For LL
After all this time, it is probably only fair for you to see what you were up against LL...or in my case what I was up and against😏. Of course, it was all your own fault for 'playing away' behind my back.
Here is the first of the ladies I had the pleasure of, on my way back to Norfolk after visiting you in 2004 and 2005. Some of the photos below are explicit but not too much.
I first came across a lady I will call Jenny, not her real name, whilst surfing the net and that particular website we both used back then. After I found out about you goings on in Florida early in 2004, I was devastated and very angry. I kept that to myself but decided to act. Two could play the game you were and I seemed to be very acceptable to women younger than you, much to my delight.
Just 20 miles and 20 minutes from your front door and I had the pleasure of the lady below at my fingertips. As you know I left shortly after you went off to work, mainly on Mondays. I always called in at Penrith on my way back after you, never on the way up to you.
I have to say that 'Jenny' was more attractive than you were and far more than you are now. She was in her mid thirties back then and very active, if you know what I mean! She was a great lay and she appreciated my lovemaking even more than you did...and you used to compliment me on my technique. She wasn't as naive as you in that department either. LL. Jenny had a much better grasp of positions and what gave a man pleasure... and also gave her great orgasmic experiences. She had more than a few of those under my tutelage and ... under me!
The shots below are from just two weeks, set one week apart, in 2005...and that was before you 'wandered' LL.
Pretty isn't she and I bought her the necklace and earrings. I used to stroke her neck under her lovely hair, just like I did with you...once. No thin lips either, hers were lovely to kiss, soft and yielding, rather like her firm boobs after they had been 'warmed up. Of course her youth compared to you at fifteen years her senior made for her flawless complexion and that was true of the whole of her body.
It wasn't just visits for casual sex either. Sometimes I stayed a day or two and we went over to Newcastle or into Keswick. That way I was sure I wouldn't bump into you nor would 'Jenny' see too many people she knew. It worked like a dream.
So now onto the first of two random choices of visits to see her, in 2005. Leaving you, knowing what you were up to behind my back right from March 2004 all the way through until we parted fully, and arriving at Jenny's just down the road was really refreshing. No hang ups, no dysfunctional aspects to her life, no selfishness and most of important of all....I could trust her completely.
In that trust I enjoyed the best of times with Jenny. It was like a tonic after spending time with you LL and knowing you would never commit. We enjoyed great intimate times and she trusted me implicitly with my camera and the intimate shots I took. In fact like other women in my life she positively encouraged me to take shots such as those below.
One of Jenny's things was to 'get ready' in her bedroom or where ever then flaunt herself in front of me. It made her horny and had the required effect on me.
She loved my taking shots such as those above. Get right in there she used to say, it makes me feel sexy. You can imagine how it made me feel.
The area above was visited frequently by yours truly. On this occasion, she was in teasing mode. She wore some sort of loose camisole and her panties, to tempt me. I have to say I quite enjoyed 'my women' dressing like they did and teasing in the manner they did. That foreplay I found very sexy. You had/have a lot to learn LL...bit late now though, I would say.
Leaning in between those lovely legs above, I could feel the warmth of her body. I took the shot and recall she brought her legs together against my my face. I think I said something like I can't think of a better place to be. Jenny laughed and released me. Then....
.... the temptation went a little further as she pulled her panties back to give me a peek at her pussy, LL. Lovely and pink and waiting. There was the slightest hint that she was becoming aroused...just a small bit of moisture in evidence. I remember I started caressing the inside of her thighs working my way toward that area, but she said not yet. Jenny yanked on her panties just a little more and see I too was becoming aroused she seemed to be responding....
.... and all of this with virtually no touching LL. I continued with the camera and capture the pussy shot above as she slowly opened up. As always with Jenny, by this time all I wanted was to be inside her, but she knew how to tease and then some! Up until now she had been more or less sitting up on the bed. Then she lay back and .... doing so revealed more of her pussy to me LL. Kneeling where I was with the camera, that was all I could see plus the mound formed by her pubic bone and a pair of lovely smooth buttocks. Looking at her further I could see her wetness arriving and took a final shot, below. The view of a woman's pussy moistening before a man's eyes is a real turn on, so at this point I slipped off my pants and Jenny looked at my erection and....
.... well neither of us could wait any longer. There was no time for me to pull her panties off before I slid into that heavenly pussy, all wet and slick, and waiting, and wanting me. I pulled them aside a little further and then I was in and thrusting. Jenny always responded when she was on her back by bucking up toward me. It made for quite an athletic event, that first time whenever we saw each other. Naturally it didn't end there - she liked it from the back as well and on other occasions in other positions and locations in her home.
There was you toddling off to work while I was fucking another woman just down the road. Food for thought, I would think. But then you brought it on yourself by your own infidelity which preceded my adventures by quite a few months.With you LL, due to your reduced stature I always felt (appropriate word) that your pussy couldn't accommodate me fully. That wasn't the case with Jenny nor any of the other women I met.
