For LL
There are many supposed blonds out there, but not so many true ones. the lady below is one of the latter LL
I met her in London back in 2006 - fairly late in the year, as I recall, having been in Italy and over here in the States for a fair proportion of the time. I still had Norfolk back then and had received an invitation to a party in London, but without an immediate partner.
I had my cell phone and my computer file of candidates, but in the end decided to just turn up as it was fairly short notice anyway for anyone to join me. It was a corporate affair at an hotel in central London. I turned by cab and wandered in to the reception, was ticked off the list of attendees and grabbed a drink and wandered into the throng. Someone gripped my arm just above the elbow. It was TNony, one of the principal movers and shakers at the event.
He said something like no companion tonight, you usually have no trouble there and laughed. I replied that it was too short notice to invite a female companion and it was my fault anyway. He said that he had seated me next to an unaccompanied lady, anyway. I was just hoping it wasn't some grand old dame who would bend my ear the whole evening. I circulated and caught up with afew people I knew and then we sat down.
For a while the seat next to me on my left was empty. Then the stragglers came in and I watched as an attractive blond walked in, mainly because she a lovely looking woman. Imagine my surprise and hidden delight when she sat next to me, LL. As is the case in these affairs, we chatted to people either side of us and those opposite. Then the starter was served, followed by the main course etc and speeches. Finally we were 'released' and a proportion made their way to the bar for a nightcap. I was one and Ingrid the other.
We had become quite well acquainted during the evening. I told her a little about me and she told me about herself. Her mother was Swedish, her father English, which accounted in part for her name and looks. Apparently she had spent time in the South of France recently on holiday. We spoke of our travels at the bar as people gradually drifted away. It ended up with just three couples, if you could call Ingrid and I a couple at that time. Two couples at one end of the bar and us at the far right.
Ingrid finished her drink and I asked if she wanted me to get a cab organised. She replied that she was staying at the hotel, so didn't have far to go. She stood grabbed her small purse (handbag over there LL) and said how about we get a final drink and take it upstairs, so we did. I was single, she was single we both knew the agenda and nothing more needed saying. I collected my coat which had my Lumix compact in an inner pocket and joined her in the elevator.
Ingrid had been wearing a lovely dress which displayed the beginning of her cleavage and her flawless skin on the swell of her breasts.
From the very start when we entered the room I knew I was in for quite a night and following morning, so much so that we missed the hotel breakfast. It all started with lights being left on. I produced my Lumix compact and just showed it to Ingrid and said, 'OK?' She smiled and nodded. As you know LL, I love to keep photos of the ladies in my life, and I have quite a portfolio now dating right back to 2003...
Ingrid took her dress off and sat on the bed, then said she would shower. The hotel rooms came with white towelling robes. She showered and then reappeared shortly after wrapped in the robe
Having sat down all evening, neither of us were ready for sleep straight away, so a photo shoot of sorts ensued which turned into a rather erotic affair as Ingrid slowly divested herself of the robe she had on, teased me with her boobs and just before we had sex, her pussy. You could say that was her 'open' invitation.
As you correctly (for once) said, there were plenty of women 'out there' that wanted to get laid. What surprised me from March 2004 onward was how many were in their thirties. All those women in their fifties online were looking for more permanent relationships. After you and a taste of life beyond our then relationship, based on your untrustworthiness, I wasn't looking to settle at all - I was enjoying myself too much.
Many of those nubile and sexy younger women told me they liked an older man. Mainly because we had more experience and knew what we were doing. I guess that having money was another factor, given that many younger guys were not so well off. The third factor was confidence and worldliness.
Back to Ingrid. As you can see she was a very worthy girl. By that I mean worthy of my full attention and her boobs were in a class of their own thrusting out from her robe. The rest of her figure invited all sorts of exploration and she was more than up (or is that down) for it.
Unlike many women she wanted to be taken from behind first. I wondered if this was some sort of Scandinavian thing before the traditional position, but then banished that thought from my head.

The second 'offering, and evocative word in the circumstances, LL, comes from Bavaria and some pinewood forests near the town of Augsburg.
I was there fulfilling several commissions and .... fulfilling some women. Pia, below fell into both categories. She was the second commission in Southern Germany on that trip and a delight to photograph. By the time I took the photos below, we were more than a little acquainted, LL, from the previous night. I had done the usual stuff of fashion photos, that is her in various outfits, some portrait shots and profiles. She wanted to show me the mountains near Augsburg and the forest meadows. She had grown up there and loved being outside. It was summer....2005.
