For LL in the UK
Audentes Fortuna Juvat
This blog contains a miscellany of people, shoots and places LL. I thought you might appreciate a little variety, after all it is the spice of life. It was for me!
As you know, or have realized, I have traveled extensively over the past fourteen years (and before, but not for the same reasons). That travel brought me into contact with many people, especially women, and also photo opportunities.
Of course photography wasn't the sole reason for my travels. I have extensive business interests around the world and certainly, until the last couple of years, they were often the underlying reason for the trips. Fourteen years ago I was building my 'empire' and so the trips were more extensive and, of course, I lived in the UK back then. Travel to Europe was far easier than from my home in the USA, but the opportunities in my country, the US, are immense.
Long flights afford me a lot of time to compile blogs for you so this is one of several I have put together fairly recently.
I've started the blog with a shot I love along with Jen who is the subject. It was taken many years ago in 1969 (you were only 15 then - I was 21), so I have had to work on it a little.
I remember that day well. Not having a girl friend of any note at the time, I took myself off to Devon for a week away. At the time I was based in Portsmouth with the Navy and living in single officers quarters, so not that far really.
I met Jen who was holidaying with a few girl friends on the south coast. I don't remember where but have a vague idea it was Paignton. We actually met in Exeter. I asked her out for the day and she agreed. We decided to go to Dartmoor and packed a picnic.
We found a really lovely area, a small copse in the folds of the hills with a stream running through it. It was a hot day and perfect for our day out. I stripped to the waist I recall and dangled my feet in the cool water. Jen went a step further, took off her dress and joined me on the rock I was sitting on. She was in her bra and panties, by then.
You can probably guess the rest. A hot day a nearly nude woman and we were both young with raging hormones, so we made love, I think, twice. Lovely memory.
I have stayed in many hotels worldwide and countrywide in the US. Opportunities arise in this case with a lady who just wanted to be cuddled. She was alone in Washington DC and I was there visiting BJ and a t a loose end until he got back from overseas.
Lisa, that is her name, was staff at my hotel and I guess used to foreign visitors in the capital. Over a couple of days we had reasonable contact in the course of her duties at the hotel. On I think the third evening I wandered into the bar for a Jack D as a nightcap and found her alone at the end of the bar. She said 'hi' and and I joined her, after asking whether she would like company. I'm a sucker for a woman's company and prefer it to men more often than not.
One thing led to another and she ended up in my bed that night. The shot above was taken the following morning - she said to take it to 'remember' her by and her, as she put it, 'love juice maker'. She certainly flowed, especially after I teased her wide open with my tongue and also made her come. We ended up back in bed with her and the bed moaning and groaning beneath me. Great skin tone, I recall, now I see her again. Lisa was just over thirty and said she really enjoyed our lovemaking, so much she wanted a return match when I was next in town. She got it!
This one LL, is a commission undertaken in Lucerne, Switzerland this was in 2006. I had several clients lined up there on this particular trip, including someone I knew from Newmarket who had moved there.
This lady was the wife of a banker (of course, being Switzerland). He worked in London and here - Lucerne. A guess you could say she was a young wife at 34 and he was in his early fifties if I remember correctly. I was referred to Annagret via a contact in London and gathered the rest of my commissions there via my website then. (not needed now as almost all commissions are via recommendations).
Annagret was neglected sexually, you could say and after taking a fairly formal portfolio for her she moved onto her lingerie and as you can see in the one I have inserted above decided to dispense with it. She thought this particular shot was 'romantisch', or romantic in English. Neither of us would call what followed romantic - it was pure lust on her part and I found the temptation of taking her, as she wanted, hard to resist. Especially after that bra came off. I removed her panties that you can see above LL and we made love on that couch the first time. The second, more leisurely and with a lot more foreplay in her bed.
I never had any idea of what her husband was like and although there was a photo of him by Annagret's bedside, she turned it face down when we slipped under the duvet. Slipping, lots of it followed, preceded with a little tongue work in three critical places.
This lady is a dear friend who I used to slip over the Channel to see quite regularly from 2005 onward. This shot was taken in 2007 near Rouen. Not too much of a drive from Calais. Her names is Ines and we are still in touch as I am with many of the women that have featured in my life ether briefly or for longer periods. That is all bar one - you!
