Over the years from 2003 thru 2006, I had the good fortune to meet a number of beautiful women and make love together. Geographically, they ranged from Europe to here in the US - I traveled a lot, and still do. Despite my now being happily married I have fond memories of each and every one of them....bar one.
We all enjoyed each other's company in a variety of ways, but nothing too kinky. But first of all perhaps a gallery devoted to blondes and brunettes...boobs. I am a very able photographer apart from any other attributes I may have, so sit back and enjoy if you are male.
If you are one particular female...eat your heart out baby, because you did me a great favor. You weren't the one with the best or largest breasts after all... and certainly not the best body. Birthing stretch marks - no way! You were 'stretching' the truth then, which sat quite well with your later lies.
I have loved, truly loved, three women in my life. My late wife, my wife of the last 9 years and the one 'particular' female mentioned above. Two stayed and are staying true to me, but the other was in the end not worth it, due to her infidelities and lies. You can still love someone and hate what they did at the same time. I always find that strange, but it's true.
Enough of you though. I'd rather relate and have my readers view what I enjoyed - in my case, first hand. Another pun there - can't resist them. You were probably quite near the bottom (another pun) of the 'chart' when it comes to those I have enjoyed. You were somewhat clumsy and quite inexperienced for a 49 year old, at that time. Whereas, those that followed you were, by and large, anything but inexperienced. In time I could have taught you, but you were vertically challenged just like you current partner. Horizontally, just a little lazy.
Blondes and Brunettes - Boobs and Butts...or if you like ...Ass!
These short notes are not necessarily in chronological order but nevertheless took place between March 2004 and well into 2006.
So, to the first lady. She lived close by my apartment in London and, although I have already related a similar tale, she is more than worthy of mention, in that she gave of herself mentally and physically quite freely. The more observant will note the beauty marks under each breast. When my fingers traced around them I felt the softness of her skin and the warmth exuding from those beautiful attributes.
These photos were taken on a single occasion in London, as mentioned, although we met and 'joined up' on a number of occasions. I lived in East Anglia at that time but, having the apartment in London, gave me flexibility away from that home. Being a virtually free agent by dint of my so called partner's infidelity, I felt able to take life as it came. On this occasion Liz came along.
I had met her just to say hello and had drinks together with her and others from the neighborhood on those infrequent occasions when I was in London. Younger than me by some 15 years, she lived in the same block as I did. One day we were both walking back from Tower Bridge tube station, separately, but of course heading in the same direction. To get to our apartments (mine then - since sold) one has to walk round the Tower of London then cross the road approaching Tower Bridge. As you approach the bridge there is a road that drops down to the waterfront and old docks on the approach to the block.
That day it was raining heavily. I had had the foresight to take an umbrella with my earlier that day having checked the forecast. It was April 2004...so showers were not unexpected, except this was a deluge. I headed off down the road head down and umbrella held at an angle before me. I passed a woman on my left, glanced at her and smiled having recognized her as Liz my near-ish neighbor.
I offered cover under my brolly, which she accepted. The only way to do this was for her to grab my arm and huddle close to me, which was very pleasant. We made it to the block and then into the lift. Liz was completely bedraggled. Her hair clinging to her head and utterly soaked through. Even some of her mascara was running down her face. She looked in the lift mirror behind me and we both burst out laughing.
That was the first time I had met her properly and alone. When we reached her floor, one below mine, I stepped out, out of courtesy to let her exit. Coffee or tea, she said. I replied I could murder a cup of tea, so she let me into her apartment and put the kettle on for tea. Then she said she was going to dry off and change. I slung my camera bag on the floor, and made the tea.
Liz is a blonde, a true one. I can attest to that from personal observation of all her follicles. Slim and around 5' 6" tall, she had always attracted my eye when I saw her. What man can't resist looking at a pretty and attractive lady as she walks by.
Liz reappeared in a white toweling robe, her hair wrapped in a hair turban and her face devoid of make-up. She still looked great to me. I poured her tea and we sat at her breakfast bar opposite each other talking and cupping our tea in both hands, as we drank. As we sipped the hot tea she looked straight into my eyes and smiled - I did the same. By now she was leaning forward a little and was completely aware that she was showing two thirds of her breasts to me.
It was mid evening and getting dusk by now. We were both single for various reasons and knowing my supposed partner was playing away I felt free to enjoy the evening and what appeared to be on offer. No strings attached came into the conversation after Liz's second glass of red wine. By this time I was sitting there in my shirtsleeves and she lent across and unbuttoned a few allowing her gown to drop open even further.
Time to rise - and I was! But I am talking of the breakfast bar. We both stood and came round the end of the bar. Liz put her arms round my neck and we kissed. She has quite full lips and we enjoyed just kissing each others lips before going a little further and exploring mouths.
