For LL
I took you right across the southern States in my previous blogs and described who I met along the way. I thought I might do the same with some more random places.
Starting quite close to home in New England.
Close to home is relatively speaking in my now home country LL. The distances are far greater than in 'little ole England'. For instance, if I were to drive down to New York from our home in Nantucket it would take me 5 + hours via Boston on the Interstate highways. We would drive from Hyannis which is on the mainland - ignoring the distance from the island which includes a boat trip. One reason we have our own jet. It's far easier to get around. no security, no check in, just passports and customs/immigration and we can land on the island
The blog title is explained at the end - enjoy the read.
New England
Many moons ago when I was exploring New England, all over again - I had done so with my late wife, I guess about 22 years ago now - I viewed a variety of places, but ended up buying a small place, by US standards near Concord, New Hampshire. It was an investment and a base for my exploratory trips. Sold it back in 2008.
Anyway the house backed onto a lake. There are lots there and it was separated from other homes by woodland about half a mile either way. It was peaceful and also fairly private. I never did like living in that community in Fort Myers in WLC, little lady. I prefer the country to retreat to.
I spent some time there over the years between 2005 (summer), when I bought it, and 2008 when it was sold. It was a great location , photographically. The lake was always changing and the woodland had its wildlife.
I was sitting on the back deck one day, sipping coffee and enjoying the sun, when the door bell went. I was thinking it was probably the mail man with a signed for delivery I was expecting. I hauled myself through the house opened the screen door and then the main door. I was confronted by the lady below, although she was dressed right then!
She looked hassled and a bit weary. It transpired she had run out of gas and had spluttered to a halt right outside my place, just able to pull over to the shoulder. Apparently, she was heading down to Boston.
Normally, I had a jerry can of gas in the garage but had used it all up on my ride on mower the day before. I couldn't help, but I could offer coffee and a lift to the nearest gas station. I invited her in. Made coffee and we went out on the back deck which overlooked some back yard lawn and then the trees and path leading down to the lake.
We sat sipping coffee and she told me that she was an assistant editor with the TV studios in Boston. I asked her about it and she was quite willing to talk about her job. Then she asked me about mine. I gave her some background. and she then asked was I born here in New England. I told her I was a Brit, Scots father, English mother - she expressed surprise. I had already, even back then, picked up the American idiom and a slight accent, which made me sound a bit like a 'New Englander' - certainly sounded like I hailed from Massachusetts, she said.
We talked a bit about the UK and Europe then she asked where the path led. I told her, the lake. She asked to have a look-see, so we wandered down there, having finished our coffee. I grabbed my camera. There were often birds and scenes to take shots of. and never went to the lake without one.
I asked about the gas, and she said it was OK as she didn't have to be at work until Monday. It was Friday morning.
The trees gave way to some scrub as we reached the lake shore. The sun was shining and it was getting hot. She slipped her trainers off and stood in ankle deep water. I joined her. She said it was beautiful there.
'I'm going in, will you join me', I remember she said, or words to that effect. It was hot, very so....
'Yes, sure' I said.
She stripped down to her bra and panties, revealing a tanned and lovely body. I remember her undies were quite sheer and left nothing to the imagination. As she stood there ankle deep in the water looking out over the water she reached behind her, took her bra off and slipped her panties down over a beautiful butt.
'You can use your camera if you want'
So I did. She splashed out a few feet then immersed herself fully in the water. I put my camera down stripped off as well and joined her. The water was cool and refreshing.
'This is good' she said. 'Never thought I would end up doing this when I get up this morning'
'Nor did I!', I said
I had only seen her from behind, which was lovely, incidentally LL. After that she was in the water up to her neck. We languished there for sometime just a few feet apart. Heads back looking at the sky and enjoying the sun and the moment. far away there was the distant sound of the odd vehicle. Apart from that, there was just the birds and us. We were silent, just taking it in and relaxing.
As I lay back in the water, I felt fingers take both my hands. Bringing my head back to vertical Dee, that was her name, had taken mine in hers. We were still immersed in the lake but now the swell of her breasts were just there in front of me. The rest of her including her nipples were below water. The lake water was clear, as it always is, and then I glanced down and so did she and we both smiled. She put her arms round my neck clasping them. Then she kissed me and I kissed her. Her breasts were against my chest and she had one leg between mine.
Then just as suddenly she broke away and splashed ashore. A gorgeous site!
'Take some photos', she said.
'What about the gas?'
Who cares', she said laughing. 'I feel free and I love it here'
I took a load of photos and she posed for them.
'A natural' I told her.
'Of course' she said smiling.
