For LL in the UK
I guess it never occurred to you LL, that by being in, and traveling to, different places enabled me to entertain, if that's the word, quite a few women.
Here's a small revelation. I first met Carole in June 2004 - the one you were jealous of. Did you really think I would not react to your behavior? You were very mistaken, if you did.
My travels to you were uninterrupted. My travels back weren't.
I had stop offs over the border in Scotland, in Cumbria, Northumbria, Yorkshire, in Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire, apart from when I arrived back in Norfolk. Of course, I didn't stop at each every week, but varied my calls on the various ladies depending on their 'demands' and my fancy. It was hard turning some down some weeks, I have to say. I could have spent the whole week with various of them and I wouldn't have gotten home!
Some weeks I ducked out completely, as I had women I wanted to see in London, Kent, Sussex etc. Then there were my midweek journeys to Denmark, Sweden, Belgium, Holland, Germany and France. I was far busier than you ever knew - photographically and ... in bed, out of bed and indoors and outdoors.
You were reserved for the weekends as I still thought you might have committed. What a vain hope that was! Strange thing was (back then), you were the only one I had a strong emotional feeling for.
After you went your way, I continued seeing lots of women. Some friends, some clients, some pure encounters. My travels abroad and to, my now home, of the USA, allowed me even more opportunities to 'savour' a variety of women. Most fell into my arms .... and bed. There are a lot of frustrated, unsatisfied and horny women 'out there' LL, and a lot who fancy an older man..
It wasn't difficult to have several women in New York, others in Boston and New Hampshire, to say nothing of Florida and a lot of the places in the States I traveled to, or through. In Europe - well that was the same. From Sweden to Greece, from Spain to the UK and from Poland to France. The tales I could tell you are legion. Beats your weekends of food and soccer, by a mile.
You could have led an exciting life, but you were, and are, unimaginative, boring and stuck in a rut.
That was your choice, and you really did make the wrong one .... as you said yourself in 2006. You could have changed it then, but were too cowardly.
What follows are shots of some of the women I encountered on my travels over the years. It will make you think LL, as have, I guess, my previous blogs.
Sailing to a beautiful destination. This was taken in Italy - where else, with such a hot blooded woman.
Unlike most women she had removed her bikini bottom half before the top. Voracious wasn't the word LL. She may have been in her thirties, but she could teach you a thing or two. She wanted sex of course. I did too, but I also wanted some photos.
Why the bottom first? Because her top could be seen if she removed that. We went below decks (we were moored up and I had shut the engines off). Below decks, that is a more than appropriate term. She said her lips needed licking before they became dry ... not the ones on her face!
Off the French Riviera coast in 2008.
A photo shoot in The Netherlands March this year. The usual stuff - portraits formal wear, casual wear and lingerie. It might sound boring, but every shoot is different, every person different (I do take photos of men and children too). I reckon about 70% of the women I shoot come onto me, so you can work out that I have hardly been 'lacking' over the years.
In this case, we had finished the day's shoot and Nina had put a robe on over her undies. I started to pack my stuff away ready to leave.. Nina returned from her bedroom stripped her robe down to the waist and I took the shot above. I didn't ask, LL. She was posing so I went ahead. From there she moved to full nudity and from there we later both moved to her bedroom.
Quite a while after everything, I remember she asked whether she would get a discount now! I recall we both laughed. I gave her discount on the original invoice.
California was full of women and this woman was pretty full in the breast department. Her name is Victoria. I only had a small camera with me that day in 2007, so the quality isn't so good....but she was.
Or rather she was very naughty, very. Happy thoughts of a misspent (?) afternoon.
Old friends on offer. I was in the bath between her legs, hence the close up. Her legs were around me and I was 'standing' proud. London 2005.
South Carolina in 2006. I own an hotel there LL and have done since 2009. However this is a little before that, but in a nearby location. Good old Southern property owned by my friend above. Pool was a little old but serviceable.
Julie, a divorcee was a lot younger and very 'serviceable'. We've had some fun times together over the years LL. Not all in bed, but bed was grrrreat.
