For LL in the UK
It was actually more in each and every case LL. Not just bed and breakfast but an 'evening meal' too, LL.
It all started with you playing away and letting slip you were, in March 2004, of course. I have always worked to two adages. One, anything I threw myself into, I must always have a plan to get out of. That applied to you from my viewpoint. The second adage is - plan for the worst and hope for the best. Both have served me well.
My mother always said that I was a case of still waters running deep. She was right, naturally, as I have always been a thinker and an immaculate planner.
The item that appears immediately below encapsulates you perfectly LL. That is the person I recall you as. Not the one I almost fell in love with and was extremely fond of.
Kim, Denise, Debbie, Helen, Karen, Sue, Julie, Laura, Sarah, Jane, Emma, Claire. The first dozen ladies that entered my life and much more quickly than I or you could have imagined. I have written about them before so won't expand on them here. Just two months encompassed all twelve of them. Some shots of some of them appear below. Claire was the final one who fitted into a period ending on the last day of May 2004...and I fitted into all of them LL! Very snugly and to our mutual satisfactions, of which there were more than a few.
Cramming all that into weekdays was a challenge in those early days, but I became adept at managing them all, very quickly. To say I enjoyed it would be an understatement.
None of it need have happened if you had been true and faithful, but like so many things in your life you were the architect of your own loss, as far as I was concerned. As you are more than aware now, I went onto far better things, a far better second wife and a lifestyle you can still only dream of, leaving you far behind LL in every sense of that phrase.

Norfolk 2004
Valencia, Spain 2008
Nice, France 2007
Near Perpignan, France 2009
London 2006
Ruth the wife of a member of the landed gentry you could say, living in a very old house that had partly passed down his family. He was frequently away on business and following his profession (obviously!). I had known both of them since about 1994.
Ruth became known to me and only me as 'Randy Ruth'. Once she found out one of my middle names I was known to her as 'Randy Andy'. We were a matched pair LL. Both highly sexed and both enjoying lovemaking lots. The photo above was just after I had taken her in that dining chair. Her legs had been, at various times, supported by me, supported by her and supported by the chair. Wonderful boobs and a great fuck. My words and hers.
He never found out and we were at it for nearly four years off and on, mainly on if the truth be known. Note her wedding ring.
I guess you would classify that occasion as an appetiser prior dinner. If her guests that evening had only known!

Spain 2006
I took this shot at the home of Inez. She had been the lady at the realtors who helped me find my home in Denia. Not the shithole you decided upon, of course. I will thank you for that little investment though,I cleared thirty grand profit from that in pounds sterling As one of your supermarkets says, every little helps.
The shot was taken just inside her home by the patio windows. The rest of what happened afterward, I am sure you can imagine. Women like Inez, married, single, divorced, separated seemed to fall into my lap (sometimes literally) with a frequency even I was surprised at, but I always managed to 'keep my end up'!
Norfolk 2004
Claire, as I said earlier was the last in that period from April and May 2004 LL, but she wasn't and hasn't been the 'last' by a long, long way. I couldn't believe my luck when I met her in Norwich and then later when she wanted me to take her to bed. She was recently separated and I knew her when she worked with another bank in the City. A convergence of circumstances founded on a sporadic friendship, entirely platonic, going back a few years.
Platonic it wasn't after we met up for coffee that first time. She invited me to her place and I guess she had been without, for sometime as we ended up in her bed within an hour of arriving in her home. WE shagged each others brains out that afternoon. I was quite rampant if truth be known and she was sexually insatiable. The photo was taken somewhere else at her sister's home while she was on holiday. Claire was on duty to look after it while she and the sister's husband were away. Another fucking station is what we called it. From there and her home we had a number of assignations at my place, in the country and in enjoying each other's bodies in a variety of places in my house.
Great body, very accommodating pussy and nice boobs.
Norfolk 2004
Laura, came to me out of the blue in a manner of speaking.
She had been one of the nurses at the N & N Hospital when my late wife was receiving treatment. I knew her then only as a nurse and also at a very difficult time.
The next time I saw her I was visiting my wife's grave. I was sitting there in early May thinking how much my late wife would have enjoyed the serenity of a still, sunny, May day. I was vaguely conscious of several people in the cemetery, one closer than the rest who was placing some flowers on a grave. Beyond that, I took no notice being lost in my own thoughts and memories LL.
Then the lady rose from the grave and walked in my direction and stopped a few feet short of where I was sitting. She said hello and I said hello. I didn't recognize her, but she recognized me. Laura explained where we had met and I then realised that I had seen her before after all. On the day in question she was wearing a coat LL but beneath it was a blue nurses uniform. She sat down beside me and looked at the memorial to my wife and just said she was sorry and placed her hand on mine.
I hadn't said much up until then, but I then asked her who she was paying her respects to. Turned out it was her grandma. Her hand was still on mine and we talked a little more then walked back down the path to where my car was parked. Laura told me she had just come off duty and visited her grandma's grave on her way home. She told me where it was and I offered her a lift then on second thoughts, I offered her a coffee together in the City. Laura was a nice woman and from what little I had learned of her thoughtful and compassionate.
