LL in the UK
Don't want you looking at these blogs and thinking you have seen all the women that have graced my life and studios LL, so here are some more. Some are outside, some are inside. Some are over here and some are over there.
Some are from the present, some from the not too distant past. Some are from your 'era' and some from my youth
This first shot is really dipping into the past. According to what I have written on the back of the photo, it is a girl called Susan and was taken in 1966 when I was eighteen. Apart from that and the fact we undoubtedly had sex, I can't add more.
This lady is what you might call a partner in crime. Julia is taking a photo in London in 2018, in this shot. She's quite a good photographer. She went over there with me on a vacation come business trip. Her hair color is natural by the way...and I should know! I've seen it elsewhere on her body.
Those thighs have a story to tell LL. I took this shot at my home near Carcassonne in 2017. Following Marie-Noëlle was a real pleasure. Watching her hips swing and her buttocks ride up and down was enough to turn any man on and it did. When we reached the house we made love. Her body, the warm Mediterranean air what more could a man want.
This shot is also in France, at my place near Souillac on the Dordogne. Long and lithe Stéphanie LL. 2010.
Another long and lithe beauty. Carol walking in a dried up stream bed in Eastern Oregon. 2007.
Giada in Italy 2010. Italians know how to flaunt it don't they LL...with style. Not like in your grubby little world.
Cornish Patsy...that's right LL, not pasty. Pretty much only the third woman I've met that shares your name. The word play in the first sentence is not just there for that reason. You really are a pasty now, unlike my dear friend above.
A French connection in 2008 in the Dordogne valley and in Thérèse's valley too. Man's got to have companionship and when it's offered on a plate (or bed in this case), he can't refuse can he.
A shoot in the woods with Annie. France again, but an English woman 2007. Not sure how I attracted women such as Annie LL, but I did and do and as you can see many were more than happy to pose nude for the camera. Of course, in most cases, when a woman has a great body they are only too happy to display it to the right person...and more often than not....share it.
Australian lady, called Maggie that I met on a trip there in 2009.
This a Devon beach over there in the UK LL at five in the morning before anyone was about. The location is near Barnstaple, Devon and the year 2017. A friend from London called Cara.
Back to France again for this one. Louane is being more than a little naughty here over coffee. Then very naughty after coffee. We went out in the afternoon having been in and out of bed together since we woke. The location is near Perpignan and the year 2018.
London studio with one of the most perfect bodies I have laid eyes on LL. As you will know, you don't even enter into the running. The lady is Samantha and the year is 2017. I was honoured that day. Apparently my reputation had gone before me and I was accorded her pleasure...if you follow LL. What a difference. You at the bottom end of the sexual scale and Sam at the top. Twelve years separate the two 'events'.
I am sure you can guess how this gathering went LL. Kate is the lay at the front and Emma is her friend and co-conspirator.
Kate had invited me over to her place on the other side of Norwich in a place called Poringland. I had met Kate via a friend of a friend. We all went out one evening in Norwich and somehow I ended up in Kate's bed, having given her a lift home. It seems she enjoyed our time in bed that first night she kept coming back for more...and kept 'coming', LL. Kate enjoyed her sex that's for sure.
It was no surprise to me when I turned up that day to find Emma there as well. Both Kate and I, or to be fair Kate in the main, had talked about a threesome, which we both rather fancied. At first we all sat in Kate's lounge that afternoon with a bottle of white wine between us, talking. I didn't know Emma but she was quite personable and we were soon all chatting freely together.
I should set the scene I guess LL. It was the summer of 2004, mid-week. It was hot outside. Inside Kate and Emma were sitting chatting in bra and panties only.... and me joining them in just my boxers (yes, I did wear them on certain occasions). We all knew why we there.
Having emptied the wine bottle we adjourned to Kate's bedroom. I removed my boxers and lay on the bed watching the girls remove their bra's and then their panties LL. My interest in them and their bodies became increasingly evident as they removed what little they wore!
You really had no idea what I did with myself when not with you, did you LL. This and meeting Kate, was all post what you let slip in March 2004 down in Fort Myers.
The girls were naked. I was naked and...I was locked and cocked, much to Kate's delight. Emma held back a we bit. I guess she wasn't sure what to do, so we told her. She climbed onto the bed then straddled me moving herslf right up to my face so that her pussy and mouth were aligned. Then she slowly offered me her pussy. Down it came until my tongue reached it and teased her lips apart.