It was always a pleasure (one of your phrases) to reacquaint myself with Ines, and I may well do again, but in particular her gorgeous assets that are on display above. This was taken in October 2007 in the morning.
For the shot above, you will have to switch your mind to New Mexico, USA, LL. Eve lives in a place called South Valley a suburb of Albuquerque, NM. Her place is a little like WLC that I once owned in Florida.
We first met way back in 2007 when I was heading back by road from California, all the way to Florida. Opportunity, a mutual attraction and her fascination with the fact I was British (not English, note), all played a part in my finding myself laying alongside her nude body for several nights. She enjoyed my company and me hers, and she also enjoyed our sex, greatly. If her moans alone were anything to go by I think I got a perfect score ...and indeed scored to the point of being completely drained...of 'juice'
Up close and personal, LL, the way I like it. She smelled great when I took this shot, which followed on from something more formal. Marte is Norwegian and this shot taken in the summer 2005 (note!) came about during a fleeting visit to Bergen. No time at all from Stansted and I was back in time to see a lady in New market for a fun weekend.
The reason for my visit? The Danish pharma company that I am majority shareholder in was looking at spreading its wings into Sweden and Norway and I had set up a meeting with a CEO who lived in Bergen. So I was over there for that reason primarily. It also explains why later in the year I told you I was moving to my London apartment. Business reasons and travel.
However. Marte, a lovely woman in her mid thirties was staying at my hotel and was part of the Norwegian company's team. After the meetings at his house were over Marte and I shared a cab back to the hotel. She lived in Oslo. I always carry my camera and a couple of lenses and did manage to get some good shots while I was there.
The best were the ones I took of Marte in her hotel room, one of which appears above LL. At the time, and now the thought of your boobs and Marte's by comparison passed through my mind. Sadly, for you Marte's one hands down...or rather hands on! They were on a lot too along with my tongue and lips. She loved being sucked while I was inside her, as I recall.
It was and is important that I kept my diary/record/ call it what you will. In it I have recorded the likes of each and every woman I have enjoyed, including you over the years. So for Marte it was sucking and being taken from behind with me standing and of course the obligatory flicking down below with my tongue. The places that tongue of mine has been ... mmmm....
Talking of way down south, as I was above, I met Gloria for lunch at Ecco on 7th Street in Atlanta one weekend on a flying trip from Naples, Fl. We were bosom buddies after we first met in June 2003 when I had an enforced stopover at Hartsfield Airport. We ended up being put up in the same hotel by the airline, me on my way to Fort Myers and Gloria heading north to Indianapolis on a work assignment. It was all due to a violent tropical storm.
So we buddied up for food and a few drinks as we were both travelling alone. One thing led to another and we ended up sleeping together. She was something else I can tell you LL. A real bucker and a rider with boobs to match and her honey colored skin did it for me. There was one ppink bit but we won't go into that now...although I did then!
This shot was taken in 2006. As I say we had become good friends and we both liked sleeping with each other, lots. That particular weekend I flew up and I spent the weekend with her. I took this shot in her bathroom that weekend. Her butt was just as lovely then as when I first saw it in 2003. I saw it several times over that weekend while she was moaning face down on the bed too....
Georgia on my mind brings forth several images of Gloria and a few other ladies that I have 'known'😉😊. Then there are several Georgina's in the UK, but that's another story or two or three or more.
Thank you, by the way for being the person you turned out to be and the coward. It enabled me to move into and onto a whole different world.

New England. The lake at the back of my place and a weekend guest...2007. Mmmm lovely!
I was on a friend's boat here. just off Santorini with this lady, my friend. 2018.
Amalfi Coast Sights and ummm ...Sounds
The next few shots all feature women I have encountered in and around the Amalfi coast.
First up is Josie, an American who was travelling alone and joined me at the only spare table at a little ristorante in the Piazza Francesco in Sorrento. The shot below was taken elsewhere and the car is not ours.
I was drinking an Aperol Spritz, she had never heard of it so I offered her a taste of mine. Josie liked it so I ordered up one for her, and it went from there LL. She came back to my place (the first place I owned there) styed a couple of nights and we enjoyed each other you could say. Strong legs as I recall!
The next lady featured in the Fall of the same year as Josie. Her name is Susan, a Brit who was doing a multi center tour. I believe it took in Rome, Florence and a few other places. She was staying in an hotel in the center of Sorrento.