To my surprise she accepted my offer and we drove into the City. Then Laura decided to buy a few things as we were there, so we headed for M & S. After that coffee called and as the morning was getting on, I offered her lunch with me. I guess we were both warming to each other by then LL. We didn't stop talking over our light lunch.
Eventually, it was time to go. Laura said she needed to shower and then rest so I carried her shopping back to the car, she got in and directed me to where she lived. We arrived, I got out, fetched her groceries from the trunk and carried them to her front door. I was about to say something when she offered me tea or coffee and invited me in.
As she made tea we talked some more and surprisingly had a few laughs together, as she told me some tales from the hospital. I drank my tea and she drank hers. I was offered a second cup but declined. Laura said she was going to showered then go to bed. I got up ready to go, when she asked....
'Would you like to join me?'
I had noticed to some extent that she had a fair figure under her uniform and given an invitation like that I didn't refuse and we both headed upstairs to her bedroom and stripped off. Shower first was her wish and I told her to go first. We were both in our underwear by then. The invitation she told me was not just to go to bed with her but also shower together so we 'could get to know each other'.
We certainly did that LL and while we were, I didn't give you a second thought.
Laura's skin was so very soft and smooth and covered in shower lotion quite erotic. She covered me in the lotion too including to her (and me!) one of the most important parts of my anatomy that was, due to her, fully extended I equally, explored her to the point she started on a few oh's, but we saved that. Out of the shower each toweling ourselves off and then from the bathroom to the bedroom. Laura no longer had any lingering smell of the hospital. She smelt lovely.
Making love to her that afternoon LL fondling those breasts and entering her pussy after giving it enough attention with my tongue for her to climax, was heaven. She loved what I did for her too. She asked me to stay in bed with her until she fell asleep. I did, then slipped away, leaving my phone number and email if she wanted to follow up. She did and the more I saw her, maybe once a week depending on her shifts the more we were at ease with each other. That enabled me to take some quite intimate photos of her, like the one above taken in June 2004.
I said at the beginning that she came to me out of the blue and she did in the cemetery, but also on another occasion wearing her blue uniform and wearing nothing beneath it I took her when she arrived home one day (I had a key - I had a lot of keys in fact, to different women's homes). She told me she had removed her undies in a text before she arrived. I took her from behind just pulling her uniform up to her waist and taking her while she held onto the kitchen counter Hence she came....out of the blue (uniform).
Norfolk 2004
Jane worked at a builders merchants, near my home in Norfolk. She lived in a nearby village and was thirty one when we started in on a relationship. She instituted it, rather than me.
On the occasion in question, I had ordered some gravel for the forecourt at my home by calling in there to place the order. That was all fine and I left and went home. I had spet some time chatting away with jane at the builders place as it was quiet and late afternoon with no sign of any other customers. There were a few other staff around in the yard and that was about it.
We were so busy chatting that I had forgotten the invoice.
Next thing I know is that I hear the door bell at my house. I was in the garden so pop through the car port to see who it is. I made Jane jump as she expected me to answer the door. She handed me the invoice which I had forgotten and I invited her through to the patio to see the rest of the grounds, as she had asked before on a separate occasion.
She was on her way home from work and her Fiesta was parked out front. I offered her a drink, she accepted and we sat outside for a short while, then she had to go LL. You may recall I had a bench seat just outside the day room. That is where we sat. Each time I turned to talk to her I was viewing her mainly in profile apart from her face which turned toward me. Between that and her waist the profile was very, shall we say, 'upfront'.
After Jane, or Janie as she asked me to call her, had gone, I thought to myself that the interlude was rather pleasant and she was only the fourth woman I had really spoken to on my home territory, apart from you. Then I banished any further thoughts in that direction and went inside to cook my evening meal.
Two days later I Janie rang on the Thursday of that week and said how much she had enjoyed chatting with me and would I mind if I was free if she called in for coffee later around half ten to eleven. I told her to come. I had that big Braun machine back then and so I prepped a few things ahead of her visit. From the kitchen window I watched her arrive and beckoned her to come in by the kitchen door. She hadn't been inside the house at all so I told her to wander around while I made coffee.
We took it outside, talked and drank. Half way through LL it started to rain so back inside we went. I hadn't invited her to see upstairs but Janie asked anyway so I followed her up the stairs and started by heading to my bedroom. All along the way I have to say I first watched her ass on the stairs going up and then her hips and legs along the landing. She wore no pantie hose but I could see she was wearing panties.
I had no intention of seeking to get laid that morning, but Janie did and she made it known as soon as we were in my bedroom. First she went to the north window, the one that looked out toward the church and then to the dormer window that looked down the drive.
As she looked out of that window, she took first one strap of her dress off her shoulder and then the other. By the time I had walked a little closer her dress was around her waist and her breasts were in full view - no bra. I watched wriggle out of the rest of the dress and then took my own top off, followed by my pants and underwear. By the time I had finished I was watching Janie removing her panties from around her ankles.
