For LL in the UK
Sometimes I feel like letting the photos tell the story LL rather than provide you with the details. Then I think to myself that you always thought you had the upper hand when you played away and thought I didn't know. That is what encourages me to fill in the details and let you know that while you were cheating on me, I was having a pretty good time myself, probably better than you, tied down as you were.
With that in mind, here's another batch of ladies I have known, many you have seen before.
Straight home that Monday. Then showered and changed and a reasonable drive over to Amy's place in Beccles, where she was waiting for me.
In the department I worked in at my insurance employer there were two sections. I managed a fairly high level team dealing with complex stuff LL and on the same floor was what amounted to a call center for a certain specialized class of insurance. I'm not saying which because it could lead any reader to the people I am going to talk about.
In that other section were two manager, one male one female. Nearly all the rest were of the thirty five plus staff were women. Mainly, between twenty five and nearly forty. The floor was open plan, so I saw and spoke to all of them over the course of nearly five years I was there. I was well liked by many LL. Quite a few flirted with me too LL.
I was married during the first part of my time there, but then was sadly widowed as you know.
By 2004, and when you went behind my back, I had bumped into some of my old work colleagues in Norwich and met two of the ladies from the section I mentioned above, for lunch. One outcome from that lunch was that I was phoned a day later by Amy. She wondered if I would like to see a movie. Not in Norwich but in Lowestoft which was a lot nearer to where she lived in Beccles.
I agreed - can't recall the movie LL - but I can recall the fact that she invited me to stay over that night. Separate bedrooms to begin with, until she slipped in beside me, totally naked. What was I to do? We made love and Amy liked what I did for her so much we repeated it early the next morning before she left for work. She gave me a spare door key, one of a number I had at that point, including yours of course.
Which brings me to that Monday and driving over to Amy's. That was the occasion I got the shot above with her acquiescence of course.. I was amazed how many women were quite happy with shots of their pussy being taken...including you LL. I took her on that couch that afternoon some six hours after leaving you.
Hethersett, Norfolk 2004
Amy led to Sara.
I went from almost hairless to completely hairless, LL. When I say one led to the other, it wasn't by way of any introduction. In Sara's case she phoned me. My home number was available in the department back then, which is undoubtedly where Sara got hold of it. She wanted to meet up. I thought nothing of it LL, after all I knew pretty much all the ladies who worked there.
It wasn't for lunch, nor for tea, or even dinner, just one afternoon at her place, a modern terraced on the outskirts of Norwich. I drove there and rang her bell. Sara opened the door in a dressing gown. She invited me in. As I have said LL we knew each other quite well and so conversation came easily. I was offered tea or coffee. I chose coffee.
Being greeted by a woman in her dressing gown wasn't new to me even then. Penrith, Keswick, Kendal Carlisle to name but a few places where ladies had greeted me in a similar fashion, before Amy or Sara.
We talked some more about ourselves mainly. The fact, as she already knew, that I was widowed and then the fact that her long term partner had left her, was discussed. She stood shortly after and took off her gown LL, revealing what barely amounted to thong and no bra. The latter I had guessed at, when she flashed her cleavage accidentally on purpose a couple of times. I say cleavage it wasn't that marked and her boobs were small, but perfectly formed.
What stood before me as I put my coffee down, was a woman with a slim youthful body, lovely skin tone and that come to bed look on her face. She stretched her hand out and took mine. I followed her hand in hand. Out of her lounge diner through the small hallway and up the stairs. That was a delight in itself LL. I was following the young and firm ass clothed if you can call it that in a thong. For all intents and purposes she may as well not have worn it, but I can understand a woman keeping her pussy covered until she knows you are going to put it to good use.
By the time we reached her bedroom my polo shirt was off. Her hands were on my chest LL and her lips were on my mouth. We kissed for sometime, during which period I managed to undo my trousers and let them fall to my feet. I also managed to slip my shoes off and wriggle my feet free from my trousers. Apart from my socks we were sort of equal in the undressing stakes LL.
Apart from the fact Sara was quite a sensual kisser, I had the bonus of her breasts and nipples pressed against me. All of which combined with my hands on her waist and then on her lovely ass, resulted in me being fully aroused. Sra's hands found their way inside my underwear and I felt each of her soft palms on my buttocks, then her fingers squeezing. I returned thee favor in the same are on her. She slid my pants down, all the way down.
Her thong, come G-string was secured, if that's the word, by a single clip that nestled on her left hip. I undid it and ping....her thong fell to the ground. Nothing could have held either of us back at that point, and it didn't LL. Sar was on her back legs dangling over the edge of the bed to begin with and then up she hoisted them and apart.
She took my erection in hand and used it on her pussy, to and fro, to and fro. I wasn't just standing there. I had my hands full, a breast in each hand, stoking, fondling squeezing. Her nipples became erect quite quickly and I could feel an increasing wetness in her pussy which was now open...for business. Still she stroked me to and fro, rubbing her clit faster and fast. Then the moans came followed by the 'oh's'. Then she came.
At that point she slipped my tip into her opening and I gradually slipped in. She had what might best be called a 'juicy' pussy and my cock loved it LL. In and out I went. Slowly at first. As I thickened even more, stimulated by Sara, so her pussy dilated even more until I was wallowing inside her, exploring, thrusting making her moan.
I put my arms around her upper thighs, her legs either side of me, and pulled hard against me. Then I thrust hard against her, making sure each thrust hit her clit. Shortly after she came again. This time I felt her cum oozing out around my erection and then her cramping started. Lovely feeling having a woman's pussy contracting against your hard cock. Sra was panting, she was flushed and when I restarted my thrusting she started moaning then shouting. I went faster and faster. Her eyes rolled, her mouth wide open and then she had her third orgasm of the afternoon along with a gush that soaked me.
I continued, but I was nearly there. Sra said , 'Oh no, Ohhhhh, yesss!' Another flow of cum and I came shuddering with exertion as I shot all I had inside her. Quite an afternoon LL and the Thursday before I was due to drive to your place on the Friday.
Sra said afterward that she had never ever had 'comings' like those she had with me that day. She wanted more of course and I found the time to fit her in with some regularity. Two weeks after that first time, she let me take lots of nude shots of her standing, laying down and a number of intimate ones like that above. Off hand, I can't recall when we stopped, but probably early 2007 when I stared spending an increasing amount of time abroad.
Horsham, Norwich 2004
Sara led to Claire.
I really thought Claire was a bit of a 'mouse' when I worked near her a couple of years before at the insurance company. Sara was an an exuberant individual by comparison and Amy, deadly serious about what she wanted. When I was approached by Claire, I didn't think too much of it. She seemed shy, uncertain and quiet. Little did I know....
I was in my usual haunt LL. The restaurant in the mall just across from my old office. Claire suddenly appeared at my table. I had my head in the newspaper when I became aware someone was standing at my table. I folded the paper and there was Claire. Although she was thirty and a bit she was a slim lady, very slim with blonde hair. At least I thought it was blonde. She said hello and I invited to sit down. Due to the way she was dressed I guessed she wasn't at work that day. Most of the staff in that 'call center' were part-time and on flexible hours.
She wore a top that clung to her body, outlining her small boobs and a pair of tight jeans which accentuated her rather nice curves on the lower half of her body. She asked how I was doing, not having seen me since I had left and I told her a little about the real estate I was involved in and how that and 'a little business in the North', kept me busy. That little business in the north was you LL.
I had ordered Claire a soft drink and another coffee for me. We finished up and walked together through the mall and out into the town. I asked her what she was doing and she said she had nothing planned. I knew Claire didn't drive, by the way LL, which made me think it would be nice to give her a lift home when she was ready. I had nothing particular on that day, so we both wandered around visiting the market and several stores before I made the offer of a lift.
At that stage I had no 'evil' intentions at all, although Claire had opened up a lot more from her usual quiet self. She told me that she thought that I was the best manager they had had on that floor and how considerate I was to others. I thanked her and just said that I was being myself and didn't know any other way.
We walked back to the multi-storey car park and headed north out of the City past the airport and then took a right into Horsham. I did the gentleman bit and got out of the car and opened the door for Claire. She started for her front door then stopped and asked if I would like some tea. I said I would. I was going nowhere that afternoon and so followed her into the house after switching the car engine off and zapping the lock.
