For LL in the UK
In the James Bond book 'Goldfinger', there is a character called Pussy Galore. I don't think I need to explain further what features in the shots below, LL. So be warned, they are EXPLICIT.
How did these photos come about. Mainly because the women wanted them taken, no real persuasion required. They all knew how attractive they were and are and quite open if that's the right word(!), about their sexuality. The shots cover the period 2004 - 2008...mainly, LL. Anything this year will not be 'highlighted'.
You will observe that, in some cases, not only were they providing the shots, they were also offering themselves.
2004 - Norfolk, UK
This shot was taken , as Alex told me, on an M & S chair at her flat. That is just before she bent over it forwards so I could take her from behind. She loved it that way LL. She said it left my hands free to grab her breasts! Sometimes her hair, just before she came.
2005 London, England
This lady fell into my arms via her friend, who I had bedded in the early part of that year. January, I think from a quick glance at my little black book (diary). Her name is Bridget.
Neither knew of their shared 'experience' of course, but an introduction via meeting for coffee is an introduction. B told me later that she knew I had bedded her friend Clare, because the latter talked about how good it was! To cut a long story short, that is how B ended up on her back in this photo. I may be held in some esteem, sexually, by these women, but B was a pretty good lay herself and I serviced her a lot more than Clare
Funny isn't it, that this was just after March of that year when you first met that round, very round object you call your man. I think I got the better deal don't you, and I'm still about the same as when you knew me, physically all respects.
2006 Naples, Italy
This lady liked lips and tongues. Her name was or rather is ....Valentina. We had been out for a rather formal lunch she had invited me to. She's a lawyer, by the way LL, my lawyer at the time handling my property purchases there.
Too much vino at lunchtime and I got to handle her at her request. She never did get back to the office that day. The tongue, incidentally, was mine. The lips her,s but not her facial ones, that were explored just after this shot. She sure could moan, I can tell you and had an outstanding clit to go with her generous boobs.
I own a block of student accommodation in Cambridge LL. Quite a modern building. Last time I was there the City was and still is booming. You can't get a four bed detached in a village under 5-600K GBP let alone the City where they go for 750K GBP.
That has little to do with the photo above, but I thought I would 'chuck' it in anyway. The photo above is of a lovely post graduate friend I met at a business function on the Science Park. I was there because of my ownership of the Danish pharma business. We got to talking. Sue was there because she majored in chemistry. Two souls alone in the City and she alone at the meeting.
Back then I owned the original home I bought in Cambridge and Sue came back with me and spent the night. This shot was taken the following morning, when this very clever lady was ready for another romp. I recall Sue was a nice tight fit, and ... very fit. Must be all that bike riding...and just 'riding' me. We both benefited from being so tight against each other, once I was in. Very erotic and so sensitive. She came three times that morning! (All this stuff is in my dairy in case you wonder how I remember.)
This is Olivia, another Internet contact LL. I had quite a few in Suffolk back then, and I mean quite a few. This lady just wanted sex from time to time and I was happy to oblige. She didn't mind the photos either as long as her face didn't appear in them. We met up several times in just one month that year and occasionally afterwards. This was taken in April, shortly after my birthday.
Olivia could accommodate me easily when aroused and I loved her hood which clung to my cock when wet, and she was often wet. This shot was taken just prior to my entering her, after a little arousal to moisten the way.
2005 Newmarket, Suffolk, UK
There's a small development not too far from the clock tower in the middle of Newmarket. kat the time I knew Karen D it was fairly new and I visited quite a few weekends during the mid summer of that year and onward into the next year. Karen now lives in Switzerland.
However this shot was taken in July 2005, LL. that was during the period I apparently couldn't see you😉. Karen was unusual in just one respect. Early on she told me she couldn't come with her legs drawn up in the air, but , boy, did she come with them spread wide on the beds, mine and hers. Lovely firm tits too. She was the one who said I was 'highly sexed'. She also said she wasn't complaining! This shot was taken when she suggested the first time I take her from behind. We didn't do it there. Instead I had her kneel on her bed and I stood behind her.
