Thursday, April 27, 2017

Education and Experience

For LL

I guess these blogs are quite an eye opener for you LL. I don't think you gave a thought to where I had been before you, during you and after you. These narratives give you an idea and a clue as to developed technique.

I'm not sure you gain the same prolonged pleasure and satisfaction where you are now. Even when you parted you were worried that if we met again and I had you in bed that would be would be back. You were probably right....

Others benefited...their gain...your loss. Enjoy and be educated by what follows

Sheer Perfection Pippa

Filter applied to this shot to give a ethereal quality LL. Philippa allowed this shot at her place in London. She had lovely boobs, which can be seen in part here. Class and elegance...something not in your bloodline, sadly

Flawless Fiona

This is a friend of Pippa's again taken in London although this was in my studio. Whilst Pippa didn't avail herself of me, Fiona came on quite strongly after this shoot and we ended up on the couch with her legs wrapped around me, holding me tightly inside here. I remember she had quite prominent nipples.

Sexual Tension

Taken in  the Paris studio and her sexuality was evident long before she removed her clothes for this final photo of the shoot. Bernice was someone I had met in Nice and we got together for this shoot when we were both in Paris.

The No Pussy Shot

A lovely sexy Austrian lady who was trying to read English...badly...but was satisfied with the pictures and ... by me. Boobs and legs man again LL😛. She liked me to massage her in certain places too.

Lithe Laura
Florida studio shot. Lady from one of the condos I rented (rent) out. We had some fun afternoons over the years 2003 - 2007.


That's what she said as I lined up for this shot and then a little later after massaging her boobs and clit she said the same with an altogether different tone and urgency (Now!!) as I entered her very wet pussy from behind.  Shot was taken in the UK.

In a Cleft Camilla

One of those beautifully bright summer days that you can get over there in England. Early-ish morning before our showers. Some pre-breakfast exercise. Camilla was from Kensington (still is as far as I know) and this is where this was taken.

Early morning sex set both of us up for the day...often.

Thoughts of Ecstasy Helen?

Helen was someone that I met in 2003 LL via the Web. She was it seemed quite an ordinary lady living near Oxford UK. That was until you 'unwrapped' her, so to speak. She had been on her own following divorce for about 8 years and was wary of men. We met a number of times, usually near or at her place. Gradually she came to like our meets and, no, we didn't 'jump into sack' the first few times we met.

Eventfully, though things came to that, on her terms. It seemed that I was unlocking and releasing a lot of pent up frustration because, far from being ordinary, she was fantastic in bed. She had a figure that I admired too as shown above. I was seeing her still when we first met, but stopped when we became 'closer' - at least that was what I thought at the time - I was very wrong wasn't I. Funny that your misdemeanor was in Oxford wasn't it.

Pointing in the Right Direction

In fact they always pointed like that, being as firm as they were. So lovely to hold and squeeze - so many need some lifting. These didn't that was for sure. Newmarket, Suffolk 2005.

Warming Up For ....

Oregon 2005 - March to be precise. Remember LL? It wasn't all spent with my relatives. This lady had a wonderful home near Lake Oswego and was alone and quite 'needy'. It was wet and cool as I recall, hence the fire in the shot. She was warm and hot and so was her bed....


No red-blooded  male could resist a body like this. Being red-blooded and male, well I couldn't either.
This was taken in a rented studio in Spain...somewhere you know. 

Old Friends

Yep! My old friends from New York. The ones I visited regularly almost every time I was there...both of them.

Brace Yourself

The shot above and the one below were taken in London in the studio. Not on this occasion, but subsequently we both got to brace ourselves and she had a fine brace

From the Back or the Front?

Lovely hotel in Italy and a lovely American lady to share the bed. Every which way but loose over four days...or should I say nights is how we

All Puffed up and Ready

Some women have amazing breasts and Terry was one of those that had that attribute. I really enjoyed photographing her clothed and unclothed. I won't bore you LL with the clothes but you can see that I was one lucky fella being in the field I'm She had lovely puffy nipples, very enticing and she enticed me more than once.