I went up the two steps of her early eighties little home and inside. Claire was organising tow mugs and the kettle was on. Tea made we sat and talked some more. She asked if I would like to see her home. As she put it, it wouldn't take long. Then conversation switched to my place. Claire said she had heard one of my old team refer to it as 'South Fork' and she asked how big it was. I was beginning to think and element of innuendo had crept into the conversation, but I kept it down to earth and told her.
She said I must be lonely there especially in such a big house and a big bedroom. Things were taking on a different tone LL. Also I had n't mentioned the size of my bedroom so I immediately thought that she had been speaking to either Amy or Sara. From there I played up to the line her conversation had taken and told her that I did rattle around in the house and that night's were the worst with no one beside me.
Claire told me she was on her own too (I knew that) and that her bedroom was empty as well. She couldn't bring herself to say what she wanted and to save her I said maybe she could show me around now. We ended up in bed or rather on it LL. Both of us naked. Her slim body under me her legs high and wide and having licked to her first orgasm I was inside her tight pussy giving her my full length and width. Slowly moving in and out while she watched me and smiled, telling me what I was doing was 'soooo nice'. Her boobs were indeed quite small but they were very firm and perky and she loved me leaning over and sucking on them. I could almost but not quite get a whole breast in my mouth.
She came a second time and then we paused briefly and I sked he if she had ever had it from behind. She said she had 'experimented' but it hadn't been very satisfying. I told her it was all in the angle and she laughed and said that I should show her, so I did LL.
I instructed her to kneel on all fours on the bed as far down to the bottom of that bed as she could get then to lower her head to the mattress and open her legs a little. There it was her wet pussy slowly opening for me as her legs parted. I used my cock up and down on her slit making sure I hit her clit on the downward stroke. I did it faster and faster. Her wetness provided all the lubrication needed and she started moaning and gasping. Then I slipped inside adjusting my stance a little until we were both 'comfortable'.
I thrust fast LL, slapping my body against her nice tight butt, time and time again. Claire moaned, she whimpered and then she shouted out and came again. Warm cum oozing out of her and still I thrust. I wasn't sure how much more she could take bearing in mind how slim, how small she was. She took everything I gave her, despite the moans and the shouts until felt myself become even thicker inside her then the familiar stirring deep in my loins as I loaded up ready to shoot. Out it came in a rush and at the same time Claire screamed out and I was amazed to find she had come a fourth time. She had a lot of pent up sexuality, that lady and that afternoon I think I released a good deal of it.
She was shy about photos and I respected her decision much as I wanted to add her to my 'library', but I did manage to get the above shot several weeks later on a return match when she was sorting some clothes I had gotten down from her loft for her.
I was right about her knowing about me and one of her work colleagues. It was Amy that let slip about my 'skills' and my bedroom.
Thorpe, Norwich 2004
Claire led to Kate.
I wouldn't call Kate promiscuous but she certainly liked sex and knew what she wanted. Again she worked in that department LL and knew Amy, Sara and Claire. She was a little older than Sara and Claire and had rather bigger boobs than either. Not too difficult in Claire's case although they were very nice with their puffy nipples and firmness.
One other difference, between the first three above and Kate, was that the latter was married. Before I go further I will explain that the photo above was taken in the family bathroom (as opposed to mine) at my home in Norfolk. Kate had no qualms about my taking photos whatsoever. In fact she enjoyed viewing then afterward and intimate ones were certainly included.
To say Kate didn't beat about the bush, would be understating how she came to end up in my bed and bath tub ... with me. It was quite simple. She just phoned me out of the blue about four month after I had laid Amy and said she would like to sleep with me. Bear in mind she was, at least to me, one if not the most attractive woman in that department. For a moment I was wrong footed when she called me, then my brain went into gear and we got down to business. The business of meeting up and taking things further.
I was sitting in my study when she called at my computer. I opened my electronic diary as we spoke. I didn't need a clash of that I mean dates with other women, as well as calendar dates. As I said Kate was married. I didn't have a problem with that. She wasn't the first married woman I had fucked after all. We discussed how she could get away and then how I would pick her up and bring her to my place. We managed it of course, otherwise I wouldn't have the photo above or all the others I took.
Kate drove her car to the company car park in Norwich, accessed only by staff. I drove to Sainsbury's car park which was just a short hop, skip and a jump. She got into the back of my car, as the windows were bronzed out and she couldn't be seen from outside easily. We drove out of town where I pulled up and Kate hopped out of the back and into the front passenger seat. Always have a plan LL, which I did with you, but you didn't with me. Big mistake for you in passing up all that you did.
We arrived at my place and went inside. One big reason Kate was with me was because her husband wasn't giving her what she wanted and needed in the bedroom, the other I found out was tales of my performance with Amy that she had spoken about. No mention of Sara or Claire who had obviously stayed quiet about their assignations with me.
We didn't waste a lot of time talking or drinking although we did take our coffees into the garden before we went upstairs. Kate had brought a small bag of toiletries with her and I knew why apart from bathing. Fragrance - if she had use my stuff and her husband noticed the difference it might have aroused suspicions. I was impressed by Kate's forethought, although in my experience that year and since, she wasn't the first to think that through.
And so to the bedroom. Kate and I didn't mes around we both stripped off and embraced. Her arms around my neck, her lips and mine together, kissing passionately That was especially so on Kate's part. From that alone I could tell she was hungry for sex. She was trying to eat me! Once again LL I couldn't believe that there I was in my bedroom with one very attractive woman, naked and about to make love.
I had noticed Kate before of course, who couldn't with her figure and looks. I never previously reacted to it but casting my mind back, she often looked at me with what can best be described as a 'come hither' look, accompanied by her lovely smile. Now there I was with her wrapped in my arms. My hands on her waist, her breasts pressed against my chest and her groin hard against mine.
My erection had found its way between her legs and her pussy was wet and partially open. Kate started sliding to and fro on me. Lovely hip movement I recall. I moved my hands to her lovely ass LL. Then we parted and Kate sat on the end of my bed. She was quite a feisty woman, but I figured she would like me to take charge, so without asking I pushed her backwards onto the bed.
Then I started to kneel down and smiling she asked what I was doing. I told her I was going to pray and that I often did beforehand. Her response made me smile LL - she said 'Oh that's good, I like a man .... praying'. That spelling could just as easily have been 'preying', I guess and I told her that afterward, to which she had replied that I could prey on her anytime.
Knelling in front of her she shuffled forward so that her legs were over the edge of the bed and her pussy perching right on the edge. I started praying LL...with my tongue. She loved it and even as I was doing it she told me her husband had never, ever 'eaten' her pussy. To begin with she made comments. 'That's so nice', 'Mmm just there', 'Do that again'. There was a little forest down there but I didn't mind being in the 'bush' so to speak. Opening my eyes I saw that Kate was gripping the sheet with both her hands. I guessed I was hitting to spot.
Kate stopped commenting and started moaning. The beginning of her 'journey'. The moans started coming thick and fast. I reached up from my position between her thighs and took her breast in my hand and squeezed her firmly several times. There were no 'yes's' LL, just 'Oh my God' several times over when she came.
I stood. Kate was slightly red in the face and she was panting, her chest heaving to the rhythm of her breathing. Glancing down I could see her open pussy beautifully pink and red just waiting for me. Cum was oozing from her onto the bottom of the sheet. I was hard again. I lifted her legs, took her thighs in my hnads and pulled her gently toward me. Then Kate held her legs further up and apart.
I steered myself in and the fun for me started. She was silky smooth a hot inside. I fitted perfectly to such an extent that not only was she able to take my full length and width but it was just right to provide stimulation for both of us. For several minutes I thrust into her gently and slowly. In and out, in and out, slick, slippery and warm. I looked down several times and it was very nice seeing her pussy wrapped around my cock as though it was embracing it.
We decided to change position so I withdrew and lay on the bed on my back while Kate mounted me and started on a very fast ride. It was a delight watching her hips move on me. She went faster and faster for a while. Her hair was flying around, her eyes closed and her breasts moving in time with her gyrations. Then she slowed leaned right over me and we kissed. She shifted a little still riding up and down on my erection rather than her rocking motion, and offered her tits to my mouth, in turn. I sucked on each in turn and nibbled gently on her nipples.