She removed my shirt and unbuckled my belt while still kissing me gently, and me her. I knew she had nothing on under that gown. My hands rested on her waist and she looked up at me, soundlessly, but with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes and a very becoming smile on her lips. She reached up and pulled the turban from her hair, allowing her near blond tresses to fall over her shoulders. Even that small gesture took my breath away, and she knew it.
She shrugged the gown from her shoulders and it fell to her waist where it was still, just, held in place by the belt. Her hair now virtually dry, fell over the most gorgeous chest I had seen in a while. She flicked it back over her shoulders and just smiled at me after my eyes had returned to her face.
Here, I will digress a little. Areola, that pigmentation around all of our nipples, is of course more pronounced in a post pubescent woman. In Caucasian women, there is quite a variation from dark brown to the softest pink. More will be revealed later in this blog.
As can be seen Liz was a soft pink/soft brown in that area. The area I had been staring at...which is why she smiled. In fairly short order she had undone my belt and zip and before I knew it was naked. Her gown was resting on her hips and only loosely tied. I slid it off to the ground as we joked about being equal. My hands rested on her hips and then I placed them on her buttocks pulling her toward me and kissing. I was pretty proud certainly higher than at a right angle and fully engorged. She parted her legs slightly to accommodate our closeness.
We were then in touch in a quite intimate way and the flower was certainly on it's way to blossoming fully. I glanced over Liz's right shoulder into the main bedroom, briefly, where I could see a mauve black and turquoise patterned bed cover. Guess we were going to end up there.
I caressed her back and her buttocks, moving my hands to her thighs, then her waist. She was warm to the touch and I could feel a small beauty spot just above her left buttock. Her skin was smooth and almost silky. Eventually, my hands moved up around her torso - she still had her arms around my neck but was now moving slowly back and forth on my member with increasing lubrication evident from both of us.
Her hands had now dropped to my buttocks which she was squeezing and pulling toward her> i could feel her nails digging into me. More of those nails ...later.
She was shaved completely of pubic hair so there was no encumbrance on the way to her 'pleasure area'. There was an urgency to our situation now from both of us. She left my embrace turned and 'spooned against me again with her legs slightly apart to accommodate me. I had nowhere to put my hands - he said - so I had to caress her breasts and lift them and tease her nipples which were small but quite erect - see photo above. We never made it to that bedroom until afterwards.
Liz turned and fell back onto her leather couch in the living area. By this time neither of us could wait any longer. She pulled her legs up and apart and I entered her fully from the start given the response I received it was certain that she wanted a hard and fast session of lovemaking. I pounded her and her pubic area, exciting her clitoris to such an extent that she was crying out from the start. Her excitement made me even harder than when we started which pleasured her even more. Her breasts were moving in time with our bodies which heightened my desire further.
She pulled her legs even further apart as she reached a climax. As I watched her, at that moment, her eyes rolled up in ecstasy. Something I have only seen a few times with the women I have enjoyed. I enjoyed Liz greatly and she enjoyed me being inside her.
To such an extent that within a half hour we were making love again within the hour, this time in the bedroom.
On several subsequent visits over a few months she allowed me to take many photos. For her, and for me. I particularly like the following one in it's unedited form. The copy below is edited. It took me until we reached the bedroom to discover those two beauty spots on her breasts.
Helen was a lovely lady in her very late 30's. If we jump a year forward from when I met Liz then you find me visiting Indianapolis and that is where Helen and I met.
As I said previously I was virtually single in 2004 due to my then partner's infidelity which she thought she had hidden. After that year passed and I discovered another man had entered her life, following the previous one, I had no qualms about setting out to enjoy life.
Eventually after I left her in late 2005 she said I wouldn't have a problem as there were 'plenty of women out there that wanted to get laid'. That was not my approach to life. I enjoyed the company of women in preference to men socially although my business activities put me very much in a man's world.
I guess that was how Helen and I ended up together. An old friend lived in Indianapolis and on a whim I flew up there from Florida, where I had a home, courtesy of Delta. I hadn't been there before. He lived near the airport so on landing I got a cab and headed over to his place. On arriving there was no answer from the house.
I hadn't seen my friend in what must have been 15 years by then, although we were in fairly regular communication. Disappointed there was no one in (he lived alone), I headed back down his driveway to call a cab. A neighbor appeared and asked if I was looking for my friend. When I confirmed I was he told me he had some sad news. My friend had passed away 2 weeks previously and the funeral had taken place a week before my arrival.
This may seem like a random visit and that I should have checked things out but Indy was a stop off point on my way elsewhere.
With that sad news weighing on me I got the cabbie to take me back to the airport where I picked up a Seebring from Avis and headed into town and a hotel. I decided to stay at the Conrad on Washington Street.