I met her after she heard me talking in English and Italian to a guy at a restaurant I know well in one of those narrow side streets. She tapped me on the shoulder and asked whether I was English and did I speak Italian. I answered in the affirmative to both her questions. Susan introduced herself and asked whether I would help her buy something at a store a short distance away. I did and we talked of course. I'm a natural in that area and it has seen me allowed to enter into some lovely 'situations'.
Susan was no exception. I had no real plans for that day so I offered to show her a few things a lot of tourists don't see in the area. She agreed, so we spent the rest of the morning, lunch and the afternoon together, interspersed with coffee and, toward the end of the afternoon, drinks. I suggested dinner. Susan said her dinner was included in her holiday but I suggested we might do far better at a restaurant I know - my treat for a lovely lady that had made my day.
After I said that she agreed and we arranged to meet up in reception at her hotel mid evening. Needless to say, LL, we had a superb meal served by Luigi a friend and the owner. The vino flowed, the evening was warm and Susan was flirting with me, to the point that she asked to come back to my place rather than spend the night at her hotel.
We went home, that is my home and had a few drinks under the stars on the patio. Then guess what happened? No guesses required of course - she was horny and was more than ready. Oh what a night, as the song goes ...I had her gasping for more and less at the same time LL, the first time we made love. She had come twice and I was still hard and inside her. That is what I mean by 'less'. I remember her face was so red I thought she might burst a blood vessel but toward my final thrust and ejaculation, she came a third time and rolled her eyes as she did. I thought she was going to pass out! I stayed inside her afterwards - she wouldn't let me 'leave'.
Then we more or less did the same thing all over again in the morning. I have her phone number still - she now lives in a place called Bishops Stortford in Hertfordshire UK.
Next up is a regular visitor to the coast and also to see me. We re-started our friendship this year. I first met Elise back in 2008 when I was commissioned to undertake a shoot with her. Nothing happened beyond the photography back then. However she is now in her mid to late thirties and we have become quite close. She lives in Milan and visits from time to time at her own place as in the shots below taken this year.
I will leave you to guess how close we are based on the photos and the fact we are only two kilometres apart...
Purely just a friend with ...benefits.
Last of the Amalfi Coast shots. This is just the daughter of a friend who was enjoying some time on board our boat off Amalfi a few years ago with Ash and I. Happy times.
Last of the Amalfi Coast shots. This is just the daughter of a friend who was enjoying some time on board our boat off Amalfi a few years ago with Ash and I. Happy times.
The next three shots were taken in Greece but not on Skyros. At the time I didn't own my place there, but had decided to do a little exploration as I had only been to mainland Greece twice before. Once on business back in the 1980's, and once with the Navy.
I was staying in a place that you might call 'out of the way' - Agios Nikolaos on the Chaldikis Peninsula. I loved it. I was a small town almost a village, the weather was great and sea pure blue. Not only that there were a number of secluded beaches around the peninsula that allowed me to indulge my photography.
Then I came across a lady called Carol. She had a passing resemblance to that other Carole with an 'e', LL. Deja vu? No, but it seemed like it at the time. She's English, by the way, from near London.
She was travelling with one of those groups, but on her own. By these groups, I mean an organised tour. Carol is quite clever, hence the trip to see classical sites and sights. The day I took these shots she had joined me just for a day of relaxation and because she had seen some of my work in a gallery back in London.
So, there we were on a beach in Greece. Not the best of days but it was very warm. Carol loved the shots. There are far more than these few. What I didn't know but could hazard a guess at was the fact there was nothing undr that dress. I knew she had no bra. That was more than obvious at two 'points'.
My suspicions regarding the panties, or lack of them was confirmed when she slipped her dress off. In some ways LL, I hadn't expected it and in others I had. Carol is an academic and I had the impression sex was the farthest thing from her mind when we talked. But ... on the other hand, no bra told me she was either a bit of a hippie (she wasn't) or she had 'intentions'.
It turned out she had 'intentions' which became quite clear when she slipped out of her dress on that secluded beach in Thesaloniki. I took photos, she agreed to it, and who wouldn't have taken them. She has a gorgeous body and long slender legs. As I took shots, she for want of a better word cavorted on the beach. Holding her own boobs, and fingering her pussy.