She held onto the headboard, which gave me the opportunity to fondle her breasts LL. Didn't take too long,after my working on her moist and rapidly becoming pussy, before she was moaning and widening her legs.
Kate, meantime, was treating my cock like a lollipop. Licking and alternately sucking. We had discussed this before Emma was invited to 'partake'. Kate's job at first anyway was to keep me erect and ready. She was doing a good job. Not too much so that I came, but just enough to keep the fella nice and erect. My mind was on Emma and making her come, my hands were on her boobs. Nice and firm up there, nice and wet down there. Rubbing her clitoris with my tongue slowly had her uttering a series of yes's. Faster had her moaning full volume, faster, faster then it happened, She came.
I felt her coming before she actually hit her climax LL. Her body was cramping and her breasts were rock hard. Emma slipped off my face and down my body. We kissed. I felt her legs and wet pussy as they found my erection. We lined up and then I was on my way inside her. She lowered herself onto me and started rocking.
Kate came around and she sat on my face, her butt toward the headboard, so that she was facing Emma. She leaned forward and lowered her pussy down onto my tongue. Meanwhile I could feel and hear Emma sliding up and down on me, moaning and exuding her juices all over my groin. I took the second pair of tits I had felt that afternoon, in hand...Kate's.
Everything was happening at the same time. I was licking Kate. Her pussy was wide open over my face. She was moaning, Emma was moaning and riding me ever faster. Kate was squeezing Emma's tits and I was squeezing Kate's. Several things occurred very quickly. Emma came crying out as she did. Almost simultaneously Kate came. I had been 'playing' her clit just the way she liked it and it was nice and erect and rigid when I hit the final stroke and she had her orgasm.
Emma rolled off me and lay alongside where Kate had collapsed on top of me. We were kissing. Emma was panting. I could see her breasts rising up and down rapidly. Kate slipped off me down between my legs. I turned sideways and allowed Kate to lay on her back. Then I placed myself between her legs LL. Kate liked her sex with me and the threesome had added a certain frisson to it. She raided her legs and allowed me inside her. We fucked each other with a lot of passion and physical exertion while Emma lay there watching.
Emma seemed to get off on watching us and sidled up alongside. She took my right hand which I had been using to hold Kate's thigh from my standing position, and placed it on her wet and sticky pussy. There we were LL my rubbing Emma's clit while fucking Kate, my left hand on Kate's boobs and my right on Emma's pussy. Emma was fondling and squeezing her own breasts. Quite a sexy scene LL and far removed from your sometimes clumsy efforts.
Kate was coming. I had rubbed and finger fucked Emma to the point where she was about to have her second orgasm and me ... well I came well and truly. Really forcing my semen into Kate as she hit her climax. While I still pumping Emma came as well. Two ladies moaning and me just finishing grunting as I stopped pumping my deposit into Kate.
What an afternoon LL...and it didn't end there.
Later after we had all three lain on that bed, me with a girl in each of my arms Emma started playing with me down there. We had dozed off for probably a couple of hours. In fact I was still dozing when I felt Emma working on my cock. She was to my left and I opened my eyes to find her just by my face, so we kissed. Her boobs resting on me. On the other side was Kate LL and she began to stir and wake.
By now Emma had me erect and was coaxing me between her legs. I remember looking down at her pink spread and thinking not only has she been playing with me but also herself. I mounted her. My tip sliding easily into her opening and then a little more slowly until I had fully penetrated her. I began thrusting and, as I did, my cock was thickening and filling her. Lots of 'Oh yes's' emanated from Emma. I quickened my thrusting, took her boobs in hand in turn, working them and squeezing. She started to moan. I lay full length on her then and continued to thrust. She loved the way I fucked her like that and boy did she scream as she came LL.
You will have gathered by now that I can 'keep my end up', for want of a better phrase. All through my having sex with Emma, Kate was watching and playing with her self. It was difficult to know where to look. Down at Emma with her eyes tight shut and her boobs engorged with her arousal, or Kate's rather better breasts and her beginning masturbating. Emma came. She lay there panting LL.
