For LL
Quite a few from 2005 in this one LL. Both before and after our parting.
Most of this must be quite a revelation to you and, in the absence of any conciliatory gestures from you, I will continue to remind you of the fact that two could play your 'game' - the one you played then, seemingly behind my back. Not only that, I will also write to remind you of the quality of my life compared to yours, and allow you to wallow in the mistake you made in not deciding the right way.
Had you stayed things would have been totally different and my attitude toward you unchanged from when we first met. You decided to act in a way that destroyed that possibility and lost....big time. Sad really because once I was in love with you.
I am sure you realize, as I do, time has moved on and we are different, our lives are different, poles apart in fact. Time and relationships mould us into different people. In your case that is physical, as well as mentally and emotionally.
Not that I ever wished it, but I find myself a free agent once again. I intend to live my life fully, enjoying my wealth and the company of the many friends and people I know. Not 'closeted' in a small town, not in a rut and certainly not with anyone fat!
Sexy Sara - London 2005
Another friend from London LL. She proves the point that the color of a woman's hair doesn't reflect her true color. I'm sure you will see what I mean.
Sara and I were 'regulars' over the years 2005 - 2008. Just casual sex when we both fancied it and each other. they say a change is as good as a rest and I certainly followed that adage during the years from 2004 - 2008. Sara was certainly a change from you.
For one thing she knew how to arouse a man wearing sexy clothes/underwear or nothing at all. Another of her good points (she had at least three I was acquainted with!) was she liked to be naughty and finally she was experienced.
The Young Ones - Lisa 2005 - Norfolk UK
This pose, by Lisa ( her name was Elisabeth but she preferred Lisa), was struck outdoors at my then Norfolk home. I took it after we had been swimming and had dried off. To me she was one of many women I have enjoyed who had what I would define as a perfect body. From her long legs, via her curves to her wonderful breasts she was a perfect companion, particularly in the bedroom - the same one you once occupied LL.
I knew Lisa from my banking days. When we had secretaries, that was her role in the corporate banking center I worked in. She was merely a junior in that role up to about 2001. Then we met by chance while I was working with that insurance company in the same city. She had moved on by then working with a firm of solicitors.
The day I bumped into her she was dressed quite conservatively in a charcoal jacket and skirt, white shirt or blouse and black tights - quite sexy to me. We both had time for a quick coffee and chat. After the usual catching up bit, including the loss of my first wife.
Being a man she had always 'made my day' in the office with her femininity and thoughts of the attributes that lay below her clothes. That, however, was as far as it went when we worked together. A red-blooded male looking at a very pretty woman - something that happens all the time. I was happily married LL, very happily married, so my thoughts of Lisa, or indeed anyone else, went no further.
Now, following my wife's death, and you playing away, things were different.
When we worked together, Lisa had a boyfriend, but that was four years in the past. It transpired during our conversation that he had been sent on his way. I gathered that was in part due to the fact that his sole hobby was computer games and he rarely took Lisa anywhere. When we met that lunchtime she was without a partner. Our meeting was brief due to the fact we both needed to get back to work.
Not being backward in coming forward I asked her, as we parted, whether she would like dinner out with me on the coming Friday. To my surprise, and delight, she said yes. We exchanged numbers and I said I would call her to firm things up. At that point I had no idea what she might have had in mind, but that last phrase, which sticks in my mind to this day, made her smile and almost laugh. A quick kiss on the cheek and we went back to work.
I booked a restaurant for the Friday, arranged to pick her up and looked forward to a pleasant evening. It was during the period when I stopped visiting you so frequently LL.
We had a great Italian meal and Lisa had most of the wine as I was driving. Around 10.15 pm we left and headed for the car. It was damp evening as I recall and Lisa grabbed my arm and we mad a run for the multi storey. As I drove out of the car park and out along our route, Lisa's hand reached across the central console and rested on my knee. Then it crept a little higher. maybe it was the wine but she said she would like to see where I lived. In no way was that on her route home but I complied, having more than an inkling where this might be headed.
As you know LL, it is pretty dark out where I had a home back then and Lisa wondered where we were going, so did I, but on an entirely different subject!
We arrived and got into the warmth of the house pretty quickly. I showed her around the ground floor, put the floodlight on at the back briefly so she could see the garden and the pool. Then I offered her a liqueur which see accepted. I left her in the day room while fetched the drinks and when I returned she had kicked off her shoes and was on the couch with her legs curled under her.
We clinked glasses and I sat beside her. After the first sip she leaned across and kissed me and I kissed her back. Then she came on real hard, kissing me, unbuttoning my shirt, slipping her hand inside and placing her other hand on my crotch. I thought I should return the favor and unzipped her dress part way down. I my hand was on her warm back and her hands were struggling with my belt.
We both stood. Lips locked - I could taste the Limoncello on her lips and in her mouth - as she undid my belt and trousers reaching down inside my underwear. I slipped my shirt off without pausing in kissing her. The rest of her zip was easy and her dress slid to the floor. I then reached for her bra fastening. Lisa said for me to wait, as she turned around and removed her pantyhose leaving her in just her bra and panties.
Undoing her bra was easy this way round. She reached back inside my pants and I did the same thing with her briefs. Nice to find there was no pubic hair. My fingers explored her pussy but didn't enter. Lisa managed to remove my briefs and then the 'beast' was free. Taking her panties off was easy and a pleasure.
Now, I got to feeling her boobs LL. They were lovely to touch and touch is all I did to begin with. Stroking them gently on their sides and, teasingly, heading toward her nipples. A brief feather light touch of each nipple brought forth a quick intake of breath on her part. Another touch on both by me found them erect.
