Wednesday, November 1, 2017

S3 (4)

For LL

I don't want you to get bored LL so here are a few more ladies from my commission portfolios and from my 'other' encounters. Some, of course, fit both those categories.

It surprised me after so many years of married and faithful life, that I rarely had to make the running in bedding the women I met. Those that wanted portraits and fashion shots, often moved to photos of in their lingerie. Those that wanted a little more, say topless, in many cases went the whole hog. Then there were some real naughty girls! All of them captured in photos, by and large. There were a few exceptions, but only a few.

The way many of them moved from having their photos taken to having sex with me, never ceased to amaze. Keeping these portfolios (and a diary) has kept the memories. I would never have remembered them all otherwise LL!

One lady, who said I was a highly sexed man, coined a phrase that I rather like. She said I was 'a master of penile swordsmanship'. I will leave you to figure that out LL, although you had some experience of it ...once..

In the meantime here are some women that I 'fenced' with.

Morning Refresher - London 2007

An old friend sleeping over at my place. The apartment in Docklands had been sold when this was taken. The venue here is farther west, but still in central London. Morning refresher refers to tea in bed and a little 'extra' for us both to enjoy.

Taught and Taut - Warsaw Poland 2007

My website spread my 'fame' and services right across Europe LL. On this particular trip I went to Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Croatia. This buxom lady had booked a commission, which I photographed at her place in Warsaw. The Eastern European girls were quite easy to take shots of - less inhibitions in the main, and some were far too 'easy'. One day I will 'expand' on that. Although I did expand at the time.

Italian Contours - Naples 2006

Part of my longer stay in Italy. I will write a lot more on that sometime.

No Sweat - Norfolk, UK

I love to play with words and no sweat can be taken to refer to the sweater. But there was sweat of an entirely different kind built up with some pleasurable exercise, shortly after this photo. The venue? Her place in a town not far from Norwich, LL. While you were 'swanning around' with that short fat man, here was I with younger and much fitter woman than you were...and are! 

Into the Valley - Bologna, Italy 2006

Again part of my stay in Italy. More to come soon. Lots of these were commissions.

Hands On - London 2004

Above and below are both from a commission requested by this lady. The venue is in Chelsea, at her home. She was separated and going through a divorce. I remembered she explained that she was 're-establishing herself as a woman' and wanted to capture her best years in photographs. The commission came through a recommendation. As to what the recommendation was for LL; I guess the photos, but as the introduction was from a lady that shared some not inconsiderable pleasure with me...who knows.

What I do know is that in the photo above and the one below she had her panties on. Then she took them off and things turned out to be quite 'entertaining'. It seems she was very hungry and had an appetite to sate. That was achieved...twice on this occasion.

Hands Off - London 2004

Braced - Philadelphia, USA 2005

Again the same woman above and below, although I have applied a filter to the one below. It's only a two hour journey by car down I-95 to Philly, LL, so I could do the shoot, have an overnight stay and be back in NY the next day...and I was.

Braced and Filtered - Philadelphia USA 2005

Back in the Day - Filtered - Rouen 2005

This trip took me to Paris and Rouen, or rather Rouen then Paris, for a few days on photo commissions. The lady above lived in Rouen. This was one of those many instances where a commission became a little more, with extras thrown in! Who could resist those boobs above and the body that came with them, especially when they were fully on offer.

The shot above was taken, I think, in the morning during a session where we were 'playing' with each other - to our mutual satisfaction. Eventually. I had to get back via Paris I remember as I had the vicar in well as you! Busy boy, wasn't I.

Fresh and Firm  and Filtered - Kent, UK 2006

I had been chatting to this lady on line for some time, off and on and we decided to meet up in Canterbury. I stayed with my sister overnight, when she lived there back then. Then left for the meet.

The next day I met the lady above in Fenwicks restaurant for lunch. It's a department store in the City. We enjoyed lunch together and I listened to her situation. It seemed she was very fond a particular guy who didn't treat her as well as she treated him. Nothing bad, just that he left for long periods without much contact. She didn't think ill of him and confessed to me that she wasn't really seeking a relationship. Bit of shock considering I had driven down from Norfolk. But, I'm a forgiving type (most of the time LL) so I said that's fine let's just enjoy each other's company.

We finished lunch and wandered around Canterbury and the Westgate Gardens. As we sauntered through the latter, she said, 'What I am about to say is going to sound strange after what I told you'. I wondered what was coming.

I said that before she spoke that I would not push things, attractive as she was, but leave her to decide whether she wanted to become involved. She said that was lovely of me LL, but what she was going to say was that perhaps we could have dinner at her place which was slightly south east of the City and I could stay over for the night.

Old 'Friends' - New York, 2006

'Old friends', that's for sure. Her boobs that is. They were often either snuggled up to me or a-dangling over my mouth, or cupped in my hands.

You could say we were 'regulars'. New York is a big city, like London, so it wasn't difficult to have several women in both cities, and elsewhere, that I could pleasure and they could reciprocate. Naturally, I stayed at their places, so I would never get tripped up (by my other lovers) by credit card slips or statements, when they were at my places.

I guess you could also say that I often handled all sizes over fairly short periods. In the case of this lady, we knew we were just using each other for gratification and some fine dining, and it worked beautifully. We were both busy people after all.