Neither of us had said a word the whole time, just watched and looked at each other. Next thing was she was in my arms LL. Her breasts hard against me , her lips pressed on mine and her hand guiding my erect cock between her legs. Warm and wet - her lips, mouth and pussy.
I caressed her, my hands wandering down to her lovely curvy buttocks as we slowly moved away from the window to the bed. We spent that morning, what was left of it LL, making love, cuddling and caressing until we were both hungry and thirsty. We went out to lunch at the Canary and Linnet - the pub I took you to a couple of times.
Janie was an excellent lay. Enthusiastic, athletic and a real multiple orgasm girl. After you, I think she was the next one to ask me where I 'learned to make love like that!' I also introduced her to the pleasures of having my tongue work her clit to the point that she came. To be honest I was surprised she hadn't had that experience previously.
I never asked why she wanted to go to bed with me. She just did and we never discussed it afterward. Interesting because she would often, and I mean often, call in on me on the way home for a 'quickie' and not always in bed. WE carried on all through the next four year to 2008. The last two and a half I would go to her from Cambridge or London and occasional she would come to me ....and keep cumming!
Naples, Italy 2007
I have no idea who these two women were but I was out really early one morning in Naples to catch the sun on the older buildings for an exhibition I was planning when I came across them. They were larking about on the scooter you see in the photo.
I think they had been out all night and were on their way home. They went topless when they saw my camera and said (in Italian) that I could take their photo. So I did. This just one of several I took and they posed for. LL.
Los Angeles 2008
Another 'shot in the dark' so to speak, taken in LA. I think she said her name was Ella. She was buying a magazine and I was getting the LA Times. She just invited me to take her photo, so I did. I gave her my card. She emailed me and I sent her a copy of the above shot. End of story.
Cambridge 2004
Helen. One of those first dozen in April and May 2004 LL. So many more since. You've had plenty to think about since I started my blogs, I bet. Especially all those in 2004 and 2005. As I have said before, you only had yourself to blame. Did you really think I was naive or stupid enough to just leave things as they were following your admission.
Helen was thirty. Don't ask me how I attracted such younger women, because certainly then, I didn't know although I have a fair idea now. She came to me via a mutual friend in Norwich, a female friend that is and one I haven’t mentioned above in the list of twelve because she the friend was the only one who fell into March of that year and was the very first alongside you LL, after my late wife’s death.
As you know I was a regular at a certain restaurant in one of the Norwich malls. The friend I mention used to serve me and we became friendly through 2003 and into 2004. Nothing more than that until March 2004 when you and I returned from Florida to the UK. My friend, Sarah and I decided to go see a movie together. She invited me back to her place for a drink afterwards and I didn't leave until the following morning. Hence she became my first after you.
Through Sarah I met Helen the following month.Once again I was in that restaurant at lunchtime. Sarah served me with coffee and took my food order. It was busy. Next thing is that she introduces me to Helen mainly because there are no spare tables. Sarah explained that Helen was a friend. A fairly well endowed one I noticed, from the outset. Helen said she hoped I didn’t mind sharing my table. I told her of course not and after all it was designed for two.
She laced after that little exchange. I put my paper aside and asked her what she worked at. I thought her answer was hilarious, although I didn’t show the fact. She told me she worked for exactly the same Government department you did LL. I remember I kept watching her lips as she spoke while we chatted through my meal and her snack. Then the time came when she had to return to work. I stood and siad bye to her and then sipped the rest of my coffee and left a few minutes later. When I reached the ground floor and the bottom of the escalator there was Helen. I asked if she was going to be late getting back to work.
What she said next surprised me a little, especially back then LL. Helen was thirty two and I was over twenty years older... and she asked me if I would take her to the cinema sometime. She had a partner that she had parted from some six months previously, she explained to me so 'we' wouldn't be 'treading on anyone's toes'. Helen had a film in mind and we agreed to a late afternoon showing. She finished at four, she told me.
I asked if she would like to eat afterwards and she said yes. Those weekdays when I wasn't trundling north to see you were fairly empty until you strayed. That lit a fire under me and I vowed to myself not to be messed around. Then having adopted a more outward looking persona, women fell into my lap. Thirteen between the end of March and the end of May 2004 and that was only the start, although I didn't know it at the time.
I let Helen choose the film. After all it was because she didn't want to go to the cinema on her own that she had asked me - at least that's what I though and also my being a friend of Sarah's. As far as I knew, she didn't know Sarah and I had slept together. Helen enjoyed the movie and afterward LL, we went to an upscale Chinese restaurant for our meal. By 9.30 that evening we had finished. We had both enjoyed each other's company and I offered to get a cab (and pay for it, of course) to get Helen home safely.
By way of an answer she stepped right up and kissed me. Come back for a coffee or a drink or whatever, she said to me LL. I had laid off the alcohol over the meal so we walked to the multi storey and I drove her home. The photo above was taken by me the following morning and yes her boobs were natural and the way the sit on her is natural too. They were very firm and a delight to handle as we screwed each other. Even writing this I can visualise her sitting astride me pumping up and down ...and that is after all these years and all the women since.
