Monday, February 6, 2017


For LL

I like to keep you in the picture, so to speak so here is another blog with a theme and some of the lovely women I have had the pleasure of....photographing.

C equals commission, and P equals personal. Apart from that I will insert the location where appropriate.

Mundane - humdrum, dull, boring, tiresome. That's how I see your existence. I use that last word purposely as that's what I think you lead, an existence, rather than an exciting and rewarding life. It is now nearly 12 years since we went our separate ways, and I know who leads the exciting life.

The antonyms of mundane are: exciting, wonderful, extraordinary, heavenly etc, etc. I guess those words sum up my life, both before you and after, but not during. Homes, planes (yes the jet and our twin engine turboprop), boats, businesses, lots of grandchildren and a beautiful wife Some of us make the right decisions and some us don't.

You may spend your weekends eating at various local locations and perhaps shopping, as you often seem obliged to advertise, but I have far more interesting pursuits. Sailing, photography, family, theatre, travel, horses, sport etc etc. I was supposedly the person who you once said was boring...I don't think so!

You make your decisions and have to live with them. Some people like you make a series of wrong ones...and you have certainly done that. I once thought that you had received a harsh deal in life, but with the benefit of hindsight I now know that all of it is down to your approach to life. Your attitude was always one of short-termism, pleasure and reward now rather than investing in the future. So you find yourself where you are...stuck with what you have.

I recall all that gloating around the time we parted. Boy, did I laugh at that. It was quite pathetic of you and I think hinted at trying to build up a position that justified your decision. It was shallow and laughable.

So to give you further food for thought and an insight into my photographic life after you went away take a look below.


C & P



I guess this one could be entitled 'Last Tango in the South of France'. That applied to both me and Michelle. A recently separated French lady, at least that's what she told me, although her wedding ring was still in evidence. Not a million miles from Nice where your friend had an apartment and Ash and I now have a villa.




Georgia, USA

P & C
Fabulous figure from all angles! This shot took some time to construct.

(Don't ask!)


C & P

I was kept pretty busy in those few years from 2004-7. These are almost all from that period. It also kept me fit and firing on all cylinders, so to speak. Fun times, LL, fun times. I think you had an image of me pottering around in the East, which is what I wanted you to believe. You fell for it of course.

Disinformation was part of one of my careers. for quite a long period. Remember you once quoted the OS Act at me when I asked what you did. I was far more familiar with it than you will ever know or I could ever tell you....


Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©

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