Funnily enough her legs were in a similar position to if she had been on her back, yet she had no difficulty having an orgasm.
2004 Near York, UK
One of my 'ports' of call on the way back from you, LL. This was July 2004 and the gorgeous lady with that lovely inviting pussy was Sandy (Alexandra). She was, then, a beautician.. Lovely nails as you can see. I had the scratches to prove it on my back and .... you never noticed.
The photo is just pre-entry, although some work with my tongue preceded that, just to get things nice and receptive. No problem, she came just from my tongue work so was very ready when I slipped inside her.
2006 Rouen, France
No point in giving you the name of this French lady, as you will never know her. This is not pre-sex but post. Quite a nice lay and nice perky nipples, so my diary says.
2004 Norfolk, UK
This shot of Rosie was taken at my place LL. This was the week after you and your grandson visited and used the pool.
Rosie worked for a travel company I used back then, in a nearby town. I travel a lot and she handled all my bookings, apart from the one I made when she came with me to Spain (Marbella) in 2008.
She began to flirt with me from an early stage reaching across and touching my hand and rubbing her leg against mine under her desk, so in the light of your misbehavior, I invited her over to my place for a swim and dinner out one day midweek.
This was taken that day. Rosie is offering me her pussy to lick. She loved my exploring it with my tongue before I moved to her clit. ..and I got to handle those gorgeous firm, puffy boobs. A sheer delight.
I have written down her that after I made her come she rode me hard and fast before I took her on the bigger of the two couches in the day room. Back then I had some delightful days and nights LL with a wide variety of women.
I am writing these blogs to let you know that after you betrayed me you didn't figure very highly in my book. I did far better elsewhere and on numerous occasions.
2008 New York, USA
My old, or rather young-ish, friend in New York. You have seen her before LL. This is my apartment in Manhattan and I'm just about to get reacquainted with a 'couple of old friends' and a home from home where we connect.
Always a wide open welcome from this lady. Warm and wet, too.
2007 Aalborg, Denmark
I love it when a woman lies back, opens her legs in welcome and I see those two petals ready to take me in. This is Freja, again in a lovely pose in her bath. Gorgeous boobs on this lady too. We bathed together on this day, then she mounted me in the bath, all lathered up and rode like a Valkyrie. Wow, is what I put in my diary after that stay with her, then off to Oslo.

2007 Near Sarlat, France
My first meandering in this part of France, LL. i've been back quite a few times since and who wouldn't when there are French ladies like this to welcome you into their arms ... and into their bodies for a spot of mutual satisfaction.
we met in a small restaurant one lunchtime in a place called Martel. Shared our viewing of the town and then shared my gite and our bodies. I took this shot the following day. Quite the nymphomaniac was . She couldn't get enough and it seemed her pussy was ever open and ready as she proved this particualr morning, having romped around in bed only a few hours before. Her body was sufficient to 'raise my interest' yet again for, I think the fourth time in less than twelve hours.
She is showing me how ready she is in this shot. Shortly after she was on her back....again, legs in the air and moaning, well before she had her climax.
2007 Sendai, Japan
Funny how quite a few Japanese ladies wanted to experience a Westerner, and don't believe because of their ordered ways and traditions that they aren't as sexy and horny as western women, LL.
This lady is Ichika. She told me it means 'entertainer' in English. She certainly entertained me and then some! She was an intro from another lady to the south of Sendai. I was something of a focus point in that area. they didn't see that many Brits nor those who were photographers.
You may think I spent all my time back then travelling and getting laid LL, but I didn't. In between, I had several businesses to run and they really built up over those years despite the financial crash back in 2008. Then of course in time I met Ash and we combined our enterprises, although her family's was the larger. I now am the majority shareholder in everything and worth...well, you really don't want to know. It would shock you and make you sick when you consider your wrong decision.
Back to Ichika. She was lovely and was certainly a great lay. I was only there to take shots for the commission she gave me. In the end I stayed around three days and we both enjoyed evry minute and out of bed!
The shot above? It could be termed 'getting raedy' as that was what Ichika was doing and inviting me 'in'.