I like Helen a lot and she liked me, but given the age difference we were just good friends for over three years and sexual partners throughout. Funny thing is , like the others as well, you had no idea that when I was fucking you a night or maybe two before I had been shagging another or other women. If there was any revenge in the equation I reckon I had it then. I also had you and all the others. A win win situation for me LL. Never would have happened if you hadn't strayed.
London Studio 2019
Sarah - a different Sarah
Italy 2008
Gabriella in Naples, Italy.
Suffolk 2004
Emma, lived in Long Melford and was married - only my second married woman, LL. (also my first encounter with hold ups!) Thee first was Julie - see below.
She was one of the women you suspected me of chatting to on line and you would have been right. I didn't instigate the chat though, Emma did and we swiftly moved off 'our' site to what was then MSN Messenger and phone calls.
She was lonely LL, married just eighteen months previously and left in the large old marital home in Long Melford that her husband had inherited. In her early thirties she craved company and socialising...and I discovered to my delight and hers, some 'fun'. The sort that takes place mainly but not exclusively, in the bedroom.
Emma had to be careful of course so we met in a variety of places to begin with, like Bury St Edmunds,, Sudbury, Lavenham and Stowmarket. Later we stretched that to Ipswich, Cambridge and London, especially in 2006 when I had acquired my apartment in the latter. That didn't exclude my home in Norfolk either, which she felt quite safe in. Miles away from anyone that knew her.
Her husband worked away a lot, overseas mainly. She felt like the trophy wife, to be wheeled out when it suited her husband's purposes. The marriage didn't last LL. Just over two years after the wedding they separated. Emma told me during our long early conversations that I made her feel like a person in her own right. The exact opposite to how her husband made her feel.
I had what was for me then, a busy life juggling several women at the same time, keeping them all happy and …servicing each and every one of them. By the time I met Emma, I had seven in tow - eight with you. I was enjoying myself and I did my best to ensure each and everyone of the ladies enjoyed themselves. I soon got myself organised and things became quite slick and easy for me to manage. Come June of that year, I think, I had added a number of stopovers on my trips to and from you LL.
Emma and I couldn't meet regularly, only when her husband was away, which left me free the rest of the time. When we did meet, to begin with we just went out together, meals, theatre, walks etc. No sex then. That came a little later.
However by the last week of May she asked me to take her to bed and what emerged the other side of that first encounter was one supremely satisfied woman, so much so that four hours later she was up for more LL... or rather down. She was a hungry woman back then and her sexual hunger didn't abate all the time I knew her. Whether that was her or me or both of us, I never figured out, but then I didn't want to. We enjoyed a nice relationship, some great sex and we both had healthy appetites in that regard.
The photo above was taken in August 2004 at her home.
Cambridge 2004
Julie was another married woman, another somewhat unhappy one who instigated chat with me on the site you and I used LL.
I wasn't sure in the first chats that took place in the first week of April that year, what her motivation was, but I slowly drew it out of her as I did with you regarding your children. Her husband of four years had a mental problem, possibly a manic depressive mixed in with something else. He rarely left the house. There's a whole story behind how she came to marry him, but that's not for here.
The fact that became apparent very quickly was that she was sexually starved. Not the first or last woman I came across in that situation LL, I can tell you. Julie lived in Great Yarmouth and our first sexual foray was at my house LL. Bit like you on that first occasion, I met her down the street in my car, she jumped in and off I drove. Julie just said for me to just take her to my home. No coffees, no lunches on the way.
One hour and forty five miles later we arrived in the late morning, one day after my birthday. I showed Julie around and I made coffee. Having drunk that she wanted to see upstairs. By the time we reached my bedroom she was all over me LL. Kissing hugging me, feeling my crotch which was hardening rapidly, while she started to undress. We parted, that is we stopped the hugging and kissing and stripped off. Julie was on the bed just as I finished disrobing.
She lay there with her boobs looking pretty dam good to me and her overall figure. I hadn't touched her naked body at that point but boy was I erect, rigid in fact. Julie opened her legs and held them up and apart. I didn't ask her what she liked or wanted. I just got on with it, by bury my head between her legs and licking and licking until she was wide open. Then I was flicking and flicking and she was moaning and moaning. Shortly afterward she came. 'Oh, oh oh....', she uttered. I felt her warm thighs on my ears and head as she clamped her legs together, or at least as far as they would go with my head wedged between them.
Then I knelt up between those thighs as Julie came down from her climax. I made myself useful by fondling her breasts, that lovely pair you see above. Not heading south like yours but quite firm and really responsive. When I leaned over her to suck each of them, she grabbed my cock and steered it inside her and we were away. me thrusting and Julie bucking toward me, she was that hungry for sex. Not laying there semi passively but being quite active.
I can recall her face to this day (with the help of my notes). First of all she gasped when I plunged into her then she smiled as I fucked her slowly say, things like 'Mmm, that's nice, very nice'. Her face went from smiles to frowns when I upped the pace then back to smiles when I slowed again. She loved it when I rotated inside her LL. The next stage was the precursor to the last stage. During this episode she opened her mouth wide, closed her eyes and moaned. Occasionally looking down at me thrusting into her, before closing her eyes again.
