For LL
This gallery, and some others to follow, show that many of the photos are serious studies. Albeit, on quite a few occasions other activities took place and the 'goods' sampled. A bonus for the photographer, you might say. When many women shed their clothes and get in front of the camera, the 'freedom' it affords seems to make them quite horny as well.
I guess as they are 'half way there' and posing in a variety of positions, it is not such a great leap to make it a 'satisfying' experience. If all the orgasms I have heard were recorded (and some were) I guess it would sound like one continuous orgy😁 Only time there was anything approaching that, was with a threesome...two ladies of course.
So, here are quite a number of photos with occasional comments, beneath the subject. Bear in mind that some are taken at my studios here in the USA, London and Europe, and some taken on location and at the subject's home, or place of choice.
I was a busy man wasn't I, and not all of these were taken that long ago. As to my 'encounters', you must know that wealthy men can have all the women they want...and I did for a few years. The freedom you gave me by messing around behind my back LL,launched me into a whole new life via photography, writing and travel. Combine that with all my (our) business interests and an expanding family, and I have a very, very good life.
No, just 'escaping' for a brief week or two to some minimal Spanish apartment, but real travel worldwide in luxury. Relaxing, sailing in the Gulf (of Mexico) and, in the summer months, over there in the Med makes for probably the best period of my life from a leisure viewpoint.
As to you, well you never had the imagination or guts, did you. You had the best opportunity of your life. Some women would have given their eye teeth for it. But no should allowed your short-termism and small town attitude to override the sensible and best choice you have ever been offered. As you said yourself, after the event 'why do I always make the wrong decisions'
I was a busy man wasn't I, and not all of these were taken that long ago. As to my 'encounters', you must know that wealthy men can have all the women they want...and I did for a few years. The freedom you gave me by messing around behind my back LL,launched me into a whole new life via photography, writing and travel. Combine that with all my (our) business interests and an expanding family, and I have a very, very good life.
No, just 'escaping' for a brief week or two to some minimal Spanish apartment, but real travel worldwide in luxury. Relaxing, sailing in the Gulf (of Mexico) and, in the summer months, over there in the Med makes for probably the best period of my life from a leisure viewpoint.
As to you, well you never had the imagination or guts, did you. You had the best opportunity of your life. Some women would have given their eye teeth for it. But no should allowed your short-termism and small town attitude to override the sensible and best choice you have ever been offered. As you said yourself, after the event 'why do I always make the wrong decisions'
Now, of course you are trapped, wasted nigh on eleven years of your life and are little better off in all respects than when you started out with your current partner.
I know you have a lot of regrets, not ones you would give voice to, to anyone. But those regrets that you think about when you are alone in your bed on the edge of sleep. He loved you, you know, more deeply than you will ever understand...or know... now.
On that note I will leave you with what I described above. Reflect upon it, upon the women and upon the women I had the good fortune to be with since 2004.

Italy - She is Italian
Studio Europe
At her Home - Sepia Filter
London Studio
California USA
Hotel Singapore
The next few photos were all taken in Japan on my second tour:


Southern France (you could say a Nice girl)
London Studio
New York USA
New York USA
New York Studio
Post Consummation - Amsterdam
Studio New York
Studio London
Studio Paris
Studio Frankfurt Germany
Studio Frankfurt Germany
Studio San Diego California USA
France - Her Apartment
Italy - Oh What a Night!
London Studio
Paris - An Apartment
France - Location
London Studio
London Studio
New York Studio
New York Studio
Studio London
Nice, France - My Apartment
Lenz Austria - Hotel
Kensington, London - Her Home
Aalborg, Denmark
Malmo Sweden - Her Apartment
New York Studio
London Studio
Norfolk, England
On Location - Boston USA
Oregon USA
Florida USA
Her Studio - France
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
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