Lisa reached round and pushed my cock down so it slid between her legs. Slid being the operative word - she was gorgeously wet down there - as she started rocking slowly against it and me. Her lips were apart - not her facial ones! The others. The stimulation was great and her wetness and readiness really turned me on that evening LL. Combined with caressing her lovely body and boobs I thought what a lucky guy I was.
Then Lisa bent over the arm of the couch in the day room, her legs apart and from a quick glance her pussy more than ready for me. Then she was well and truly 'boned' as I entered her, filling her side to side and all the way in. The lubrication was fabulous LL and the noise of that wetness very sexy. Lisa was exuding loads of her own 'juices', so I guess my fella down there had had more than the required effect.
Lisa appreciated my slow almost languorous insertions, particularly as I kept most of the fella out and only went in an inch or two. This seemed to make her experience quite pleasurably as she kept saying things like, 'That's nice' and 'Ohhh that is so nice'. All this time I was merely holding her by the hips and watching my own slow thrusting. There was method in this. The more I continued the wider she became. I reached round and started rubbing her clit fast and firmly then Lisa started bucking against me.
Her buttocks were slapping against my thighs and I could just see her boobs jiggling in the wind so to speak, all alone and untended. More rubbing and I could feel her contract. I switched my attentions away from her clitoris and grabbed her boobs, squeezing them both at the same time. Apart from my earlier light touches they had received no real attention. Knowing that the squeezing combined with what was going on down there would bring her to a climax I started thrusting fully into her.
Now she was really moaning, lots LL. That long slim body stretched out, supported by her leaning on the arm of the couch, her hair tumbling down onto the seat. I can see her spine stretched before me starting from the roundness of her ass through the cleft formed by her buttocks to the nape of her neck. Her breasts dangling down and her long legs forming an inverted 'V' where I stood inside her. Moans, came more rapidly, her hands gripping tightly to the couch, highlighting her knuckles with the intensity of her grip.
Intensity - she arched her back. I grabbed her boobs again and we both came in a crescendo of liquid noise. I withdrew after a minute or so. Surprisingly, I was still quite hard. We cleaned up a little with tissues and Lisa wrapped her arms around me pressing her body against mine. It was lovely LL. What a memory and .... it hadn't finished.
We had one more small glass of liqueur and both headed, totally nude, upstairs. I recall I gave Lisa a playful slap on her butt as we climbed the stairs. The ones you once knew quite well. Along the passageway to the master bedroom I watched Lisa's gorgeous body. Obviously, she knew I was watching and to confirm it she sashayed along the way.
We climbed into bed - it was approaching midnight by now - and snuggled down under the duvet. I glanced at the bedside clock as Lisa switched bedside light off, leaving just the one on my side on. It had just passed twelve and we headed into the next day. Lisa had propped herself up on her elbow and was also looking at the clock.
'It's another day', she said, giggling. 'We can make love again, so I can say you made love to me every day we are together'. Funny how you remember silly things like that, isn't it LL. With that she rolled on top of me, kissed me lots and then sat astride me looking down. Her long hair cascading over her shoulders and breasts/ I reached up and flicked it back over her shoulders, clearing her boobs of any encumbrance. By now my erection was back, and fully 'locked and cocked'. Lisa shuffled forward raised herself a little and then lowered her pussy gradually onto my cock.
It was her turn to be the dominant one and her turn to tease. She did lowering herself onto me ...just wet and warm - me wanting to be inside her, she just out of reach...but only just. Lisa had leaned back supporting herself by placing her hands on my thighs. That had the effect of placing her breasts out of my reach. Tantalizingly close but also just out of my attentions. Of course all of this foreplay, if you can call it that LL was quite short in duration.
Lisa very soon lowered herself onto me fully. My view of her as she rocked rapidly back and forth on me was a pure delight. Her eyes were closed, she was going red in the face and those firm boobs were moving in directions all of their own. Lisa was right down on me. Her pubic bone against mine, which I knew included her clit, which was receiving the stimulation it and she wished for. Her movements were growing ever more frantic. Her pussy wide and wet - I could feel all that LL.
I realized she was close to climaxing and so paid full attention to her boobs, which slipped easily through my hands given the perspiration she had generated. Her moans were coming faster. Knowing what I know I knew I could enhance her experience but spanking her butt just before she came, so I did.
Seems she loved it LL as she nearly went through the roof, metaphorically speaking, when she did come...and she gushed over me! It couldn't quite end there as I needed a release again too. Lisa had collapsed on me after all effort on her part. I held her by her buttocks her body sticky against mine but very warm and soft. I gently rolled over, flipping her onto her back. Then, kneeling, I spread her legs apart then lifted them still apart and supported them on my arms.
She looked at me smiled and, I guess to some extent helpless from her own activity, allowed me to enter her opening. That happened quite slickly as she was swollen and very wet. She lay back with her arms above her head as I fucked her fast and hard until I came and unloaded a deposit that she had been expecting. To my surprise she had another orgasm. Her clit when I finally felt it was quite firm and ultra sensitive to my brief touch. I guess that explained it. I stayed inside her for a while leaning over and sucking her nipples.
We both lay back on the bed then I gathered Lisa in my arms and we fell asleep together.
As to the photo, that was taken the following morning in my garden, I am sure you will maybe grudgingly agree that once again I was one lucky guy.
