LL in the UK
All behind closed doors or almost, where most of my best encounters have taken place.
I've led a pretty extraordinary life since your day LL and, to some extent, during your time also. Now, some fourteen years on, my time with you and my life before seems like another, someone else's life. Mine has changed out of all recognition to what went before and I have come a long, long way since then as you are, I'm sure, aware. Not only have I come a long way I've come more than a few times along the way...never could resist playing with words😉.
I've had good fortune in amassing great wealth, marrying an equally wealthy lady (sadly passed away now) and living the life that wealth has bought and brought. The funny thing is that it was those photos I took of you in Sorrento that had me take up photography, which indirectly has brought me and my partners a lot of pleasure.
Through it I have met many women, mostly attractive ones, but a few not so good looking. I never post their shots, not because they were less than attractive, but because I rarely reached the point of intimate relations with them. Therefore, by and large, very little to write about.
Most of the shots that follow are of women relaxing for the camera, relaxing in my company, relaxing in my arms and relaxing after a certain amount of exertion.
The locations are all over. From the UK to Europe and over here in the States.
Old friend from my Docklands apartment days LL. She invited me over and we 'relaxed' together. Her name? Claire. You may wonder why given the age difference, but then if you give it some thought, you will figure it out...
Barcelona 2017
Rachel joined me for a brief sojourn in March of last year. No rioting (Catalonian Independence) then, but there was quite a disturbance in my bedroom!
Arianna taught me some Italian and I taught her a few ways to extend her pleasure. We both appreciated our teachers. She actually posed for this shot. I rather like it as she seems vulnerable and a little lost in it. In reality she was anything but.
Norfolk 2004
Kim's cleavage. Nice isn't it. Buried my head there a few times LL right thru to 2006. She's married now, well back in 08 to be precise. This was #1 Kim. The other Kim from that period was the lady that died in the motor accident in California. A great loss to me and to her family.
London 2007
This was a shoot for this lady which...well...went a little further than photos. Delightful and very sexy lady called Sophie. I like this photo too, of course, along with the rest! So did Sophie.
Italian women are incredibly sexy LL. One reason, but not the main one, that I spend so much time over there. Not a bad sight to wake up to and with, is it. Caterina has thee most incredible boobs and the body to go with them. Showering together is a real pleasure!
Norfolk 2004
Tuesday May 11 2004 and this lady posing for me in her home on the outskirts of Norwich. You lost in the boob department LL and every other one. Karen told me that I was the best ever in pleasuring her. As a result she became quite demanding. Just sex mainly, she didn't have any other demands to speak of, but boy! What a body she offered up (and down) to me. Lovely upturned nipples too.
Cumbria 2004
I'm not saying where this was, a bit close to home. Yours not mine!! However Becky was a little nymphomaniac and was up for sex any time any place, hence the posture above. If I said she worked in a coffee shop I frequented in your area you would realize how I came to meet her.
We ended up together as a result of my giving her a lift when I was there during the period I didn't visit you. Becky knew me quite well by now and we went to her Gran's house/cottage at her request. Where she promptly stripped off and asked me to fuck her. How could a red blooded man refuse LL.
Each time I was up there including around the time of your larder clearance, handing back the ring etc she used to text me and want me inside her. I did each time. I used to massage her pussy when she was bent over like that indoors and outdoors until she was well and truly wet and on the verge of coming. Becky loved it...rather like Carole did. She liked a good massage down there.
This shot (before I shot) was taken June 21 2005, but not in your city
New Hampshire 2007
This was an encounter I had not too long after I bought my first place in NH, near Concord. Lucky fella wasn't I to come across Maxine (and I did come across her at her request). Why the pyjamas (which didn't stay on for long)? Well LL it was early December, just after Thanksgiving. December 8 to be precise at 8.34 pm Eastern Time.
We met at a Thanksgiving party for single folk in the near neighborhood and we found out we were only a ten minute car ride apart. One thing led to another and soon we were sleeping together whenever we felt to need. You said I would always land on my feet LL. You were right I've been doing it ever since you departed my life.
Photo shoot - beautiful woman, isn't she. No names, no pack drill.

Well and truly laid. I took this with a compact after putting the tea tray down. Nothing like a cuppa after sex. Rachel was still in recovery mode when I took this. She glows always after we make love. I'm sure you know what that means.

I've enlarged this shot as I have also cut it quite a bit for reasons known only to me and Sarah.
Florida 2005
Harper was named after the lady author, she told me. Being a literary sort of guy it could only have been Harper Lee and I was right. She wrote 'To Kill a Mocking Bird', in fact that is all she wrote by way of books.
But it's not that Harper in the photo of course. This Harper is a lady from Georgia, who was staying on Sanibel on vacation, on her own.We met as we were both beach walking early one morning. had a coffee together, chatted, invited her to dinner at my cottage and....well she never went back to her rental that night. The shot above was taken on the second day at her place. Despite the design on her panties, no one suffered from butterflies.