Kate entered the final furlong at that point wanting to come, urging herself to ride me faster and faster. I had my hands on her breasts and that was a real pleasure for me. The perfect size and they had gone quite hard with her nipples very erect. I knew she was close. Coming, coming I could tell her breathing her face her shouts. I spanked her hard on her bottom several times and she came. 'Ohhhh, ohhhh, ohhhh!' she uttered and then collapsed on top of me. (From my notes again LL).
We were still connected down there and I was still hard. We kissed and she then slowly extracted herself from being impaled on me and rolled off to my left side. I gave her about a couple of minutes to regain her breath a little then kneeled on the bed facing her, my erection standing out before me. She lay there with her legs slightly apart and her breasts rising and falling with her breathing. The main thing was she had this great look of contentment on her face as she smiled up at me.
I spread her legs apart LL - no resistance at all. She pulled them up and I entered her again. This time I plunged into her fast, again and again. It was a good job I had a firm mattress on that bed, otherwise we might have hit the ceiling. That was how much punishment my bed got then LL. Not the first time nor the last. We humped away until ... well until Kate came once more and I followed her quite quickly afterward. Each time I thrust hard against her almost pushing her up the bed toward the headboard she uttered 'Uhh, uhh, uhh', again and again in time with my inward thrusts. Then those sounds were interspersed with moans and finally just before she exuded her cum ...'Oh my God, not again!
We lay there for a while, kissing, caressing and juts holding each other. Kate told me she hadn't had sex like that we had just had for such a long time and she had never come three times. There was more detail about how good I was, but I won't bore you with that you already know how good I was/am although it may be a distant memory for you know.
Kate asked if she could have a bath, which is where her toiletries came into play and also my camera. I was allowed several shots of her in the bath and then I joined. I got the tap end as usual. I say as usual because Kate wasn't the first lady to grace my baths, nor the last.
I drove her back to Norwich afterward and she picked up her car from there.
We had a very regular affair between things. those 'things' being the demands of her life and for me the other women in my life, including you LL. In the space of just a few months I had bedded four women from my old workplace. It didn't end there either, nor did the 'demands' of Amy, Sara, Claire and Kate. I found myself servicing them quite frequently as my diary allowed. Some of them extended right through to 2007 and Amy and Sara had married by then!
Blofield, Norfolk 2004
Kate led to Chrissy.
I hadn't thought much about how women talk to each other about their sexual encounters, but it didn't surprise me that they did. Kate had a married friend a little older than her called Christine, who liked to be known as Chrissy. Kate had mentioned her in conversation to the extent that she and Kate had something in common and that was virtually nothing.
That 'nothing' was a lack of satisfaction LL.
Kate had undoubtedly mentioned me in conversation with Chrissy although when I met her in Kate's company on a couple of occasions in Norwich, Chrissy gave not the slightest hint that she knew anything about me. Naturally, I didn't mention how close I was to Kate either.
On the third occasion all three of us met for lunch, Kate was working but Chrissy wasn't and didn't need to work, due to her husband's income being more than enough for them. Kate left us to return to work around 1.15 pm that day. Chrissy and I sat nursing our post lunch coffees and chatted away amicably.
She told me she was a lady who lunched, to which I asked what does she do after lunch. Her reply was, 'whatever you want'.
Next thing was that two days later we had borrowed someone's house, a friend of Chrissy's who was away on vacation. Chrissy was looking after the friend's pussy so had access to the house. I met her there. Luckily, or unluckily for any nosey neighbors, it was a large house approached along a tree-lined driveway and well back from the road. Chrissy was already there when I arrived on foot having parked my car some distance away.
When she opened the door to me she nearly took my breath away ... in anticipation LL. She wore what you see above, which wasn't much at all. In fact her boobs were almost on full display. Chrissy had been into Norwich shopping, hence those shoes on the floor of the bedroom that she led me to. She asked me if I liked them. I told yes I did. Given she was barely 5' 6" I could see why she chose such high heels.
I glanced around as she led me through the house and it was obvious an elderly couple lived there. In fact it had the aroma of an older couple about it. Not unpleasant but definitely different, a little musty perhaps but it was OK and I wasn't about to complain bearing in mind what we were about to do. I unbuttoned my shirt while Chrissy walked up to me and undid my belt and chinos. 'Let's get those off', she said. I've heard that phrase more than a few times over the years LL. Pretty soon I was naked and at that point Chrissy sat down beside the bed and said she was going to try her shoes.
There was I naked, here in a revealing gown, me rising to the occasion and she was going to try her shoes on! For a moment I wondered what she was about. I needn't have done. Having put the shoes on she stood took off the gown and revealed her full nakedness right down to the sliver of pubic hair pointing to her pussy. I had my camera. I always have my camera on these 'occasions' and she posed for me nude.
Now I could see the point of the shoes. they enhanced her legs and thighs and made her ass stand out. All of this made me more than a little erect. Chrissy kicked off the shoes and asked me to take photos of her on the bed and of her pussy 'so that I had something to remember her by' . It wasn't like I was going to forget. I got shots from the front and the rear. Then she stood, we embraced and we kissed Her body was pressed hard against mine and in that embrace I sensed her need.
I could feel her nipples against my chest, her soft warm body against mine and her groin tight against me. The thing with photos was of course to arouse me (not that I needed it) and it worked just fine. I was rigid. It has aroused Chrissy to because she allowed my cock between her legs LL and she was quite wet, almost dripping in fact.
She broke our embrace and looked down at my cherry red tip and said, 'Chrissy wants a lollipop to suck'. Next thing is she on her knees between the bed and that chair, shoes kicked to one ise and her mouth encompassing my cock. She sucked and then she kept going further and further along my length until almost all of me was in her mouth and throat. What a sensation. It certainly did something for her too.
With me all the way into her mouth and the top of her throat she wasn't sucking which was both good and bad. Good because it stopped me ejaculating far too soon. Bad because I enjoyed her sucking on me. Eventually she withdrew. It had definitely stimulated Chrissy, LL. When i returned the favor, with her sitting at first, on the end of the bed and me kneeling between her thighs, it was obvious that the whole thing had made her very receptive.
She lay back on the bed, drew her legs up and apart and I went straight in getting to work with my tongue and mouth. She was open, wide open. I was tempted to scrap the fellatio and go straight for penetration, but I didn't. Instead I worked on her clit and inserted two fingers into her pussy stimulating her that way. In the meantime my tongue was urging her along the path to her orgasm. There were wet sounds, moaning sounds, whimpering sounds and finally coming sounds the latter accompanied by several exclamations of her climax. Most of them were the usual - 'Yes, yes yes!' then panting 'Oh my God, that was so good!' Finally, she said that her husband had never done that for her, nor did he like a 'blow job'.
Seems that I had another woman that lacked what she needed sexually LL. As she lay there, while I stood over her, she had closed her legs when she came. Looking up at me from where she lay, legs dangling over the end of the bed, she said she wanted me inside her now. I looked at her pussy it red, pink wet and it’s outer lips wide open curled like an open flower awaiting, as I have said before, pollination. That was coming …
Chrissy bent her head, watching as I lined myself up and stroked her pussy with my tip. Then quite gently I eased myself in, popping almost literally, past her entrance, Feeling that ridge of her pussy’s opening popping over my hood. The rest of me followed. Inside Chrissy was firm, which I found rather stimulating. I don’t know about other men but once inside a woman LL, there’s always an urge to rush things, to come and be satisfied. However, I learned to control that urge a long time ago both for women’s pleasure and mine.
So it was with Chrissy. No wham, bam, thank you ma’am. I went slowly, slowly in, slowly out, in out, in out. It was slick, it was wet and Chrissy was still firm. Gradually, she eased wider inside and I gyrated my cock inside her each time I executed the inward thrust. She lay there telling me how nice that little action was.
In slowly, out slowly, I continued, reaching down to play with her tits and flick her nipples which were increasingly hard and erect. Slowly in, but then I withdrew quite fast. A little gasp from Chrissy then I went in fast, out slowly, again and again. Keeping her on the edge until she started bucking her hips up toward me then I fucked her for real then. faster and faster, in and out, in and out, coming down on her clit as much as I could.