I hadn't come - my end was still up. Kate looked at me. I looked at her and we had sex. Not on top of her but from behind, something Emma told me later she had never had. She did on another occasion, courtesy of yours truly!
That was quite day back in 2004. We were all a bit exhausted but supremely satisfied. Kate nor Emma had indulged in a threesome before, but enjoyed it greatly and wanted to do it again. We 'three sexeteers' did, mainly at my place where they could wander around naked. We all got together now and again for a bout a year or so. One thing that arose from those sessions, (apart from me!) was how much the girls liked watching the other having sex with me. Apparently they got off on it big time.
All this was while I was seeing you LL. In fact that first time the three of us got together at Kate's, I was in your bed two days later servicing you. You had no idea did you...not an inkling. Did you really think given you were going behind my back, that I was going to take that lying down? If so, you were very wrong... as you were in most things.
A good old Norfolk (UK) selfie to remind me what they look like ...and felt like. Thanks for this one are due to Beth...and the rest of her favors.
I attended this address under the misapprehension that I was to conduct a shoot for and of this lady. I was and did but the shoot had two meanings and came in two parts, LL.
Part one was photography and part two, due to a recommendation was sex. She wanted it and who was I to refuse. The year is 2009 and the location, London. I spent a lot of time there. Having the apartment made it pretty easy too. I had my ladies in Docklands and my ladies elsewhere in Town. Quite a life I led there and, in fact, everywhere.
Your 'existence' held little appeal to me by then. If you had joined me it might have been entirely different.
Susannah, above was so different to you as were most of my other women. In her case my visit for the shoot and what I was recommended for (!) had to be a quick in and out that first time...in more ways than one. She was married and her husband unlike some I came across wasn't away on business. We made love twice. She told me she was starved of sex and had needed the full satisfaction I had provided. Her husband was a similar age to me at that time, so 'having' an older guy wasn't unusual for her.
I could tell she was hungry LL even before we got up close and personal. Some women exude it and Susannah sure did. When it came to her asking if I would shoot her in lingerie, that was the beginning of her play. That all came off as you can see from the one shot of about a hundred and fifty I took that day. She's standing by a back window in case you are wondering.
To her right is the bed in one of the spare bedrooms. That bed received both of us and our juices. A quick in and out was what it amounted to. Not the actual acts but the time available. I fucked by mounting her then she was on top with those gorgeous breasts right in my face. I made her come twice. If time had allowed, I would have made that three times. As it was she was well satisfied and a week later made her way over to my London home for a much more leisurely and extended bout of love-making.
One thing that surprised me in 2004 LL having been 'out of the market' for over thirty years was the number of women, you included, that were prepared to do what Ellie above did. Open their legs and invite me in.
This shot is from June 2004, one Wednesday after I had got back from York on my way down to Norfolk from you LL. Her name is Rachel and the location was a village between my home and Norwich, called Honingham.
To say I was fortunate to strike lucky on the Internet via 'our' website LL, would be an understatement. While I was furious at your revelation in March, I never for one moment thought I would attract a woman as young and as willing as Rachel. That changed in the months and years after I met her. The youthful women seemed attracted to me for reason I still can't fully fathom to this day...and no, LL, they weren't aware of my wealth. Come to think of it neither were you. I was and am, far more canny than you ever thought.
There were older women of course. Many of those were falling over themselves to get laid. Do you know what - you were the oldest. I had no one over your age then.
Rachel was soft in all the right places and firm in all the right places LL and she certainly made me firm. That look on her face was one of anticipation just before I applied my tongue to one of her favorite places. View the photo and use your imagination...I didn't have to!
This lady is a continuation from Rachel, although Rachel was totally unaware. She had a slightly younger friend, Amanda who you see above. It seemed Rachel had been talking as women sometimes do about me and our love-making.
Amanda lived in Necton LL, the opposite direction to Rachel and I lived between them. Logistically it was easy to see either. Amanda I met when I bumped into Rachel one day in Dereham and she introduced me. We chatted for a short while and as we were parting Rachel stepped forward for a brief embrace and a kiss on the cheek. I felt Amanda slip something into my hand. Not the first time that had happened when I met one of my lover's friends.
The slip had her number on it. I left it until the evening then texted her so she knew who the number belonged to. Ten minutes later she called and to cut a reasonably long story short that is how we came together.