Nice perky butt and perky boobs. She still comes down on vacation...with her family, these days.
London 2017
Charlie (Charlotte) - the one that works for me at our London office. A little extra curricular activity at my place. We were supposed to be out looking at a property together. Charlie is now married, but always up for a little fun, as I am naturally.
She doesn't get what she wants at home LL, so I stepped into the breech. I rather like that phrase although it wasn't the breech I was into. Charlie has lovely boobs don't you think and those long legs are gorgeous. Another lady who has told me I am highly sexed, and she also told me she loves that fact.
We have been doing what we did on this day two years ago ever since I first hired her back in 2007. Not regularly, after all I'm generally her in the States and she is generally in London, but often enough.
My ship, a Royal Navy frigate HMS Relentless, was making a port call in Bridgetown when I met Sue during some shore leave. I can't recall now whether she was on vacation or there permanently as the daughter of someone at the High Commission.
What I do recall is this photograph and when it was taken and why she is smiling.... I met her two days before this and will leave you, LL, to fill in the rest using your imagination.
Suffolk UK 2006
Summer of 2006 and I had very little difficulty of coming across one woman or another or indeed after another. Some did like me coming across them too. Normally all over their breasts but also in their mouths. Time of my life should be my motto, since the time you erred.
Carole, you remember her. I certainly do and your less than complimentary remarks about her. I could always tell when you were jealous of what I was up to after we parted. Well as I said from one woman to another. Carole and I last slept together in October of 2005. I met Suzanne, above, just two weeks later when this shot was taken.
She had just returned from Majorca hence her tan. She didn't mind me taking this shot as we prepared to go to bed, but just not her pussy. I think I did quite well with the photograph. She was happy with it, the original of course including her face.
I was gentle with her LL. No racing into things. She said she was shy, but that peeled away once she was ready and her legs were open.
Oregon 2008
Like the chair? I did. Laurie posed for me in it after we had chosen suitable tops, skirt and undies to compliment the chair's colors. That we did together in her bedroom.
That's not all we did in her bedroom of course. Laurie lived over on Bull Mountain on the western side of Tigard back then and I had been in my place at Lake Oswego just about nine months.
She was as soft as silk LL, outside ...and inside!
Studio New York 2019
Always a pleasure to photograph Kate. She's a photographic model.
Hotel - Virginia USA 2009
I had business in DC Washington that is LL and had flown into Ronald Reagan Airport on the day I met Lindsay.
I was staying in an hotel near Crystal City, Arlington just the other side of the Potomac River from Washington itself. Having arrived in the late afternoon from New England I checked in with the inevitable camera gear, reduced for this trip, as well as an over-night bag. I was actually there for two nights.
I have spent a lot of time in hotels over the years going back to my days in banking and my normal routine is to shower, change and head for the bar. Not that I'm a big drinker - I'm not - but I find it a darn sight more convivial than watching TV in the bedroom. It was there I met Lindsay. She was in town on some Government symposium. We decided to eat together and wine together.
Then well you know how it is we ended up sleeping together. What a body LL. I took the photo above just for her. I was sitting on the toilet lid in the bathroom when I took this. Lindsay showered earlier and from there we went to bed.
I have to say it was real pleasure to have my hands on that butt, around that waist and to be squeezing those boobs. I remember afterward that I said something like - This is new to me. To which Lindsay said 'Some how, I don't think so'. We both laughed LL. I leave you to guess what I was referring to and it wasn't straightforward sex....
This was a shoot that started innocently enough, at least I thought it did. This young woman, just over thirty arranged a shoot at my London studio from a recommendation from another of my clients.
Arabella purportedly, required some portrait shots and a few poses in a dress and a skirt and top. A lot less than I usually deal with, but she was the client so I didn't question it. On that day back in 2009, she turned up just after lunch as arranged. I was over there meeting a few obligations at the studio and combining it with business in the UK, plus a visit to Italy before coming back here. Two weeks in all according to my diary.
As you might guess by the name, Arabella was quite the upper class lady. I use that last word loosely, for what will become obvious reasons. We did the photographs, but I became increasingly aware that she had another agenda as she flirted with me a lot while I was asking her to pose (fully clothed). The banter that went on LL had a lot of sexual undertones and some quite explicit.
Fact is that when she went to change the final time...she didn't. She reappeared from the dressing room in the studio stark naked, just as you see her above. She asked me to photograph her. I did. The shot above is the least revealing! I haven't included more here as she is reasonably well known in London social circles and is now married. Mind you the latter fact hasn't stopped her extra curricular activities.