This was taken in the studio and so was she the first time. Paris 2006.

Time for a Romp?

This shot is from an old farmhouse which was being renovated for this French lady. It is situated in the countryside to the east of Bordeaux. We kept each other warm, having met on another occasion in Bordeaux. In the period that was visiting there, over about two years, we met up often to keep each other 'warm'. This was taken in the early days.

Now You Can Start

I remember this occasion very well. It was in Cumbria. I was up there but not to see or seek you...I had another lady to see and this is her. She had rented a place near Keswick for a vacation, got a little lonely and asked me to join her. We knew each other from Cambridge...friend of a friend.

I think here she was just about forty but loved having intelligent conversations with me - those were her words. Right here in the photo was just before she asked me to remove her panties. I obliged and liked what I saw, so serviced the lovely lady, as often as she desired that week.

Told You There Was Nothing Underneath

The end (?!) result of a fashion shoot for this lady. The caption are her words. After a couple of hours posing for the camera she needed a little 'relaxation and recreation,' as she put,...and so did I. So we did just that... some recreation followed by relaxation. Upstate New York.

Nice Pair?

Studio shot of this pretty and pretty perfect young lady. Paris 2006

I Know you Want Them and Me

I didn't know that (well I thought it a couple of times, if I'm honest) but was never going to suggest it. But she did and to tee things up she decided to pose in the nude at what was supposed to be some shots for her portfolio...clothed.

After this I think, last shot that day she got up off her knees and came over and sat on my lap facing me. That meant her legs were apart across my lap. A little adjustment to clothing...mine and we were 'in business'. I think if we were still communicating LL, I'd have quite a few stories to tell! Paris 2006

Slight and Sexy

...And she was. Not the biggest boobs in the world but she was highly sexed. Germany 2005.

I am always amused that you were using my old laptop to check flights to Germany in 2005 when I had been over there several times 'enjoying' myself with a variety of frauleins, via business meetings and my developing photography (pun intended!) You didn't think I would find out did you. I think you had forgotten or didn't know the breadth and depth of my knowledge and skills. That little slip up confirmed everything I already knew about you...

Use Your Imagination!

I didn't have to. Studio shot Boston, Mass. 2007

Lick Me

I did eventually after this studio shot taken in Miami, Florida March 2005. That was just before my flight up to Cincinnati if you recall that journey of mine.

Left Right and Center

London in the 'noughties'...and she was naughty. I took these shots at her place. The reference in the caption refers to where I licked and sucked her. I'll leave you to figure that out, but it shouldn't take much imagination.

Feeling Horny

She said fairly early on that day before we even started the shoot that she had woken up horny and it had become more intense during the day. She needed release, as she put it. All this time I was trying to concentrate on the shots, lighting and her pose. It wasn't easy especially at the stage above. She had nothing on under that slip.

Shortly after she brought the slip down to her waist revealing her breasts fully and...well we went for it. She was really passionate and I think had gone sometime without having a man inside her. I pulled the slip up so it ended up gathered around her waist. The studio couch gained another couple of notches that morning. London June 2004.

I Need a Good Licking and More

Perfect Storm

It was - we got soaked. There were only two ways to warm up The first came before this which is the second. Having that body to warm up was a delight and the way she was dressed that day you would never have guessed how gorgeous she was underneath. I already knew, of course LL. This is a hotel in. Not sure whether you recall my blog about a trip I took up this coast and the oceanographer I met.

This isn't her but it's the same neck of the woods on a different occasion and year. Plymouth Massachusetts 2007.

It's Cold Outside - I can Prove it. 
Nipple Day

Another place over here. Over in Roseburg, Oregon. A chance encounter that we both 'benefited' from. Lovely couple of days but it was Fall so getting cool, hence the reference to outstanding nipples. I kept in touch literally as well as from a distance in 2006. Up and down that coast a few times and both of us up and down on each other...lovely!


