For LL in the UK
Had to change the header to my blogs. You were getting confused with an Italian friend, and that wouldn't do!
I have had a fantastic career, I suppose you would call it, in photography and it continues. More so now that I have stepped back from all the other parts of the businesses I own. I still do the cooking stuff and of course write. Photography, writing and connecting with my friends around the world is why I travel so much.
This blog from the vast portfolio is, of and from the countryside, in various countries along with some very decorative features.
So we will start with a little color.
I always thought those beach wraps were to cover a lady's swimmers, but in this case it surely wasn't covering anything but her attributes. Evidence of the swimmers was there though, in the white 'bits'.
A little fun in France between a young woman and a more mature man at his place near Carcassonne. I guess I may have forgotten to mention my vineyard LL. The pool is just behind the guy with the
I have a number of gites on the estate and they are rented out. Traveling around the vineyard on my ATV I often come across my visitors, including family from all places, Scotland. This shot was taken toward the end of summer. I only had two gites occupied. One was rented by this young woman, Libby, who asked if she could use my pool when I met her near her gite one morning.
I haven't been in the habit of inviting visitors as Ash and I often had family with us, but this was way back before became involved with all my varied US businesses and, before I met Ash.
We had a fun few days by the pool on the outdoor furniture and in the bedroom. Libby said I had a wonderful tongue that took to a very special place. It wasn't only my tongue she complimented me on either!
New England has a lot to offer in the way of country pursuits and it is even better when you have a commission client who is looking for some out door nude shots. The two above were taken on my land in New Hampshire during this spring - 2018.
Fairly rare to come across a 'bush' these days with all the waxing and shaving that goes on but Kathy was quite 'natural and took a great photo. As to anything else... well I never cease to be amazed at the number of women who, once naked and photo shoot complete, come on to me. Kathy was no exception. I guess most younger women can feel quite horny in their state of undress, and Kathy wanted sex out doors for the excitement of it I guess.
Another 'satisfied' customer!
Yet another from New England. This time a shoot up in Maine. ('That should read a shoot, up in Maine!') I really like this one for the light and the youthful beauty of the subject. She was a model hired for another client's requirements - all innocent, I hasten to add - a calendar, way back in 2007.
Beach side shoot in Massachusetts.Another shoot for that calendar back in '07, LL. Seemed this lady had a penchant for an older man, one with experience. Not a bad afternoon all told - nice firm young breasts as I recall. No names, no pack drill.
This country pursuit was something altogether different. The summer of 2008 in western France with an Italian friend we spent a week together on vacation before we both returned to Italy.
Great body as you can see and I saw a lot of it really close up - back and front. Delightful - we will see each other again soon. Last time I had tongue on boob those nipples hadn't changed, LL.
Kent UK, I think around 1966. A 'golden oldie' you could say. Can't recall where, but I do recall why!
Carcassone, France 2018. An old 'young-ish' friend and bed sharer. She's lovely (and French) and we just pick up where we last left off, no questions, no inquests. Just enjoying each other's bodies and of course some fine wine and great food.
A shoot on this lady's land. She wanted natural shots, but as ever I was not forewarned that these included nudity. That came up after I had taken the usual stuff - portraiture, casual dress etc.
Yet another woman, LL, who had 'ideas' beyond my photography. Quite honestly, ever since you went your way, and I'm talking about from March 2004, I have never ever had to 'work' for sex. That is I have never had to make the running. These many women have just fallen into my lap, sometimes literally, because they were horny, attracted to me, or just sheer nymphomaniacs. I may never know, but I have had little or no cause for complaint on my part, or indeed on theirs.
That all applies to Sam above. She lives in New Hampshire. Was single, then married, now single again The shot is from 2008.
Germany 2006.
Out in Navajo country here LL. Spring in northern Arizona 2006 was when I took this shot. She's not a Native American. Just a local beauty I met on my travels through the Southern States back then. We did get a little exercise in the lush spring grass after this shot and I got to see all of her boobs, touch them massage them arouse her nipples ....and become conjoined for our mutual pleasure.
I remember those breasts were an ideal size for my hands, too.
This one was taken in England 2005. I can still smell the scent from the oil seed rape that Rebecca is standing in. I bet, LL, on a first look this appears innocent. Check out her right arm or lack of it being in sight. She is in the midst of removing her dress.
We had driven, not too far from my old home in Norfolk that morning around some back lanes to take a few countryside shots of Becca in the nude. This was where we ended up and guess what we ended up doing after I had taken all to photos we both wanted.
I nearly entitled this one 'Close to Home'. Not mine, but yours. Although to be fair it was close to her home too. Taken in the Lake District in 2004.
Sue was one of my stopovers on a Monday...sometimes on a Tuesday as well, if we hadn't had enough of each other...and I have one hell of a sexual appetite, For Sue, she always said she just liked the 'gorgeous feeling of you inside me' - her words. I was pleasuring her (and myself) while you were still making me withdraw at the critical point. A man can get fed up with that (and infidelity) and I was fed up with both.
This was a commission for Vonny (Yvonne). A lady of a certain standing class wise although we was far from averse to laying on her back or kneeling for me. Hence the lack of panties in this shot. Taken in Norfolk somewhere west of Swaffham on her property. Another young wife older husband (much older) scenario.
I'm sure he knew she gained her sexual pleasure wherever and we had a regular hook up during the whole of 2006 and part of 2007. I was abroad a fair bit after that. Her husband passed away last year and she will be with me in Skyros later this year.
This was taken in a car park in the New Forest in 2007. I have no idea who she is but at the time I was using a zoom lens for some wildlife shots and spotted her way across the other side of the parking lot. Couldn't resist the opportunity!
This is from a short break I took with an old friend from London. We were walking round the fields near a property I own near Soulliac, France (I'll be there for a short while in September this year) back in 2008.
I love this shot of Mel (Melanie). Quite sexy don't you think, LL. She was!
It's certainly California and looks to be in the wilds of the country on a remote beach. It wasn't. It was a hop, skip and a jump from her LA home on the shore. Pretty naughty really as she could have been easily seen it what was little more than her night dress.
Nobody did. I had a lot of work/business in California in 2007. There were loads of women that I got intro's too via existing clients. In fact I have just been back to take forward more this year. Cheri was one of the many. Great home I recall and a bored Cheri. It was intend to be a one day in and out shoot but because she (purposely) extended the day I ended up staying over.
I ended up with Cheri's two cherries in my mouth and in and out was the name of the game. The shot above was taken the following morning, before breakfast ...and then we went back to be and made sure our showers were worthwhile!
Taken in Greece 2006. I had been invited out to visit an old Greek lady friend called Lily. (sadly, she passed away some years back due to cancer).
Before I came home I sought some photos to bolster my portfolio as it was then. This lady is/was a friend of Lily's called Ilena
Italy again, LL. I can't stay away! This was 2008 and we are still in touch.
I guess I don't have to say much here, you knowing I am very much a boobs and butt kinda fella. Staying in 'touch' has such connotations doesn't it.