It was there that I met Helen. I had walked into the bar for a drink and something to eat, having only had breakfast in Florida that morning. By now it was late lunchtime on a Friday afternoon. I sat up at the bar and ordered a beer and sandwich. I was pretty much the only one there until a rather petite lady came up to the bar somewhat rushed and flushed.
Funny how people gravitate. Some sort of instinct to want to be part of a group. The bar was large but this lady took a place only two stools from me. I was still enjoying my beer - Milwaukee Ice beer in fact - sandwich had yet to arrive, and I was chatting to the bartender. Helen, an American - I discovered her name later - started the conversation by inquiring... was I English? I replied, not strictly...I'm British by birth. My father was Scots, my mother English.
It transpired that Helen was an attorney who had been working on a criminal case at the Superior Court in the City Building at the other end of Washington Street. She had ordered a Jack Daniels, then a second. Tough day I guess, but she had finished up for the day.
We retired to a table and ate our respective lunches and the conversation turned to me and what I did for a living. We found we had common interests, Helen was also in business as well as being an attorney. I told her I was single, widowed in fact, and related the bare bones of my last affair with an English woman who betrayed me.
Eventually we finished our lunch. Helen said the case had been a pretty awful affair and she needed to de-stress. She said she could 'murder' a long hot bath but would have to wait until she had gotten home to her place near Muncie. We had been getting on pretty well and she asked if I would like to see her home town, at least the one she lived in now.
She was pretty, I mean really pretty, and we had clicked in a positive way, so I said yes. I told Helen I needed to make a few calls to re-book my onward flight and extend my stay here at the hotel. She suggested I check out and stay over at her place, which apparently had plenty of room. So that's what I did. We left the hotel and I followed her car.
We headed east along Washington then took the ramp north on I-465 eventually exiting onto I-69 signed to Muncie and Fort Wayne. All in all it took about an hour to arrive at Helen's place. When we arrived I took my case and her stuff into the house and dumped it in the hallway along with my camera gear.
She put some coffee on, good stuff judging by the aroma - I can drink gallons of the stuff. She invited me to take a look around, which I did. She lived in a large place, a house on two floors. It was beautifully furnished and pretty tidy. The backyard looked out onto the flat Indiana landscape which, from where I was standing, looked endless. There were plenty of law books in her den room but also fiction and I suppose unsurprisingly detective thrillers.
We drank coffee in the kitchen and chatted. Helen was in a business suit - dark skirt, white shirt and she had taken off a matching jacket. She was quite well endowed and her breasts were straining at the white shirt which was tucked tight into the top of her skirt. I knew she was fully aware of this as she leaned across the table to top up my coffee. Helen was blonde, another blonde and wore a nice shade of pink lipstick. She stood with coffee mug in hand and said I guess I had better show you where you are staying. I grabbed my bags from the hallway and followed her upstairs.
That was a very shapely petite figure I was following.
Helen showed me a bedroom where I dumped my case. Her room, the master bedroom, was accessed through double doors, which were open. She said to come on in, so I did. The bed had a comforter over it but I noticed the pillows were what I guessed was silk. Quite luxurious, so I mentioned it. She said she could afford it and had I ever slept on silk sheets. Just once before, I said.
She then slipped her skirt and shirt off and asked if I would massage her shoulders to de-stress, she said. She removed the comforter undid the clasp holding her hair up and lay on the bed face down. I said was she sure she wanted me a virtual stranger to carry on.
She said mmm, I do. You seem like a nice guy and a gent. So I sat sideways on on the edge of the bed and gently massaged her shoulders and neck, moving her long hair out of the way as necessary. It was pretty obvious her bra straps were in the way so she pushed herself up and took her bra off.
I gradually worked down her back massaging her shoulder muscles her back and then the small of her back...just before the buttocks. Up until now nothing sexual had taken place but my body, lower down, was responding to the feel of her skin. She reached down her sides and pushed her panties back over her buttocks and asked me to finish their removal. I stood and she turned her head on the pillow toward me. She smiled and said I guess you are pleased to see me. I thought she was talking to me but she was looking at the bulge in my pants!
I guess lawyers are no different to anyone else, after all. My massaging continued to her buttocks which were a delight to encompass with my hands. Then down the outside of her thighs and calves, slowly working my way back up on her inner leg and thighs until I was massaging her crotch which was stickily wet. She parted her legs and allowed me to massage the whole area from the outside of her 'lips' to their inner wetness. I asked her if she was now relaxed...