The next few shots are portraits from all over.
London 2005
Limoges, France 2006
Newmarket, Suffolk 2004
New York, USA 2007
Norfolk, UK 2004
Austria, 2007
Italy, 2007
Italy 2007
Santa Fe, New Mexico
London 2007
You can guess what followed and we had already had 'afters'!!
Kent, UK 1965
Cheltenham, UK 2007
Maidenhead, Berks UK 2008
The only thing cooking that morning was us. Something about making love in the morning when you are both rested makes for a great romp, and we have had a few of those LL. Last one was at my place, when I was in London earlier this year.
She still has a thing for me, even though we both moved on. Bit naughty, as she now has another half, but she told me that I am the better lover. Like to share what I have and not be mean with it. I'm now single again of course and intend remaining that way.
2005, Norfolk UK. This is one of the three Kim's I have known - in both senses of the word. Taken at her place one Tuesday. She had just gotten back from Spain, hence the tan. Divorced, but now remarried. I think Kim married again in 2013.
Needless to say, we weren't undressed just for the hell of it and I won't describe what she was looking at. As you know a woman likes to be desired, and my desire was showing at this point.

Essex 2004 - need I say more
London 2005
My then apartment and one of my then lovers. Her boobs were on a par with yours LL, but much younger and firmer. She was a great lay and we had a regular meet up for sex whenever I was in London, even just for the day.
A shoot in a property I owned in East London. This was the lingerie stage. I didn't expect Emma to go that far, but who was complaining. We did it standing, which was quite something. Luckily she was quite slight, so lifting her so she could wrap those lovely legs round me was relatively easy.
We finished up at my place, which wasn't that far away. By finished up, I mean we made love again, in my bed this time. Mmmm lovely thoughts of that day.
Greece 2007, but the lady is English and my guest. Between boyfriends, she said she wanted to go on holiday but didn't have anyone to go with. Would I go?
On the young side, but a younger friend of a friend who had said I had a place in Greece. We had met before with others and chatted, so we knew each other. By the time the holiday was over we knew each other intimately. Another very satisfied 'customer' LL. Her best holiday ever, she said...I remember someone saying that once before....about Sorrento.
Californian in 2007 who had a job for me. Rubbing that sun tan lotion in. I'll say no more, but it was a real pleasure to oblige her...twice.
Essex again 2006. A selfie of sorts, sent so I would remember where I had been and what I had explored! Things got a lot better elsewhere, after that encounter in January 2006.
.....and they didn't get much better than this. A very classy lady who needed some daytime distraction and I provided it, regularly. Kensington 2008. She only lives 'up the road' from my home, so we still see each other from time to time to satisfy our 'needs'.
A commission with 'benefits'. Boston 2008.
Paris 2018. French woman.
They aren't going on. They're coming off. You can guess the rest LL. A near-ish neighbor who has a penchant for the older man, especially a wealthy one.
Great little boobs firm, young and puffy nipples lovely. Will have to go back. I know her needs are almost constant.
Photo shoot in London. Early start as I recall. I had another shoot in Berkshire that day out beyond Windsor. A younger lady this time who was involved in the London theater business and wanted some shots for her portfolio. This wasn't one of them!
She reappeared from her bedroom like this (above), and just said 'have we got time'. No need to explain what she meant, as she removed her shoes. As you can see she has a lovely body LL - still has, and I can confirm that
What a great lay she was and is. That day I took her from behind first, at her request, my hands full with those lovely firm breasts, squeezing and caressing as she bent forward on the bed and allowed me 'in'. Smooth as silk and well lubricated, she was real wet. Nice tight fit which gave us both pleasure and no pain.
All I will say here is an Iranian lady, but a British national of quite a few years standing. She preferred laying down though, legs akimbo. London 2007
Some ladies love suspenders and think they are sexy to men. Maybe they are, but I can take them or leave them LL. The night I took this photo was in October 2005, on the way home from helping you clear your larder.