Some shoots are pure joy, especially when you are the one lying in the grass with your camera, looking at the 'scenery, LL. All I can and will tel you is that this was somewhere in Wiltshire in 2004.
I had been in Bristol on a job for my then employers. In fact I remember pretending to you that I didn't know how to text in that shorthand style prevalent back then. I stayed on that weekend and the other guys went back to Norfolk.
I had arranged to look up a friend and stay over in an hotel for a few days, heading back Sunday . Looking up a friend, took on a whole new meaning that weekend, LL, and very nice it was too!
Needless to say that Jo's state of undress in the folds of the Downs was to lead to some very pleasurable athletics in the grass. Only the birds and her delightful moans broke the peace that day
More country pursuits of the female kind. This was 2007 and very close to my home in Norfolk UK - very close. In fact just the other side of my garden hedge.
The lady is an Italian friend who was over for a visit. I had picked her up from Stansted just the night before ... like I did with you the two years prior to this, LL.
Not satisfied with a night of fun in bed, Giada did her best to tempt me out into the long grass of the meadow mid morning that Saturday. Voracious in terms of her sexual appetite, I rose to the occasion, literally, without difficulty. Great boobs and nice brown nipples....mmmm
A goddess against the window. This was taken in Scotland 2006. Not too far over the border from you LL.
Just another beauty that I got chatting to on the Internet. This was taken one Sunday morning in the summer of 2006. She was separated, just and after a married life of lack of attention, couldn't get enough of me. I first met her two years before in go figure!
There was nothing underneath, by the way so we ended up having a long lie in that Sunday... some long laying too. All during 2004/2005 (March onward) all you were doing was being long in lying (to me).
Italy 2007
Scotland 2005. I turned left onto the M6, LL, instead of right. It was well worth it I can tell you. Younger, fresher and altogether sexier, was Heather. I had a penchant for younger models and they did for me.
This lady was showing me around her parent's farm in Sussex, or at least one of the old tumbledown barns. This was in 1969. She wanted to show me her assets and I wanted to explore them. You could say we made hay while the sun shone but that is a bit of a poor joke.
The hay did come into use a bed for our athletic frolics. Boy, do I remember those boobs. they were lovely. Nice to look back. It was amazing what I crammed into my leave. In this case into Linda.
France - Near Bezier. Another chance happening with a visitor to one of my gites. Not English this time but French. She knew I was a photographer. Always carrying a camera around was a bit of a clue. One day, while she was staying with two other girl friends, she asked me if I would take her photos. Her name was Colette and she suggest some shots in the country, which I thought was a good idea.
Having stopped in a suitable place for the shots, nearer Beziers than Carcassonne, I started taking photos while Colette struck various poses mostly on my instructions. After a while we took a break and she wandered into what I recall as some dried reeds. When she reappeared, I looked up and saw her carry some reed and her top. She reappeared as You see above, LL.
She was French, it was warm, and it turned out horny and hot blooded. She came straight out with it. She wanted sex there and then. Her skirt came off as she spoke and it was immediately apparent that her top wasn't the only thing she had removed. I quickly joined her in a similar state of undress and we mad love in amongst the grass and reeds.... twice before lunch.
During her stay she wandered up to my place a few times where we explored each other in a more conducive location - my bed. The thing with younger women LL, is they can't get enough of it in my experience, especially when the man knows exactly what he is doing and how to bring a woman to a place of sheer joy.
This shot is a continuation of Colette's visit, above. This was her friend Emmanuelle. Colette had returned to Lyon where she lived.
No photographic excuse this time she just asked if I would like to go to the beach with her. So I did. I took this shot in the dunes where we ended up. As you may have guessed LL, there was no bra under that shirt/blouse to you. Whether Colette had been talking to her, I don't know for sure, but guessed she had because we ended up making love between those dune and I used my tongue to bring her on between her legs.
They weren't the only dunes I had the pleasure to explore either. Women coming to my house from the gites, or indeed families and men wasn't unusual. It was occasional and I only answered when I wanted to. They couldn't tell if I was in or not - they still can't. I do have a manager of course and his office is in another building close to my home.
The inevitable happened and Emmanuelle called on me several times before she returned home. It was a pleasure for both of us.
Finally, another from my visits to Carcassone. I took this shot of a friend one evening close to the house. Why she lay down on that old pallet, I don't know, but I took the opportunity for this shot.
The rough and the very smooth. Nice contrast don't you think LL. Lucky fella yet again to find a kindred spirit. The lady is French, my grounds at my home there extensive so her nudity quite safe, quite private and a delight to behold. She still lives nearby and we meet up again now things have changed. She's 42 now but still looks great and is a very active lover.