Apparently, Rachel had waxed lyrical about her experiences in bed with me, how many times she came etc and how different I was to the younger men she had before. She invited me over to Necton all of ten minutes in the car and with little formality we were in her bedroom stripping. I have recorded in my notes LL, that it took me longer than Amanda mainly because she had 'cheated'. When we went up to the bedroom she was wearing a summer dress. When it came off, all she was wearing was her bra and that disappeared in seconds while I was getting out of my chinos.
I always, always have a camera with me which is how I have the shot above. Slim but with a decent bust, sexy Amanda laying naked on her bed waiting for me to join her....which I did.
I'm not going to describe our time together on that first occasion LL, apart from saying that I was slow and easy with her to begin with. One orgasm later she wanted things to be a little faster and I obliged. You should have seen her frantically not knowing whether she wanted come or not on that second occasion. Perhaps wanting me to stop and then again not wanting me to stop. I didn't stop.
Amanda had a multiple orgasm. She just kept coming, racking her body until she stopped. I needn't relate what she said afterward, I can leave you to guess. One thing though, I was right when I had thought she had both wanted me to stop and also not wanted me to stop. She confirmed it afterward.
As a footnote (or should that be a bed-note), at some point she told Rachel. I'm not sure how that discussion went but the upshot was they decided they wanted to 'share' me separately and together. We had a number of threesomes...and they were real fun. All took place at my home.
This was during the summer of 2005 and sex with these two took place whenever they wanted a good fuck. Otherwise, I didn't bother them and they didn't bother me. We had other elements to our lives...all three of us.
This lovely lady who seconds later was 'winking' at me...and not with her eyes...is Bethany. The location is Estero up near Fort Myers and just off 41. The number of times I passed that area before meeting Bethany, were more than a few. If I had only known sooner....
I met her at the moorings where I keep my boat in Estero, in March 2009. My boat was fairly new then (I've upgraded it since LL) and when I arrived to take it out through Estero Bay and into the Gulf. I came across a woman in shorts and a tee shirt admiring it. I guess because it was new and a fair size. I walked past her admiring her buttocks which were peeking out just below her pretty short...shorts. I said good morning to her. She asked if the boat was mine I said it was. She said it looks great. I said did she want to have a look around. Bethany smiled and laughed that she thought I'd never ask!
She didn't figure I was British by birth LL. I guess that was because by then I had been living in New England for a while. So I told her. She was fascinated having only seen London on a trip. Beth, as I came to call, her told me she often took a morning walk right there by the Bay and that she lived over in Cascades in Estero. I told her I lived down in Naples, which I did by 2009.
Beth came aboard and I showed her around. She was duly impressed. You would have been too LL, even more so with my current boat. I was getting it ready to sail (it had inboard engines, so sail isn't quite the right word). Beth asked if she could come with me. To be honest I rather liked the idea of some company for a few hours, so I said yes she could.
She helped me cast off and then we were away slowly through the Bay until we reached the open sea when I powered her up. The boat that is not Beth. She loved it - the wind through her hair and being out on the water where it was cooler. I loved having her onboard. Rather nice to look at LL.
Some miles off shore I slowed right down and we cruised along at a leisurely few knots. The sea was as calm as a mill pond that day - no chop at all. Beth made her way up front while I throttled back and idled the engines. I watched as she slipped her top off and then her shorts and lay down in the bow area in just her bra and panties. She wasn't the first woman I had and have had on board my boats who sunbathed, I just let her get on with it while I anchored.
By the time I'd completed that task and I checked that Beth was OK by glancing forward, she had removed her bra and was sunbathing topless LL. When she saw that I wasn't doing anything she stood scooped her bra and clothes up and came back inside and stood next to me. She said that she hoped I didn't mind her stripping off like she had. Mind!...no way did I mind an attractive woman wandering around near naked.
She went down from the bridge into the main cabin area LL saying she needed to cool off a bit. I took a couple of beers from the fridge and gave her one. By now we were sitting opposite each other. Me in shorts and a tee shirt, Beth in just her panties which were somewhat revealing. I had a feeling I was being manipulated in a nice way by her...and I was. I asked her whether she felt quite safe being on a stranger's boat some miles from shore and ...well ... semi naked.
