For LL
More from that author that I pass on....
Technique is best described as a skilled way of doing something.
Bearing that in mind, I thought I would attach a series of photos from a set I completed for a lady in London. The first set are, of course, studio shots. I often think of her as my 'Lady in Red' for obvious reasons.
This was in the London studio and she had come to me on the recommendation of a friend. I remember her well (who wouldn't) as at the time I received the call to introduce her, I was planning a trip, a long one, to Italy as a somewhat mature student of Italian.
Following the intro, I called and asked when she would like to call in and discuss what she wanted, photographically. That day, she had said to me - lunchtime. I made my way to the studio and we met there. I showed her the facility and some backdrops etc and suggested we go to a nearby place near Covent Garden to discuss what she wanted. She agreed.
Over lunch I went through my normal preamble of the sort of thing I could do. Portrait shots, fashion, lingerie, family and outdoor shoots. On the latter she said she didn't want any outdoors, not in London. I can't say who she is, that would be breaking my strict rule on confidentiality, but that was the reason for no outdoor photos.
She was single, without a partner and without children, so no family shots were required. She thought some lingerie shots might be great, but wanted to focus on fashion shots, showing off her wardrobe and accessories. That was fine by me. I had done many such sessions.
Although she isn't British by birth or nationality, we seemed to get along just fine. We arranged to set things up a few days ahead and I suggested she send over what she wanted to wear by cab, before the session. Her wardrobe duly arrived and a few days later I had set up the studio for the shoot. The results are below and demonstrate how far my techniques have come in the intervening twelve years.
The session was, I reckoned, going to take most of the day. Throughout the morning - she, Alex, arrived at 10.00 a.m. or thereabouts - she changed through a series of dresses etc and I was kept busy taking shots with three different cameras, each fitted with different lenses. Then we stopped for lunch. She had changed back into the jeans she had arrived in and we went out and caught a light lunch.
When we came back various lingerie shots were the order of the day. Whether it was the Chardonnay we had at lunchtime or just the fact that we had spent a good part of the day together, but she was much more relaxed and easy to pose in the afternoon. having finished the lingerie set about mid afternoon. Then we sat together and reviewed everything on the computer. She had slipped on a gown over her undies while we did. I remember the wafts of her perfume and her long hair splayed across her shoulder. Her right leg against mine. Nice moment,
Alex said she had one final dress she wanted to be photographed in. She went off and changed and reappeared in the outfit below...if you can say 'in that outfit'! I remember her saying something along the lines of 'well I'm here so I may as well go the whole hog'.
She is a very attractive woman to this her clothes, but then she started to slip the clingy red gown of her shoulder revealing first one, then both her boobs. Her skin tone was perfect and flawless (so were her boobs!).

She struck several poses, partly at my direction and then with all the confidence in the world pulled the gown up to reveal her long legs (see below).
Around this point she was definitely coming on to me with flirty remarks, and teasing shots like the one below. It wouldn't have surprised me at this point if she had nothing on under that gown, but she had skimpy black panties, just, as you can see below.
The teasing continued and accelerated, as she pulled them up tight against her pussy Then Alex turned and displayed her tight little ass to me and the camera. She parted her lips and gave me 'that look'. The look of a woman who wants to be taken.
Then she leaned right into the camera her boobs dangling temptingly in front of me as she slid her panties down those long legs. It was as much as I could do to concentrate. She did ask at this point was I getting everything. Naturally, I said I was, for sure!

She finished the pantie removal on the floor, affording a brief glimpse of her pussy. The stood for a number of full frontal, totally nude, shots.