‘Oh yes, yes. Keep going, keep ….’, she didn’t finish that sentence LL, because she came again. Her legs came inward, they were quivering with the release. Undoubtedly she wanted to bring her legs together, but I was still inside her, still hard on. I felt her contractions, saw her tummy cramping, saw her flushed face. Then finally, I withdrew having enjoyed her pussy contracting against me, Cum oozed from her as I looked down. Her breasts were heaving. I took each in hand and squeezed them. they were hard and fully aroused. Her nipples erect.
As she regained her breath she panted out that she felt that she could come again. This time we did it from behind, again with me standing. I reentered her fully dilated pussy. No pop this time as I went in. Just a beautiful fit. Head was down her arse in the air. Lovely curved hips led to her tight butt, then down her beautifully formed thighs, which is where I was residing right then LL. Between those lovely thighs thrusting away. My turn, I thought, to come.
Except, Chrissy was right I had hardly started giving her a good fuck when she came again. I don’t think she believed she would, but I wasn’t going to pause. She was going through her contracting and cramping again but I kept going, faster and faster. She was shouting now ‘Oh no, yes, yes pleasse, yes. Oh my God’. I came, going quite rigid as I shot my load into Chrissy and to my surprise she came again.
I had given her quite a ‘battering’ so I withdrew, but her cum kept….coming. It was a multiple orgasm and she was having it without me inside her, or stimulating her. She rolled on her back, drew her legs up, moaned and moaned. I walked round the side of the bed and worked her boobs. Cupping them in my hands and squeezing. Chrissy looked up at me with a pleading look in her eyes and said she wanted me back inside her. I was waning in the erection stakes.
I lay on the bed alongside her and she worked on getting me back where she wanted me. First with her hand then leaning over me, with her mouth. This time she just covered my hood and sucked me all the way to a full erection. Then she mounted me LL and started a lovely rocking movement, which in itself was very stimulating. To and fro she went, rubbing her clit with each movement Her thighs were either side of em. I caressed them and her buttocks, then her breasts.
She leaned over me changing to an up and down movement on my cock. I watched briefly then her right boob was in my mouth and I was sucking a very firm breast and a hard nipple. That was repeated on her left breast. In my mind I was thinking that we were both going through the motions, quite literally LL. By that I mean that neither of us would probably come, having no doubt exhausted what we had.
I was wrong, very wrong.
Chrissy was a relatively young woman in her early to mid thirties and had a lot of stamina. She kept going and going until, yes, she came again LL. She sat on me still enveloping my erection as her climax came, slowed and passed. Then she raised herself up a bit, leaned over me kissed then offered her boobs to my mouth again. I thrust upward into her, as fast as I could. When I thought back afterward, she was being considerate in staying on me and pumping up and down to my thrusts. Combine that with her tits in my mouth, my hands on her butt and she made me come, I felt it rising up and up all the way along my erection and then like a fountain spurting out into Chrissy.
I left first about an hour after that last orgasm. We had arranged to meet some short distance away on the other side of the A47 in a pull in on a country lane I parked up there and not long after I arrived Chrissy turned up. WE sat in my car kissed and talked about that day and our lives. She wanted me again and to be honest I wanted her again. We figured something out and arranged another meet. This time at my place, and so it went on LL. In between you and numerous other women Chrissy and I managed to keep our hook-ups totally secret for…three years. She didn’t let on to Kate either. I guess she thought she was keeping me for herself - she wasn’t.
Having said that she was a lovely woman and one who had been sexually starved for quite a long time. She revelled in the fact that I satisfied her like no other lover she had ever had in her past.
Taverham, Norwich 2005
Chrissy led to Amanda.
Almost immediately LL. It was all about connections and I'm not just talking about sex. Once you meet other people, you then meet more in their social circle, which of course builds a network of folk. From Amy the first in this blog to Chrissy you can see how it went.
Amy worked at the insurance company and she probably mentioned she had met me and we had gone to the cinema. Sara managed to get my phone number in the company records. Claire heard about me from Amy and I mean heard about me. Kate picked up on my activities from Amy again and then I met Chrissy a friend of Kate's. One after the other, with a few more in between but not connected to these ladies.
Amanda was a friend of Chrissy's, so now you can see how it goes LL.
It surprised me after all those years of marriage how many women 'out there' wanted to get laid. 2004 was a bit of an eye opener really, but I quickly, very quickly, adjusted to my 'new' life. I'm not sure what the proportion of men is to women in the UK, but I had no trouble at all in finding them, or their finding me more often than not, as partners for sex, company and conversation.
Amanda was the first in this network of women, in 2005. Early 2005. The previous ladies all figured in 2004. In early January of that year I was invited to a belated New Year's party at a house in Norwich. Chrissy was there with her husband, which is how I got invited. We played it safe and I treated her and her husband as total strangers. He was a total stranger to me. Among the guest were three fairly young women in their early to mid thirties. I grabbed a drink and circulate a little. I hardly knew anyone there, but that has never stopped me getting in engaged in conversation. Eventually, I found myself talking with the three women. Two brunettes and a blonde.
The blonde was Amanda and her friends were Chloe and Becky. Chloe was tall and slim. Becky was a little on the large side and Amanda was downright sexy. That was partly due to the tight fitting, somewhat short dress she wore and the hint of cleavage she displayed. We stood in a circle. I was facing Becky, Amanda was to my right and Chloe to my left LL. We chatted away although I found Becky pretty mundane and boring, if I'm honest and she had already had a little too much to drink even early on. I suspected she was one of those types who has several shots of vodka before they even get there.
At some point Amanda took my arm and led me away, ostensibly to get some food. She said that I was too polite and that Becky could bore the pants off anyone. Then she switched the conversation to another subject entirely.
'You are Chrissy's friend aren't you', Amanda said. The emphasis on friend was quite clear LL - she knew. I said I was. Then Amanda said she had watched me studiously ignore Chrissy and her husband and that she thought I was really good to do that. I said that she obviously knew Chrissy and she said yes and that she had lunch with her once or twice a week. It didn't take a genius to work out that Chrissy had been 'talking'.
I spent most of the rest of that evening with Amanda LL. First of all she was sexy, secondly she was fun in a sophisticated sort of way and was my equal when it came to innuendo and puns. Our conversation was full of them and we both knew where that was leading. The third thing was that her long term partner had walked out on her for another woman some four months previously. That put both of us firmly in the singles bracket. I had long given up on you committing to us LL and of course I couldn't trust you could I!
Fairly late in the evening Amanda suggested she wanted to leave. We had both had a few drinks but weren't merry or drunk. I had thought earlier in the evening that I was going to leave my car and get a cab home. Amanda lived not too far and so I said I could get the cab to drop her off. She had a better idea and that was for me to stay the night with her. I didn't hesitate LL.
I phoned for a cab and left first saying good night to several people including the hosts Julie and Danny. I had suggested Amanda leave it for about ten minutes and then come out. I would get the cab to wait if it arrived before she did. It didn't Amanda arrived first. We walked a short distance down the road away from the house. I put my arms around her in an embrace to keep her warm - it was January after all. That was when she kissed me and that was when the cab turned into the road.
We got in. It was about two miles to Amanda's. In the dark of the cab she put her hand on my leg and moved it all the way up to my crotch. I was stirring even then. Then she put my hand on her leg, but that was as far as we got. Two miles in car takes no time at all late on a Friday night. We were at Amanda's place. I paid the cabbie and got out.
In my pocket of my coat I felt something hard and realised I still had the little Canon Powershot there from a visit I made in Suffolk just a few days earlier.Thankfully, I had transferred the photos of Gail and deleted them off the camera card. I wasn't sure I'd get shots of Amanda, but I was wrong.
It was warm inside Amanda's home. She had left the heating on. We had a night cap and sat in her lounge talking fora short while, her shoes kicked off and laying on their sides on the floor. She had tucked her legs up on her couch while I sat almost opposite in an armchair. We downed our drinks pretty quickly and Amanda said let's go to bed.
We hadn't eve discussed whether it was together - that was a given. With absolutely no inhibitions Sra shed her clothes and underwear while I did the same. We left a bedside light on and slipped under the duvet. Immediate we embraced, kissing, exploring with out tongues, her leg curled over my body. I could feel her breasts against me. they weren't large and they weren't small, just a nice medium size. All that body entanglement soon had me hard as rock LL.