On a final note Lisa said to me that Saturday morning that if only she had known. Known what I had replied, she said...'that you are such a fantastic lover'. The rest of that conversation is quite private LL. I think I saw you not too long after that.... and then Lisa again ... and others. Apart from what you had done and your lack of commitment, I had lost quite a bit of interest in you, physically. When you see the women that I had been 'entertaining' perhaps you have now realized why.
Jane - Near Newmarket, Suffolk UK 2005
Nice fence wouldn't you say LL. I was much more interested in the adornment standing and posing in front of it.
Another 'date' from the Internet. This was August 2005 - remember you and I went to Cyprus soon after. Your last 'test' almost. You never came clean even then, so I felt no compunction to tell you about Jane, Lisa or any of the other women I had met since your admission in Florida March 2004.
Jane was only in it for the casual sex and some good conversation. We both moved on the following year but whenever we felt the need we would text/phone each other and succumb to a night or afternoon of unadulterated 'fun'. She was a good lay too LL. Nice tight pussy as I recall. Very stimulating!
Curly Sue - New York 2006
This one was taken on a whim as Sue stood I guess fluffing up her hair with her fingers. She was very much a Southern girl who found herself in the Big Apple on behalf of a publisher in the State of Georgia. We met in the foyer, or if you like reception, of the building where my publisher is situated.
I held the door open for her. She said thank you and then we found ourselves in the elevator together. I asked where she was from, observing that wasn't a New York accent. She told me that she was from somewhere on the outskirts of Atlanta. She thought I was from New England LL. Partially right so I told her, originally England. Then the elevator arrived. We were both visiting on the same floor.
Still chatting she arrived at her destination first while I headed to the end of the building and floor for my meeting. Nice woman I thought and then was deeply involved in a meeting regarding one of my books LL.
Finally, when I left around a couple of hours alter, who should I find waiting in the foyer but Sue. I said something like - still here then. She said she was supposed to be having lunch with a girl friend but she couldn't make it. I told her that I was going to get some lunch, if she would like to join me, she was welcome. She agreed.
There were plenty of eating places within a block so I let her choose. I only wanted a light snack. We enjoyed our lunch together and early afternoon we eventually left after several coffee refills. Sue had no idea what she was going to do for the rest of the day, apart from some browsing in the stores. I was free so suggested she might like some company while she browsed. She said that would be great, we had gotten along very well at lunch.
In the end the stores took a back seat, and, although I had seen the sights many times before, we took a tour of Manhattan. I learnt that her hotel was OK, but not great so I suggested she might like a cocktail in the bar at my hotel - I didn't own my apartment in New York then LL. Incidentally, it is now my bachelor pad....make what you will of that.
Cocktails were good. Conversation was good. Company was turning out to be excellent. Sue was impressed with where I was staying and asked if she could see my room. By now it was around 5.30 in the afternoon. My room looked out on to Central Park and when we entered the sun was streaming through the windows lighting up the suite I occupied. I was on a high floor and not overlooked at all. (Always the best LL).
Sue loved it and in her enthusiasm wandered around looking everywhere. Bathroom bedroom and lounge area. I asked if she would like some wine and she said yes. I called room service and soon we were drinking a very pleasant Chardonnay along with a few pre-dinner treats. Sue was dressed in a summer dress and wore a small white cardigan with short sleeves. She had also brought with her a jacket for the evening. As the wine sunk slowly down the bottle I suggested dinner and Sue accepted. I booked a place I know quite well and she felt later rather than sooner was best. I went for 8.30 pm.
That done we sat opposite each other on two separate couches.
Sue said, " I feel I've known you all my life, but I've only just met you. That's a hell of a strange thing". Then she went onto say that she felt so comfortable with me, LL. No awkward silences in fact the opposite she felt she could open up to me about her life, and she did.
To cut a long story and an equally long, or not long enough pleasurable early evening, short - we ended up in the bedroom. Sue wanted it and why not. She was well and truly 'serviced' by the time we had finished LL. I remade the bed and Sue ran a bath. It was a big one, after all this is America. Then we bathed together. She sitting between my legs with her back to begin with. That was rather nice. I washed her back with my hands...and then her front. It has to be said that washing her front was a whole lot better than doing her back.
Naturally, that action gave rise to something that ended up pressed against her back like a broomstick. Not wanting to waste it sue stood and turned then lowered herself onto my erection LL. My work on her boobs had opened her pussy nice and wide and sliding or down in her case was easy. She gripped the side of the bath and rode me until she came. I manged to keep her steady by ... holding her breasts.
After that it was time to get ready or in Sue's case get re-dressed. Dinner was good - I don't go to restaurants these, or indeed those, days where I don't know the chef. Sue wanted to sleep with me that night and so we did.
The photo? I took it on one of the early iPhones, so not brilliant. Yes, I did visit Atlanta too. Sue had to return the following day. It is well stored in my memory as it was the day I got the go ahead for my first book.
Kiss me Kate - Colchester Essex 2005
Yet another Internet hook-up LL. It wasn't difficult, and nor was it difficult to find attractive dates This early forty something just wanted to have fun. An Essex trait, I found, although by no means confined to that place..
Some of those Essex girls or should I say women are sex mad and Kate was no exception, plus she loved kissing, hence the caption.
Her home and her bedroom, near Colchester, was the venue for this photo and much, much more. Those walls echoed to a mixture of sounds. Headboard movement, bed creaking noises, moans shouts and a few grunts. Our infrequent (that is just occasional meets) relationship was purely for casual sex, although the more we indulged the more she wanted to see me. I had other fish to fry as well but arranging several dates a week wasn't difficult.