I knew what you were up to behind my back of course, so I had the need of a fairly anonymous lay to vent some of my anger. I stopped off in Barnard Castle and got chatting to the woman above at the place I decided to stay. She was on her own, up on business in, I think, Darlington. I was on my own so we got together. Jackie was her name, a Yorkshire lass from the Leeds area.
No beating about the bush from either of us. We ate, we had a few drinks and had sex, both the night before and the morning after. Then we both went on our merry ways. Both satisfied and both de-stressed, each with a smile on our face.
This shot was taken in Mississippi in 2008.. Beautiful black woman called Aurelia. She is a fashion model. This shoot was for her only. In case you are wondering LL, what you see is all she was wearing and she wasn't shy about taking it off.
Her house is behind me, behind the camera. I remember it was real hot that day. I stayed over too ... miles from my next port of call, if you follow. Lucky, lucky guy.
Same lady as in the previous photo but this time as you can see she really is naked beneath her sheer outfit. Love both photos. Happy memories
La belle France. Where else LL, and an English companion to keep me company and half the bed warm. We stayed in this delightful place for, I think, four days. It was quite near Mont Saint Michel in Normandy.
We did quite a bit of exploring and not all of it out and about.. She had tremendous boobs. Ones that you could never tire of as a man. I guess she still has, but now she is two children up from those days. Really nice woman was Sarah. Oh ... it was summer 2005 LL. Think on that.
I stopped off near Grantham on one trip back. Gina (Georgina) and I had been in touch via that website we both used LL. This was a Monday afternoon in 2004, about a couple of months after you revealed your infidelity.
We met at her home and she led me up the garden path literally. Ostensibly to look at a view, but the view was the one you see. She allowed me to take this photo. Gina slipped her top off her shoulders - both of them revealing her lily white boobs. Not sure if you know Lincolnshire LL, but in parts it is very flat with isolated houses. Gina's was one of them.
She looked at her boobs looked at me and wiggled her tongue - the message was clear. I took them in hand flicking her nipples with my tongue until they became quite hard. Her skirt came off and we found ourselves on some old cushions in the large shed at the top of her garden. She had nothing under the skirt ... well apart from the obvious, which also received the tongue treatment until she shouted out her climax, quite volubly. Then we were down to the real business.
Like many of the women I met LL. It went just like that. They often couldn't wait. The urge within them just taking over. In Gina's case it was pretty good and we had conversed lots before we met up. When you asked, on occasions, why I didn't reply on that website immediately, it was because I was talking with others like Gina. Sorry, but you were the one who broke the trust between us. You know what they say 'They that sow the wind, will reap the whirlwind'.
Believe it or not this was very close to you LL, very close. An hotel room was what I had in mind, but in the end we went to her place. She was a willing and randy staff member. It brought a whole new meaning to room service. I grabbed this shot on my phone. Boobs were OK to photograph she told me, but nothing more, although shortly after this shot I got to see it all. One evening's romp and a bed put through its paces again in the morning, a hearty breakfast after a shared shower and I was on my way south again.
She was in the bar when you handed the ring back, and saw just about everything. I'd been chatting with her beforehand and told her why I was there. So there you go. With your/my ring in my pocket I went to my car and followed her to her place. Quite close to yours in a manner of speaking. Have to say that her boobs and body were firmer, younger and altogether more attractive than what you displayed.
Thinking about the way you look now, looking wouldn't be top of my list ... or anything else.
Italian, hot and very sexy. Taken in 2007, LL during my extended stay. I took this laying on her bed. The necklace was all she wore and I stood and undid that for her after taking some photos.
Naturally, we went from there. I think I kissed her neck and cupped and squeezed those gorgeous breasts and teased her nipples to attention. The rest involved her lying on her back, legs in the air and our pink bits joining together in a fluid liquidity. I do remember she liked it hard and fast first time. She was another Gina, but an Italian one of course. We still email.
This was a commission I undertook while in the Indianapolis are, Indiana in spring 2005. At least is started as a commission. The day after I landed (from Florida) I went to her place, and took portrait shots etc. I had four days in the area not counting the day I landed and went to see a friend overnight in Muncie, after the shoot that involved Abigail. While I was out there Abby emailed me and said she would like some further photos.