That's what happens at the end of a show. The curtains here are just a reference to the net curtain Jenny has to protect her modesty. They have some enormous beds in these upmarket hotels and we made use of every inch of this one. She liked my inches too, preferably inside her.

You once asked where I learnt how to make love like I did with you. I think this blog and all the other will give you all the information you require. Just think triple figures and you will be close. Where you fall in those numbers I'm not sure, around number 30 maybe.


Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

In Front and Behind

For LL

In case you think my library is exhausted, here's a short blog of a somewhat personal nature LL. Up close and very personal in fact. If you had known at the time it would have constituted more fodder for your jealousy/envy, more food for the little green devil; but you didn't know as you had 'gone' and I had moved to pastures new, emotionally and geographically.

 Down in the Down

Lovely lady always ready for a romp. Beautiful long slender legs, as I am reminded by the image above. We had a great afternoon that particular day and it all took place on the northern edge of Miami .

Distinct Possibility

Studio shot, although not one I had planned but she insisted. There seemed to be a distinct possibility of something more than just photo shoot on offer, and I wasn't wrong. New York, New York...what a wonderful town!

 Wet and Wild

Never think of it being too warm and wet and wild in a place like Bury St Edmunds do you but it was, she was, we were. Shower before the event She had no qualms in revealing all while she washed up. I had a job keeping the lens steam free but managed by sitting on the floors. Everything was swollen by the time we made it to the bedroom...... 

Oriental Orifice On Offer

During my first commission led visit to Japan I met a number of beautiful girls, ladies really. This was one of them. They were fascinated by the thought of sex with a European so I was inundated with available women. Fumiko was one. I loved to porcelain skin of these women quite unique really.

I guess they had the same curiosity that us western men might have about them, or a black lady.

The surfeit of available ladies wasn't confined to Japan of course....

 Hotel Hi-jinks

Californian girls don't seem to have too many inhibitions either as proved to be the case here. Lovely boobs that she dangled just above my face as she rode me.

'Southern' Servicing Required

This was taken in South Carolina one hot summer's day. I was staying in this hotel on a business visit and we both met at the pool. Some how or the other we ended up inside in the air con and in bed for the afternoon. I remember we had a great dinner that evening as well and spent the night wrapped in each others arms. Amazing what a really cool air con does for nipples too.

Teasing Two Pussies 

Boston, USA...but not tea - coffee. This was after the event and at the back of the house. I won't offer any further explanation for identity reasons

Mounting Point 

This I took over the shoulder of a very frisky lady from Derbyshire Derbyshire. She was married but was not getting any sex at all from her husband. Someone had to step into the breach, or fill the to speak. She was serviced lots over those summer months, back in 2005.

She used to tease me by handling her boobs right in front of my face but not allowing me to touch until I was well aroused. In fact I was doing just that when I took this photos...touching and caressing. Then she would guide my hand into her panties while I grabbed one of her boobs. The rest I leave to your imagination LL.


Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©

Monday, April 24, 2017


For LL.

They say it's bad for your health LL. But these ladies were all very 'fit' despite their smoking habits. This blog is necessarily short as not many smoke these days. Nearly all are post coital smokes and in most cases immediately after...

So, let your imagination play with that thought and these women LL. Again you have seen most of them before in earlier blogs. Opportunities and encounters weren't that prolific, but they were quite numerous. Great times. Thank you for giving me a reason to go. You have no idea the difference it made to my life.

Young and 'Gifted'
Guess where LL

Bathed in Perspiration.
Puerto Pollenca, Majorca

Urgent Need..... Satisfied

Sore Nipples in Norfolk

Norwegian - Pre-Coital Smoke

Afternoon Delight - USA

Studio Shot - Italy
All Curves

Cuban (American) Cleavage

Aching Akimbo


Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©

Recreational Shots

For LL

It easy for me to post any number of these 'pictorial' blogs LL, given the quite extensive portfolio/library of shots I have. So I will continue to keep you 'informed and entertained (?)' as often as I can.