2008 Massachusetts, USA
This shot of Sadie was taken at my ranch in New Hampshire. I had more women here than anywhere apart from the UK. When I say had I mean had in both senses of the word and in the context of this blog. As guests, most were delightful and most American. As lovers, I had.have no complaints about any of them, nor they of me.
Sadie was a weekend guest. Just her and me. She liked to ride horses and me! This shot was taken on a lovely hot day in June 2008. I'm also seeing her again when I get back from Skyros. Can't wait. She's ten years older now of course and in her forties.
2004 London UK
Your revelation about the guy near Oxford with the Spanish name, not only shocked and angered me but it made me review everything about you. Despite the fact I loved you then, I had to think about whether I could trust you, whether you were what I really wanted and whether after your admission you would ever commit.
As I have said before, I needed a back up plan as I knew deep in my heart you weren't going to commit fully or move. During that year and after your admission, I bought my London apartment. London had long been my 'stamping ground' both socially and in business.
The shot above of a lady I had a brief affair with is called Teri. This few days of sex was just after I had moved in and the place wasn't sorted. Teri lived nearby and offered to help.
She was single and for all intents and purposes, so was I. The bed was new and one thing led to another while we were sorting stuff out and I found myself standing in front of her as shown in the photo above, about to get well and truly laid. Our affair continued in a brief fashion, as I was living in Norfolk most of the time, but it continued all the way through to early 2007 when Teri moved.
The shot above was taken in April 2004.
2005 Florida, USA
Bonita Springs at her place, LL. Just down the road from Fort Myers or up the road from Naples. Depends which direction you are coming from.
She liked me to come at her from both directions. Some times fast and hard, sometimes slow and easy building to a crescendo. Always happy to oblige, especially for a lady with a nice tight pussy and lovely firm boobs. She like me to spank her when she was nearly 'there', on occasions. Nice ass, so why should I refuse.
Her name was Zoe. The shot was taken the day after I arrived there in March 2005. That was my trip that included Indiana, Tennessee, Ohio, Utah and Oregon
2005 Tennessee, USA
One part of a trip can lead to another and so it was on that very same trip in March 2005. I went to Memphis (not for the Elvis thing) and ended up in bed with this lovely realtor (estate agent to you). Nice thong. Came off easily in my deft hands LL.
same the world over - women wanting to be laid. This took place in a client's property, quite exciting when you think about it. Once from behind and once standing up from the front. Not a bad 'viewing all told!
I did buy a property there, but it is commercial, and not until 2009.
2005 London, UK
A vision in white, or rather out of white. I find this shot very sexy, looking at it again after all these years. It is all about her submission and the anticipation of things to come ... and come she did several times that day.
I took this in her bedroom one afternoon after lunch. She invited me back for ... coffee, but we both knew what it was really about. Who is she? Her name is Dee. We met in Selfridges for lunch one weekday. I think it was a Tuesday after I had gotten back from you on the Monday. We had previously met at, of all places a show in the West End. I think it was Jersey Boys. She was there alone and so was I and we were seated next to each other. We chatted during the interval and then went for a late drink afterwards. We also exchanged cell phone numbers and that is how another small relationship began LL
This lady is a little older than my normal 'fare', back then. I seemed to attract the thirty somethings more often than not. They appeared to like and appreciate an older man.
That's not a dildo beside her LL, in case you are wondering - it's her phone lead. One of my rarer photos taken just after the act, hence the juices that are flowing. Nice and sticky. You used to like that.
The lady's name is Faye and she had/has a place 'just down the road' from my rather grander affair up the hill overlooking Marbella.
With a body like hers, you can well imagine it was a pleasure giving her what she wanted. Faye loved me slamming down on her pussy just before she came, and she could come I can tell you! This showing is modest by comparison with what she was capable of. I could make her ejaculate which is no mean feat with some women. I managed it once with you, if you recall 😉😛.
I managed to find quite a few women in Suffolk, in the summer and onward, of 2005. All via the Internet LL at least the Suffolk ladies. Fran was one such.