Looking west across the meadow at my old Norfolk home and the view was looking good with that sunset ... and ... Anne. She looked even better viewed from the front. My records tell me this was taken at about 9.00 pm in June 2005. Nice ass, had Anne.
Diary tells me she stayed that weekend from Friday early evening until Monday morning as she had to work. That left plenty of time for dining, swimming in my pool and a more than a little bedroom exercise.
This is actually a lady who who was a client in 2007, LL. The photo was taken in Surrey where she (and I learnt) her wayward husband lived. At this moment in time he was in Hong Kong on business.
I hadn't expected her to cast off her summer skirt and walk back toward me virtually naked, but I took the opportunity to get this shot. I remember her phrase (as I do a lot of yours, LL) at the time as sh walked right up to me like she is in the photo above. 'While the cat is away....', and then she let it trail off as she put her arms around my neck and pressed her body against mine.
We made love in that meadow...twice, before returning to the house. We met once or twice in London, too. Same result, and very nice it was too.
Lorena. A lovely girl. Tall elegant and really very sexy. This was taken in California in 2007, LL. She wasn't the first black lady that I had, but she was probably one of the best. Her choice to come on to me. Guess I will never know what it is that 'does the trick', but hey, who am I to complain.
Lovely long legs and great firm and pert boobs. Maybe I'll look her up next time I'm on the West Coast...who knows. We certainly know each other .... intimately!

No reason you shouldn't see this young lady, who I photographed in Germany in a forest near Steinenbronn. No more details. I will leave the rest to your imagination, LL. 2006

Another face and another shoot. This time far from Germany. This was taken in New England. Quite a slender companion, but with all the right attributes .... 2018.

Oregon, near Mount Hood 2005. There are bears out there in the forests and hills/mountains. The only bare I was interested in is facing you in the shot above. The bare behind! Picnic with 'benefits' LL.

House guest, New Hampshire 2006.
Jacqui is a lovely tall slim lady ( I still see her from time to time). I think she was around 31 when this shot was taken and she has matured extremely well.
She will be my guest in Nantucket, come the Fall. When I look at your image these days I count myself lucky that not only did I find a lovely wife who sadly is now gone, but that your misdemeanours released me to a life where getting laid was never and is never a problem.

Some one you have seen before in earlier blogs, although not this shot. Taken in New England 2008. A little sunbathing in the nude and more than a little athleticism in the bedroom. She was quite a rider was Terry (Theresa).

More New England. This time in 2006 at the lake at the rear of my first home there. Rear being the operative word. Denny, had a great one, surpassed only by her wonderful boobs. Another weekend visitor and a reasonably regular one for quite a while.
Life beyond you and my bereavement has been superb, LL, and still is.

This is one of my favorite shots, and I have many. It was taken in 2007, during my long stay in California.
A lady who will remain anonymous, who engaged my services on the recommendation of another client (and conquest). Those services were initially my photographic ones, but they evolved into a nice relationship. In fact I stayed with her more than any others during those many months up and down the State. That wasn't the only up and down activity I had, of course!
Back to Europe for this final one. Taken Belgium near the French border in 2005. I was on my way to Denmark, just driving, and stopped off in Bruges, which I love.
The hotel service was excellent as it included the assistant manager above who not only shred my bed both nights I was there but during her day off showed me her attributes out in the countryside as well. Quite an exhausting but very enjoyable stay as I recall! Strong thighs when they were wrapped around me, too. I might have been crushed, but I knew how to loosen Elise up....
( Some people make the right decisions and...some don't)
( Some people make the right decisions and...some don't)
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
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