Finally, Julie went into what I can only describe as 'desperate mode', LL. Bucking up against me as much as I came down on her. Her words were 'Oh yes, yes please, Oh please, yessss!' and then she screamed out and came. I withdrew as she lost control of her legs and her thighs, her buttocks quivered and then she started to calm. 'That was so lovely P', she said to me. Seems I did something right, wouldn't you say LL.
Having regained her breath and some composure, she realised I was still erect. Pretty obvious as I was laying on my back beside her. She straddled me, lowered herself down onto my erection, made herself comfortable and started 'riding'. I rarely come in this position, but all the women have and Julia was no exception Carole loved that position incidentally.
She used me to rub her clit and I used her boobs to help get her there and keep myself fully expanded inside her. Once or twice she lowered herself down and offered me each of her tits so I could suck on them and nibble her nipples. That was lovely for me. For her when she was upright for what you might call 'the final push' it did what it was supposed to do for her being in that position. All that rubbing to and fro and the sensation of my cock inside her, made her come again. This time she exuded a fair amount of come totally soaking my cock and my pubic hair. Then she collapsed on top of me with me stil inside her.
As she quivered through her orgasm I continued to thrust, caress her back and her lovely ass. Finally I rolled her off turned her over, grabbed her hips and pulled gently into a kneeling position near the end of the bed and entered her from behind. This time it was her turn to do very little as I fucked her fast and furiously. My turn to come and I did in a mighty spurt that I felt all the way from its start to when it was sprayed inside Julia.
We were both satisfied.
After that introduction to each other, our meets all took place at my home and things developed sexually and not just in the bedroom. The photo was taken in a hotel room in Cambridge. I took Julia away for a couple of nights LL. This was her choice - officially she was on a course (she was a teacher).
We carried on, in both senses of the word, for a year when she was able to get away. In fact I recall one occasion when I left her in my bed and left to travel to you. Neither of you knew of course. My excuse to Julia was 'business'.
Keswick 2004
Sue who I met a little earlier in that May of 2004 was someone I had chatted to online from late March onward. We decided to meet and so I stayed up the road toward you in an hotel, a little way from Keswick and a little way from you LL. My first risk in your area, someone might have seen me and reported back to you, but they didn't.
The shot above is a selfie taken by Sue of course tempting me back to her lovely boobs in 2008. Sadly, I had to leave Sue behind in 2007 due to my travels and various other commitments, including commitments to various females who, in most cases, didn't stop making demands on me...or under me.
We met in early May of 2004 as I mentioned LL. Sue wasn't quite as slim as the other ladies in my Bakers Dozen - thirteen if I include Sarah in late March - but on the other hand she wasn't fat. I only discovered that she was a little larger than my normal choice when we met. Sue was thirty six and divorced. There were so many over the years that were divorced or separated, I was amazed at how many. Ease of getting a divorce I guess.
It was pretty obvious from the outset that Sue wanted sex in fact on the day we met as we left a restaurant where we had lunch she suggested we go back to my hotel and 'have some fun'. Sue was a nice personality and had a figure she didn't hide. That day she was wearing a tight top and tight jeans so I could see pretty much what I might get to enjoy.
So we went back to my room stripped and jumped into (or rather onto) my bed LL. I felt no guilt about you. One, Sue wasn't the first and two, you had beaten it to me with your lies about a visit to Rugeley. Sue was up or rather down for some nice sex as soon as we got onto the bed, but I like to warm a woman up, get her motor running and her ... lubrication. I acknowledged that Sue was 'desperate' for me to be inside her, but I explained that I would 'pleasure' her first before we went for 'it'.
WE started in a quite gentle fashion with Sue laying on her front while I massaged her back, her buttocks, her thighs then back to her buttocks and onto her inner thighs. By the time I reached the target area of her pussy she was already quite wet. Anticipation. My fingers explored her much to her delight but I left her clit alone.
Then it was onto her front. Rather than kneel by her side this time, I knelt between her legs which she kindly spread wide for me. I stroked her thighs, her tummy and then onto those very nice breasts that you see above LL. I think at the time you would have been at work. No doubt in the back of your mind you thought you had gotten awy with playing behind my back. I never wanted revenge on you, that's not my way. But if there was a 'revenge' then it is contained in the blogs I have written about all the women I have had, during your time and since.
Sue enjoyed the attention I gave her boobs, lots. She liked me squeezing them and flicking her nipples. Both became quite hard under my attentions. In the meantime I was quite hard and Sue wanted that hardness inside her. She took hold of me while I played with her tits and stroked my tip to and fro along the opening to her pussy. I almost went in a couple of times. She wasn't the only one with urges!
Then she used my tip on her clit like a vibrator, fast and furiously. Moans, ohs, yes's and then a climax followed by panting and cramping. Looking down from where I was kneeling, I watched her cum dribble out from her pussy, which was pulsating from her orgasm. Then up went her legs, high and wide and in I went and we fucked LL. A nice long fuck, slow and fast alternately, wallowing in her wet pussy, teasing her with my tip and she pulling me hard into her. Wanting all my length and breadth to stimulate her further.