Of course when 2006 came around and I was free of you and could travel, then the world was my oyster and there are so many 'available' women out there LL.
American Briefs - 2005 - Michigan, USA
In this instance, LL, see below also. Seems the Americans and French prefer the lacy variety, whereas the English lady chose cotton, although hers are the briefest.
Their names in order are Amy (US), Adele (France) and Charlotte (UK). I had the pleasure of all three if you follow ...but not at the same time!
Amy I met in Ann Arbor Michigan during the summer of 2005. I was in Chicago on business. The trip was a quick in and out you might say. That applied to my visit midweek. Not quite so much to Amy, who I met via the business I was involved in - property at that time LL. She was a realtor. Why thirty somethings were attracted to me, I have no idea but Amy, I found out later was in a marriage that lacked any sexual interest in her. I guess the word I am looking for is ... stale.
So, to have a wealthy English guy turn up and be free when she was must have had something to do with it. I was looking at student blocks in Ann Arbor close to the University of Michigan. It didn't necessitate a night over, but having had lunch together on day one, I agreed, as it would give us more time to look at the options.
The one option I hadn't factored in was Amy who ended up in my bed in Chicago and in Ann Arbor. Quick in and out wasn't on the agenda then, more slow and pleasurable. I got back to her once in 2006
She only allowed me the shot above, but that was fine. I told her I didn't need nude shots to appreciate and remember beauty.
French Briefs - Perpignan 2006
Adele didn't have any qualms about being photographed nude at all, but I have posted this one which I think captures the sexy lady she was, and probably still is. Funnily enough, I had been visiting an old friend that I met many moons ago in the late 1970's in my Navy days. During the week I was there they, my friend and his wife were away for two days, so I took the opportunity to explore Perpignan.
I didn't think it would end up on day two exploring Adele, but it did. She was a neighbor of my friends, living in an apartment across the street. On the first day I offered her a lift into town as I saw her walking in that direction. It was around the time I bought my first Aston Martin. Not many women can resist a ride in one LL - you might have had your own once if you had figured which side your bread was buttered - Adele couldn't resist either!
Thankfully, she spoke pretty good English, better than my French back then. After praising and wowing at the car, some small talk and scrapping the idea of walking into town, she asked if she might go for a ride. I checked she was OK with that idea, pointing out that she didn't know me. She said it was fine and something about she knew I was trustworthy, it was in my eyes. What Adele really wanted she told me (no not that LL - at least not then) was to ride in the Aston at speed. She knew a place a quiet straight country road that had little traffic and few if any cops.
We did that run and I then pushed the car hard elsewhere. Adele was exhilarated by it, if a little scared a couple of times. She didn't say anything, but I could see her gripping the door and dash. We drove to a small cafe and had coffee and pastries - just one each. Being France both were excellent. I noticed my car parked outside was attracting attention from a few locals, then we left and drove back to my friend's house and Adele's apartment building. By now it was late morning I recall.
I parked up and Adele asked what I was going to do now. I said nothing much, maybe read a bit. She invited me in, supposedly for coffee. The small building where her apartment was located had just two apartments. One on the ground floor and one on the first. Hers was on the first. I grabbed my camera from the car and followed her upstairs.
Coffee went on and her clothes came off, until she was just wearing her undies. I asked if I could take photos. As you can see above Ll the answer was yes and Adele had no qualms about her body. In the scheme of things a thirty something shouldn't really find someone of my age then, attractive or desirable, but she did. Whether it was a hangover from the exhilaration of the car ride, I will never know. But soon that slim young body and small but pert boobs were pressed against me.
There was just one bedroom in her apartment which we made excellent use of. She was, shall we say, extremely active on the bed and on me. I took her twice, she came three or four times from memory. Every time I come across her perfume in my travels it brings back memories of that very pleasurable sunny morning. That fragrance and her warm firm body sitting astride me, erect nipples offered to my mouth while she gyrated on top of me, wetness seeping onto my groin and my hands on her boobs then on her butt. Not a bad memory, all told.
All of which brings me back to 2005 again and over there in England....

English Briefs - 2005 West Norfolk, UK
Just to the west of my then property in Norfolk is the small town of Swaffham, LL. Quite a wealthy area as I knew from my previous occupation.
It boasts, or at least it did back then, some good restaurants including a Michelin starred place. I mention this in passing LL just to give you a flavor of the place then. In the surrounding villages and countryside lived a number of wealthy individuals and more than a few Londoners with weekend places.
I stopped off at the local hotel, the George, on my way back from an estate agent in Lynn (King's Lynn). The George is only a couple of miles from the Canary and Linnet - remember that place? We lunched there on Sundays when you visited. Back to the George. It was busy that lunchtime. Quite a few businessmen and a few locals, so I took a seat at the bar and ordered a baguette and a small beer.
There was one spare stool between me and the wall in the bar. Shortly after my beer arrived the rather nice bottom you see above LL, slid onto the spare stool. I said hi, or rather hello. She said something along the lines that she hoped I didn't mind her squeezing in. In fact there was very little space and as we turned to talk to each others our knees touched. Hers were bare. Rather nice I thought to myself, and I could also see that she was pretty well endowed up top as well.
We introduced ourselves - she was called Jane. She ordered a Chardonnay and I told the barman to put it on my tab. After the usual fuss about not letting me do that, Jane agreed. I pointed out that I had faced lunch alone until she arrived, so it was nothing for me to treat her to lunch. It seemed that we had been on similar missions. In my case looking at investment property to buy and in Jane's case, visiting her place in Norfolk for the first time, to stay after furnishing it.