Amanda rolled over on top of me then LL, we kissed. My erection lay between us flat on my tummy and hers. I placed my hands on her lovely buttocks and squeezed them. Then she sat up and slid her pussy to and fro along my length. I have to say that was stimulating! She was wet and definitely open. My hands had moved from buttocks to breasts. Amanda had these gorgeous puffy nipples just crying out to be sucked. I told her so and she leaned over me and offered each of her boobs in turn. What a great start that was.
Meantime she had moved down me a little further. Sitting up she took hold of me and guided me to her entrance. Easing into her slowly accompanied by a little gasp she had my cock held by her tight pussy. A little adjustment and she started rocking to and fro on me. Her hands alternately on my chest and then as she leaned back on my thighs. My hands? Well, they were everywhere, but in the main they held and squeezed her boobs LL.
Amanda rocked to and fro with her hips, her legs tight against my thighs and then she started moaning, panting, moaning. She leaned over me again LL, supporting herself with her arms, her boobs dangling before my eyes. Then she was pumping up and down along the full length of my hard cock. I could easily have come then but I used my 'technique' to hold back. (One day maybe I'll tell you what that is).
Up and down she went getting increasingly breathless as she did then in the last few moments she settled back on me and rocked to and fro. That gave her clit that last little bit it needed and she came. 'Oh yes, yes yessss!!' She shouted out and then collapsed on top of me. Her tummy muscles and pussy in a spasm cramping on me again and again...and her cum flowed out.
Eventually, Amanda's breathing slowed to a near normal pace and she said that she had needed that so much. 'What a lovely release and you are so thick P', then she kissed me. Then she realised that I hadn't come and that I was still rock hard and inside her. She rolled off, lay on her back raised her legs high and apart and I nestled in between them, sliding into her dilated pussy with ease.
Amanda lay back, smiled at me and said, 'Give me all you've got'. I did. I fucked her slow at first in and out nice and smoothly, exploring her, teasing her pussy, almost withdrawing then plunging in again all the way to the hilt. Under that bedside light, I could see her face reddening as I went faster. She moaned, she frowned she cried out. 'Yes, yes do it harder. Oh yes, that it, Uh, uh uh'. By now LL I was coming down hard and fat on her. She splayed her legs even further apart and then she came again. That was swiftly followed by my swelling even more inside her followed by my spurting forth in a great release for me.
I stayed inside her while she contacted against me. Her face was really red now and her panting fast. Gradually she calmed, I withdrew, she snuggled up to me and I switched the light out. We both slept well that Friday night, very well. I woke first and just lay there. Amanda's long hair was partially draped over my chest. I stroked it and then waited until she stirred.
A little later I brought her tea in bed, having located everything in her kitchen. She lay there under the duvet with just her head showing watching me place the tea on her bedside table. Then she sat up., leaving her lovely boobs in full view. A very nice good morning I thought. We sat up together drinking our tea and chatting. It was Saturday and I had nothing on, in both sense of the word, until that evening. Amanda didn't have to work so the morning was ours LL.
After we had finished our tea we both borrowed down under the duvet. Amanda burrowed quite a bit further than I did and soon had me on my way to rigidity again. She pushed the duvet off knelt by my side and place her mouth over my cock and started sucking up and down on me. Then while she was still doing this she straddled me so her arse was right over my head and her pussy just above my mouth. Soixante neuf had raised its head, or at least Amanda had raised mine. I licked and flicked she sucked.
She came LL. Still on all fours as she was I wriggled from beneath her pushed her head down gently and entered her from behind and gave her another good fucking. I made her come again, to my surprise. I still had that early morning hard on and I wasn't going to waste it either so I flipped her over She saw my erection and by way of invitation spread her legs high and wide, in a classic 'Y'. I entered her and then we had a slow languorous fuck, talking as we did. That was nice, although I did have to hold myself back.
The urge overcame us both in the end and I sped up coming down on her clit again and again. I could feel myself coming, but Amanda beat me to it accompanied by moans and at the end shrieks. That made me come for sure. I just pumped it into her and she pumped out her cum.
We kissed we cuddled we showered, separately, her shower was too small for two and then we went out for breakfast. I was starving. Nothing like sex to give you an appetite...for food. Amanda drove me to my silver Lexus. I'm sure you recall that, then back to Amanda's to drop her car off and then for a full English breakfast. It was nearly lunchtime by the time we had finished, so we drove back to her place. I made coffee for us both while Amanda went upstairs for something, at least that's what I thought.
She had a small breakfast bar in her kitchen. and she stood against it sipping her coffee. I noticed that her winter panty hose were gone. Then she turned her head lifted her dress to reveal a complete lack of panties and her lovely bare arse on show. She stuck it out toward me. I could see her pussy.
'I know you have to go soon, but once more?' She meant sex. How could I resist. I undid my pants, lowered my underwear, unzipped her dress and her bra, then let my hands encircle her breasts. I had an erection now and I slipped it between her legs LL. She was wet and quite soon with her legs spread she was 'open'. I allowed my cock to go all the way forward as I plowed her furrow, stimulating her clit each and every time. 'God P, that is so nice and so sexy and ohhh! Now, inside me, now please'
She bent forward a little more and I slipped in her pussy was a little tight to begin with but then everything came into play. She became wetter and my thrust became easier and quicker. She moaned, I squeezed her tits, pinched her hard nipples and kept going like a steam engines piston rods. 'Ohhh P, I'm coming.' I went faster and then it all happened at once. She cried out as she came and I grunted as I did the same. Boy, that was good and quite unexpected.
Early that afternoon I left. I had business to attend to. At least that's what I told Amanda. In fact I had another date that keening over near King's Lynn...and that's another matter entirely. If you have read my previous blogs LL, you will know about Denise.
Turned out Amanda liked lots of sex and as my trips to you waned and therefore more than a few of my ladies in Cumbria, Northumbria, Scotland and Yorkshire, you could say Amanda and more than a few others filled the void....and I filled theirs!
Taverham, Norwich 2005
Amanda led to her friend Chloe.
If you recall from Amanda above, I also met Becky and Chloe at the party. I had no interest in Becky, sadly she was rather overweight. I did rather like Chloe though she was tall slim and had a lovely smile. I didn't see at all after the party until one day I was visiting an industrial unit in Taverham regarding replacement windows for one of my renovations, when who should walk out of the office but Chloe.
This would be about a month after the party. In fact, it was the third week of February 2005 and it was one of those clear cold days, sun low in the deep blue sky. I was in a coat and scarf. Chloe was in pants and a body warmer. We said hello to each other. For a moment or two I thought she worked there but she pre-empted that by say what a coincidence that we should met again there of all places. She was in for a window that had broken down. That is the glass double glazed unit had misted, which meant the seal was gone.
Chloe was on her way out, but I clocked the fact she wore no rings on the third finger of her left hand so I asked if she fancied a coffee down the road. To my delight she said yes. I spoke to David about a small change I needed to make to my order and then left with Chloe. We walked the half mile to the coffee shop, chatting along the way. I discovered that Chloe was single and completely unattached. She discovered that I was widowed and equally unattached. It was her day off from her office job in Norwich, so apart from some household chores the day was hers...and mine as it turned out.
I had no visit planned to you that weekend LL. If you recall I spaced them out quite a bit around that time and spaced them out even more when you started chatting with your current man, in March of 2005.
We arrived at the coffee place, ordered coffees and decided we might have some lunch together as well. I remember the windows of the shop were all steamed up, with a warm fuggy atmosphere inside and biting cold outside. We talked through our snack lunch, had a second coffee which we lingered over. During this time Chloe said that she had seen me leave that party several weeks ago around the same time as her friend Amanda and then went on to say that Amanda had told her about Amanda and I and the fantastic sex Amanda had.
Luckily we were at the back of the shop, out of earshot of two elderly couples and two teenagers near the front. iT was then that Chloe said that, as she had told me, she was in a similar position to Amanda, single and unattached. Not only that she had similar needs. At that point the waitress came to clear our stuff and I asked for the check, or rather bill, back then over there. After we left I asked if she wanted those needs fulfilling and satisfying. In answer she took my arm and said yes she did and was I up for it that afternoon.
What do you think I said in answer to that LL?
We walked back quickly to our cars and then I followed Chloe to her place. No teas or coffees just straight up to her bedroom. I remember as we stripped off the sun was pouring into the room. Once Chloe was naked (as I was) she allowed me to take several shots of her, to my surprise, including the one above. I think she would have agreed to anything that afternoon as long as she got laid...and she definitely got laid LL, well and truly.
