For LL in the UK
Pears, when ripe are real juicy and great to eat, all that juice dribbling down your chin. But they are not the pears I'm talking about here.
I'm writing about pairs that have been sucked, caressed and cupped, and then squeezed...even nibbled ...gently, of course. In this blog all that you see, and there's nothing explicit, will give an idea of the sights I have seen (and the scene) scene, the pleasures I've enjoyed and the beautiful women I have photographed.
Some, are purely shoots, nothing more ...but not many! Somehow, getting their 'kit' off for a shoot brings out the randiness in many of my subjects LL.
(I wrote this one before I left for Skyros, LL)
Having reached the lingerie stage of the shoot, this lady decided bare breasted was a good idea. At least Oregon is lovely and warm in the summer, so no goose bumps, LL. The other 'bump' was revealed shortly after this shot, and a fine pair they made. This commission via a recommendation was shot at her place in Tualatin, Oregon, about fifteen minutes from my place in Lake Oswego.
Turned out they were quite firm LL. I found out when she wandered inside topless. She teased me a little jiggling her body and breasts about the kitchen. By now we both knew where this was going. I told her that anticipation was the name of the game and she said for me to show her. A slow build up is always best and she said she would like that. We went from her kitchen into her bedroom where she removed her panties and lay on the bed with her legs together, LL.
I told her to close her eyes. Picking up a make-up brush from her dressing table, I walked over to the bed and sat on the side in just my boxers. Vicky lay there, eyes closed and a slight smile on her face. Her boobs were proud even lying down.
I took the brush and gently traced a line between her breasts. She flinched slightly then settled again. Where are you going next was her response to which I told her to wait and ...feel. I used the brush next on her nipples LL, stoking the brush upward against each in turn. Her breathing was a tad faster now and her boobs rose and fell a little quicker. Thinking back they were as firm and round as you see above. Her nipples hardened and were soon quite erect. I glanced down and saw that her legs were slightly apart. Next I moved the brush strokes quite quickly to her outer thighs up around her hips and back.
The brush strokes then made their way across her lower tummy and what little pubic hair she had. She widened her legs and I moved the brush to her inner thighs, working slowly up to her pussy. By now I could see her 'wings' were spread and I guided the brush ever so lightly over her opening. She took a short intake of breath, but still kept her eyes closed. It was quite apparent that she wet down there.
I suggested maybe some oil might be in order and she replied that would be great. By now I was pretty aroused, had removed my boxers and placed the oil where I could reach it, before placing myself alongside her. From there, kneeling, I applied the oil to her boobs. Her nipples were really erect and she uttered lots of mmmm's while I caressed her and squeezed gently. Quite erotic LL. Not a bad afternoon for this guy who you once said was 'boring'.
Having oiled my hands generously I applied my massage to her pussy. Both hands working their magic on her. The more O massaged the more engorged her pussy became and the more she 'opened up'. Very sexy for me and as she said afterwards very pleasing and erotic for her.
Naturally by this stage there was only one pl;ace to go for both of us. She reached up and took my cock in her hand jerking it rapidly while I had moved to her clit only. She came with a bucking motion and then the contraction that follows. Vicky guided me into her and we made love. Slow to begin with but then as the passion took over, she started thrusting up at me really fast. I responded by hammering down on her so much that she gradually moved up the bed.
Her head went back. Her boobs hard and firm. I went into her faster, grabbed both boobs and squeezed hard at which point we came together.
I won't continue further, but suffice to say she appreciated the care I took in bring her to climax three times that afternoon that she asked for a 'return match'. It was more than a return match, in fact, as we met up off and on when I was in Oregon, for over three years.
Pears, or rather pairs, don't come much nicer than these in my book LL. A lovely Californian lady who was yet again a commission, following a recommendation. She needed a portfolio for the movie industry. There are lots of women in LA who are seeking to get into the movies and prepared to pay for a professional portfolio.
