For LL
Never one to slack at writing, I have put this and several other blogs together for your 'education' and to provide you with further insight to a life you may have thought was written off when you left. Far from it, of course. ..and far from you as I write this over the mid Atlantic and fly in our own jet toward home in New England.
You may wonder how I managed all the women in my life LL. Well here's an example....
It isn't difficult to have one woman in the country, two in London, one in New York another in New England and yet another in the same time. Add to that my 'business' travels to Europe and I managed very well thank you and was 'entertained' and satisfied as much as I wanted to be. You were in among them from when you went behind my back. Before that I was a one woman man to you.
From your own mouth LL, you have acknowledged my expertise in that department, endorsed by many others since - here are a few.
Not all the ladies I have photographed over the last twelve, nearly thirteen years this month, have shed their clothes to be in the frame. As you can see above. If I remember correctly we were on our way out for the evening. This was taken in Milan over ten years ago, and my close friend here is Italian.
The shooter, shot so to speak. Nothing like taking photos of each other in the nude is there. Remember those shots I took of you LL? We were both in that state then. You didn't look quite the same as the women pictured here though, did you.
Fit as a fiddle, was this lady and quite hairless where it mattered. 'We' took these in a place called Beccles, in Suffolk. Another conquest and another knotch, so to speak. We were good friends too and enjoyed a good social life together for a while. Neither of us wanted to be tied down and allowed each other 'freedom' if you follow...
This was taken shortly before I joined her in the suds. Naturally, we lathered each other up quite a bit and she got into quite a lather when she straddled me while I lay under her. I was mostly horizontal apart from the required appendage, which was quite vertical, as she lowered herself onto it. You have felt that inside you too, on many an occasion.
I had a job maintaining a firm hold on her boobs but the fact they were so slippery and firm was quite arousing. Her movements above me were quite frantic as I recall - she hadn't been laid in quite a while.
We spent quite a bit of time together when I was in her neck of the woods - Denmark. Not only because of those lovely boobs but because we were truly close friends...still are.
Nearly forgot - this was London, late Spring, 2005.

The photos above and below are both of the same woman. That look on her face in the photo below reminds me a bit of the look you used to have LL....many years ago. My choices after you were younger and fitter and many liked the fact that they were 'with' an older man. Happy days, pleasurable days and very sexy days.
Of course the money helped and so did the photography. Many loved having their photos taken by their lover. That is the case with each and every photo in this blog....the same
This brazen lady, who is 'winking' at me with her vertical 'eye', is English and still lives in Sussex. I said close friends and they remain friends but not quite as 'close' these days.
This was taken in Dubrovnik, Croatia part of one of my European meanderings. I was staying at the nearby Radisson Bleu and 'hooked' up with this lady early in my stay. Neither of us knew the Old Town so we decided to explore together. We had met after seeing each other alone at the pool and got to chatting while in the water. Italian and very hot- blooded!
The second time we were in the pool she let her desires be known by fondling my crotch to the extent I couldn't get straight out for a short while...because I was straight out!
After exploring the city and dining we decided to explore each detail.
This is quite an old photo going back quite some time well before you LL. I'll say no more. It isn't a digital one, so figure that one out.
This was New York on location in an old run down (but safe) district. By the time this was taken it was late afternoon and just the two of us. The rest of the day had been all bright clothes and industrial backdrops. Then she decided she wanted some shots in her undies...with just a hint on how to round the day off!
This was part of one of those Far East trips LL. Nice firm ass, hasn't she. This is Thailand by the way and she is English and full of fun both dressed and undressed. Another case of passing ships and shared passion.
Lucky guy wasn't I, back then. The ability and facility to attract such lovely ladies as Emma above. This was in a property I had acquired in London -investment and in need of some renovation. You have seen her before - she was my estate agent, although I was doing the viewing and exploring on this day!
This was part of a commission in a studio I hired in Germany. I had quite a few 'jobs' lined up there in 2006 and this lady was one of them. Most had been family stuff and individual fashion shoots. A few though were those where the women wanted their beauty shown. Ilse was one of them and although she looks demure enough above turned out to be quite a lass. After the above shot and a few others I recall she came on to me quite stongly.
We locked the studio and to put it mildly she let me take her there on the couch, again standing up and after a break she rode me. I was exhausted! Well part of me was. I remember those boobs well small, perky and as firm as hell.
Back in the USA for this one. I remember she got up before I was even awake and appeared back in this bedroom with a long woolly on. It was early Spring so still pretty cool outside. When I took this she had been standing, looking out of the window. Then she said would I like breakfast and pulled that top up as you can see. I put my camera down and said...yes. She came back to bed, minus the woolly.