When she contacted me I didn't take her too seriously because she was only just thirty LL. You were just past your fifty first. Fran persisted and we chatted, in between you mailing me. In the end we agreed to meet on neautral ground at a pub for lunch. I immediately took to her and she to me. We were both very comfortable in each other's company despite our age difference. To cut a long story short on the occasion of our second meeting, I was invited back to her place, ostensibly for coffee and a chat one Saturday in May of that year.
We soon ended up in bed after some kissing and cuddling and more than a little fondling in our undies. Fran went topless - a real pleasure.
She was 'hungry' very hungry, and very horny. No pubic hair to speak of either. She asked me to nuzzle down between her legs and explore her pussy with my tongue, LL. I obliged and did just that, slowly working my way toward her clit. When I touched it with the tip of my tongue she nearly shot through the roof, in a manner of speaking. What surprised me was that little appendage was already firm and erect, so no wonder she felt like an electric shock had passed through her.
It transpired later that while she had her pussy licked in the past, the young guys she had known...didn't know! That is they never went as far as her clit because, well they didn't know. One of the reasons many women like an older man LL. I went on to gently stoke her clit with my tongue and as it was so erect sucked on the little joy bringer. Fran loved it. Moaning her pretty little head off as I continued.
The moans grew louder and more, ummm, insistent. Fran took one of my hands which were wrapped around her legs unwound it from around her thighs and placed it on her right boob. I did the necessary - flicked her hard nipple and squeezed her repeatedly. All the time I was paying attention to her clit, which I started to massage with my tongue quite firmly. That did it for her. I glanced up and saw her tummy muscles contracting. A sure sign that a woman is nearly there.
I intensified my tongue work and she bucked upward in unison. Then with a shout of MG several times she came. She was still panting, LL, when I entered her bringing forth a big ohhhh and then she just widened her legs as far as they would go held them up with her own hands while I fucked her silly. She came again of course as did I.
After she said she had never had that experience with her clit and that it was a fantastic feeling. I recall you said that once as well, but you had to wait until your were forty nine when I gave you that pleasure.
Fran wanted quite a bit of me, but I couldn't always make it to her palce what with you and other women in my life and my tarvels. We did see each other off and on and she received what she wanted, never being left with anything short of full satisfaction.
2005 Durham, UK
Another call on the way home from you LL. This time a rather lonely lady from the university who was miles from her home in Italy. In need of a little 'tlc' and a 'good seeing to' as they say. quite the passionate lady, but then she was/is Italian.
Alessia was a post grad, not a student in case you think I was cradle snatching. This shot was taken on October 18 2005. I was helping you sort your larder on October 16, LL. Puts things in perspective for you doesn't it. I always way ahead of you and you used to say I couldn't keep a secret. It was my job for a good number of years so keeping my knowledge of your activities and not letting on was relatively simple.
She had removed her clothes, I had removed her bra and you could say warmed her up for a romp in her bed. The final item you can see in my photo. I removed those too, and then we got down to 'business'. Her pussy was already primed and ready.
2005 Near Richmond, Surrey, UK
This really was supposed to be a commission, but my reputation in the bedroom had gone before me vai her friend who had given her my name, ostensibly for a shoot. That was what I expected when I arrived in this upscale part of the borough.
I was greeted by Felicity dressed in a towelling robe. She was quite in charge of things as I put my camera bag down in her kitchen. Coffee was on the go (I'm rarely late) so she had timed it perfectly. We lodged ourselves on two kitchen stools. I remember it because Felicity showed quite a bit of thigh, and more, when she perched on hers before flicking the robe over her legs.
After coffee and a discussion that I thought was serious about lingerie first or fashion and the first location she said she wanted to start with lingerie in her bedroom. I took my camera bag and followed her up. I extracted the appropriate camera and two of my lights, leaving her to go ahead to her bedroom and get ready. She left the door partly open although I couldn't see her LL.
The next thing I hear is that I won't be needing 'all that gear'. Then Felicity stepped into view in the doorway minus the robe and in fact minus everything. She was stark naked and she had let her long blonde hair down. She looked gorgeous. I was transfixed by her almost perfect breasts, LL. More than could be said for yours even back in 2005. Then my eyes were drawn down to her pussy, a natural thing with men of course, where there was just a hint of pubic hair.