Once her shoot was complete, I was inundated with requests, many of which I couldn't fulfil at the time. This was 2007 Ll and I only had three months in California, but I have to say it was crammed with photographic work and, to a little lesser extent, pleasure of a physical kind. This particular shoot did not include nude shots. The one above is personal to us both. Yes I did handle those boobs at her request (no names here) and the nipples and more, to the great pleasure and multiple satisfaction of us both.
This is an entirely personal photo taken in Sue's bedroom in Suffolk in 2004. I'm lying down in bed, so you can guess where she is sitting LL. The rest I'll leave to your imagination, if you have one sufficient to grasp what was going on.
Cupping Sue's pair was a real pleasure, for us both.
This fairly young lady (into her early thirties) called Amanda, was the subject of a commission in London in 2005, LL.
Don't ask me why, as if you might, he laughs, but she decided after a fairly demure shoot at my studio that she wanted something more than a few standard shots in her clothes. A rather wealthy lady from Kensington who, like many I bedded, was bored and willing... willing to have a bit of fun.
We retired, if that's the word, to her apartment where she initiated an afternoon romping in her bed, caressing in her shower but starting with her bent over the kitchen counter. Initially, after you strayed, LL, I was surprised how many women liked being taken from behind, but then accepted it for what it was - very sexy. So it was that was how I first took Amanda.
Her boobs were lovely as you can see and I was allowed the above shot on the proviso that she couldn't be identified. Like the pears, her pair were ripe for the plucking, sucking and, as she put it, that made her ripe for fucking. So we did again in the bedroom and once more in the shower before dining out. Amazing what you can 'achieve' in just two weekdays LL. A Wednesday and Thursday this particular week. I was with you on the Friday, but sadly there was no comparison!
Cupping this pair was a real pleasure LL.
Another Internet link up, back in 2004 in the fall of that year. I had no qualms about the opportunities I took once you let slip your infidelity, and in many ways it was a real bonus. Having been married thirty plus years and never ever having 'strayed', it was really exciting doing a little 'exploring' elsewhere with quite a few different women. I wouldn't have done. It wasn't my way, but you went astray so I felt free.
In a way I understand your remark 'I want to be free', when I asked you to commit. Probably not for the same reasons, but my being 'free' of any prospect of a permanent tie to you, meant I could travel freely, make my own decisions without reference to anyone else and of course choose the partnersI accepted. There were many and in the main very attractive
How I managed the latter is a mystery to me...and ongoing one at that!
Denise above was on the other side of the country from you near Alnwick. Still is as far as I know. She loved the way I caressed her, aroused her and brought her to her natural climax, with a little help from my tongue and when I was inside her.
The shot above was taken, just before the start of 'proceedings' on my third stay with her. It was a Monday and Tuesday overnighter, if you are interested. she was always very wet when aroused and as horny as hell, She liked to play, try different positions and loved having those breasts above receive lots of attention. A nice ripe pair, LL. Not heading south but firm and great to feel. She had something between her legs which I have cropped from the photo that was also a real delight.
You have seen this lady, Liz, before LL. Recognise the gown? It was one of mine that I kept in my apartment in London where this shot was taken. Only a small glimpse is afforded of one of her pair in this photo.
I won't expand further - I did that at the time - 2005.
There's nothing like a shared bath and lots of lather. This pair belong to a dear Italian friend and received due attention this day in 2018 LL. Note the nipples are rather proud. Giadi is rather proud of her assets and she has every reason to be.
She had no trouble making me proud without even touching me! Have you ever had sex in a bath LL? I suspect not. It's fun - all that slipperiness and lather - and very erotic. We weren't going to waste the opportunity above and we didn't. We finished in the bedroom with a second coupling, which was more leisurely and less wet ... but not entirely!
Like most men, I suspect, I find full and firm boobs with nice nipples very sexy and arousing. This pair, borne by Val, are no exception. Having those snuggled up against you is a delight LL, especially when her hand wandered south and found something to fill her lovely hands. It was only a short hop to be astride me and, well LL, you may have some idea what followed, but you were always on your back.
I don't think you were a 'rider', but never mind others made up for your 'short' comings. (See what I said there?) For sure, you never rode with me.