I was there fulfilling several commissions and .... fulfilling some women. Pia, below fell into both categories. She was the second commission in Southern Germany on that trip and a delight to photograph. By the time I took the photos below, we were more than a little acquainted, LL, from the previous night. I had done the usual stuff of fashion photos, that is her in various outfits, some portrait shots and profiles. She wanted to show me the mountains near Augsburg and the forest meadows. She had grown up there and loved being outside. It was summer....2005.
We set off in my hire car and Pia directed me to where she wanted us to go. There was food and wine in a cool box in the trunk. It had the makings of a lovely day. We stopped a couple of times so I could photograph some of the scenery and finally made it deep in the forest along a gravel road to a clearing where we set out the food and wine. Pia busied herself with arranging the food and I wandered a little taking photos. It was hot I recall, early July.
The view was glorious mountains in the distance and tolling hills part conifer forest part forest clearings or forest meadows. We ate and drank the wine, not all of it as I was driving. Pia wore a top that was figure hugging in a very pleasant way and a light cotton skirt.
After our picnic lunch it had gotten hotter and Pia decided on two things. One, that I should take photos in this forest setting and two that she would take some of her clothes off. I objected to neither, after it was hot...and so was she.
Stepping back in time a little for a moment, I should perhaps explain how this all arose. I had just gotten my website set up in May. It displays examples of my work in different categories and invites comments from past clients. As I result I started to receive inquiries and requests. To my surprise they were not just confined to the UK, although my address was a .com one. They came from all over Europe. From Finland (a lady called Alma) all the way down to Sicily and Greece (Lily - she was a real darling, sadly gone due to cancer). The Staes and Canada figured too
This was 2005, so as I had you still in tow I restricted my commissions to northern Europe and the UK. In fact Austria was the furthest I went in Europe that year. Pia was among the requests and arrangements were made. The flight time to Munich is such that If I wished I could have been there and back within a day, but I didn't. Pia is despite the photos below a quite sophisticated German lady, with a lot of style and money. She did, like a number of German girls I met, have a quite decadent side when it came to physical affairs.
Beneath that summer dress she had a white camisole, at least that is what I think it's called, and pair of high sided panties. She looked pretty sexy in them too, given the light tan she sported. As you will have surmised LL I had already been well acquainted with her 'white bits' beneath. The thought of sex outdoors is always fun and brings with it an extra frisson of excitement. Sex is also in large part, in the anticipation, so I continued to shoot while she gradually shed all her clothes, posing and displaying herself with abandon.
Where we were was well hidden from just about everything but the wild life. It was the latter we were to disturb, or rather Pia was to disturb, with her moans and utterances of Ja, Ja!
This was 2005, so as I had you still in tow I restricted my commissions to northern Europe and the UK. In fact Austria was the furthest I went in Europe that year. Pia was among the requests and arrangements were made. The flight time to Munich is such that If I wished I could have been there and back within a day, but I didn't. Pia is despite the photos below a quite sophisticated German lady, with a lot of style and money. She did, like a number of German girls I met, have a quite decadent side when it came to physical affairs.
Beneath that summer dress she had a white camisole, at least that is what I think it's called, and pair of high sided panties. She looked pretty sexy in them too, given the light tan she sported. As you will have surmised LL I had already been well acquainted with her 'white bits' beneath. The thought of sex outdoors is always fun and brings with it an extra frisson of excitement. Sex is also in large part, in the anticipation, so I continued to shoot while she gradually shed all her clothes, posing and displaying herself with abandon.
Where we were was well hidden from just about everything but the wild life. It was the latter we were to disturb, or rather Pia was to disturb, with her moans and utterances of Ja, Ja!

Before she reached the point of moaning, she wanted to be caressed all over with particular attention being paid to her somewhat small breasts that fitted my hands perfectly. Standing behind her, both of us nude, her butt pressed into my groin and my hands on her boobs - I remember that this day.
Her thighs and what she offered between her legs. She was a great lay, too.
Thinking back to you at that time in that 'department', I recall you always wanted me to withdraw before I came. You have no idea how that makes a man feel...unfulfilled. So combined with your cheating and naïveté regarding sex, I went elsewhere. Nearly all my lovers and there were many, were far better in bed. Sorry, in a way, I'm sorry, but you were not the best lay at all. You had a reasonable, but marked body, and large boobs, but beyond that there was little that attracted me when I had moved on.
Longer legs, perter boobs and women who knew what they were doing all seemed, and were, far more attractive. That is not to say they were all perfect. Some had lovely bodies but just lay there, others were a bit on the skinny side but were a great lay, being quite athletic. Carole came in the latter category, just to feed your jealousy a little more.
You weren't the most attractive option by a long way. With you, for me, it was more about how I felt about you...but you just went ahead and destroyed that, like a schoolgirl. You were very immature about the whole thing, in effect.
Afterward I knew I was far better off out it...and boy, was I...and then some!
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