She was as horny as hell and all that cavorting had me showing a large erection within my shorts. You don't forget things like that...nor Carol's remark, 'let him out and then let him in', she said. We both laughed and then she was on her back and I was between her legs. My erection stayed the course twce and looking down at her afterwards, I am sure may have managed a third time.
She was travelling with one of those groups, but on her own. By these groups, I mean an organised tour. Carol is quite clever, hence the trip to see classical sites and sights. The day I took these shots she had joined me just for a day of relaxation and because she had seen some of my work in a gallery back in London.
So, there we were on a beach in Greece. Not the best of days but it was very warm. Carol loved the shots. There are far more than these few. What I didn't know but could hazard a guess at was the fact there was nothing undr that dress. I knew she had no bra. That was more than obvious at two 'points'.
My suspicions regarding the panties, or lack of them was confirmed when she slipped her dress off. In some ways LL, I hadn't expected it and in others I had. Carol is an academic and I had the impression sex was the farthest thing from her mind when we talked. But ... on the other hand, no bra told me she was either a bit of a hippie (she wasn't) or she had 'intentions'.
It turned out she had 'intentions' which became quite clear when she slipped out of her dress on that secluded beach in Thesaloniki. I took photos, she agreed to it, and who wouldn't have taken them. She has a gorgeous body and long slender legs. As I took shots, she for want of a better word cavorted on the beach. Holding her own boobs, and fingering her pussy.
She was as horny as hell and all that cavorting had me showing a large erection within my shorts. You don't forget things like that...nor Carol's remark, 'let him out and then let him in', she said. We both laughed and then she was on her back and I was between her legs. My erection stayed the course twce and looking down at her afterwards, I am sure may have managed a third time.
I thought I would intersperse a shot of a more formal nature. This one is of Eleanor a lady of class who I know well. This was taken at her Knightsbridge home. Quite close to my place. She also has a place in the south of France. You're not in her league or anywhere near LL.
This was a brief French sojourn on my meandering travels in 2006. Madeleine lived in this old farmhouse that her parents had left her. It still had her parent's furniture and an old radio etc. They were antiques! But, Madeleine wasn't.
It was by pure chance I came across her, Ll. It was getting toward the end of the day and I was looking for somewhere to saty. I had in mind an hotel, but all I found was villages where I was driving. Then I spotted this farmhouse offering - lit et petit déjeuné - literally bed and breakfast.
I turned in and a lady answered the door who later turned out to be Madeleine. She had a room and looking around I decided it would be interesting to stay and also capture some rustic shots. I said it was a brief sojourn LL. It was, I left the next afternoon, although I had intended to leave in the morning.
It was only after I had moved my overnight bag into the house that I discovered that there was just Madeleine and me there. She rustled up a dinner and it was, naturally, in the French countryside, delicious. We shared the table although of course she didn't know me at all.
We managed to talk, her English being far better than my French, back then.
There was more bed than breakfast, LL. A bottle of wine or two and we ended up in bed together. But, the first time was on a couch in her kitchen as you can see above. I said a brief sojourn, in Madeleine's case it was brief-less. She couldn't get them off fast enough. I never asked but I am certain she hadn't had a man in sometime. I put that right for her three times and then twice the following day. then I went on my merry way smiling and having put a smile on M's face, too.
The shots below were taken in Poland in the Spring of 2008. I had several commissions there, but on the day these shots were taken I was having a day sightseeing and generally relaxing. I found myself wandering a park in Warsaw LL with a camera of course.
A short distance from where I stopped to take a few shots were these two ladies were sitting on the grass. they said hello. I said hello. They, thankfully spoke English. My Polish is virtually non existent!. I asked if I might photograph them and they asked whether I was a photographer. I said yes and took one shot which I showed them. Then they agreed to my taking the following shots and a few more. We exchanged email addresses and I sent the photos on to them both. Lots of interesting tattoos ... and in both cases no bras. Interesting - I never asked why, nor did I see the whole tattoos!
The final four shots were taken in New England, LL. The location is Falmouth, Massachusetts. Lots of lovely white painted picket fences around people's yards there. You would love New England...I think.
The lady is Emma. The shots were taken this summer 2018. As you can see I'm still photographing pretty women. Emma was lovely.
There's a great lighthouse on the shore. I took more of her out there. My reward was not monetary ... Seems I still have quite an appeal in the female world.
( Some people make the right decisions and...some don't)
( Some people make the right decisions and...some don't)
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
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