She told me she wouldn't have come aboard if she hadn't felt she would be OK. I asked her how she knew that. Her answer was rather nice. Beth told me it was my eyes and my smile...they told her all she needed to know. At that point she stood and came and sat next to me and snuggled up. Then she took my hand and placed it on her breast.
Next thing we were in the bedroom, yes LL it had a bedroom, and naked on the bed. We made love as the boat rocked gently. We were rocking gently too for a short while but then a bit more frantically, just before Beth came. I rolled off her as she calmed herself and told me how good it had been. We kissed...I was still erect. Beth is quite athletic (yes, LL we still meet up eleven years later) and she mounted me quite quickly after our first time.
Having that lithe body on top of me, miles from anywhere on a Sunday morning that I thought I would spend by myself was rather heavenly, especially as she was now doing her best t satisfy me. That is not to say she was not looking to have pleasure herself. She rode me very well. I watched her as she sat on me her eyes closed as she worked herself up toward a climax. Hips going back and forth, boobs a-bouncing until I took them in my hands, riding my pubic bone for all she was worth. then the inevitable moans and toward the end....'Oh, oh, ohhhh!'
Sure enough L she came again, then collapsed onto me which was nice. I was still inside her and very erect. SO I started thrusting into hard and fast. I grabbed her buttocks as her legs were spread over me, squeezing them for all they were worth. I felt myself expanding inside her. I also felt myself coming and to my surprise so did Beth...a third time!
All through that 'exercise' LL Beth's breasts had been rubbing up and down on my chest. When she eventually rolled off me, her nipples were as erect as any I have seen. We were both pretty stick and perspiring so when Beth was ready we saw off the back of the boat then back abroad to dry off. We spent the morning there. No one came near us and so Beth dried herself in the sun naked and wandered around like that. I started the engines and we started to head back. She joined me by the whell as we sped along. Occasionally, she would kiss me and I would give her a playful pat on her butt. She dressed below deck as we cruised back in to Estero Bay.
Although I had brought some food on board, we decided to lunch over on Sanibel at a place you once knew LL Granma Dots. Beth wanted to see me again and so I said yes and then again and again and again. I wonder why my women want to keep seeing me LL...You once said after we had parted that if you saw me again I would get you into bed and that would be that...maybe that's it.

A remote little beach in Italy known only to a few. I certainly didn't know it when Gianna took me there to snorkel. That's not all we did as it turned out. I took this shot back in 2007 when everyone knew what sex on the beach was - a cocktail of course.
Well we had sex on the beach LL twice. Once with me mounting Gianna and then with my cock coming at from her tail. She loved having it back-ways...not anal I hasten to add. WE met in 2006 in Sorrento at a restaurant. She worked there back then and we clicked or rather she said she loved my green eyes - 'Adoro i tuoi occhi verdi, così sexy', as she put it.
France 2017 LL and lady that wanted to get laid.I took this shot in a derelict property in Montauban near Toulouse. Élisabeth wanted to show me one of the places she owned in the town and that needed renovating. We had been friends, but not lovers, for several years and she, along with her then partner, used to come to our place in Carcassonne on social occasions. This was when Ash was not ill and of course alive.
You probably don't know south west France personally LL, but it is pretty warm in the summer. Élisabeth wore some old jeans and a tee shirt and went on over to look at the place That is how I got this shot, but not straight way.
In the past she ha flirted a bit with me at parties, just fun I thought and so I did the same. The fact is LL it was more than fun and that afternoon at that derelict old place flirting turned to full on sex.
Élisabeth, showed me into the room above. It was in a fair order and surprisingly contained a single size mattress and a duvet. The mattress was against the wall and the duvet in a zip up cover. When we entered the room she put her arms around me and we kissed. I didn't say a thing I just held her, feeling the curve of her back and hips as she thrust her groin hard against mine. My hand slipped down to her buttocks and I held her in place while we continued to kiss.
Mattress found itself on the floor followed by the duvet while Élisabeth took her top of and started slip out of her jeans. that was when I took this shot. I walked over and pulled the shutters to. As you can see from my photograph LL she wore no panties. Not sure how that worked with those jeans but I liked what I saw especially when in a very French way she stuck her butt out as I took the shot above.