Apparently, it was just to the west of where we were in the country. In the light of my interest in property, Jane wondered if I would like to see it and pass my opinion on her purchase. I've often thought, and it has proven to be true, that a line like that is like a hook set up to reel you in. Appealing to someone's supposed expertise is quite a good way to feed an ego.
With all of that in mind I agreed. We finished up our coffees and headed for the car park. I forget what Jane was driving, but I followed her, just as I had followed her backside through the bar and down the steps at the rear (nice pun!) of the hotel.
Although it was in the country, I carried my camera into her place, not wishing to leave it in the car. As it turned out it was a good move. No, LL, the car wasn't broken into, but the camera 'earned it's keep' in a manner of speaking. She had a nice place, London money of course, and Jane said it was to be her bolt hole after busy weeks in Town. She was joining a whole load of people who invested in Norfolk at that time.
As is often the case, we ended up in the kitchen chatting. Jane made two mugs of coffee and we sat talking. My camera was to one side of the table. Jane asked if I was a serious photographer or just one for taking snapshots. I told her I was halfway to the former, and that I had a plan to set up a studio in London and see where things went from there. She said she might be able to introduce some business (she did, but that's another story or two or three). In the meantime would I like to take her photo? I said sure, as long as she didn't mind posing for me.
Well LL, that afternoon was one of those seminal moments in life when I discovered two things. One that I had a good camera eye, and two that women were some of the best subjects to photograph. The former, I think, was just inherent in me. The latter wasn't rocket science for a man.
Jane posed at various places angles, sitting standing, leaning and bending while I walked around her clicking away. At that time I had a Canon DSLR. These days I am pretty much a Nikon man, apart from some Hasselblad cameras. Look them up, they aren't the cheapest on the block, but they are the best.
We reviewed the photos by inserting my camera card in her laptop. She liked them and said would I like to take more. She stood and unzipped her dress and said something like ... let's make it interesting ... She stripped down to a pair of pretty brief panties and a top which didn't have the benefit of a bra beneath it. Her boobs stayed in place all by themselves LL. I took lots of shots, loads in fact, from every conceivable angle. Close up and mid distance, looking down and looking up.
I was sitting at her kitchen table when I took the one above. I remember clicking away, rising, in more ways than one, walking around her shooting. In particular I recall zooming in on her nipples and taking shots of them from various angles. By now we were both feeling a bit frisky, you could say,and when Jane cupped her boobs in her own hands and then stroked her breasts until her nipples were erect I knew where we were going.
That was when she asked me to take over the nipple stroking, but only on the basis that I wore the equivalent to what she was wearing. Down to my boxers, I stood behind her and took matters in hand. She hadn't finished stroking herself as I noted she put her right hand inside her panties and started working on her pussy....and moaning.
There seemed little point to our underwear, so I pulled her briefs down over her hips slid out of my boxers and kicked them to one side. Jane was standing there with her panties around her ankles. I recall that, for some reason looking down from her lovely arse to those panties, I found the sight of then very sexy. She kicked them off and thrust her butt against my groin. My erection had few choices of where to go so I placed it between her legs, which she moved slightly to accommodate me, then quickly brought her legs back together clamping me in place.
Her lips were parted, and I don't mean the ones on her face, and she was quite wet as I caressed her boobs and squeezed them. We stood there to begin with, bodies pressed against each other, but then she started rocking to and fro on my penis, From that point there was no stopping for either of us. She bent over holding the kitchen counter and I entered her. It was great LL, quite an experience to go from lunch on my own to ending up fucking an attractive woman in her own kitchen.
I held her hips at the top of her thighs and after several minutes of thrusting into her, she came with an almighty shout. It was a good thing her nearest neighbors were about a half mile away! I remember I decided that I wouldn't finish there myself, much as I know Jane wanted me to release into her. So I withdrew my erection and took her to her bedroom where I made love to her again much more slowly.
Afterward Jane lay back on her bed, one leg crooked to the side, her eyes closed and a very satisfied smile on her face LL. I took a photograph of her, which she loved as it reflected, as she put it, the euphoria of that after glow following great sex. Of course her pussy, wet and seeping my semen, was on full display.
She took photos of me too, and my erections. I think she wanted to remember where it had been and was going to be, again and again.
A few hours before we hadn't even met, yet here we were naked as the day we were both born, post sex but quite comfortable in each other's company.
I thought of you and your betrayal, feeling no guilt whatsoever. Then I thought of your body beneath me and decided that was it. There were far more attractive, and younger, women out there that wanted me. While you were seeing your current man of now 12 years, here I was with the lady you see above. I found that quite amusing.
Jane and I continued our relationship whenever she was in Norfolk. In fact I saw her the week after you and I came back from Cyprus, and again after our last time together in October 2005....and you never knew!
Totally Focused - London 2006
Wasn't I lucky in the 'companions' I had over those years 2004-2008, LL? This is Emma and the background is her place near London. The camera is mine. The shot was taken on my then cell phone.
She had her hands on my camera,then I had my hands on her, and she on me. I was on her, then she was on me. Lovely Emma. Slim and shapely, sexy and saucy.
I remember that day well, looking at this photograph again. She had put the camera down right after this shot and said I would have to catch her if I wanted her. I pretended I had no interest but my erection, at the sight of that body above, told her otherwise. The 'chase', such as it was, ended in the bedroom, naturally LL.