Sue went through the whole gamut of noises a woman makes when having sex and the whole range of facial expressions from smiles to frown to wide open gasping mouth, each time she nearly got there again. I leaned down as we banged away and sucked her tits and nibbled her nipples then when I sensed she was coming again. I grabbed her right breast and squeezed it hard repeatedly, which triggered and eruption on her part as she came again. This time she was quite breathless taking several moments to calm and then tell me that our sex had been fantastic.
I smiled at her and told her I wasn't finished yet if she was up for it. She looked at my erect wet cock and told me that she could see what I meant LL. Then it was all a question of how. I asked her and she said from behind as she rarely in the past had enjoyed sex that way. I remember you telling me something similar LL.
We both got off the bed. Stood by the side, embraced, kissed and then Sue turned around for me. I slipped my erection between her legs and immediately felt my cock nestle in her wet pussy, not inside her though. As we stood there sliding gently to and fro I took her boobs in my hands and fondled and cupped them. I kissed her neck both sides, which then triggered her leaning onto the bed supporting herself with both hands and opening her legs. A little arching of her back and we were lined up perfectly. I slipped in and we fucked. One of the best from behind was Sue.
Her clit needed no stimulation as somehow I must have hit her G-spot as she came and nearly went through the roof in a manner of speaking. At the same time I also came and she felt me expanding inside her and she said afterward, the rush of my sperm into her.
Sue and I had some really good sex over the years I knew her LL, better than with you, I have to say. After the hotel it seems I had made my mark (in more ways than one) as all future meetings in Cumbria were at her home. One other reason Sue and I drifted was that I met Debbie, also from Keswick and we became very close.
California 2007
Mary, LL, photographed in the Golden State on golden sands, north of LA.
Valencia, Spain 2008
Kelly at my place in Valencia. I have any place there now. I sold this one. Loved that tub though, room for three and sometimes there were three in there. Me and two females. On this vacation for Kell, there was just the two of us. She lived in Bury St Edmunds back then.
She got a holiday she would never have taken and I had a companion for my vacation. THe holiday was not the only thing she had taken. I took her too, but then we were quite 'familair' with each other and our respective bodies by then!
Kim - perhaps now you will understand why Kim from Fakenham attracted me so much LL. I don't mean her breasts either, although they were more than adequate for me. No, look at her face and the rest of her. She was a lovely loyal person too. As a younger man I could easily have fallen for her, well and truly. As it was I counted my blessings that she liked me too and that we got along so well.
We stayed together in a manner of speaking until 2008. I wasn't into holding her back and she met someone and married in 2009. When we met she was divorced hence she sought company and we met.
Marbella, Spain 2016
Not my photos of course, but selfies sent to me by Georgina. I met her there in 2015 and we enjoyed a nice few days together often in bed rather than on any beach. Lovely body and she enjoyed oursex together as did I.
Nice, France 2007
You may recall, but perhaps not the lady who occupied the apartment across from mine in Nice. This isn't her, but I mention because although Danielle and I shared each others beds a few times. Within months sadly, she moved back to Paris. That didn't stop me seeing her again, but it did mean there was an empty apartment across from me.
Before long however it was soon filled by the lady above Adrienne. As you can see she was fairly young, in her thirties and vivacious. I came and went from the apartment sometimes ending up there after a series of commission that took me the length and breadth of France from Paris to Nice. As a result I didn't see her that often but we had coffee in each other's apartments and I helped her move some heavy items on the odd occasion. We were neighbors, nothing more.
That is until one evening I came back after a meal on my own to find her fumbling with her key trying to get into her apartment and crying. I took the key from her and unlocked the door asking if she was OK. I didn't get an answer, she was sobbing so much LL. No, that's not entirely true. I did in a way.
Lorna is quite proud of this shot I took of her, or so she tells me. I was over there on business. She works for one of our companies. Ash had passed two years before. Lorna had lost her husband to cancer in his thirties.
We commiserated together in 2016 and started going to bed together whenever I was there. We still do. Lorna and I get along just fine and, well, we both like the sex LL. I think she looks very 'proud' in my shot above, don't you.
Karen started out as a contact on the internet from the very same site you and I used LL. I didn't encourage her, just chatted, but when I found out about you that March, I reacted positively to her requests to meet up. We met for a pub lunch during the week and seven days later I ended up with this photo of Karen on the edge of a field behind her house.
It turned that the lady with the mild mannered chat online was nothing like the rather wild woman I came to know within just a week. The day this shot was taken at her cottage right on the edge of her small village she had greeted me in a gown. I had gone over that afternoon (somewhere a little north and west of where I lived LL) ostensibly to relax in her garden have a few drinks and she would cook a meal.
I got the meal and the drinks . They were like the two outer parts of a sandwich. The filling was Karen. We had wandered into the garden which surprisingly she maintained very well. We had that in common apart from anything else. When we reached the bottom of the garden there was a gate, a small one set in a tall hedge into the field, which was fairly lush with winter wheat. We stepped through onto the edge of the field which had been left by the farmer as a wildlife strip.