She responded by saying she would be when I joined her in discarding my clothes and doing the same for her front. Within a few minutes I was free of my clothes and my arousal was pretty obvious...so she grabbed it and began massaging it to a point where I was weeping. Whilst this was taking place I had somehow acquired some oil that I used on her breasts to massage tease and squueze. By now I was kneeling between her legs. She pulled me toward her and we kissed. All the time I was cupping her left breast and massaging and squeezing. Her nipples had long since hardened.
She had my penis in her hand and was using it on her clitoris rotating in rapidly in that area until suddenly with quite a cry she had an orgasm. By this time she was really wet and ready for me to enter her. I said she was petite but she accommodated my pretty thick member against her tight but flexible pussy. Almost immediately she was thrusting up against from the bed. I responded equally forcefully and this continue to our mutual pleasure for quite a period. Me trying to hold back my climax, she wishing it on. There was mutual noise too her cries, murmurings, mmmm's and gasps, my grunts of effort and pleasure.
The noise a woman makes during sex turns me on and I have been told, the noise a man makes turns a woman on. Either way we were really going at it for a fair period and she and I were perspiring, making my grip on her boobs even more slippery.
Those sheets were friction-less so we slid about on the bed a bit until found myself near the edge. I managed to stand while still inside her and then lifted her legs onto my shoulders. This tightened her pussy a bit more and now having a better thrust the experience became immeasurably better for both of us. She came shortly afterwards with quite a cry. That was enough for me to make some final and wonderful rapid thrusts before I filled her completely.
We lay back exhausted on those sheets. I remember them to this day and that early summer's day there.
Helen's bath accommodated two - the faucet was in middle - and we sat relaxing and facing each other our legs slightly raised and intertwined. She was glowing from our sex and looked wonderful as did her breasts. and I told her so. She squiggled round in the bath so for a moment I was facing her butt then she sat between my legs as I washed her back...then her front..which was a real pleasure.
Later that evening we headed out for a meal. Helen drove and took me through a patch work of fields all several miles square and completely flat. The sunset that day was great and totally unrestricted by trees or hills. It seemed the fields in that area north west of Muncie were all laid out in that fashion. I asked what grew in them and the answer was soybeans.
The restaurant was real fine dining and the meal great. It was Friday and busy. A couple of people said hello, much to our amusement bearing in mind our antics a few hours before. It was great evening, one of many in my life that I will always remember.
We slept together that night on those wonderful silk sheets..quite erotic, really. I woke the next morning to find Helen's head on my shoulder and her arm across my chest. I gently slid out of bed and downstairs to make coffee. I eventually found all I needed and returned with two mugs to the bedroom where I found Helen sitting up and yawning a little sleepily. I handed her the coffee and she let the sheet drop from her breasts. I had to catch my breath slightly as I climbed in beside her.
Coffee part finished, she turned and put her arms round my neck her warm boobs against my chest. I didn't need any encouragement below as she sat astride me and lowered herself onto me. Then she rode me vigorously too and fro. She was quite athletic and fit and she soon reached a climax as I gripped her buttocks hard pulling her onto me as she came. I reached as she continued to convulse and squeezed her tits hard.
I rolled her off me and took up a position that gave me deep entry into her thrusting hard and fast she came again her legs now wrapped around my waist. She used that hold to heighten her climax then her legs returned to the bed.
I was only just behind her, in a manner of speaking, and shot my lot almost immediately afterwards. We never finished the coffee but showered, shaved and generally got ready. Helen suggested we head for the local Ihop for breakfast. Saturday morning was popular and several folk Helen knew were coming and going. I was introduced as a friend from England.
I had pancakes and followed by coffee - Helen, just the pancakes and coffee. The rest of that weekend we were out and about seeing the sights, in bed making love, in the kitchen making love and lazing in the countryside by a local river. Helen's place was in an area where the property was spread out and her back yard was completely private.
At some point she discovered all the camera equipment I was carrying and suggested I photograph her. I did and what follows below is just a few of those shots.
Incidentally, after that first weekend she was completely stress free and so was I!!
We were both busy. I had business in the UK and in Florida and she had a full caseload. We decided that we wanted to see each other again and so I invited her down to my home in Fort Myers and also over to my then place in the UK. We had several great visits and I went back to Indiana a few times. With my ties in the UK then, it wasn't going to work long term so eventually we parted. We are still in touch to this day
Less Coy
Beautiful Lips
Beautiful Butt
Beautiful Boobs
Beautiful Body
Great Pose
Great Breasts

Feeling Free
Great Nipples
Standing Proud
Taking the Back Entrance
Beautiful Butt
Note to LL - Take a look in your own mirror and compare - no comparison is there - I should know! As you said plenty of women out there.... and of course in far finer form. Some large in the mammary area, some smaller, but all a great improvement....
I will return to the B & B theme in future blogs
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity and prevent full nudity, but are concurrent with the events told in this account. All photos are taken by the narrator and are copyright.'
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