Those long slender legs wrapped around me as we stood. First one then, with a bit of adjustment and entry into her nice tight and very wet pussy, the other. Her arms around my neck, my hands under her ass supporting her, as she rocked on my cock. We kissed to start with, but then, hands clasped behind my neck, she leaned back, threw her head back and I was faced with her lovely boobs.
We fell gently onto the bed. Emma let go of me and I took her from my standing position. Her legs at first wide apart, then resting on my shoulders. Straight up which closed her pussy around my cock. The stimulation was intense and it was all I could do to hold back long enough for Emma to come.
We used to experiment a bit. Different positions, some you may not imagine, but all very sexy.
Emma came, of course, LL. I have never made love to a woman without giving her an orgasm. Then we rested for a bit before that lithe body of hers was straddling me. I loved stroking her legs. Slender smooth and leading to a nicely rounded butt. That butt was sitting across my groin. I was looking at those breasts LL, just waiting to be sucked. My glance travelled downward until it ended in the vee where her legs were straddled across me. All I could see was a vertical line of short pubic hair, rather like an arrow pointing to the pleasure garden. Not a 'bush' as such, but great to view nevertheless, knowing that what oozed from her down there was lubricating our pleasure.
She had her hands on my chest now. Her boobs tantalizingly close and she knew it as she looked down at me and smiled. Slowly she raised herself on my erection, watching herself as she did. It was lovely and it was all I could do not to resist taking over the motion myself. But then she started 'riding'. Slowly at first and then faster. Her hands now on the bed supporting her, her lovely boobs right above my head LL. What a sight and pleasure!
I squeezed both of them. They were firm, warm and the nipples very erect. She lowered herself just as she lifted her pussy up and down faster and faster. I sucked her breasts in turn . She was moaning...lots. Then she was upright again and rubbing her clit against my pubic bone faster and faster.
I knew, and in fact know, that she quite often enjoys me spanking her ass around this point. She was losing control and close to climaxing, so I spanked her hard on each 'cheek'. The OMG's came then and so did she. I could see her tummy contract and then felt her pussy do the same around my cock - that was great, but....I hadn't ejaculated yet.
I rolled her over onto her back and Emma looked flushed and satisfied, but her legs were apart and so I supported them with my arms and re-entered her. She was oozing all over between her legs. Her pussy was nicely swollen and it didn't take long for me get to the point of ejecting my lot. Emma then said on my breasts, shoot it on my breasts and as I reached that point, I quickly withdrew dropped her legs and directed my semen all over her beautiful breasts. She took some on her fingers and sucked it into her mouth.
Showering followed, of course LL. One has to clean up after such 'exercise'. Emma is now around forty, still looks great, although I haven't seen her nude since 2008. I am meeting her for lunch in London in a few weeks. Care to join us - it will be in a very nice place just off Piccadilly.
London Studio 2006
This shot is exactly what the caption says it is. A studio shoot for a client. That is all I am going to say here.
Florida - 2007
On the other hand, referring to the last photo comment, this is the exact opposite to a studio shot. This lady is Cathy who flew in from California to join me for a break at a small place north of Miami. Cathy was very 'fit' and I mean very fit. Not so much in a gymnastic sense, more in the realm of appearance and sexual exercise.
That is one of my business shirts she' wearing, by the way. Never have quite worked out quite why so many women like to wear a man's shirt, especially after sex, as was the case here. I guess it might be the pheromones, or the fact a woman knows her man's body has occupied the same space and finds it sexy.
You used to wear my white shirt LL - in fact you kept it for a while. Your man's must be in XXXL territory compared with my L.
Bristol 2006
This is Trish, one of the women I used to visit in the Bristol area in the UK. It is a photo taken on my very first visit to her place, which was an older type duplex (semi-detached - whoops) but nicely furnished. Another from 'our' website LL and very lovely too. We are still in touch.
Near Paris 2006
I've included this one merely for the fact it shows a friend of a lady called Camille (Camille appears in another blog) wearing one of my shirts. It looks a hell of a lot better on Anais than it does/did on me!
I was staying at Anais home at her invitation and this was taken quite early one sunny morning after I had been visiting someone else in central Paris the day before.
Florida 2006
Florida 2006
The two shots above are of Jess. Spending time in Florida on my own sometimes, after you went your way LL, was never that attractive, so when women fell into my arms, metaphorically and physically, who was I to turn them away, or turn them down.
Jess was one such. Another fairly lonely soul, who just wanted a little comfort now and again. The photos above relate to one of those occasions when she wanted that 'comforting'. Apart from her pretty obvious physical attraction, she was good company.
Remember where I had a condo back then? Gardens at Beachwalk, well this was in that vicinity.
Norfolk, UK 2005
The very same bed that you lay in LL, although you were frequently on your back, weren't you. That's not to say Leah wasn't, but she liked her sex to be varied, as I do. One can't keep having steak when there are other things on the menu, although Leah did her utmost to have 'meat' as often as possible. Hope your intellect can follow that.
She had a nice ass too, apart from anything else, which is why I chose this particular photo. As I am sure you have worked out, after I discovered your 'misdemeanours', you were far from the only woman to cross my threshold and sleep in my bed....thank goodness. You were very much in the lower divisions in physical matters too, naive describes you best, even though I truly loved you back then.
Paris 2004
A night out in Paris at a dinner in a very upmarket hotel and then you find that your partner for that evening was wearing no panties the whole evening. I found that incredibly sexy ...after I found out. In the aftermath of the evening at in her hotel room, I thought I must record the fact and so I took the photo above.