Alex kept telling me that she was feeling very horny and needed for that to be satiated, as she displayed her pussy to me, fully, from the rear and the front....
Finally she struck a pose which I was to become quite familiar with. That of lying back with her legs fully spread.
This is where the second part of the 'Technique' title comes in......
There was a couch in the studio...makes me laugh when I think of the Hollywood cliche of the 'Director's couch'. It had been used in the past on a number of occasions and all the clients were, you might say, quite satisfied.
We made love, had sex, whatever you want to call it but I remember it was very, very good for both of us. She was about the fifth or sixth woman, I think, to use the exact words you did LL - where did you learn to make love like THAT!' Others have said something similar...and I'm not being immodest, in repeating what I was told. That is where the second use of the word 'technique' Please excuse the intended pun.
Alex turned out to be a very hot lady, and she told me afterward that she never expected that from a guy my age (then). I'm still firing on all cylinders by the way LL. She told me that the way I used foreplay was a master class in how to seduce a woman. Although I think she seduced me to be honest...a willing lamb to the slaughter, so to speak. The way I followed it up by making her come, by just using my tongue in three places and then pleasuring every part of her inside and out was the skilled use of technique I was talking about. That and knowledge of how to make a woman float on a cloud of sexual pleasure. No wham, bam thank you ma'am. That is not the way, nor is a boring repetitive approach.
She reached a climax twice more through the 'application of technique'. I like to vary things and make lovemaking more interesting and more 'unexpected' each time, which leads me to the next occasion we were together........
....and it happened far from the London studio. You can probably guess where LL, somewhere extremely close to a place you once stayed in East Anglia. The countryside there is largely arable and is known as Britain's bread basket because of the large acreage of grain grown.
So a field of grain was entirely appropriate, I thought. We came to know each other quite both senses of the word. She was acquainted with my parts and me with hers and like old acquaintances we got together a few times, mainly in London. Theatres, plays and shows, the occasional dinner date and the odd concert - we did them all. I may have been living on my own in that apartment in London, but I was never without female company when I felt the need...or they did.
You once warned me about STD's - you must have thought I was stupid or something. Like most of your advice I was way ahead of you. It was you that was/is naive, not me. Needless to say, nothing of that nature came anywhere near me. Were you trying to warn me off other women at that time and hedging your bets? Perhaps, but your judgment was/is rubbish so I had no thought that you would come creeping back. You had made your foolish decision and now you are living with all the mundane aspects of it, instead of the exciting life you might have enjoyed.
Enough of that, back to my sojourn with Alex in East Anglia. I had invited her to stay in my country place there. Not too far away, and screened by a thick copse and the drop of the hillside from prying eyes, we walked out of the house to this grain field. Camera in hand as Alex wanted outdoor shots. We had already taken some against the backdrop of my garden, fully clothed.
Wearing a summer dress (her not me!), Alex and I walked through the hay field next to the house round the copse to the field of grain. It was very private - in the middle of nowhere so to speak. She asked me to unzip her dress and we put the cushion pad we had brought with us on the ground. We were on the edge of the field hard up against the copse. Her dress slid quickly to the ground - she was wearing nothing underneath, so we got down to the photographs she wanted. A few, very few, of which appear below.

I guess feeling a little 'exposed she then went down on her knees, as did I with the camera, and I took these shots that follow below. The yellow flowers you can see is just a bit of wind blown oil seed rape that had germinated there. Looking back at these photos again now. I have to say that Alex had the most perfect boobs and figure and I am smiling to myself as I recall our 'adventures' in and out of bed....which is more than can be said for ours LL!
I guess we had been out there for about 20-25 minutes in the warmth of the sun that morning. I knew that Alex wanted to be taken outside in the country. It was one of here little fantasies. Living in London as she did, that opportunity hardly arose.
I took several more as she displayed herself even further. An open invitation you might say and not one I was going to pass up.
Finally, neither of us could hold off any longer. I was wearing shorts, nothing else and I slipped out of those quickly as she lay back and opened her legs in preparation for my attentions. One arm lay across her tummy the other by her mouth. She had her eyes closed and I started a little foreplay, although she hardly needed any warming up judging by the moistness I could see between her legs.
Anticipation is everything, they say and so I took a stalk of grain and used it lightly across her body teasing her and stimulating her nipples. Her breast were a lovely size - even my large-ish hands couldn't totally encompass them. they warm, soft but hardening by the minute she took my fella in hand and used that 'stalk' to stimulate her clit at such a rate she made herself come within a couple of minutes.
I looked down as her tummy contracted and she squeezed her buttocks together arching her back at the same time. She was totally dilated by now. Warm and very wet where it mattered and I entered her with ease....and the rest LL, I will leave to your imagination.

She reciprocated my hospitality and I took this final shot at her home in London
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
Ciao bella
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