That afternoon, needless to say we ended up on the couch having sex. I never look a 'gift horse' in the mouth. In fact that was the last place I looked and this 'gift horse' could certainly give you a good ride. She acted like she hadn't had sex for ages, but she certainly received lots that afternoon. She loved my hands on her boobs will I was slipping in and out of her. She wanted things fast but I made it a slow build up despite the fact I felt the urge, like she did, to speed things up. It is so much more enjoyable working slowly to that peak LL. Arabella peaked twice that afternoon.
The following day she called me at my home. I was there on my own and she asked if she could call round for a 're-match'. I wasn't going to refuse her or the offer of her body, so we made love off and on through the morning and into the afternoon. In bed, in the kitchen with her bent over the counter and finally together in one of my showers. Quite a sexy couple of days. We didn't get into proper clothes until around 4.00 pm.
Arabella told me that she knew I would be open to having sex with her before she ever arrived at the studio the day before. I just said to her that is was Hilary and she confirmed it was. Hilary was the client who recommended me...as a photographer with discretion. It seems she recommended my sexual equipment and expertise as well according to Arabella.
Fact is LL, Hilary was a lady that also had her needs, ones that needed satisfying from time to time and which apparently I did admirably...or so Arabella told me in a moment of indiscretion. Seems I managed to keep Arabella quite satisfied as well.
You can see how one thing led to another in business and pleasure.
Carcassonne, France 2018
This is Dominique LL. Pretty isn't she. I will say no more, except that she works for me in the south of France.
Suffolk, UK 2015
I've turned this selfie into a black and white shot. Why? Because I like black and white. This was a lady that I had a passing relationship with back in 2005. You know - meet on the Internet, get together and have sex. There were more of those than you might imagine out there LL.
Susie sent this in 2015 - I keep all the selfies lady's send me. This was an attempt by Susie to tempt me back to her. She had married and separated. I explained I was married, although Ash was ailing even then, and living in the States. Nice tits though. They brought back a few memories.😋
Kensington, London 2017
Classy and sexy that was Kate. You can guess what we were about to do from the shot above. Another neglected woman seeking an escape and to fulfill her needs. I obliged. She is a lovely woman and we still get together up close and personal when I am in London.
It's surprising how creative two people can be to avoid being discovered. Having my home in Cambridge, UK helps.... She likes my Bentley too. A nice ride she says to which I usually reply by saying a nice ride and we both laugh. I am sure you will follow LL.
Doesn't take that long really. Head from Knightsbridge to Hyde Park Corner, along the Mall then south to the Emabankment more or less all the way out east to Barking then north on the A406 to pick up the M11 to Cambridge. From that you can probably tell I have driven that route more than a few times! Often for the same purpose, but not entirely.
Incidentally, I have a new model Bentley now. I guess I should bring you up to date with things sometime.
Cannes, 2018
One of those lazy hazy days of summer with someone who couldn't be bothered to remove her top before plunging in to my pool. Rather nice like that aren't they. Quite a sexy shot in fact. Her name is Camilla and she spends a lot of the summer in Cannes and St Tropez, so when I'm there she sometimes likes to 'play' and with her I'm always up for it LL, literally!
Near Annapolis, Maryland - circa 1969
I was on an exchange program with the USN when these shots were taken. The lady is or rather was Jane and this was taken at her place, I think. I do remember that visit though as if it was yesterday. She was a lovely girl but I eventually had to go back over there to the UK. I wonder where she is now.
The lady is a woman called Helen. Apart from the obvious I don't recall much else about her. It was one of those three days of pure pleasure intervals. She was connected with the Chichester Festival hence the gown she was wearing...one thing I do recall. She had no panties on and you can work out how I found that out LL.
London 1968
The good old Swinging Sixties and the year I was twenty. The girl in this shot is Angie (Angela). I used to go to London from Portsmouth as much as I could when I was on leave. It was a time of 'free love' and Angie was pretty free with her love!
Norfolk UK 2006
Summer 2006 LL at 6.00 a.m on Holkham Beach. Looks lovely doesn't she. I thought so as she bared almost all for a few shots. This is just one of about twenty I took.
Her name is Catherine and was a friend from Norwich. When I say friend she really was/is but she was also a lover. She worked for that very same insurance company that I did.
It was a very warm day by the way LL even at that time in the morning. We managed to get there before the dog walkers!

Florida 2018
Another friend staying over at my home right here in Naples, back in May of last year. Question is, is she taking it off or putting it on. I'll answer that off it came along with the bottom half just before she mounted me and offered her boobs to my mouth.
I have to say though her got in the way a bit, but hey, who was complaining. Not me, as she lowered her wet pussy onto my erection.
How's your sex life LL? As you can see above and elsewhere, mine is still thriving.
These blogs are all for your...I was going to say benefit...but a better word might be ...edification. To let you know that there is no way I suffered due to your stupidity. I wouldn't fancy you now if you begged me, not given how you have let yourself go. You and your man are well suited in a rather revolting way.
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
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