Unlike Amanda, she was a little less worldly about certain aspects of sex. For one she had never been licked down there and secondly she had never had sex from behind. By the end of that afternoon she had both and loved it. The two things we didn't do were for me to mount he in missionary style or for her to ride me. She did have one rather nice thing she like to do and that was have sex on my lap LL.
Straddled across my legs in a standing position to begin with Chloe slowly lowered herself onto my erection as I guided to its 'docking station' LL. Then Chloe lowered herself onto me. I had my hands on her lithe thighs. She placed her arms around my neck and we kissed as she started rocking on me. I leaned back in her armchair so she could ride me more easily.
To and fro she went. IT was lovely. After our initial kissing she put her hands on my shoulders and leaned back offering up her rather small boos to my mouth. Small but perfectly formed with very responsive nipples. Once more she moaned. She had moaned and whimpered twice before that afternoon when she came and as sure as eggs are eggs she was on her way again. Chloe didn't have to put a massive effort in to have an orgasm, which suited me well, it meant I got to fuck her two or three times before I felt I had to unload my lot.
She came on my lap the third time that afternoon. 'Oooo, ohhh, ohhh, yessss' That is what is on the recording I made at the time, so her coming sounds are pretty accurate apart from her breathlessness and panting. Trouble, if you can call it that, was that I hadn't come and I wanted to. Chloe recognised the fact it was almost staring her in the face, the one eyed rigid fella.
It was then that we did adopt a more traditional positioning. I stood. Chloe lay on the bed, her long legs held up and open. At their apex was a vey pink, wet and welcoming pussy that was crying out for me again.
'Give it everything P, don't worry about satisfying me. You have more than done that already', Chloe said. I did and so I fucked her solely for my own pleasure and satisfaction. But old habits die hard and I felt obliged to pleasure her by going slow to begin with exploring, almost withdrawing, teasing LL. Then I started in earnest, sliding into her again and again, she moaned she whimpered as gradually I approached my peak. I reached down. My left hand squeezing her small breasts, my right...well I touched her clit. I knew it would be sensitive from before.
Chloe nearly shot through the roof, thrusting up with quite some force. I fucked her faster and harder rubbing her clit just as fast, as she writhed beneath me and then I felt myself expand and out it came as I spurted everything into her. As I did, Chloe shrieked out. Not words, not moans, more of a scream. I withdrew and she gushed everywhere. All over me, onto the floor and on herself. I reached down again to her pussy rubbed her again and still it flowed. Then it was all over. Chloe slumped back onto the bed, exhausted.
When she had regained herself a little , she said, ' Oh my God P, that has never happened to me, but it was sooo good.' I joined her on the bed and we kissed and cuddled. Then to my mild surprise Chloe closed her eyes and nodded off with her head on my chest and my arm around her.
Chloe and I didn't meet again until about three weeks later at my place. There were a number of reasons for that. You and a number of other women, plus Chloe was busy with work and visiting her mom. After that three week gap we met with some regularity, just for the sex. There was no intention in establishing anything given our age gap.
Eaton, Norwich
Amanda also led to Louise.
Louise worked with the others in the insurance company LL. I say she entered my life via Amanda but that is only partially correct. Louise worked with Amy, Sara, Claire and Kate. It was from quiet Claire that Louise came to me. In a manner of speaking, Amanda led to Louise but only chronologically in that network of women.
I knew Louise, vaguely. She wasn't one of the thirty five plus women in that department that I had had a lot of contact with, but that was to change and with a vengeance. Louise could best be described as one of the more feisty women in that department. I know her manager and my colleague, had a few problems with her attitude, during my time there. When Claire walked into Auberge with Louise, I was surprised. They couldn't have been more different.
Louise the feisty one and Claire the quiet one. Louise who looked sexy whatever she wore and Claire who most times looked fairly plain at work. Claire spotted me and waved and smiled. This was quite a few months after our first encounter, so for obvious reasons she felt at ease with me LL. They came over to my table and sat down. I was guessing this was a random encounter, but it wasn't.
I said hello to both of them and offered to get them a drink. Then we sat and chatted. Claire seemed less than at ease, so I reassured her by holding her hand under the table. I wasn't sure why and I didn't get the chance to ask, because she had to go back to work shortly thereafter ... apparently. That left me talking with Louise who lived in a part of Norwich called Eaton.
Once again it was a Friday. I had no plans that day, although I had been to my realtor (estate agent) that morning, on business. Hence I was in my usual haunt for lunch. It was probably guess work on Claire's part that I would be there and she was right. I later discovered that she had been persuaded into delivering Louise there, by the latter.
The latter, Louise, didn't beat about the bush. She said now that she was sitting down we me she had a proposition. It was quite simple. She said she wanted to go out for a meal with me and then have me ... at that point she lowered her voice to a whisper ... shag her. I sat there with a straight face. I was going to say yes, but I wanted her to 'sweat' for a little. Louise asked if I didn't want to? I had to hand it to her she had a lot of spunk asking me outright in public if I would sleep with her LL.
What you have to understand is that this 5' 5" blonde woman was really sexy with fairly large boobs and a delightful curvy figure. I guess the one thing she didn't have was long legs. AS I sat there straight-faced making her sweat, I was actually thinking how she might be in bed. Eventually, I broke my silence and asked her where she would like to eat, or should I choose.
We settled on a place on our side of Norwich. Eaton is roughly in the same direction as my old home and we ate at a pub restaurant midway between the two in a small village. We skipped dessert LL that was for when we arrived at my place.
During the meal a few things came out - no, not those! Louise had learned of my , for want of a better word, 'services' from Amy. However she told me that she wasn't going to use her as a means of getting to me, as they were close friends, so a little distance was required. She realised I had not spoken of the others to any of them. I never did, nor do. Instead of Amy, she discovered Claire to quiet one, had been with me and used her to arrange to 'bump' into me.
A rather devious lady who I found out had an off and on partner. That didn't seem to worry her and it didn't worry me either. When we got to my place we had a drink and then went to bed after a brief tour of my abode. I say went to bed but it was more on the bed than anything. Although the photo above was taken a week later that was pretty much the position Louise adopted that evening. There was no need to teach her a thing so that when I went down with my head and tongue between her legs she just accommodated me and said for me to make her come.
The reason I have used the photo above LL is that was pretty much my view before I got to work on that first evening. It was also one I became quite familiar with on other occasions. That included the week before our Cyprus trip and about four days after that trip.
Louise came from that licking. I was quite surprised at how large her clit was too. Very prominent after it was erect. Louise was a screamer too, she just let herself go completely when she came. I allowed her less than a minute after that event before I entered her. She was tight but I rather like a tight pussy as it can be very stimulating for both participants. Once I was in and duly lubricated by her juices I slid to and fro easily. I kept it slow and easy, in and out, in and out, slipping and sliding. Liquid noises from down there.
She had very nice sized breasts that were very firm with her nipples quite prominent sitting atop her boobs. There was no sideways spread just lovely twin mountains of desire - my desire I knew she was proud of them because she said so and they were definitely proud themselves! I caressed them, squeezed them, licked and sucked on her nipples while I continue to thrust. For her part Louise held her legs up and very wide, moaning as she started on her journey to another climax.
The more I thrust and I had upped the pace by then, her moans turned to whimpers, her smile turned to a frown and her face became flushed. Then all of a sudden she came. Her eyes rolled up and she shrieked with pleasure as she came again. Then I felt her contracting against me, That made me harder and I could see she could feel it from what she said and the 'Ohhh' she uttered, followed by, 'God P you are so big inside me, that feels fantastic and you have made me come twice'. I withdrew and briefly watched the involuntary contraction of her pussy and her cum oozing forth. Very sexy for me LL.
Being a forceful personality herself I knew she would appreciate me dictating what happened next. She was up for my suggestion, or rather down. I wanted her from behind and she more than accommodated me on that score. Slipping back inside her was easy this time and I didn't mess around I went fast from the outset and fucked the brains out of her. Slamming into her and against her ass time and time agin until I felt myself coming.