Oh, and I helped her with her zipper. The rest, well the rest took place in the bedroom as you might imagine. When was I in Paris in 2004? Well it was after your revelation in Florida in March, for one thing. Secondly, it was midweek Tuesday thru Thursday and finally, it was at the invitation of a City institution I was involved in via my work then. This lady was one of the attendees from the French side of things. You know how it is at these conferences LL - two single people on the loose, a few cocktails and a nightcap and ..... not a lot of sleep! awful lot of fun.
Kent 2006
I love this shot of Robyn, such perfect curves enhanced with the help of Photoshop. She loves it too and she tells me she has it framed and hanging in her bedroom to this day. She married after she and I had met and moved on, but is now divorced. Quite a few of my many lady 'friends' have been through that same mill. Bearing in mind that most, but not all, were wealthy in their own right they tell me that they enjoy having their independence back.
Robyn, back then was in her thirties - she only in her mid forties now - and we found ourselves together in the strangest of ways.
I had been in contact with an old friend from my school days in the 60's via Friends Reunited. Eventually in early 2006 I visited her at her home near Canterbury UK. It was great and also sad to catch up - some old school friends had died. Prior to my visit, a lunch had been arranged with the few old school chums who still lived in the area - men and women.
It was really enjoyable and we all agreed we should do it again. As it turned out we never did. However, one of the spin offs LL, was that I received a call from one of the guys the following week regarding a friend's daughter's business. Knowing my financial background in the City and elsewhere he wondered if I might contact the lady in question, Robyn, as she was expanding her business and was looking for unbiased advice on how best to proceed.
Being based in London the business was easy to access from my apartment in East London, so I arranged to meet up with her at her business. I won't bore you with that side of things LL, suffice to say that she took on what I said over about two weeks of visits, and implemented most of my recommendations.
Some three weeks later Robyn phoned and invited me to her own place in the countryside of Kent. One of those pretty villages I know so well. Her place wasn't large but it was old in the nicest way - pretty even, with a large garden.
I had taken the opportunity of bringing my camera equipment with me excluding the lighting gear. Robyn saw my stuff and told me she hadn't a clue that I took photography so seriously. She showed me to my room. I had a to duck a bit in the doorways - the house was that old. I had arrived near lunchtime on a Friday afternoon LL, so we went to a great pub nearby for lunch. Robyn had booked a table as I recall.
After lunch a walk in the summer sunshine completed a pleasant start to the weekend. Robyn cooked that evening and we enjoyed wine in her back garden, then inside listening to Il Divo playing on a CD in the background. As you can see from the photo above, LL, Robyn is a very attractive woman. Sometime after ten that evening she said she was going to shower and then go to bed. Up she went to the bathroom and soon after having finished a nice liqueur I heard the shower. By the time I got upstairs to my room Robyn had disappeared into her room and the door was just about shut.
I cleaned up in the bathroom having stripped and put on a light cotton gown. As I switched out the bathroom light and started to head straight across to landing to my bedroom., Robyn, whose, bedroom was to the left, came out to say goodnight. She too was dressed in a gown. In the aftermath of her shower she looked warm and smelled great. I put my arms on her gown covered shoulders to kiss her on the cheek and say goodnight.
All of that happened with her kissing my cheek in return.
That is when it all broke down. She seemed reluctant to let me go to my bedroom, holding my hand longer than was necessary. Her other hand had undone her gown. That revealed her nightie. It was short and transparent, LL. Her nipples proud beneath what was nothing more than gossamer thin material. Her breasts looked very inviting. The nightie was short too, very short finishing just about where her navel was.
She hadn't given any indication that she wanted me and sex up until now. She undid my robe and I shrugged it off. We were still on the landing but she led me into her bedroom where her robe came off - her back to me. Then she pulled the nightie off too revealing the beautifully curvy body you see above.
I wrapped my arms around her having dropped my boxers to the floor. She covered my hands and arms with hers. Then she moved one of my hands to her breasts and the other downward towards her pussy. She spread her legs and my by now full on erection slid between them. I rubbed her clit fast and firmly. My appendage between her legs felt her wetness increasing and she was writhing a little in a passionate way.
I took her from behind LL, then on top and in the morning she rode me to heaven and back. Those old houses make one hell of a noise when the beds are used vigorously, I can tell you!
London 2006
Believe it or not this was a commission only for a lady with a very interesting, shall we say...wardrobe. You would be surprised at what lies behind some doors, in this case in Hampstead.
The only refers to the occasion of the photo. She came to my studio a few days later on some pretty thin excuse wearing just a summer dress and carrying a raincoat - red in color - that's why I remember the coat.
I had no commissions that day and she said she wanted to see where I worked. In fact I worked all over, but didn't tell Rebecca that. She had been generous in her payment for the portfolio I had produced for her, so I could hardly refuse her visit. In any event I was intrigued by why she wanted to come to the studio which was, and is, a working space with lighting, reflectors, backdrops and a couple of couches. At some point during her looking around Rebecca disappeared to the bathroom. When she returned she was wearing her raincoat.
I think I said something along the lines of was she going already. She replied she wasn't so much thinking of going but coming. then she opened her raincoat to reveal pretty much what you see above LL. Rebecca said she wanted to have sex with me when I called on her in Hampstead, but decided that wasn't the place or the right time. I was taken aback but hid my surprise. She didn't waste any time and stripped herself of what little she was wearing.
We made love on the couches, both of them, twice. That is she came twice - me once. Great boobs and lovely kissable lips as I recall. Why me, you may wonder LL. Apparently, I came to her through an intro and it wasn't just for my photography!
Kent 1968 approximately
Kent 1968 approximately
I thought I would slip these two (above) in. I couldn't resist that little bit of innuendo/pun.