WE ended up on the mattress. Élisabeth with her legs apart welcoming me...in. I decided to arouse her fully with my tongue and she just laid back and enjoyed it, all the way until she came. Then I went straight in and we were away thrusting against each other. This time her moans arose quite quickly after we started LL and I was still thrusting my way to my climax when she came again.
I looked down at her and the breasts I had been squeezing. She was breathless and panting. I found the whole scene very sexy. This gorgeous body beneath me, a woman who had just come again and who was now smiling up at me and looking at the still erect cock that was half in and half out of her. Yes, more is what she said and then lay back holding her legs apart even further than before. I was wallowing in her juices and cum, LL.
Slipping in and out with the utmost ease. I found watching myself enter and almost leave very arousing and also the fact that her boobs were fully engorged and her nipples as hard as unripe olives. It was a perfect way for our first time really together LL. Élisabeth sort of knew what making love to me was going to be like from a friend I had an affair with. Not me having the affair of course but her being married led to that description.
I continued even as Élisabeth had barely, an appropriate word in the circumstances, recovered from her orgasm. After I had left you behind I often found myself growing even further inside women just before I came and that was the case here. I filled her and then...I filled her. Élisabeth came again and we were covered in her juices. I was surprised she had it in her...or in this instant coming out of her!
I still see her and various locations mainly in the Occitanie reegion and sex with her is just as good as it was three years back. We speak regularly too and I'm picking up more French as well. Two birds with one stone.
I took this shot of Christine in the Bahamas in 2016. Lovely girl isn't she....
And....this one I took just eighteen months ago in Florida in December 2018.
I was in Tampa at our headquarters for the State. We have lots of real estate down there. Marty (above) works for the company like one other lady that I mentioned in the past. Both like to get serviced from time to time and they rather like my 'expert' attention LL.
I have never been anything but considerate in my lovemaking with women and that has stood me in very good stead over the last nearly seventeen years since your time, LL. In the main I accede to their sexual requests. Some like a little role play and on or two have liked being tied up and blindfolded. I can't say the latter appealed to my sense of chivalry, but they seemed to enjoy it.
There is nothing like that with Marty, a divorcee, she just likes good old fashioned sex and loves the way I satisfy her needs. I have an apartment in Tampa LL - I am frequently there on business...as well as a little pleasure on the side.
Marty is one who provides that pleasure and I reciprocate of course. This shot of her is one where she is waiting for me to join her and lather her up. I did that all over her lovely body, paying particular attention to her boobs. That had her going a little despite our having made love twice just before we climbed in the shower together.
She guided my hand down between her legs and had me rub her clit and finger fuck her to the point where she came again. When she did she ended up clinging to me for support as she cramped. I had one arm around her and the other squeezing her butt, which somehow extended her convulsions. Finishing off in the shower after we did it the first time has become something of a 'tradition' now. Looking forward to the next time....
A commission for a wealthy young woman who, after I had taken this shot, asked me to 'take her to bed'. Guess what LL....
To say I was sucked in by her nice breasts and long legs would only be part of the story...and I was sucked..... and I was in. In and out, in and out, in and out.
Her name is Louise, the year 2010 and the location Paris. She is English.
This shot, which I didn't expect to take or even anticipate taking, is of Danni in New York at her place of residence.
I had been introduced to the lady in question by a friend, a female one, who told me Danni wanted her photo taken at her home. Nothing very much just a few shots of her head and shoulders and wearing a few dresses etc. For me that was probably going to be a morning and a bit.
I contacted the lady by email and phone and we set it up for the next time I was in New York. At the time I was here in New Hampshire. Two weeks later I was able to fulfil her request ...and more.
By early afternoon I had done all the shots Danni asked for. She had made me coffee mid morning and rustled up a light lunch around one. I was about to pack my gear away when she said she would like one more shot LL. She disappeared into her bedroom and I readied my camera expecting her to reappear in another outfit..
She reappeared but not in any outfit other than her birthday suit as you see her above. I would be lying if I said she didn't take my breath away momentarily. Danni looked superb. The shape of her figure, her breasts and her hairless pussy. To add to the situation she asked me to take her to bed so....I did. Imagine me in 2017 bedding such a beauty LL, while all you had was your obese partner and he had you and all your fat and droopy bits.