She stepped forward pressed her body against mine and I felt compelled to kiss her - no surprise there! She was really very pretty, smelled great and as my hands traced the contours of her body, I couldn't fault her.
Before too long we were on her bed together. I knelt between her open legs and worked on her lovely boobs as she worked my erection with her slender fingers and warm hands. She was firm where it mattered and it took no time at all to have her nipples standing at attention. She rubbed her clit vigorously with what she had in her hand. That stayed locked and cocked throughout until she made herself come. When she did, flushed as she was I entered her, easily. She was very wet and slippery and sliding in was no problem.
By know we were near the edge of her bed, so I stood and she wrapped her legs around me to start with, as I gave her all I had hard and fast, pounding against her clit as I played rough with her boobs. She was quite wild herself LL, bucking against me in unison with my thrusting. The juices flowed and it was pretty wet in that area and noisy. Those noises were matched by Felicity's moans and screams, as she neared her climax she held her legs as wide apart as she could and I felt her reaction as she hit her peak.
I think, as I recall, that she was quite exhausted temporarily then but I was still full on hard and getting harder as I slowed and explored every corner of her pussy with my cock, gyrating slowly inside her as she regained her breath. I know, because, this had happened before with other women that they think that is the end of things, but then in that bath of liquid I changed tempo and started down on her so firmly that I had to hold her thighs to stop her moving away from me through the force of my thrusts.
She told me after that she came twice more while I was doing that, but she was moaning and screaming so much by then that it was hard to notice. I came and with a full erections still on, I know it shot into her with some force.
The photo you see above, taken at her request, was later the same day when she wanted to be taken from behind. I did and achieved the same result as earlier that day LL.
It was only as I was leaving mid afternoon that F told me she was married. Not that I was that surprised, she was relatively young and, unless she had inherited a pile of money, there was no way she could have had that house and the three cars outside.
I have a few photos from that day but there is no way could call them a commission. In 2006 I acquired my studio in London and F was a regular visitor, but hardly for my photographic skills. We are now quite close geographically now I have my home in Knightsbridge - she has just hit forty three. So, maybe ....
2018 West Palm Beach, Florida
My neighbor LL. Well not exactly but she does live in West Palm Beach and this shot taken this year is at her place which is several miles from my own home there. WE call ourselves neighbors because we are very neighborly with each other. When she has a need, I fill it. When I have a need she allows me in., if you follow.
I have known Ginny for several years through social gatherings when Ash was alive. Ginny is widowed sadly, like me but at a much younger age. She instigated our get together one weekend in May of this year when I was in town and we were both at a loose end. I invited her out to dinner and then back to her place where we slept together. This shot was taken on the Saturday morning.
I had just put the coffee down, turned around and what did I see awaiting me. She is looking at my erection by the way. It's quite impressive and 'thick, as Ginny has said. Not wanting to waste a perfectly good invitation we made love in the morning sunlight and then drank lukewarm coffee.
I freshened it up later of course after we had freshened up the shower. All those suds....mmm.
2018 San Diego, California
Another from this year LL. You never knew me at all did you. Never waited to discover the real me. That has been your loss and the gain of numerous women. I'm told that I am still pretty attractive and that has been borne out by the willingness of women to share their, or my, bed, even though the years have advanced somewhat.
I was at a conference in San Diego earlier this year and ended up embracing the lovely body you see above. I had had a little to drink that night and so booked myself into the hotel where the conference was held. I'm quite well know there by the staff and one female member in particular. That is her above. No names here, though.
We are wll acquainted, you culd say and so to spend the night with her when she clocked off at 11.00 pm was quite natural. I took the photo the following morning...for the album'
Love her curves even now looking at them here in Naples, Florida. I joined her on the bed after this shot - can't be a bad way to start the day can it LL. Mutual satisfaction all round and always leave a smile on the face of the lady
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
Sometimes men have the last laugh
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