Monday, November 2, 2020

You and Me LL

I guess my heading should read 'You versus Me', but I'll leave it as is.

You probably think that I don't have any real female anchors in my life given the sexual adventures I have and those I still enjoy, but I do.

There are three special women in my life. One here in the States, one in the UK and one in Italy. What happens outside of those three is pure 'recreation'. You probably wonder what sort of life I lead beyond the homes I have the businesses I am involved in (I have taken a step back from them) and my generally enjoying my wealth. Fact is LL, I enjoy a very active, interesting and fun life. My days are generally filled with one or the other or all three of those areas I enjoy.

It is not confined to weekends, or food or drink or the occasional little staycation trip such as yours is. I'm surrounded by nice things, art I like and a few very good antiques. I have the choice even in these times of Fall in New England or sun in Florida, Hawaii or California and...I have the wealth to enjoy it all without a worry or care in the world. Most important of all I have a large, not small, family that are great and another grandchild due in the early new year. One other thing I have is my health, for which I am truly grateful.


However, back to my three special ladies. First of all they are all white. The one in the UK I have known since 2006. Over in Europe the special lady is Italian and I have known her since 2009. Finally, here in the States the woman in my life lives in New England and I have known her since 2016. All three are under fifty. The latter lady is down here in Florida right now, enjoying the sun, the sea and the sand...and the luxury LL. By, did you miss out. The ship left and you weren't on it as it sailed into the sunset.

I keep in touch with the many other women that have passed through my life since your time LL. Most that is some have drifted away, but then that isn't really a problem to me. Even that bête noir of yours, Carole, is still in touch with me and she was a far better lay than you ever knew how to be. 

I never really had a plan to get into photography. Real estate/property was my forte. I think I stumbled into it, looking back. The nude aspects of it particularly. I had taken a few shots way back in the dim and distant past, before I married in the seventies. All of those were girl friends. Then thirty years plus later I took photos of you LL. Not my best efforts those that I took in Sorrento, but they were the first for a long time and I still have them.

Strangely enough, it was those few shots and then a series of others that I took of the women that entered my life, after you revealed your deceit, that pointed me in that direction. Most if not all of those I took of various women in 2004 were those I visited and had on my trips up and down the country to see you. There were a few more down in the southern counties and quite a few in my then neck of the woods.

Gradually, I honed my technique. The photographic one and dare I say the sexual one. I received compliments for both! Two or three ladies in particular said I had an eye for a good shot and I took note of their opinions. Nothing beyond photographs of lovers happened for a while, until in late 2005 I bought the apartment in London.


I enjoyed a few relationships in the neighborhood. I guess that's an understatement when I think about it. There were more than a few. One in particular brought me into contact with a few people who eventually proved to be the entrée to a more sophisticated and upmarket world. That coincided with my being fairly cash rich ahead of the financial calamity that was to take place in 2008.

I decided to take the plunge in a manner of speaking LL, in that I rented a studio (I now own it and the rest of the building). I equipped it fully and also upgraded all my photographic kit. I have never advertised, nor do I have a website or any social media connected with my work in this field. Every client and introduction has come by word of mouth. From those early days in late 2006 and the very first commission, the flow of clients hasn't really stopped.

2007 saw them take off and in a way I hadn't expected. The first commission was for a woman called Emma who then introduced me to others and they, in turn, to others. I became, for want of a better phrase, 'a ladies man'. That is, my business as it had become by early 2007, was known for taking photographs of women, in the main. I enjoyed it - I still enjoy it. I honed my technique even more in the early part of that year LL. I love the black and white medium because of the texture a detail it affords and I developed the use of shadow and lighting.

It was the second of my clients, a lady in London who decided she wanted more than just fashion shots and apart from my lovers, became the first nude subject in that London studio. Not only that, she was the first to come onto me and who wanted to get layed there and then. I apparently made a big impression, on her and inside her, because I received a number of enquiries after that 'session' which on the face it were for photographs. Out of the first six, four wanted sex although they were quite subtle about it.

That six in turn gave me further recommendations. Two were abroad for a French friend, one a lady and then a Dutch lady. Both were bedded. It almost rolled out of control from thereon ,but careful organisation enabled me to meet pretty much all photo requests and those for that extra called sex. I did have commission for other things - children, elderly parents, dogs, horses and also from men. However the preponderance of my work was for women.

Ever since it has gone on and on from there. The French lady introduced me to others. Paris was a real boon because the French women not only paid well for my photos they were pretty laid back (in every way) about having affairs. Back in London an Italian lady invited me to her home in Italy where she schooled me in the language and I paid her back in bed and out and about. From her more intros came. 