I digress. This shot was taken in Norfolk at Val's place one sunny day in September 2005 just after Cyprus. Something to think on LL.
Sometimes certain shapes are very arousing for us guys LL, and this proud pair that belong to Rosie certainly did that! Not sure how you would describe their shape, but they were lovely to handle and photograph.
The other kinds that are a real turn on are those with puffy nipples or nipples that are upturned, and I have experienced both, quite a few times. In fact in a way I have seen and caressed all sorts of shapes and sizes but, since you LL, no women over fifty. Pretty good going wouldn't you say. They were in a different social class to you in the main ...and in a different class altogether in the other respect. You were very naive and inexperienced you know and, at forty nine when we first met, I was quite surprised. That is probably why you thought my lovemaking was so good. You'll never get to experience that again, that's for sure!

Some women that engage me on a commission need to get to know me, LL. Others need to build a little confidence in my work and to forget that I am behind the camera. Then there are those that quite frankly have no qualms at all in posing for their desired shots. I'm not talking of nudity especially, but confidence in themselves. They need to relax be confident to get the best shots.
Jane, above, was as you might guess one of those who had no qualms, was quite confident and self assured. Hence, as soon as we had completed her lingerie shoot she had no hang-ups over two things. One of course was revealing her very full 'pair' and two inviting me to make good use of them. Never one to pass an opportunity by, I did.
While I had my hands full she relieved me of my chinos and then lay back while I relieved her of her panties. It was just sex again, LL, but a very satisfying end to the shoot and the commission. From memory and bear in mind how many women I have had since March 2004, she was a pretty good lay.
You made me laugh when just after we parted when you said ... 'There are lots of women out there that want to get lay-ed'. You had no idea how true that was or that I had already availed myself of the fact, soon after you strayed.
The above shot was taken France this year. In fact it was taken in an outbuilding at my place near Carcassonne. Another gite client LL. She was vacationing from Normandie. She knew I was on my own that particular weekend and I know she was as her friend went back the day before this photo.
I came across her wandering up toward my home and we started chatting. At the time I was carrying a camera with a telephoto lens attached as I intended getting some wildlife shots. The inevitable came up in conversation LL, which went along the lines of was I a photographer. I confirmed that I was and she, Lucie as I discovered, asked if I would take her photo.
We both thought the rustic surroundings of the outbuilding would be good, so I fetched a couple of lights to enhance Lucie in the few shots I took. She wore a blouse and skirt. I took color and black and white, my preferred medium. While I was changing lens, Lucie had removed her blouse and was in the process of taking her bra off when I turned around.
She had lovely long hair that she had untied from whatever had previously held it up and it tumbled over her breasts. She asked me to take photos of her. I did, as you can see above LL. She had a great pair as you can also see. Even from where I was standing I could see that they were firm and in great shape. I loved the way they were pointed ending in her nipples.
I have to say she had my mind racing and it was all I could do not to let my physical interest show. I needn't have worried on that score because after I put my camera back in its bag, she put her arms around my neck pressing her boobs against my chest which was covered by just my shirt. I could feel her warmth against me. She placed one of her legs between mine within the constriction of her skirt. She said mmmm... I was aroused and that was the reason for her comment.
We kissed and my hands caressed her back. I found the zipper at the back of her skirt and she didn't protest when I slid it dow. I felt her buttocks as my hand brushed that area. What I wasn't prepared for was the fact that she wasn't wearing any panties. So when the skirt dropped to the ground, LL, she was totally nude and looked great. My chinos and underpants came off releasing a very erect member from his confines.
Lucie pulled me by my hand to a pile of hay. I can still smell it now - three months on. She turned her back to me and I placed one hand on her breast (they were firm and so lovely to hold, caress and squeeze), she pressed her ass against me and parted her legs. My cock slid into the gap and she started rocking as my other hand, my right I think, explored her pussy from the front. I found her clit and started rubbing it. She was moist and becoming wetter by the minute...or should that be second.