Caressing Danni was a pleasure I wouldn't have missed for the world nor the sex we had. For her part she was amazed how much I satisfied her. She had never had three orgasms in the space of an hour, in her life. She begged me to stay the night, but unfortunately I had a business dinner that evening. However, I made it up to her the next night and the morning following that!
Amazing how one thing leads to another and in my case, one woman leads to another. Ayesha a friend of Danni's lives over in New Jersey in a town called Clifton. When I heard the name it instantly reminded me of Bristol, over there in the UK and several women I know there including my dear friend and occasional lover Trish.
About three weeks after my various bedroom encounters with Danni over several days in 2017, she called me here at my place near Concord to say that she had shown her friend Ayesha the photos I took of her. Not the intimate or nude ones apparently, she told me. Ayesha was apparently impressed by the way I had used shadow and light to create something quite different for Danni, especially some of the black and white shots. Looked like I had another commission.
I wasn't about to go down to New York again in a hurry, so I called Ayesha, LL, and suggested about a month ahead or she could come up to New England. She chose to wait until I was next in NYC.
I went over to Jersey from my New York apartment five weeks later LL, a couple of days after I had gotten back from Europe. Ayesha as you can see and I was advised was of Indian extraction. That is India, not a Native American. To cut a long story short the photo shoot was a device, an excuse to have me visit. Ayesha went through her charade, gradually going from fully clothed to lingerie to full nudity.
Naturally, LL by that time we had talked (a lot) and Ayesha made it clear she wanted to have sex with me based upon what Danni had told her about our time(s) together. Ayesha was one of a small number of exceptions in my considerable experience of women LL. She was in that small band that I couldn't get enough of...and I still can't. I have 'had' a few Indian women in my time both here in the US, Europe and India. Ayesha is one of the best and in saying that I have in mind that they know more about love making than the average Western woman.
Ayesha proved that in spades LL. We made love in the traditional way - she said it was a way of getting to know each other sexually. Prior to that she had caressed me and me her. She indicated where and how long on various parts of her body. My caresses covered the whole of her body from head to toe.
Her caresses of me were similar with particular attention to my cock. After making love conventionally, Ayesha wanted me to take her from behind and that was a lovely pleasure for two reasons. First of all she was slick and very well lubricated from her first orgasm and secondly she knew even in that position how to use her body on me as much as I did her she. That was the best sex I have ever had from behind. Our bodies incidentally were covered in an oil that Ayesha had produced at the outset when we were caressing each other. that heightened our touch both for me and for her. Her breasts slipped and slid beneath my hands beautifully and they also hardened along with her nipples.
Our sex was different in another respect also. Ayesha showed me where I should touch her al over and in specifically her erogenous zones and parts of her pussy in particular. She seemed to know where mine were LL, instinctively particularly around the tip of my penis. I had come when Ayesha had her second orgasm and I reckoned that was it for a few hours as far as my performance was concerned which, incidentally, she said was great. I asked her how and she told me that I seemed to have an instinct on how to satisfy a woman; ensuring she had lots of pleasure before she reached her climax. Knowing when she was heading that way and responding just at the right time.
I was wrong about my performance. I can still recall how Ayesha wove her spell on me physically and had me as hard and erect as I had been just ten minutes previously. That has rarely happened to me, having expended myself satisfying a woman and then becoming fully aroused within just a few minutes...again. Ayesha managed it and more than just that once LL.
Naturally, she had a vested interest in my arousal and she showed me how much. We made love again. This time she lay on her back LL then opened her legs. She had me standing. Once I had penetrated her she brought both legs up and rested them on my shoulders. that made her pussy tight against my erection and was very stimulating for us both. We enjoyed each other slowly until I knew she was coming. Just before she did, she dropped one leg onto the bed. It must have done something magical to her because she came, and came and came. I wondered when she was going to stop!
We rested for about a half hour then she had me locked and cocked again. This time she wanted to indulge in a little lap work. Well that's how it started LL. Ayesha sat on my lap facing away from me allowing me to have my hands free to fondle her boobs. We fucked that way for a while but then Ayesha wanted to stand and stand we did. With her hands against the wall she arched her back toward me and said for me to fuck her hard and fast. That last bout of sex was indeed frantic. I took her like a stallion LL. She had made me so rigid I didn't come down even after I had managed another deposit inside her. Ayesha was shaking when I had finished and she had come, with her repeated cramping. As I was still erect I stayed inside her....she brought her legs back together and I enjoyed the sensation of her pussy throbbing in unison with my own.