That was when the fun started. Karen undid her gown and let it hang loose so it was open from her neck downward. Laying partly open like that, it revealed two 'valleys' LL. Her cleavage at the top and her pussy further down. Her cleavage enhanced by the swell of her breast and her pussy which was shaved, enhanced by her lovely thighs. Right slap bang in the middle was her navel which was pierced.
I am sure you can imagine the thoughts going through my head, as a highly sexed, red-blooded male LL. I wanted her. That was good because obviously she wanted me. I lost my trousers and everything from my waist down pretty quickly. Karen dispensed with the gown. We were completely hidden and at least a mile an a half from the next house. That was when I managed to get this shot. More were taken on other occasions.
She was wild and very sexy and that did things for me and to me, like I was so hard I wondered if I would ever come down! Karen is kneeling in the photo and there was a reason for that - she wanted to suck and swallow my lollipop. That of course kept me fully extended LL and I had told her not to make me come. As it turned out she started getting carried away so I persuaded her to stop and then she was on her back, on the gown, on the grass.
Legs apart and drawn up. I returned the favor right there behind her hedge in the field, applying my tongue and mouth to her pussy. It had lips that curled back like petals and when I got down there I found she was already wet. Sucking my cock must have helped there. I reached along her prone body for her boobs and while I licked, flicked and inserted my tongue, I also squeezed her boobs.It always works as you now LL and it worked on that occasion - Karen came.
Luckily we were where we were, but as you may know noise carries in the countryside. Not that either of us were thinking about that in the heat of the moment. I mounted Karen, somewhat conscious of her comfort bearing in mind she was just laying on the thin gown and thick grass, but she said she was fine. There was nothing thin about what I inserted into her pussy and she gasped as I slipped past her entrance and then we settled into a nice rhythm of thrusting accompanied by a rising number of mmmm's, followed a little later by moans.
In between those noises she kept saying how nice it was LL. Something I have heard many many times while making love. Even during your time I was receiving compliments and not just from you! Karen came. She lay there panting afterward then I helped her up and without dressing we went back to her house and into the kitchen where she asked if I had come, she being too far gone to have noticed. I told her no and as she looked down at my cock which was still half way there, she realised.
I took one look at her, her breasts her body and her pussy and she said for me to take her again. Leaning on her kitchen unit she faced away from me with her legs apart. I entered her and we were having another good fuck. I was still regaining my full rigidity inside her. It's funny what you reember. In this case it was the pattern of grass blades and stalk impressed upon Karen's buttocks as my groin slapped against them with each thrust LL.
She came of course. They always do the women I have had. Another who showered me with compliments on my attention to her needs and the ability to make her come several times on each occasion. God knows where I gained that ability from - I don't.
Karen and I kept our encounters and socializing going well into the early part of 2007. With all the women I had, I never asked about any other partners and with a few very nice exceptions, neither was the same question ever asked of me.
It was a bit of a job fitting in those dozen women, who comprised the first of many to come (literally!) but I soon sorted myself out invented my reasons for not always being around - real estate mainly was the excuse. After that I moved smoothly from one to the other and it was me who was able to choose who I wanted to sleep with on any given day...although none of them knew that of course.
Debbie I met almost on the last day of May, right after Sue who I mentioned above. This is not one of my photos but one her ex husband too some time before 2004. She sent me this copy. I have written at length about Debbie and how close we have been over the last nearly seventeen years, off and on, so won't repeat it here
Clermont-Ferrand, France 2009
I managed to get this shot on my second visit to see Simone. The first visit had been quite professional with my taking shots of her and her husband and their home. A full portfolio. No lingerie shots of course or any nudity.
The second visit, at Simone's request, was when her husband was away...over here in fact. I wasn't sure why she wanted me back as the shoot I had done earlier was pretty extensive. I soon found out. Within an hour of arriving we were in bed with her legs raised around and either side of me and both of us humping like it was going out of fashion. I exhausted her that morning giving her three orgasms within the hour LL.
I was urged to stay overnight which I did. Simone's urges came to the fore twice more that day and once again the following day. First of all, after the morning session, around four in the afternoon then that night in her marital bed. The following morning was lovely too. A sort of farewell long slow shagging session leaving her with a glow and some great memories for me too. Did I go back to her there - no, but we did meet up in Paris quite regularly at my apartment.
After Ash passed we renewed our connection, in both senses of the word, in late 2015
Vermont 2019
Not quite in the Adirondacks, but near as dammit LL - that's a mountain range by the way.
The lady is Drew, who spends a lot of time with me in New Hampshire and a lot of time staying with me there.
Oregon 2018
Carrie a friend in Oregon LL. This shot was taken near Multnomah Falls along the Columbia River Gorge, east of Portland. I should clarify that Carrie is a close friend who likes 'bed, breakfast and a main meal'. Nice legs and that's only the start!
I'd nearly forgotten Emmanuelle, until I saw tis photo and a few others of her. Not surprising really. She had been on a vacation there when we met up near Perpignan and had what can best be called a several very hot nights and mornings.