Just before that point however, I had slipped my hand around Louise, located that very prominent clit and rubbed it real fast. Louise barely maintained her position on her knees as she started to come again too. I briefly saw her hands gripping tight to the bed sheet as she continued to receive me. Then we both 'exploded' I came and so did she both at the same time. That was quite a moment. I styed inside her until the last throb and pumping action stopped as her pussy went though it's cramping motion. Boy, that was quite a night LL. When I think how sex was with you, there was no comparison...and I had a much younger body under me.
The following morning I took Louise twice more, or rather I mounted her the fist time and then she mounted me the second, both of us being fully satisfied at the end of of our athletics. Of course, she came back for more and we continued to see each other right through to 2007. She came to both London and Cambridge. I never went to her place because of her 'off and on' partner.
In between, I had Claire over a few weeks after that first two times with Louise and made it up to her in respect of the way Louise had used her to get to me. Claire didn't mind and was happy to share me with Louise as long as I fucked Claire when she needed it. I did. WE shared in another way, about a year later, in mid 2006. That time I had both Claire and Louise in a threesome and managed to satisfy them both. Claire and Louise became best buddies after that.
Here's a little diagram showing how one led to the other. My 'insurance network' as I called it LL:
London 2008
A jump ahead in time from the above LL. This woman is another Sarah who I met at a party in one of the Docklands apartments near where my place was. She slept with me that night and we had an occasional sexual relationship all of that year and into the next, 2009. She was a lovely lay and that reflected image in the photo was one I was quite familiar with. The photo is a selfie of course LL.
California 2016
Selina is a lady who is very proud of her body LL and with good reason as I am sure you will agree. This shot is part of a very private shoot I undertook for her nearly five years ago.
As I said, she proud of her body,but she wasn't too proud not to share it. High charged sexually, she liked older men and there are plenty of those with money in the LA metropolitan area, including me. She oved this shot by the way LL. I rather like her too. Given my age and hers we are an unlikely match, but match we do, at least sexually. There's no way I'm complaining and she definitely doesn't. Can't wait to get back to California!
By the way she is now married but her appetite ranges beyond that ...
From LA to Essex, quite a culture change and from 2016 to 2005, late November, after you had gone (thank goodness!).
Her name was Abby and that was it, not short for anything, just Abby. We chatted online LL from about October 2005 until we met up at her place in Braintree. Of course you were unaware that I was having my Cambridge place built although at that stage I had only bought the land. The day before I met Abby I stayed over in Cambridge with a female friend near Shelford. Then the following day I drove down the M11 turned off at the Stansted turn, as used to do to pick you up, and took the A120 to Braintree.
I wasn't sure what was to become of our meet but Abby had been quite saucy and quite detailed in what she liked to do and what she would like me to do. You would be surprised LL, or maybe not, at how most women liked to talk about their needs, sexual fantasies etc to someone they had yet to meet. Mind you that was nearly always preceded by chat about ourselves, family or lack of, interests beyond the bedroom etc. That was the case with Abby, although to be honest there wasn't much intellectual depth to her. She made up for that physically, that's for sure! And, she had the body to live up to it LL.
She liked sex, lots of it. The first time I stayed a weekend with her we must have been at it like rabbits. Eight times I have noted in my records. Every way too. On top, her on top, from behind, her on my lap facing me, her on my lap facing away, standing up against a wall and spooning on our sides in bed...fully connected. Boy could she come too, again and again. Just for the record, the photo above was taken the fourth time we got together. Just after I got back from you on my very last trip to pick up the ring. By the way I never did get rid of it, despite what I told you. It's here in New Hampshire in my office drawer
Spain 2009
This shot was offered to me by Gina (Georgina) when she spent a vacation with me at my place in the hills behind Denia. Gina was from Norfolk, just outside Norwich. I had known her then for four years. yes, you and her did overlap along with many others.
She loved spending time at my villa over there because she could sunbathe nude and get an all over natural tan, as you can see. She wasn't the first to do so there either. It wasn't only the photo she offered up her pusssy was wanting some attention that afternoon and it got plenty in the cool of the bedroom, three times and then later once in the shower. 9/10 for her sexual prowess against your 4/10 LL.
Barely on
Ready again
The three shots above were taken in Greece, not on Skyros where my home is but on the mainland on a remote beach. The lady's name is Cathy and she was another of my vacation companions...and lover. What a lover she was too LL on that vacation.
The year is 2016.
She couldn't get enough of Morning noon and night. All nicely spaced out giving me time to recharge my sperm bank. I'm highly sexed too, so it was no 'chore' to make love to Cathy ...and I have kept very fit over the years LL. We met in London and a social gathering. She is a little older than she looks. Then she was, I think, thirty five, lived on her own and was lonely. Pretty much all her friends were married and so when it came to vacations she generally traveled alone, until we met. Then she became my occasional companion, with benefits, of course although it didn't start like that.
We took one vacation together in Croatia - twin beds. By the end of that week I had changed the room for a double.
Back to Greece, and that vacation followed about eight months later. Cathy had a little fantasy, like the cocktail, she wanted sex on the beach, so we explored the coast for a couple days seeking out a suitable spot. Almost at the end of daylight hours on the second day we found the spot that features in the photos above.
On the third day...
Cathy removed the top half of her bikini, then the bottom half, posed for lots of nude shots and then we made love on the beautifully warm sand. First with me on top and then from behind...there's a gap between the fourth and fifth photos. Fantasy fulfilled for Cathy and both of us fulfilled sexually. We weren't going to push our luck to far so we cleaned up in the sea and put our swimmers back on, before gradually climbing back up to where we had left my car. I had the pleasure of following Cathy's lovely ass all the way up.
Happy days LL...and I have had loads of them.
Paris 2014
Selfie from Rebecca sent to me in Naples Florida. Nice to be reminded of places I have explored extensively.
Very early on after your revelation in Florida LL, I made contact with Frances, who appears above. The Internet prove to be a god send after you pulled the rug from beneath my feet with your deceit. I was talking with more women that you might imagine. Of course at the time you were working, but not all the women I chatted to were.
Frances was one of those that didn't work i the nine to five sense. She worked but was her own boss and so we spent a fair bit of time talking during the daytime Come June of that year I had the good fortune to meet this lady at her place of work and her home at Barnard Castle. Frances was single and worked alone. I am not going to say what at as that may lead to her being identified.
We had gotten on well on the internet and phone and as I drove over there from your place one Monday morning in June 200 I wondered what Frances would be like. It wasn't going to be a deep lasting relationship, for two reasons. The first was I still held out hope that you would come through LL - you didn't of course. Second, was the distance between where she lived and where I lived., but I was to be surprised LL. It lasted from 2004 right through to almost the present day.
The reason for that was a little something called love. Frances fell in love with me and I guess I fell for her a fair bit too. The photo above, although taken in a hurry for reasons I am sure you'll figure out, is one of my favorites. Yes, I have had lots of other women but a certain few have stuck with me far more closely than others. Frances is one, Drew is another, along with Trisha, Charlie and Chiara. I'm with the latter right now, here in Milan. There is one person that didn't make that rather exclusive, but not exhaustive, list - you! Now, I wonder why.
I'm not going into any more intimate detail regarding Frances. Although she had her business in Barnard Castle back then she sold around the World. Eventually, she moved to London which makes life a lot easier for both of us. She respected my marriage to Ash and was saddened when Ash passed, now we see each other more than we ever did. Frances is now forty eight and looks as good as she ever did.
Norwich 2005
Lawyers, or in this case solicitors - can't live with them and can't live without them, especially in my businesses LL.
However, this shot of Helena goes way back to 2005.She worked for one of three firms of solicitors I used in Norwich back then. One firm I used for personal stuff, the other for any litigation I needed to start and the third for my businesses. She worked for the latter and back then in a junior role. Due to my frequent visits, we got to know each other quite well and of course she was privy to most of the extent of my wealth, but not my overseas holdings and investments. I knew many of the others at these firms of course and in two instances they are yet to be touched upon.
Bespectacled Helena, with her large glasses, looked every bit the junior solicitor she was. On my visits to the firms offices she was always dressed in a white blouse and business suit in black or navy blue comprising a jacket and shirt. Despite that I had noticed she had a pretty trim figure beneath that formal business attire LL. Helena was quite friendly along with being very businesslike in her office.