Guess what LL. I am still seeing this lady - who wouldn't. I certainly passed muster with her and it turned out that I had been mentioned in detail by Danni, although Ayesha and I have decided to keep our sex between ourselves.
This sexy lady is called Charlotte and she lived in Belgravia when I took this shot way back in 2009. This shot was part of a shoot, although the lack of panties wasn't in the brief...intended pun there LL!
Neither was the removal of her top and the dancing around the room. Her breasts hardly moved they were so firm. I had hands on confirmation of that later. Long legs, firm boobs and I didn't have to make a move when she remove my chinos all by her self, knelt down and aroused me with her mouth even further than I already was then took my hand, led me into her bedroom, lay back opened her legs and allowed me to lick her into ...a frenzy LL. Two orgasms later and one enormous ejaculation from me and I had to leave Charlotte to shower, as her husband was due in that evening from a business trip!
Once with me on top and once with her on top and I got paid for the shoot....both of them!
In case you are wondering I kept myself in shape, better shape than when you knew me in my own gym. I have one here, as well.
By the way, the commission came via a recommendation...I'm not sure what for!😉
Right here in New Hampshire last Fall 2019 with Carolyn
Jane, again here in New Hampshire 2019 but earlier in the year - May.
Susie in 1969. I've cleaned the photo up and enhanced it, but not a bad shot at the time. From what I recall she had noting on under her clothes. Easy access as they say. Wonder where she is now...rather like you LL.....HISTORY.
Sandy an old school friend, and girl friend - 1968.
I love this shot and so does the subject Sonja. Taken in Los Angeles in 2018.
Yes I did get round the other side of her for the view from behind and was given permission to enter to our mutual satisfaction. Great butt and a great lover. Very good for an American who had little to do in her life but get fucked by me from time to time. Her husband kept her on a tight rein and failed on the other had to satisfy her. that fell to me (and still does) via visits to my studio and then a sift exit to the small apartment above, while her driver waits outside.
It is exciting for both of us, stolen moments of sex and satisfaction for her...and a nice fuck or two for me.
Most leggings on women look terrible, but not on Terri and not when she pulls them down out in the woods here, beyond the paddocks. She was teasing me with this pose and with no bra under that top it could only lead to one thing LL....and it did . Well two things in fact. Two orgasms (and one ejaculation) to frighten the wildlife with. Don't worry there were no bears...The only 'bares' about were Terri and I, enjoying each other in the great outdoors. I had my first lay outdoors way back when I was just seventeen...and I wasn't a virgin even then! It's always different and rather exciting, not that we were going to be seen that day and in that location two miles into my ranch and in the woods.
Claire was an early date of mine you could say as this shot was taken in April 2004 on that little silver Canon Powershot A700 I used to carry around. This wasn't our first meeting. That was in the April too but this shot was taken on the 26th toward the end of the month.
Claire was so refreshing after you LL and bearing in mind you had been cheating on me. She was great fun to be with - you were fun, not great fun, but fun.However, you had no idea what commitment meant. Claire did as far as our relationship went. At her age and mine we had set the boundaries around having a good time and enjoying some excellent sex together. We used to laugh over our respective attributes. She said I brought the expertise and I said she brought the body, the smile and her lovely green eyes.
She was a good lay too...needless to say or I wouldn't have stayed seeing her as long as I did...all the way from April 2004 right through to March 2006 when I came over here for an extended trip.
This lovely lady provided me with these two lovely orbs to play with back in 2006. The photo was taken in July of that year. To think, LL, that these two beauties were waiting for me less than two miles from my front door.
The shot was taken in my back garden and the residue of the oil you can see in the shot was applied by yours truly. To think that Jessica originally only came to the house to deliver a crate of wine that had been incorrectly delivered. I showed her around, then she came back and back and ended up on her back. A very enjoyable experience for both of us. So good we repeated it as regularly as we could. They didn't wobble as much as you might imagine LL. A real pleasure that lasted all the awy through to early 2008
Have a nice day ma'am
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