I certainly filled, and fulfilled, her on this particular day! As always with her a very satisfying experience for both of us, as you can ....
....see in this post coital shot I took of Jenny after we had both come.
She was still laying there, eyes closed when I photographed her lovely pert boobs, which you can see above. More 'upstanding' than yours when on her back. I was, naturally, well acquainted with them and the 'cherries' on top.
This time 'Jenny' paraded for me in a most alluring way leaving nothing to the imagination. Compare what you see and read below LL, with your 'approach'. Maybe you felt too old, but either way Jenny's approach was a lot sexier. She loved to parade around her home half dressed and not dressed to arouse herself and, in doing so, me.
So it was on this particular day back in 2005..well before we parted, I might add. I guess her breasts don't compare with the size of yours, but then you were rather large for your stature. What little she may have lacked there in size was more than made up by their firmness and the pert way they stood, even when she was on her back.
Feast your eyes on her slim body LL. I did and on those boobs and pussy paraded tantalizingly before me. The first few shots were in her kitchen diner. Surprising what you can do on a table top as long as it is stable! No, we didn't have sex on that table - she flaunted herself a little more before we moved to her bedroom.

She posed as you see her above LL. Right in front of me, displaying her wares as she sometimes put it. My eyes were level with her pussy most of the time and I know she was tempted to let me put my tongue to work there, as I often did.
This shot reminds me of how close she was when I took the photo - I could smell her...and it wasn't all perfume that wafted to my nostrils. It was the musky smell of a woman who is horny.
The table top poses, above and below opened up an opportunity, so to speak and that musky aroma was stronger than ever by now. I had removed what little I had on and stood proud waiting for the call to action. In fact I think both she and me were dripping onto her laminate floor.
I forget what she said when I took the shot above but it was something like - Here it is I want you to come in the 'back door'. She laughed then went to the bed pulled up her nightie and bent over offering me the view below.
I put my camera aside at this point, LL !!!
Anticipation is everything, but there comes a time when that won't do. This was that time.
The final shot LL. Well not the final shot really as that was come in a wave of passion, as it so often did with Jenny. What you see is what I entered and it was glorious - it always was with her. Pure heaven and she loved the way I teased her pussy with my erection, making her wetter and wetter until all she wanted was for me to bang into her hard and fast.
On this occasion, if memory serves I did just that after a sow and easy start. I liked to get her to com twice and to do that I would slide in and out slowly while rubbing her clit. She moaned and sometimes screamed out as she approached her peak. When she came the first time on that day I have noted in my book that she gushed all over me and the bed.
By now her pussy was wide open and even with my thickness and length there was still room to manoeuvre...and I did. Bringing her back before she had recovered from her initial orgasm, making her come again and again then letting her subside a little before doing what she loved most. Just when she sometimes thought it was all over I came on hard and fast and with a renewed hardness to my erection. She was often 'exhausted' but elated by that...but never disappointed!
On this occasion LL, I took these two shots of a very satisfied and happy woman ...and she was far from the only one back then.
'Jenny' and I continued our relationship, which started in 2004 right through 2005 and into 2006. It was convenient, satisfying and without any strings. There was no connection of either of us to our partners area and it worked like a dream. What she did and I did outside of our times together stayed with each of us and was never discussed. That's the way we both wanted it...and you never ever knew, despite my knowing what you were up to, and up to first.
You may have gone behind my back LL, but in the end you were well and truly shafted. Not just in a relationship sense, but by the loss of the life style you might have enjoyed.
As you said - you always make the wrong decision.
You see me watching you on the bed as I enter the room. I sit on the chair at the bottom of the bed. In my hand is a juice bottle and your mind imagines it as a phallic symbol, especially when I move my hand up and down as I watch you, without speaking.
You want to finger the bottle, the smooth warm curve of it, feeling the firm plastic. You imagine images of my cock, hard huge and thick - pulsating filling your mind. Your heart quickens at the thought and the thought of orgasm. You urgently want to put your hand between your legs as I sit there observing you, topless as you are. Your breasts pert, firm and wanting.
Your hand grazes across the hot skin of your stomach, your fingers trailing toward your lacy panties. Your legs are now wide apart. You slip your hand inside your panties, across that mound of silky hair, and you begin stroking your pulsating clit in slow circles. You eyes never leave me and the way my hand subconsciously rises and falls on the curves of that bottle.
Then your vision begins to blur around the edges as electric charges radiate from your groin and your pussy throbs, begging to be filled. Your hand goes deeper. You are so slippery and wet down there, so ready, reday for me. You here my voice, a deep tone, cum for me, I say.
You slide two fingers inside yourself, slowly in and out, in and out, slick with your own juices. You rock your hips gently in time and the heel of your hand is pressed hard against your screaming clit with each stroke. You are only vaguely aware of me now, shrouded in a white haze. Cum for me, you hear me say again and again. It's building, it is coming...
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
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