You may wonder how I gained contacts like Abigail. Easy really. I have a website, I have lots of contacts and intros, via recommendation and in her case. I also knew her brother who was working in the City in London.
I went back the following day, after I had driven back from Muncie and skirting round the city on I-465, the beltway around Indianapolis, to Abby's place. I wasn't sure what she wanted photographically, but I had enough gear in the hire car to cover most eventualities.
I soon gained an inkling when she opened the door to me in a bathrobe wrapped tight around her right up to her neck. I think we had coffee and then she said she wanted some more intimate poses just for her. I said that means, I will have the originals. She said that's fine. I'm sure you have seen lots of women. I just smiled, LL.
Anyway what it came down to was her removing her robe to reveal the lacy affair you see above. She wore a thong but that came off shortly after.
I took this shot and a number of others before she removed the 'garment' you see. The rest as they say is 'history' LL. Rather like you.
I think this shot taken in France tells you all you need to know about my stay with Heloise. Gorgeous isn't she. This was taken in 2008 near Orléans.
As you will see the floors had already been stripped back and sanded down, and the walls painted. Some old furniture remained, which provided useful props for our morning of fun.
Suzy, was someone I had known for ages. She had been on my staff at one time, but changed jobs some years back. She heard I was widowed and so contacted me LL. We met for coffee and she expressed her sadness at my loss. We chatted and then met again several times, merely for lunch or coffee and often in Auberge in the mall. It was when she discovered that, apart from real estate, I was quite a good photographer she suggested the shoot that you see, in part, below. We both thought the location was a good one and it was arranged that I would pick her up one Saturday.
Nothing had been said about nudity and I didn't give that aspect of any photographs too much thought. When she worked in my office, Suzy liked to wear figure hugging tops in the summer and she was often the subject of conversation by my male staff. She did look pretty good most times, but back then I was married - not yet widowed.
As you can see, Suzy had other ideas about nudity and when she showed up she made it plain she wanted some nude shots. She posed in all sorts of positions, displaying her assets to great effect. She knew what she was doing and so did I.
Then we did it twice there LL and once later at my place. Back, front then at home with Suzy on top. Great Saturday and it didn't finish there. Beat driving north for four plus hours to get something a little inferior!

My dear old London studio, the old leather chair and couch. Both had seen a lot of 'action' and this particular day in 2006 was no exception. What red blooded male could refuse those breasts and all they brought with them!
A remote beach in Connecticut 2007, early morning, the paper and a flask of coffee what could be better. Well actually the opportunity for a little skinny dipping with this beautiful creature. She was in the surf when I arrived on the shore, so I didn't know she was completely naked at first.
Thee was no one else around. I went down to the surf line in my swimmers and plunged in. It was cool and took my breath away for a minute or two. I could see her head on the water about a hundred yards away. She waved and I did too. Slowly she drifted toward where I was having a swim, parallel to the beach. Then she was within talking distance. I stopped swimming and so did she. We both said 'hi' and she said she thought she had the place to herself, as she never saw anyone there that early.
She came closer, her hair clinging to her head and her shoulders visible above water. I still thought she was wearing a bikini, but then when she was real close and the water calmed a little I could see she was naked. I backed off to give her privacy.
She just swam right up to me, put her arms around my neck and pressed her body against mine. She kissed me LL, all salty and wet. Her only words were 'shall we?', as she thrust her hand inside my trunks. We waded ashore, me following that lovely ass up into the low dunes further up the beach. To be honest, I couldn't wait. Following her had aroused me loads. In among the grass and dunes we made love and to be perfectly honest it was great. She was far younger than most of my conquests, but it seems I satisfied her fully and she did more than the same for me. We went back into the sea and cleaned up, dressed and went our different ways.
Until the following morning and we didn't bother with a swim first. I left later that day and headed up the coast on my travels and to new encounters ....
( Some people make the right decisions and...some don't)
Audentes Fortuna Jatuv
( Some people make the right decisions and...some don't)
Audentes Fortuna Jatuv
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©