I remember she lapsed into French and said 'Aller plus vite'. meaning go faster. My hood was down her hood and wings wide open and then she said 'Oh, oh, ohhhhhh!'. She had come still standing. I felt it and she most certainly did. I felt her clench her buttocks around my cock and then she was away and laying on the hay, her legs in the air and wide apart, as was her pussy. Very sexy it looked too as I looked down. Oozing liquid, pink and inviting and very open.
I entered her slowly at first and then gradually upped the tempo also slowly. I leaned down as I did and sucked he breasts. She loved it judging by the noises she made. I knelt up and played with her now wet breasts as she looked down toward her pussy as I slowly fucked her. Lucie's face was red with I guess a rush of blood. She thrust upward onto me as I went down on her LL. I am sitting her thinking how hard she made me with that action. I guess I must have filled her from side to side because she commented on my size afterwards.
I knew I was ready to go for the final few furlongs so thrust into her faster and faster. Her head went back in that hay (I had to pick it out afterwards) and she came again. I was still thrusting as I felt her pussy contracting against me. I think she was reaching a point where she couldn't take much more, but she did and screamed it out when I finally came and shot a full load into her.
When I eventually with drew Lucie was flushed, her boobs still engorged and her pussy well swollen. She was also bathed in perspiration that dribbled down her cleavage when we finally stood up.
I took her to my house and we took a bath together.
Just an opportunity for a quick shot on a small camera before joining her in the shower, LL. Nice company that pair. Taken in a place called Clare in her place. Another chance encounter with a lady who wasn't getting what she needed. She got it from me. 2004 November.
Golden and pear shaped this pair. Lovely as I recall. South Carolina 2007 on a business trip to view some real estate. Some of these realtors will do anything to secure a sale!
Seriously, we just got along and she was fascinated by the fact I was British (note not English - half Scots, half English as you know). She was single, at least then she was, so was I. We dined together and she invited me back to her place, where I spent the night in a separate bedroom.
The following morning, a bright sunny day as I recall, she crept into my bed and snuggled up just wearing her birthday suit. Of course everything that then happened went from there and she loved how I satisfied her LL. A bit like you once said that if I got you into bed then all your thoughts of parting would have gone to pot. The next two days were the same for Jen. She couldn't get enough of me. I was near on exhausted by the end of our time together.
I remember tracing my fingers down that lovely cleavage above, then around her boobs and teasing her nipples. Guess, I'll leave it there and let you imagine our two bodies thrashing around on her beds. yes beds, all three of them.
You may recall that I did two long trips driving across country from here on the East Coast and then back via the southern States.
I was in Minnesota near a town called Alexandria when I had the pleasure of this lady and her delightful pair LL. Another chance encounter, they seemed to fall into my lap just after your time with me. This was 2007. Photography and the fact I am British by birth both played a part. Once Laura knew I was a photographer part of my time she asked me to take shots of her.
We met when I was dining one day around six in the evening. Nothing fancy, just a grill and bar. It was crowded (lots of folk eat early over here LL) and there were few seats. That was when I spotted a lady sitting alone and having the only spare chair in the place.
She was staring out of the window when I approached and asked if I could share her table. She snapped out of her reverie, focused on me and after a little hesitation said 'Sure, sit right down'. So I did. She had ordered it seemed so being sociable. I asked her what she would recommend and she smiled, told me and I ordered it along with a Henry Weinhard (beer LL).
Naturally we go to chatting and she loved the fact I was English, as she put it. WE talked on through our respective meals and beyond while we had coffee and two refills. By now Laura knew of my photography and I agreed to take some shots the following day, for free.
We met up outside my hotel and she jumped in that morning. Laura told me of a good place to take photos. An old abandoned house and stables about twenty miles west of town. Off we set. Laura was dressed in jeans and a simple top that accentuated her curves. I know what I was thinking as we drove along the back road to the place she had suggested, and think she did too as her hand constantly brushed my leg as we continued.
We arrived. She was right it was abandoned. I had looked it up on Google the night before just to check things out. A wooden single storey home with a stable standing back a little way set on a small rise off the road. We drove onto the weed riven driveway and got out. I selected a lens while Laura went up to the house, stood on the rickety porch and turned around. I fired off a few shots of her and then as we wandered and talked I took more.
