Friday, February 19, 2021

Over The Years

 For LL in the UK

Over the years I have posted many shots of the women in my life since you went wandering back in March 2004. many have been repeats, but there are still many to see out of the six hundred or so plus.

However, I will give you a rest from rubbing in the fact that I was way ahead of you in the dating stakes and indeed had no problem in attracting good riders. Excuse the horse racing analogy, but it seems appropriate.

I have no idea what you think when you read my blogs here and on my site at:

However, it is a life that I never knew awaited me, or indeed was there. You may think that if he did what he has, how could you have relied on him as a partner, or whatever. Believe it or not, I didn't seek what occurred,. I would have been very happy to settle with you LL, but through your own actions you left me with little option than to look elsewhere. You could say it snowballed from there. Also, you know you backed the wrong horse when you turned away from me and time has proved that. I was happily married to my first wife for over thirty years and was 100% faithful - a track record I don't think you were previously familiar with.

Here I am over here in the States, not separated from the women in my life and there are you not having been with your man since October. That in itself isn't brilliant for you is it. It is now seventeen going on eighteen years since we first met and the gulf between us is as wide as it has ever been and widening by the day. I am not talking emotionally but in terms of our lives. Where you are as opposed to where I am. It is undoubtedly all too late for you with me. There was a difference in our lives when we met. Now it is like we are on different planets.

I wonder sometimes if you read my blogs and think to yourself....that's not the man I knew, I bet it is all made up. Well LL, sorry to disappoint you, but it is all fact, thankfully, for me. I told you after you and I parted that you didn't know me at all and that I had kept many things from you as I wasn't sure of your 'commitment'. I was right wasn't I. Your loss, others gain. Did you really think that I was foolish enough to tell you 'everything' before I had your commitment to us and possibly marriage? I certainly wasn't - nor was I foolish when I taught you a lesson in 2006. That was carefully planned right down to the small details and the fact I was immune from any action.

To be honest I have had a fantastic life since we parted. You would have loved every minute but you chose a much more boring path. As they say you needed to think outside the box, but you weren't capable of that were you. As the man said - If you come to a fork in life's road , take it.

There are a few more blogs for you to view and read. at:

Ciao Baby

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