I'm aware from  past experience that your belief threshold isn't brilliant, but be assured what I post is the real thing. I find it highly amusing, but understandable, that you have this thing about not believing what you are told. However, knowing your background, your experience of life and the fact you have lived in one small town all your life...I do understand. have been wrong not to believe, as you know full well - now.

So once again here are another series of studio and other shots for your edification. Narrative appears where I feel inclined.

Near Bologna, Italy

Hot day. Cool bed. English woman.


Quite a busy week when these were taken in the summer 2005, LL. Above and below.

Above was nothing more than a shoot. Below was a shoot also, but these photos below are personal, along with a few others. I am sure you can guess that the location is an hotel room. Why waste a double bed😉!



American abroad and what a broad. We had some great days...and nights

German in London and she lived up to the German reputation for 'efficiency' all things. Quite demanding too, but we had a great laugh and she could drink beer also.


I had two encounters on my first visit to the Islands. The one above was on Maui. She was beautiful LL. You have no idea how lucky I have been since you were gone. The other is below and a lady I met on Oahu, all alone and looking for a companion. She chose me for some reason...and told me later she was very glad she had. I took these shots  in our bedroom. She said she had never been so 'satisfied' - a wonderful four days.

Honolulu, Hawaii

Honolulu Hawaii

Dordrecht, Netherlands, that is where the above lady came from, not where she is. Lovely ass don't you think. This was her idea of underwear - makes yours look like an old lady's. Where? Guess?

Aachen, Germany

Commission. Shot taken in a studio. Filter applied. Sisters.

LA  - Miss 'small and perky'...and she was indeed very perky.  She made me very perky too. Young eager and insatiable.

LA - Commission believe it or not LL. The 'dress' was her idea. Lovely firm boobs as I recall with puffy nipples.....

Near LA - Another 'open' invitation on another visit. I was there twice in 2005 and you had no idea, did you LL.


Great having friends around the UK. I was visiting them in Cheltenham and took a day out for this commission. Intro from a London client. Didn't get back to my friends until the evening. She turned out to want a little more than some sexy shots....

Apartment, Portugal

Taken from the stairs to the mezzanine in my rented apartment. They are not swimsuits, by the way. I leave you to consider what went on after this photo was taken....but I do have a penchant for long legs. That's an area in which you are challenged LL.


Quite like the shot here, although she left very little to the imagination. You have seen her before LL. Taken in her condo where we spent many a happy and active hour...or two, or three.


Studio shot. The German women were really quite brazen with their desire for full nude shots. This one was very well endowed in every respect. I can vouch for that!

Denmark - The shot above and those below were taken in two separate locations in Denmark. I think the one above was Aarhus. Anyhow, she was very pretty and had worked in London in banking., so we got on quite well...

Those two below were not a commission just a couple of ladies who were looking for some fun. We all enjoyed ourselves and were all satisfied, some of us ..twice! There are quite a few nationalities that have few inhibitions regarding sex and the Danish are one of them.

Morgenstrup Denmark

Two's company 😉!

Montreal - Studio shot

Montreal - Taken on location in her gym. Her French was far better than mine. It's not that far from NH to Montreal LL. Look it up.


This was a photo shoot and she was one naughty lady. This shot was unexpected, when she turned round and struck this pose, but I kept shooting. Having removed her panties as she had, there seemed no good reason to put them back on, and every good reason to keep them off. At least that's what she said as she sat astride me later.


Again - she loved being massaged...all over. She massaged me too, where it counted.

London - Studio

London - Studio

Not this time, but at a second rendezvous.

Near Prague, Czech Republic

Lovely woman - soft and very even.

London - Photo shoot and recreation

Norfolk 2004

Very curvaceous. Plenty to get hold of. Need more be said LL. Taken outside with additional lighting.

Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©