Saturday, November 7, 2020

Thought for The Day

 For LL in the UK

I wonder if you have ever thought what your life might have been like if you had chosen the other route that was available to you, before you chose the one you are stuck with now. I'm sure you have because of a remark you made in January 2006 about wrong decisions.

You had the choice of two paths back then and chose the one you are on now. But...what if you had chosen the other one. Think about how your life might have been (and your weight!). Your actions forced me onto another path, one I had never contemplated or envisioned. I'm glad now that we parted for a number of reasons. Not just the obvious one of my not being able to trust you. I manipulated you into leaving - I guess you realize that, now. It was a test to see if you were really committed to me - you weren't.

I have to thank you nevertheless, for pushing me onto a path that has been exceedingly and, indeed, excessively, rewarding. The women, the wealth and my change of domicile - they all flowed from your actions. Decisions made by me as a result of what you did.

I am sure, no I am certain, that your life bears no comparison with mine. The degree of mundanity and regularity in your life. The weekends only relationship, at least for many of those years since you left. The vacations to the same old places. I recall your saying you 'didn't do boredom'. I think you are stuck with it unless what you have isn't boring to you. It would be to me.

You chose your fork, but I bet you sometimes wonder 'what if''. I can tell you LL that the 'what if'' would have been wonderful for you. It is a great shame that you will never find out.

Tomorrow is a gift, today is a unique chance, it is up to you what to do: whether to dream about the gift or to use the chance.
- Unknown

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