Yet another blog forwarded by that author. This is set out below, at his request.
This blog, or gallery, in the main, is for the benefit of any reader, but in particular for someone who I will call LL.
This person should observe what appears below; a gallery of boobs. One of their traits was jealousy even though they no longer counted me as a partner and friend. This gallery is a reminder that there were other women in my life and they exceeded the physical attributes of the person to whom I refer.
A word of explanation.- some of the photos that follow are studio shots taken in my own studio here in the USA and also in Europe, others are personal.
After receiving compliments for the more personal work reflected in my previous blogs, I decided to establish a studio and expand my photographic work. This is not restricted to the female form. I love the natural world, still life, portraits and have taken many great photos in those areas since 2006.
Areola is the term which refers to the pigmentation around our nipples, male and female. Here, naturally I will concentrate on the female in a selection of its variations. The photos are edited but you can rest assured that each is taken from full or partial body shots.
Arms lifted, breasts were...later
Arms lifted, breasts were...later

Above two (or is that four) are studio photos
This lady's areola was interesting, given the nature of it, as it surrounds the nipples. It was also very sensitive, reacting immediately to stimulation!
Beautiful pink surround here, complimented by great thighs...and they were great in a pleasurable sense
The examples both above and below include Slavic woman, Scandinavians, Western European, Hispanic and North Americans. Naturally, their breasts vary in shape and size as did the ages of the ladies. The darker the areola, generally, appeared in those with dark hair and, to some extent, skin pigmentation. The pink and light colored ones were those of fair or blond women.
Further examples appear below.
Those marked 'P' above and below are personal, the others studio shots taken for the subjects purposes or to provide to husbands or boyfriends
The above was taken in a garden in England. The rest of this lady was equally enticing.
My first US Latino and she was everything you might expect. Fiery, exciting and very, very sexy. Interesting areola too
She was quite a handful and these were too, but it was my pleasure to give them an airing in my garden.
Darker areola in evidence here. A brunette of course. She cavorted around the garden fully nude.
LL - recognize the garden bench?
LL - recognize the garden bench?
This lady belongs in my shower collection - tanned and very horny. Hard to keep up, but I did. Hard and kept up.
More on this lady to come shortly. Her nipples seemed to be hard all the time. Some feat!
This blonde had the perkiest boobs I have encountered. Smaller but beautiful
To come...and she did, multiple times. Big, blonde, milky skin and beautiful
In keeping with my recent B & B theme (boobs and butts/bed and breakfast). Time to let a few butts 'but in' - see No Ifs - Just Butts . Again some studio, some personal. Personal are marked 'P'
Note for LL - I never needed your sympathy, nor your criticism. As you can see I 'handled' some real beauties in those years 2003 - 2006. Firmer and larger than what you offered, too. I did, however, revel in your jealousy, albeit confined to perhaps only those you knew about.
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity and prevent full nudity, but are concurrent with the events told in this account. All photos are taken by the narrator and are copyright.
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