Laura headed for the stable while I stopped to swap lenses. She disappeared inside. I followed her over to be greeted by an arm and a finger beckoning me inside. As came close Laura appeared in the doorway as you see her above LL. Top and bra gone. jeans open at the top. I took several shots and she disappeared inside.
I followed removing my shirt as I did LL. When I turned the corner into the stable I saw Laura in the gloom her boobs highlighted by shafts of sun coming through the cracks in the stable walls. One more shot. She stood there in just her panties. Her boobs caught in those shafts of sunlight and the crucial areas standing out white from her light tan. I unbuckled my belt. We hardly said anything.
Laura lay down on some old material laid over straw. I stripped to my boxers. She wriggled her panties down over her hips and I took them the rest of the way as she put her legs in the air. Looking down at her and her lovely boobs, I felt myself hardening rapidly, LL> No problems there then or now.
She opened her legs and bent them. I think she thought I would go straight for her without too much foreplay, but I didn't. In stead I placed my head between her legs, used my tongue to separate her 'petals' and sought her 'pearl' with the tip of my tongue. She was moist to wet, but not a great deal. However working my tongue on her pussy caused it to widen and become a lot wetter. The tip of my tongue (remember that LL) stroked her clit until it was quite erect. Laura loved it all and while I was working away down there, I moved my hand onto each of her breasts.
Finally, teasing the very tip of her clit, LL, until she came. As she did I squeezed her right breast real hard. That did it for her she bucked and clenched as she reached her climax. I watched her tummy contracting as she did...several times. Not often I get a woman to have a multiple orgasm but Laura did that day in the Land of 10,000 Lakes.
Making my entrance after her display was relatively easy and her comings had stiffened me to a very erect state. Suffice to say she gasped when I entered her but then went on to enjoy the way I made love to her and when I came she climaxed again.
Later that day I eased her into my hotel room and we spent the night together before I headed further west to more 'adventures'. There was you thinking that I was pottering around back there in the UK. I smile a lot at that thought and what you lost by your actions.
This is Italy in 2008. I visit most years and certainly did when Ash was alive, but also before we met, as you know, partially.
I was in Bologna in the spring. You never knew much about me did you LL. That was on purpose. After March 2004's revelations on your part, I knew I couldn't wholly trust you so I played my cards close to my chest (and explored a few other chests😋). One of things you observed, but never followed through, was my apparent lack of friends. You couldn't have been more wrong, but I kept them from you, and you from them. Not least because quite a few were and are women.
Martina, above, was one such friend, who I met through business. A quick note of how that came about. Her father's company (he had retired) made signs and emergency lighting. The type you see in offices 'Exit' etc. We met at various financial meetings when she was in the UK. I received several invites over the years but when my first wife was alive I had to turn them down.
After (and a little before) we parted I flew over to Bologna and stayed with Martina. She being Italian and me being a hot blooded male we formed a relationship and spent many happy hours in her bed and mine. You know the one LL.
Many Italian women have nice brown nipples (I speak from extensive experience), and Martina was no exception. She liked to show them off as in this shot taken one morning in Bologna ...and I liked to handle them ...and she liked that too ...very much!
How this encounter happened was just one of those things that pop up and surprise you when you least expect it, and I wasn't expecting anything like this when I called at this lady's home on business.
The shot was taken somewhere in Cambridgeshire in 2005. Going to collect some projections from an accountant friend only to find he was on holiday in I think it was India. I was greeted by his daughter in a bikini. She knew nothing of the projections, but she knew me from previous visits. So, she invited me in for coffee, just the instant kind.
Naturally it was hard not to look at her dressed as she was ... minimally. AS she made coffee she knew I was looking at her bottom which was barely covered. We took it outside and I sat down. She said that she sunbathed topless and hoped I didn't mind if she removed her top. I nearly choked on my coffee.