Can't Wait - London 2004

She never could. Wait that is. Mary wasn't contrary either.

I remember this day well LL. Who wouldn't when the door is opened by a woman wearing what you see above and just panties. To be greeted by those firm upturned boobs was always a pleasure. No Central London this time. I used to see this lady in Notting Hill at her home. An open invitation was always extended, often when I had just stepped off a plane at Heathrow, LL.

Needless to say, I always took a firm grip of the situation and so did she! Use your imagination...

The photo above was taken on my second visit. There were quite a few more over nearly four years. How did we meet? That would be telling. I moved in different circles to you. I remember you saying that you didn't think I had many friends. I had far more than you knew about, or ever will.

Doorway to..... Cumbria 2005

Karen from Cumbria. Not so distant from a certain address and far more amenable than you were at that final meeting. That's the one for coffee and the single red rose. That was your last chance LL. The rest was a lesson. I hope you learned from it.

From you to Karen...not back down south straightaway. I often received this welcome and lovely it was too...along with what followed. Boobs not so big, but passion made up for that. I even visited several more times, as I had other friends in the county. Karen couldn't get enough of me and said it was down to the way I made love among other things. She told me she 'went places' she had never been before. Nice compliment.

And her...she was always a pleasure to pleasure

Morning View - Morning Glory - Paris 2005

This was taken as part of a commission in Paris, just before I went to Rouen on that trip. Then it was back to the vicar for a while. Great times. You were soooo boring, with all your hang ups, although I could have changed all that for you, given the chance and your commitment. Both denied, but not my loss - yours.

Her name is Adrienne. She is French, of course, so I need say no more about what happened here, more than once.

Rear View - New  Car - New Woman - Marlow Bucks 2006.

I have a friend called John who lives in the Marlow area - he is a property owner on a very large scale. He also has an extensive home and grounds. I once posted a photo of me at his place near a cedar tree you may recall.

At the time this photo was taken, I had been staying with John briefly and during a party he held for a whole bunch of friends I met this lady. The following morning several of us, including Clare above, having stayed over, were on our way to our various destinations.

Having flirted with me loads the previous evening, we were the only two singles there, she asked if I would give her a lift home. Home was fairly local, in Cookham, so I was happy to agree. I could cut through to the M40 from there, hit the M25 and home.

Clare was the last to leave and I was waiting for her in my Lexus that I had then - you will recall it LL as you sat in it too. She came out, John having already gone on business, wrapped in her coat above and said will you chauffeur me - love the car. So I said get in the back then and redaied myself to walk round to the driver's side. That was when she asked me to take a photo, the result of which is shown above.

I can tell you it was damned hard to concentrate on driving after that display!

We reached her lovely home in Cookham and...well I didn't go home until the day after, for obvious reasons.

Gritty - Turkey 2007

I really like what I did with this photo. The gritty reference is to the grainy effect I achieved in the studio afterwards.

This was taken on a secluded beach in Turkey from where one could see the island of Rhodes. The lady is an English Indian girl. She was from London, as I was by then. She was with her mother who was quite happy sitting back at the hotel, due to her age. We hooked up, in a nutshell. I was on my own on that trip, part photography, part holiday and the hotel was an all in 5 star.

Indian women are something else LL - I can tell you - wow what a time we both had. Had being the operative word...and again in London, too!

Upper Class Beauty - 'Landed' Gentry - Suffolk, UK - 2007

This photo was part of a commission. I received quite a few from this social stratum. In this case the venue was a minor country house in Suffolk.  Husband was away, but is also wheelchair bound, which I felt was rather sad. Wealthy but not nobility or in his case mobility.

The lady's name is Victoria and the photo shoot was at her request. It included interiors of the house and of the grounds, apart from some semi-formal shots of her. Her husband although not mobile was away in Bermuda on business when the shoot was arranged, although I had no prior knowledge of this fact.

So it was that, after the inside and formal shots, Victoria changed into jeans for the photos of the grounds. As we were returning to the house (with her dogs in tow) she shrugged off her coat and said take one of me please. We had reached the quite formal patio at the rear of the house and naturally I noticed immediately that no bra was in evidence LL. S he undid her shirt buttons rolled up her sleeves and the shot above resulted.

Have to say she looked pretty good and a pair of 'classy' boobs as well! She picked up her jacket and we went inside, not making it any further than the kitchen (large and with an enormous wooden table and Aga), where the rest of her clothes were dispensed with. After four years of women voluntarily shedding their clothes and seeking sex, I was not surprised, nor was I going to pass on lovemaking with an attractive classy woman. So I didn't, neither there, nor at an hotel in London when she came up to Town, as she put it.

On the Rocks and Filtered - California, 2006

I spent quite some time in California, back in 2006, off and on between my time in Italy and other destinations LL. In LA, San Fran and points in between and beyond. There were plenty of willing participants in my life, there. In fact I reckon I have bedded more ladies from that State than anywhere.

This was one such on a secluded beach north of San Francisco. Sex on the beach to me is not that cocktail, but the real thing. I lost count, sadly or never added up the notches, but I do have photos and names. This lady is Katie.....

Reckon that's enough for now. Just finished it off on my boat at Estero. The title by the way is just a reference to my filing system and servers


Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©

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