Meanwhile over here in the States things were a little slower photographically, although I made lots of other connections business and sexual. Eventually, I held a small exhibition in 2007 after I was living here. That was in Massachusetts. Someone who saw my work asked me to do the same thing in Boston and from there more work than I could handle flowed. I also travelled all over this country that year, which provided lots of material for another exhibition …and the opportunity to meet and get layed with more than a few women.

What really set things off over here was California and by various connections New York. Women wanted to get layed LL. Plain and simple. There were a variety of reasons. Neglect, lack of performance from their husbands, divorcees, single women and a few younger widows. Compared to European women they were quite different in their approach. Little subtlety and more upfront. 

I also travelled to Japan, India and the Far East on business and pleasure and those travels brought their own reward as well. To get to six hundred plus really wasn't that difficult!


It was around this time I also decided to write. I had some ideas for about three books and through friends and contacts was encouraged to put pen to paper, or rather finger tips to keyboard . I made a start not being sure how I should set things out for a possible publisher. It was about that time I was put in touch with a man who is a very successful writer, an American author who is now a close friend. Through him I met two other equally successful male authors and from their tips I got started.

Although I already had a very successful business in real estate both here and in Europe and of course the photography, when I submitted a draft of my first book, via my lady agent to a publisher, there was no one more nervous than I was as to the outcome. The publishers loved it, mainly because it was a very saleable commodity.

Now twenty two books later it seem relatively easy. The words flow readily in my own style and the plots and their variations often come to me almost unbidden. I love writing. It's not a chore but a real pleasure. I find my home in New Hampshire is the place I prefer most to settle down and write.

I am a very happy man LL. Very satisfied with life, despite the past blows it has dealt me. In fact, in your words LL it is 'perfick'.

I paint too and there is never any scenery to run out of in New England. It is quite therapeutic and relaxing LL, that and cooking for friends and family. I am mainly a watercolors and oils man, although I have done a few charcoal and pastels pieces. I love finding or creating new recipes. All a far cry from the man you once knew and never bothered to find out about.


Then there my two yachts and I don't mean the kind with a sail LL. One here in Florida and the other in the Mediterranean. The latter is truly a yacht in the sense that you see them moored in places like Puerto Banus, St Tropez etc. My boat here in Florida is not modest, but it is a little more modest than the 'big' one in Europe. I never dreamed I would own such 'toys' LL, nor the cars, planes and homes, but what a difference a decade and a half makes. Shame it has come at this stage of my life. My late first wife would have loved it all.

One other hobby I haven't mentioned is collecting classic cars. I have about twelve now. All garaged up securely, on one of my properties here in the States. I did have more, but traded several for two that I had really been after.


Proposals. Interesting word isn't it. I made one to you and never progressed from there. Your loss LL, and you know it. My narrow escape. I would never have had the life I have if you had said 'yes'. I only made one other proposal after the debacle with you and that was to Ash. Being the very sensible woman she was she accepted and we had eight fantastic years together, before she died.

In these enlightened times, proposals are a two way street and whilst I have only proposed marriage three times in my life; once to my darling first wife, once to you and once to Ash, the reverse has been quite numerous. You may find that surprising but after a while I didn't. I accepted the fact that women liked me a lot and found me attractive entertaining and very good in bed. I'm no fool though LL, as you found out. 99.9% of the reverse proposals I have turned down and I remain single. That's not to say that I wasn't tempted to say yes to a few, but having had the experience of your ways I decided I am better off as I am. I don't want for female company, that's for sure!


You were never going to be comfortable with me. I figured that from quite early on. I had hoped to allay that feeling, given time … and commitment on your part. I think you saw yourself as inferior in some way. I never did (not until later, anyway). I am sure you believed you were less intelligent and the fact you had a little chip on your shoulder showed up with your repeatedly saying that you were just a a 'working class' girl. I never thought of my class or your class. Never entered my head, but it sure entered yours. You were one insecure lady and I am guessing that is why you never were able to commit. You had lost your trust in men as well. All that stuff about my 'wanting your house'.

I did laugh, privately, at that. I had more properties even then, than you will ever own. Whatever your reasons and feelings, you should have stayed, you should have committed …and what is more to the point you know you should have.


Hey! Enough of that, I have a good woman to entertain. I don't know why I'm wasting my time on you, except to illustrate and demonstrate the error of your ways, your decisions and your choices.

We are off to my place on Sanibel after a morning's sailing in the Gulf. At least my lovely woman can sunbathe topless out on the water. By the way, Grandma Dot's is still going strong on North Yachtsman Drive.


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