Scanned and improved photos from the distant past LL. I was just twenty when I took these photos of Jenny (I developed them as well). Jenny was a local girl - at catering college I think, I was a sub lieutenant in the Navy. She loved the uniform...and she had lovely breasts to boot.
I have more past photos that I may post one day. You LL were just thirteen when I was with Jenny. Sort of puts things in perspective, doesn't it.
Paris 2006
Beautiful underwear (or rather lack of it) makes its own statement about the location of this photo, taken in an hotel room late 2006.
One year after you LL and just over one month since Carole and there I was with this lovely woman in Paris. The photo was taken one afternoon after a little shopping - her not me doing the shopping. What you see is part of her purchases which she put on for me.
At this particular point most of it was off, the rest followed shortly after this was taken. Cathy was a friend from near Marlow in Buckinghamshire LL. I said I was off to Paris pre-Christmas and she asked if she could come too. Nice to be asked by such a pretty woman, it restores your faith in womanhood after meeting one of the devious ones three years earlier.
Dinners out, visits to some of the usual places and an evening at the Moulin Rouge were all part of a fun weekend and Cathy was fun, if you follow LL. Back then the no strings attached 'get-togethers' were constant and very enjoyable. I couldn't spend some of my wealth on you, so others enjoyed the benefits.
New England 2006
When Karyn said she wanted to go for a ride around my place here in New Hampshire. I too that literally. In part that was how it was intended, but how it unfolded gave meaning to the second definition of her request.
Karyn was just thirty when I took the shot above. Now she is in her early forties and still looks stunning, even after bearing two children. I guess I should explain how a thirty year old ended up at my place back then.
On the property I owned then there were two outbuildings. One a barn some distance from my house and another single storey building close by the house. This second building I was planning to convert to an office. An architect in Portsmouth NH was hired and an initial overview was made by the local building inspector. As work progressed the interim checks on observation of the building codes, was delegated to a lady from the building regulation office. That lady was Karyn who you see above.
On the day in question she called at my place by arrangement and quickly completed her check. Her last of that day. That was when she suggested I show the rest of the property which was mainly woodland apart from a backyard. However, I had a hardcore road that led down to the lake about a quarter mile from the house and Karyn said she would like to see it, LL.
I had gotten to know her quite well from her fairly frequent visits, so we chatted away freely as I slowly drove down to the lake. She's sitting in the back because I had a load of stuff on the front seat. As we drove down I concentrated on avoiding a few pot holes and didn't notice that Karyn was stripping off in the back!!
Finally I arrived and by that time her pantie hose was sitting on the back seat with the rest of her clothes. All she was wearing was her panties and the sweater you see above. I helped step down and almost immediately she was in my arms and undoing my jeans. They fell to the ground, I kicked off my shoes as Karyn shed her sweater and panties. Nothing was said, we just got on with it LL. She leaned against the car and I lifted her left leg and held it, inserting myself into her wet pussy (she must have been playing with it back there). We fucked hard and fast and then she came surprisingly quickly.
I wasn't done, so she spread herself along the back seat of the car with her legs propped up on the seats. I entered her again and we took things at a more leisurely pace this second time, for her. She gripped the car where she could and watched me slowly going to and fro inside her. Those boobs were a pleasure to handle. I felt her pussy contracting against my cock a second time, as she moaned her pleasure, then her legs quivered as she came again. I think she wanted to bring them together at that point, but I was still hard and a little way from ejaculating, so I continued. She moaned and then started to shout out. In between the shouts she said she wanted me to be hard and fast with her. I slammed down on her, and her clit, nearly pushing her across the other side of the back seat.
Her eyes rolled upward, she shouted out again and then I came as she did. She dropped her legs and wrapped them around my waist. It felt that she didn't want me to withdraw, so I stayed inside her until she was ready to release me. To my surprise I didn't 'deflate' immediately which Karyn later said was the nicest thing after or sex.
Guess what LL - she came back for more in a week.
California 2007
Susie looked so good in this shot, I framed it and kept it in my studio office in Miami for quite a while. It was taken at my home in San Francisco. My first property purchase there - Ash and I bought another larger place, which I still own, after our marriage.
The place above, adorned by the gorgeous Susie, was my first private property purchase over $1m. New Hampshire (the first place I owned) came a close second.
Here was a lady who came over for drinks and then dinner but who had forgotten her swimsuit. This was her first plunge. She shed the panties and top straight after this photo. I took the plunge too, into the pool and then Susie, sometime later, burying my face in those not inconsiderable breasts.
Casual fun again. It suited my lifestyle at the time and Susie's,who liked to be wined, dined and satisfied whenever I was in the Bay area, and we both felt the need.
London 2005
This is Emma again in her fancy lingerie. One of my 'regulars', as she came to be. Looking at the photo I have posted above reminds me how much better were the women I enjoyed and how guiltless I felt about you that year.
I was so angry about your betrayals with other men that several of the women I met that year and in 2004, post Marc,h caught me on the rebound so to speak. What I mean by that is I treated them to quite a high degree of luxury. It made it much easier with no permanent commitment from either party, so we (the women I met, and I) just enjoyed great times together. Whether it was a few days away together, shows in London or wherever, and some very fine dining (and sex of course) - it was very pleasurable.
Spain 2006
Finally in this blog is Karen Y. The Y is there because there have been several other Karen's in my life since 2004. I won't expand on the time we spent together in Valencia that year, but given the nature of the shot above, I am sure you can work it out LL!
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©