More from the author of these blogs, which I publish on his behalf
Some of these I have known and some merely photographed in the studio. Either way the ladies in question were quite appreciative. Seriously those not marked with a P are studio or commissioned shots, the others, personal. (Eat your heart out LL - I never had any trouble with replacements as you can see)
This lady and I were in a relationship briefly. She had a great butt and personality which compensated for her having rather small breasts

Hardly worth saying that we met in the USA. in south Oregon. We had great fun in her barn. A woman in her late 30's who I met in Roseburg. She was a great 'rider'...I'll leave that one to your imagination!

Quiet and quite shy in her late 40's, the above lady was something else when she reached the bedroom! Tale to be told...
Were those jeans on the way down or on the way up. Either way this lady from Suffolk was a willing receiver of donations from behind. Tale to come.
These three photos one above, three below, feature in the next blog relating the tale of this brunette
I would like to be able to say that the two photos below were personal, but they are not. This lady was a gorgeous looking woman who was quite uninhibited in the shots she allowed me to take. She had a pair of the most gorgeous firm and pointed breasts you ever did see

The two photos below are of a woman I met in France in a place called Martel. They say the French are always open for an affair and this lady was very open with her favors. I look on those firm buttocks with great memories.
More on the lady below later this month - an English girl enjoying an English born England
Probably one of the youngest women to have bared all...and all in a good cause. Featuring in a tale later this year
The lady below is coming soon...and she did!
Norfolk born and Norfolk bred she wasn't worn and she was great in bed.....and also bent over it.
This lady features earlier. Her tale later this month

The next three photos are of the same lady. Enjoyed my hospitality and shed her panties to show her appreciation and a lot more!

Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity and prevent full nudity, but are concurrent with the events told in this account. All photos are taken by the narrator and are copyright.
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