The photo I took when we were off to collect a few plums from the trees in my wider garden. Not overlooked we cycled down although she wore nothing beneath her dress. Very French LL and she took advantage of it against a plum tree...or you could say I took advantage of her. She was more than willing though, she was gagging and I mean that.
A quick shot, at her suggestion. Very quick as there were people approaching when I took it. This was on one of the small islands in Venice and ... the lady will remain anonymous.
Those were the days LL. Home on leave and a whole host of girls to choose from. I never went back without having gained the favors of several of my girl friends. This lady is a case in point. Her name is/was Marion. We were at the same school together and we were both twenty one when I took this shot. I took her too, on a number of occasions. Back in our youth, I guess you could say with raging hormones thrown into the equation, we were at it like rabbits LL. Whenever we got a chance we were making love. I know I was pretty rampant back then and Marion wasn't far behind.
A selfie from a lady called Mel (Melanie) featuring her main feature(s). had my hands right where you are looking more than a few times LL. Often on a Monday morning after leaving you, as it was Mel's day off. Hands on her boobs and cock in her pussy. She loved it and so did I.
She was a good lay and always gave me more than the fullest satisfaction after having to fuck you and then withdraw at the last minute. Never did that with any other woman and certainly not Mel except when she wanted me to come over her boobs or in her mouth.
This lady is Olivia and she is French and very beautiful as you can see. When I first saw her naked, she took my breath away. Believe it or not she is forty in the photograph.
We are good friends of some years standing (an laying down). I met her in Cahors. She was separated when we met at a friend's party not too distant from my place. I guess we had been 'paired up' as we were the only two singletons there. One thing led to another and somehow she ended up sleeping with me LL. She wanted to so I didn't have to use too many of my powers of persuasion. What a lovely experience that has been the three years when we have been able to see each other. Photo taken at my place.
Witney, Oxfordshire 2005
Another Helen and another woman I was chatting at the same time I was chatting with you. Again you were right, but then you had your own experience to go on of chatting to other men...and meeting them. You must have taken me for a fool at the time, but it was you who had been fooled not me. I had the software/gizmo installed on your computer so.....
This shot was taken in Helen's bedroom in Witney. I wonder if you can guess if it is before or after. Helen was divorced with one child, who was at her mothers that weekend. We saw each other over about two years but only when she could get someone to mind her son or he was with his father. Helen liked her sex LL, even more than you did and she was quite open (often!) to trying different positions. Like the one she is about to adopt in my photo. Can you guess? Is it missionary or doggie?
The answer to both questions is at as follows. The photo is just before we started and it was missionary, although doggie followed.
London 2006
To be honest most of my London lays have been a little upmarket. Josie wasn't - she was just an ordinary woman who wanted some sex with me. Given the size of her boobs (on a par with yours?) I felt I was in familiar territory in February 2006. All a bit naughty in reality as she was staying with one of my neighbors having come to London on a visit from Birmingham. My neighbor had to leave her to her own devices due to a family crisis in Salisbury, Wiltshire.
That left Josie alone at the apartment and I was asked if I would be a good neighbor and maybe show her around. Josie was single and thirty one. I was single. I did show her some of the sights and on the Saturday some more of the sights. I always ate out on a Saturday in London back then so I invited Josie along. Apart from her Brummy accent she was surprisingly good company.
I have always gotten along with folk from all walks of life and all social classes. Down to my banking days I guess and the Navy, LL. So I got along fine with Josie. After that meal out at a place I know, off Piccadilly, we went back to the apartments. As I was turning the key in my door Josie said she didn't want to sleep in an apartment that night. I told her that I had two spare bedrooms, so she could sleep in one of those if she wished.
She accepted and by the time we were ready to turn in it became blatantly obvious that she had meant that she didn't want to sleep alone. We slept together that night LL and we made love ...and I was nearly suffocated by her boobs! They were in your class for size and a tad too large for me if the truth be known. However I made the most of it and had a very satisfied lady sleep alongside me.
The photo above was taken in the morning of that Sunday when Josie demanded a repeat performance which I obliged her with, After all I had woken up rigid, with a curvaceous woman right alongside, so it was a no-brainer...and very nice as well. She caught the train home that afternoon and I never saw her again although I believe she visited my neighbor again, but I wasn't there when she did.
The sun pouring through the window on a Saturday afternoon at WLC LL. The lady is Jess and you are looking at one very satisfied woman who had fallen asleep enjoying her after glow...if you know what I mean, as I'm sure you do.
Thessaloniki - no not the lady, but the place. There are some very deserted beaches there which was good considering we were sunbathing and fornicating in the nude. The way her breasts slipped through my hands with all that sun lotion on her was very sensuous...very. It kept my 'interest' up three times that day and all in one afternoon. Lovely puffy pussy too that was a joy to slip into...repeatedly.
Her name is Sarah and is a friend I have talked of in earlier blogs. We were taking a nice vacation together. She was separated and wanting some fun and I was happy to provide it. We often went out together when I was in the UK and enjoyed shows and concerts and the countryside. We are still in touch which is more than can be said for you LL.
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