Before I could utter the top had come off and boy what boobs she had as you can see. Young definitely firm and erotically pointed.. She stood in front of me between the garage wall, as I recall, and the fence you see. and said that I could take a photo if I wished. I did, as you can see.
With her thumbs pushing her bikini bottom lower and lower it was more than a little obvious that she wanted sex. We ended up on her parent's couch. Her legs high in the air and me having shed my trousers caressing those breasts to death, kissing them sucking them and with one hand rubbing her clit. She was as horny as hell, I can tell you LL.
I thought of you that morning then banished the thought . It didn't take a lot to give her an orgasm from my massaging of her clit and pussy and she came very fluidly you could say. Thank God the couch was leather and we had put a towel down! I hadn't done that much but she was quite swollen down there and vey wide and open.
Her legs remained in the air as I slipped my boxers off and she looked at my erection. She took it in hand and guided me into her. A lot of squeaking leather and cries from her and we were done.
I love this photo purely for the fact that she had such fantastic boobs. Bit remiss of me, but I didn't note her name, although I knew it at the time. I think it was Leah. She wanted more, so a week later in Thetford Forest, we took a more leisurely approach....
This was just a cheeky shot taken while I was on vacation in Europe back in 2008. I took the shot, she was cheeky and a teeny bit naughty. That was all there was to it. I sent her the photo, from memory
London and you could say one of my 'larger' encounters. I took this one in 2005, in Hampstead. Miriam had a superb place. Older, but a beautiful home.
We first met through a Jewish friend I have known for a long time. Ever since my days in Bournemouth in fact. As a result of meeting her at a social event in a London hotel, I agreed, and we arranged, a photo shoot at her home. I already knew she was divorced.
The session followed a familiar line of some portrait and full length shots, all clothed. However, it was obvious from her conversation that she hadn't had a man in sometime and kept returning to the subject, subtly, during that day. After lunch, kosher of course, the photo session took the turn I had anticipated LL.
Ever since 2004 when you strayed, I went my own way. A back up plan you could call it. There was no one more surprised than me at the number of women that wanted my 'services'. To begin with it was the Internet that provided the satisfaction and served the purpose of keeping some very nice and lovely ladies happy. Naturally, some wanted more than just being wined and dined and 'serviced', but after my experience with you LL, I wasn't looking to settle in a hurry any more. The other thing that brought women to me, almost unbidden, was my photography combined with the travelling that accompanied it.
Perhaps one of the most surprising things was being recommended to other people (many of them women) for photographic commissions. That was one kind of recommendation that was made. The other 'recommended' my services to lady clients, by lady clients. That was the really surprising bit. Not that it (sex) was mentioned as such. These women were in a different class socially, to you but their animal instincts and voraciousness was quite exceptional in a lot of cases. You could say they kept me 'up' all night....and day in other instances.
Back to Miriam - we became a regular hook up when the 'fancy' took us and I fancied those great boobs of hers quite frequently. Great pair wouldn't you say LL. The rest of her was pretty good too. Lovely shapely body and boobs I could smother myself in. In another area she was very receptive and could accommodate the whole of me...
As you know Ll my preference is for tall fairly slim women. On the whole (pun intended) I have achieved that without trying. Women like Miriam above are also on my preferred list. It's good to be hands on with a really curvy woman and we had/ have plenty of that, even now.
This shot was taken on vacation on Maui, Hawaii. I loved her perfectly formed boobs. In case you are wondering the panties are coming off not going on....
Of course, I could describe the rest of what went on, but I'll let you use your imagination this time. Suffice to say this was just a weekend's fun during a fortnight's vacation. Janey had a great body as I recall and it received all the attention it deserved. Another chance encounter with a horny woman.
Finally a studio shot of a lovely young woman taken in Oslo, Norway. She lives in Holmenkollen and we meet up whenever I'm in Denmark on business (I slip over to Oslo, LL - nice word slip in this connection is 'connection'😉). Our relationship, which has been renewed this year, goes back to 2008 and that shoot above.
Don't underestimate me....
I know more than I say, think more than I speak
and notice more than you realize
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
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