Then we met, purely by chance, in Ottakars bookshop, now a Waterstones, I believe. found Helena standing next to me browsing the new releases, as I was. Whether she had sidled up on purpose, at that point, I didn't know. She turned and said hello. Those large specs and her hazel eyes fixed on mine. I said hello back and we started to talking. Helena said that it was nice to be able to talk without being at work, which surprised me a little. Just across from the bookshop was a small pub called Walnut Tree Shades, odd name, but that was or maybe still is the name. She suggested a quick dink there as she wanted to talk. I agreed.
I ordered her a soft drink and a beer for myself. Then we sat side by side on a bench seat facing out into the pub. Helena told me she lived on her own and had few friends in Norwich due to her working hours. There was a film she wanted to see - Pride and Prejudice' with Keira Knightley - and wondered if I would go with her. It wasn't a film I would have gone to see on my own, although I had read the book many moons ago. However, I agreed. Helena went back to work, giving me a fleeting kiss as she went...and it was on my lips LL
It was Friday. I booked the 6.15 pm performance LL - note how detailed my records are - and I picked Helena up outside the Maids Head Hotel, near the cathedral gate. We drove to the cinema at the Riverside complex. During the film, which we both enjoyed, she slipped her hand in mine then later lay it on my left leg, gradually moving it upward, but stopping short of my crotch...thank goodness. It wasn't that dark in there.
Afterward we left the car in the multi storey parking garage (sorry been in the States too long now - car park) we then walked up Prince of Wales Road to get something to eat. Back then there was a very nice Chinese restaurant and we found a table in there even though it was heading for 9.00 pm. After the meal Helena took my arm and we walked back down the road along by the river and picked up my car. We hadn't discussed the end of the evening but I knew where it was heading.
Helena sat in the car as I started it and she said that she had enjoyed a lovely evening. The next thing she uttered didn't surprise me at all.
'It would be perfect if you slept with me tonight', she said.
I asked where she lived exactly and we drove off.
As I said before LL, women just seemed to fall into my lap with little or no effort on my part. That holds good now, too. I will tell you in my next blog of an instance only a week or so ago in New Hampshire.
Helena used the bathroom and then went to bed while I also used her en suite. When I came out, she had turned all the lights out and asked me not to turn them on. I undressed in the dark leaving my clothes in a heap on the floor and climbed into bed alongside her. We explored each other in the dark Ll and then we made love, just the once...until the following morning. I arose before Helena did a bit of exploring in her kitchen and managed to rustle up tea for two.
Rested and in the daylight, what I had explored the night before was on full show to me and it was a very pleasing sight. My fella thought so because he stood to attention almost immediately. Helena had skin like silk, she was moderately tanned all over - no white bits and had lovely dark areola around her nipples. Her breasts were perfect. We made love twice. This time longer, slower the first time then the second we hammered each other. Helena came twice and I shot my lot the second time.
The photo above was taken after she had showered and before she was fully dressed obviously! I treasure that one and several others I have. I say several when it fact it is lots, LL. We made love again after lunch and then when we returned that evening and went to bed, twice more I was inside her. She was as horny as I was and we made the most of the whole weekend. I think it was eight times in two and half days. She rated me the best she had ever had, which I took as a great compliment.
Things didn't end there LL, that was just the beginning of a long occasional relationship. We met midweek and on those weekends I wasn't otherwise engaged with other women, you included. She along with quite a few others, lasted far longer than you did. Helena is now a barrister based in London, married, but ... she still likes to 'dabble' ad I don't mind at all.

Oregon 2007
South of Cannon Beach, is the best I can give as a location. Julia is a lady I have known off and on ever since we first met in 2007. After I bought my home in Lake Oswego, she came round one day and rang my bell. Like most Americans she was being neighborly and had bought me a small welcoming gift - an apple pie. Nothing more American than that.
As time went on she would invite me over for dinner and I would reciprocate. She was single, I was single. The inevitable happened and I had the pleasure of sleeping with her quite regularly LL. Slim, a good deal younger than me with a lithe firm body. I wasn't going to say no and she certainly rang my bell.
Her work took her to the San Francisco area in 2009 and we didn't have he pleasure of each other's bodies again until 2017 - eight years later. Still slim, still inordinately sexy we 're-connected' in my home in San Francisco.
West Indies 2016
On vacation with this lady from California. I sent the crew below deck so that we could take these and other shots. When is a blonde not a blonde!
Long legs, long hair and superb breasts. Need I say more. Oh, and no name this time.
Bavaria, Germany 2016
Bedded in a partially converted outbuilding on a farm in Bavaria. She loved posing for the camera which is how I got this shot among others. Gisela was the daughter of a much older woman who I knew through business connections. Gisela somehow got hold of my email and number and to cut a long story short took me to a cousin's farm. She stayed in the main house with them. I roughed it, in a manner of speaking, in the outbuilding. I didn't mind because I knew what Gisela had planned over the three days we were there before returning to Augsburg.
She was to baby sit the house while her cousin and his wife visited a festival in Munich for several days. That left us free to have some fun and the main fun Gisela was interested in took place in, on or over a bed. We did all three and some standing stuff.
As far as I could we made arrangements to meet up and fuck each other about twice a year as my business trips allowed. She was/is a good lay LL and loves me staying inside her afterward. Something most women like...apart from you.
Studio shot for Agneta
Jenny, my pool in Norfolk July 2004. Food for thought don't you think LL. Jen had no swimsuit, not that that mattered, but I did lend her a shirt to leave the house in until she got in the pool. Thing is she didn't take it off until she was in there!
I managed to get this great shot of her and her breasts in both black and white and color. I was well acquainted with that beauty spot on her left breast as well as the whole of the rest of her. Quite a constant companion really, given she lived less than half a mile from my old house in Norfolk. AS to sex, that was both regular and very good. If I could give a greater score than 10/10 I would, but that is mathematically impossible. The number of times she would come was quite excessive sometimes three times while I was inside her and then again when we switched positions.
My sex life took off like a jet fighter once you had cheated on me LL, and ... I have barely looked back since.
Washington DC 2017
From time to time, my business and State politics take me to DC. That doesn't mean I'm a politician LL but I doo need to see the Senators and Representatives from various States in which we operate from time to time. If you think about it you will know why.
Most if not all the senators and reps have wives, some also have lovers. Some wives are left to do their own thing inside the Beltway and DC is not NYC when it comes to shopping. Cue bored wives, cheated wives and sexually hungry wives, which is exactly what Laurie (name changed) above was when I met her during that trip.
The photo depicts my hotel suite (our hotel group by the way) and the gorgeous Laurie ready to receive me from behind. She told me she got more sexual satisfaction from me in a day and a night than she did from her husband in six months. I was happy to oblige LL. Gorgeous hair. gorgeous breasts and a very accommodating pussy meant we were both fully satisfied. It was purely an arrangement, nothing more and it still is when our paths cross. I got to her via several others. It's that networking again.
Los Angeles 2018
Studio shot plus a side benefit. I would say that over the years about 15-20% of my lovers have been black women and the lady above (no name) was part of that percentage. Slim, long legged and in possession of a pair of very nice boobs LL, when she came onto me after the photo session, I wasn't going to refuse and so I didn't The pink of her entrance really stood out from her skin color and she was one hell of a lay. Black ladies (and Indian ones) usually are.

Czech Republic 2017
Revisiting an old friend, the lady above, and on my knees ready to pray/prey to/on her. Now in her forties when I took this shot near Pilsen, Lenka was very pleased to see me. I had no business to attend to there, but I had flown over regarding business in Germany. Driving east a bit to see this lovely lady who I first me in 2008 seemed worth it. I am loyal to all my women LL, unlike you with your men.
Three guesses as to what I did after putting the camera aside. Given that her 'petals' were open it seemed the only way to go and that's where I went. Head down, tongue out and after applying myself to the requisite areas, I achieved the desired result...for Lenka.
Naturally, I followed through all the way ..twice.
Lenka had married and divorced since I last saw her in 2008. I keep in contact with all my ladies and they are quite numerous. No, scratch that. They are very numerous and they keep in touch with me. There is only one omission and that's you LL. Even Carole is still in touch. The lady you were jealous of.
Puerto Banus 2009
My delightful little friend who loved to shre some time with me when I visited Banus. Sexy woman with a penchant for sex from behind and in the bath or shower. The above photo was an enticement to take her in that tub. I did.
You have seen her several times before so I won't expand on things here again. I did 'expand' for her though and she loved it ... inside her.
Have a nice day ma'am
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