One of my larger encounters if you follow. A real handful in more ways than one...but I managed and then some. This was Norfolk summer of 2005, LL. Figure it out. I was handling some large 'goods' that year wasn't I.
Italy and what a view...over the lake and over my partner in crime...sexually speaking that is. You'd be surprised how many of the women laughed about you when I told them.
Another flight another hotel and another woman who fell into my arms. Not getting up, but getting down and in the middle of the day as well LL. Rome and roaming you could say.
A hangover from my Japanese visits. This lady features in an earlier blog.
La belle France - and this lady was my 'la belle' for five whole days. She showed me the sights around Bordeaux and more.
A lady who was altogether something else. quite the nymphomaniac and young to boot. I have often found that the ones with the smaller boobs are the ones that are insatiable and she certainly was. I don't think the two are linked, but it is something that seemed to happen a lot. Small boobs equating with a large 'appetite'
This shot was a pure commission in Firenze (Florence to you LL). However, I can't say the subject was pure in a sexual sense. Another encounter as I traveled down from Venice to Bologna onto Florence and finally, on that trip, Rome. This was taken one hot early evening outside with the help of artificial light and of course the right settings on the camera.
Like many of these occurrences it had started with a requested shoot in the afternoon at her appartamento. AS the day lengthened in to evening she opened a bottle of wine and she whipped a gorgeous pasta dis. So from a purely businesslike shoot to an informal dinner to this more intimate shot ...and then to bed, naturally.
Nothing like a good book and a nightcap is there LL. This sweet woman was lovely. Christmas, or approaching it 2005. ..and the heating was on full no goose bumps just natural ones which were small but nice and firm. Somewhere in Berkshire, UK.
In the pink and she certainly was. this was Oregon near Lake Oswego. Started as a normal shoot and this horny Oregonian young lady then stripped down to her underwear for some lingerie shots - she said. Then the bra started to come off followed swiftly by the panties.
She undid my belt and then turned and leaned against the kitchen counter with her legs apart ... and wide. Then the rest of her pink was revealed and we coupled. Hard and fast was what she said and that is what she received. Yes, we are still close in a platonic way.
Post consummation drinks in Aarhus LL (Denmark in case you are wondering. It was nice holding her close and close we remain. More friends than you ever knew I had, aren't there😁
Flowers de-flowered you might say LL. I am sure you will understand which 'petals' I am talking about and the way fertilisation is achieved😉. This was taken on a remote beach in Turkey...hmmm I think around 2007. A day out from the Hilton International resort we were both staying at. Nice day with benefits as i recall. You can see two of those benefits in the photo.
She is from Leiden, Netherlands and yes we remain 'close' friends to this day.
Playing around with Photos Shop again. Out for the evening in Venice 2006. Perhaps i should advise that some of my dates are purposely not entirely accurate to cover some history that I don't want you to be party to LL.
Not a rarity photographing a woman in her clothes. It's one of my main lines, fashion. The nude shots are individual commissions except where they are personal....very personal. Yes again we are the closest of friends. Best buddies you could say
Tyger, tyger burning bright in the forests of the night, what immortal hand or eye, Could Frame your fearful symmetry - with apologies to William Blake.
She was certainly a tiger and quite insatiable. But then I have been told that I am highly sexed on many an occasion so a perfect (perfect) match, I thought, and she agreed. Taken in. Minneapolis. A perfect fit you could say😉
Dressing or undressing? Well, naturally, undressing. those arms collapsed on the bed, after the rest of the clothes were shed, followed swiftly by her legs being pulled up and apart by her. Gorgeous boobs as I now look back. On the occasion (s) I was generally looking down, or up!
Bosom pals you could say and still close friends - she and me that is, not the bosoms
I remember this photo well. taken outside Berlin in the country. This was a formal shot, but our subsequent short relationship was anything but.
Again, a close 'freund' who I last saw in 2016. I did notice she has filled out a bit since 2005 in the boob department. Otherwise a stunning figure, still.
This lady was very close to my heart all the way through late 2004 to 2007, and so were her breasts. Close to my heart that is. Cradled in my arms at night they were pressed against my side as she and I slid into sleep.
That not the only thing I slid into either😉, but for that you will have to use your imagination LL.
Need I say she is an English rose and we spent time off and on in the East of England, London France and Florida, over those years.
This was part written mid-Atlantic, part New England and finished in Florida - get around, get around, I get around....
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
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