. They are still on one leg in this shot. That was her doing rather than mine. She was very 'hungry' when we met up at my Knightsbridge home earlier last year. Couldn't shed her clothes fast enough.
You are now looking at one very satisfied lady in the shot above.
This was a shoot in swimwear on a rather remote beach in California. They are sisters. The younger on the left.
Except they decided they had enough of swimwear and posed for my camera nude. Rather beautiful aren't they LL. Nina on the left and Leah on the right, both well endowed in the boob department. I'll give you three guesses as to how we all ended up that day on a warm remote Californian beach.
No, I think instead I will tell you. I ended up nude on my back. Leah was impaled on my cock riding me and Nina placed her pussy in my face for a some tongue exploration and licking. I can still feel Nina's warm thighs either side of my head as the memory is conjured up while I write this.
They weren't the only thighs gripping my body of course but Leah was exuding her juices down there as she rode me. I managed to grip her lovely boobs just before she came. Squeezing them made go right over the edge and have an enormous orgasm just as Nina started moaning.
I flicked her fast and furiously and that did the trick for her too. I was still erect. While Leah recovered and watched. I mounted Nina and gave her a good fucking making her come again and bringing myself to the point of ejaculation. Nina said to me at the time come on my boobs. I quickly withdrew and shot all I had all over her breasts. She loved it. Quite a morning all told and just eighteen months after I fucked you in the October of 2005.
We hadn't finished....we washed up a bit in the sea with both girls wrapping their bodies around me. That was rather nice, then we just dried off nude, in the sun, on the beach. About an hour later I had recovered (if you follow LL) and glancing at the girl's bodies could feel myself getting aroused again. They noticed. Difficult not to really!
They were up for more too. This time I again lay on my back while Nina rode me and Leah watched it all. I say watched, but I know she got off on it. Because she stood in my line of sight with her legs apart above me. Rubbing her pussy until she started to drip her juices on my chest. Then she fondled her own breasts while I did the same to her sister Nina. Nina was rampant on me. Rocking to and fro with ever increasing passion. I had a job keeping her breasts in my hands.
Finally she came with a moan rising to a crescendo and then collapsed on me and then rolled off onto the sand. Leah lay down on the other side with her legs wide apart. I didn't realize but she had made herself come right at the same moment her sister did. I hadn't come, was still very hard and so entered Leah and fucked her hard the way she said she wanted it. Eventually, I too came and there were three very satisfied people on that beach that day so many years back.
I often wonder where they are now. happy days, LL, happy .....daze too!
New York 2007
Studio shot. Rather nice body don't you think LL. I did....
London 2018
This shot was taken on my last trip of 2018 to the UK. I stayed with an old friend for a couple of days in West London and this was my welcome when I got there. We had sex almost immediately, that's the kind of girl she is. No messing around just get down to it knowing what we both want and, in her case, needed. So many separated, neglected and divorced women out there, LL.
San Francisco, 2018
I popped in to see this lady whilst in the City last year. Popped in being the operative phrase. She has this place that is backing onto a little woodland strip and is not overlooked, which is how I came to get this shot.
Just before she had slipped out her panties on the deck outside her bedroom. As you can see she was slipping out of the rest for me. We retired to the bedroom which after some foreplay resulted in my popping into her pussy for a pleasant afternoon of sex where both parties were fully satisfied.
I recall something you said to me after we had parted about your fat man being a 'perfect fit'. I also recall my reply...that in that case he must be small in that area. I've never encountered that problem with any of the women I enjoyed then, or since. I guess you do suit each other.
Milan, Italy 2008
I have more than a few friends in Milan. Some from my travels there learning the language, some from the fashion world via Ash.
Alessia above is one such friend dating from my travels in Italy the year before.
Lovely isn't she LL. To think just eighteen months before all I had (more or less! Mainly less) was you. No comparison is there.
Japan 2007
My first trip there and yet another commission. All my Japanese work flowed from one introduction in London. Amazing isn't that just one small meeting can lead to all I enjoyed on my various trips there.....and no, they don't all have small boobs, as you can see above with Fumiko.
Derbyshire 2004
Remember my models from Derbyshire. This is a black and white of one of them. First shoot in fact. Stopping off on the way back from you was easy. Just a slight detour off the A1.
Cannes, France 2008
A hot afternoon outside and nothing to do. Well not quite true. It was hot inside too and we found something to do - each other. Gorgeous skin color and tone and a figure to match. Who could ask for more. Eloise enjoyed our 'play' as much as I did, LL. The rich young women and their boredom always seeking something different.
You know, along the Riviera a man can get laid with no trouble at all and there are plenty of beautiful women who are looking for fun.
Norfolk, 2004
The view from below while I was being ridden by Lizzie. Your boobs even then didn't compare to what she had to offer, did they. Firm perky and a delight to me. Hers, not yours.
She virtually lived on my doorstep too, so frequent sessions at my place were a regular feature of our lives back then...2004 through to 2006. Lizzie was quite the nymphomaniac in fact. She called sometimes when I had been working hard in my large garden and I was all sweaty and a little dirty. She didn't care, in fact she said the smell of my sweat turned her on even more.
Florida 2018
I told you that I am rarely without company and so it is with Jen. She likes the odd 'session' or night with me. If only her husband knew! He's roughly the same age as I am but there the similarity ends. He's fat and not too mobile, whereas Jen is fit in every respect.
I took this just after I had fully satisfied her needs. How she ended up married to him beats me, apart from his money. However, we get the best of both worlds...each other.
Santa Barbara, California 2007
Another woman seeking to fulfill her 'needs' via my photography. I had started to establish a few clients in California during my extended stay there, apart from the other women I met.
Meryl was a supposed client that who was introduced to me. I drove over to Santa Barbara from where I was staying near LA and found her home right near the shore. The shoot was to take place at her home, which is where the shot above was taken. I arrived on time, which was surprising given LA's traffic.
Meryl welcomed me and after coffee and some discussion I started the shoot., reviewing shots as we went along. Gradually as the clothes became a little less down to the point above, it became apparent she wanted a little more than mere photographs. I fulfilled his wishes that afternoon, to the point where she was pretty much exhausted. After lying on her bed recovering from our exertions we shared a bath together which was rather a nice way to finish up 'proceedings' for then. First of all she sat with her back to me between my legs so, ostensibly I could wash her back, but then she wanted the same treatment on her front, which I was more than pleased to carry out.
The effect, she felt straight up her back, so she stood, turned around and leaned right over me and lowered herself onto my erection. There was a lot of water on the bathroom floor that afternoon.
London 2018
What do you do when you get home from a bit of shopping in Regent Street and nearby? You strip off of course and relax LL and that is exactly what we did last year at Eleanor's place. Rather pleasant for me to watch as she stripped down in her bedroom, especially as she 'freed' her boobs at my request.
The rest of the afternoon you can imagine. Dinner that evening, a couple of nights staying over plus a concert and I was on my way up country.
Carcassonne, France 2018
I love a girl/woman with a bit of meat on her bones - sound familiar LL? It should although the word man should be substituted.
This was taken in early-ish summer last year at my home in Carcassonne. I really admire Simone's breasts...and indeed the rest of her too! Lovely body wouldn't you say and one I know intimately. Apart from the obvious lovemaking it is a real pleasure to have her curvaceous body cuddled up to me in bed.
I will be seeing her again this year, in all her glory. Lucky guy, aren't I!!
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
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