Then we sat on the shore as naked as the day we were both born and had a quick look at the photos on the camera screen. Her knees were drawn up under her chin, her thighs pressing against her breasts and spreading them sideways. We decided to go back to the house and towel off etc. She went ahead on the path,which was a delight for me, LL.
Continued below.....

We reached the house and fetched two towels and threw one across the day room to Dee. She went out on the deck to dry off and I followed.
'More coffee', I asked.
'Sure', she said. ' First.....', and with that she came across to me and wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed. My hands settled on her damp dry waist first of all then drifted lower onto her buttocks.
'Squeeze them' she said as we went forehead to fore head, pecking and exploring each other's mouths.
I did and from the deck I carried her back into the house and into one of the bedrooms. She was something of a wild cat. She straddled me, lowering first one boob then the other toward my mouth. just far enough so that my tongue could reach her nipples...and tease them. My hands were holding her butt firmly.
Then lower so that I could suck them in turn. All this time she was sliding her wet pussy up and down my fella down there who was definitely on duty and hard as the rocks by the lake. She sat up still straddling me and wiggled around so that I could enter her....
That was it! She went wild riding me like she was working for the Pony Express. So fast that as I grabbed her boobs and held them they kept slipping from my hands. She was screaming out as she reached her climax. Her clit was so proud I could feel it. A hard part of her resting on my pubic area. The rest was dripping wet.
I rolled her over onto her back and stood. She lay there with her legs wide open her hands supporting them. I looked down at her. She was flushed smiling in that dreamy way women do when they are in their pleasure Zine and I entered her again, leaning forward to caress and squeeze her boobs.
Slowly at first but then stimulated by her wetness and the mmmm's emanating from her. I upped my game and took hold of her thighs drawing her right onto to me. Then my thrusting was hard and fast. She came again with a scream and several OMG's.
I hadn't finished so I continued. I think she had reached her limit, or so she thought. I looked down she was really wide and that strip of pubic hair just above her pussy was quite wet and sticky.
She was tossing her head from side to side as I continued on my journey in and out of her then she came again with another scream and, with a rush, so did I pumping into her all I had. Surprisingly, I stayed hard and was throbbing some inside her and filling her all round. Then I withdrew. Threw myself on the bed beside her as she drew her legs together, rolled on her side and I put my arm round her.
She snuggled up to me and closed her eyes. I caressed her gently, from her beautiful but, up around her waist and along her back. Her warm breasts were snuggled against my chest and it felt great.
We showered. Dee washed up first and I took a few more shots. then I joined her in the same shower. She put her arms around my neck smiled and looked at me and said....
'I came four times. That has never happened to me in one session before. I thought I was going to die!'
I embraced and whispered in her ear, above the noise of the shower.
'Do you want to share my bed tonight?'
'Oh yes!' she exclaimed. 'You bet'.
She stayed. We grabbed some stuff for lunch from the fridge and got dressed. After lunch we drove out in my Grand Cherokee and solved the gas problem. I also bought some groceries and we cooked together that night.
Over a bottle of very good red, we talked and talked. One remark I do recall was that she said 'Not bad for a pit stop'
'The food, or the dessert? I queried.
'Definitely, the dessert'.
We went to bed and.....I'll leave you to imagine the rest LL.
The next morning Dee left for her job in Boston. She was in early on the Monday. It didn't end there LL. Dee called in whenever she was passing having called me most times and we spent many a happy hour by the pool, on the couch and in the bedroom. I wasn't always there of course but we kept in touch when I was back in the UK and was there for Thanksgiving in 2005.
I guess you thought I was in the UK, I wasn'tš. It was so easy to spread disinformation to you. You lapped it all up. But then you were the one who erred while we were together.
That encounter with Dee which continued for quite a while. We never asked each other whether we had partners, funny that, but our relationship worked well, for quite a while. It fulfilled a need for both us without any commitment..
Having been married over 30 years, I guess I never thought that I had any attraction for women, especially younger ones than me. How wrong I was. Dee made me realize that what I perceived about myself, was not what the women I encountered saw.
She was not the first after you strayed in 2004 LL. I will write about that woman sometime. The first after you....
My first trip to California was a long, long time ago when I was in the Service. At that time it was restricted to San Diego and Annapolis - the USNA. I went back to the State of course, in the eighties and the nineties. Then after the death of my wife, I ventured there again. This time in 2005. Cameras always at the ready. I set up a studio in Oakland. From there I took trips around the State and also took on quite a few clients...not all for nude shots either! In fact most weren't.
The studio was in a building that housed several businesses, lawyers, office services and the like. One day I got to chatting to a lady, who was an admin manager at one such business, in the parking lot. She said she had seen me coming and going and then disappearing for periods. I told her that was right, for two reasons. Firstly, I was a UK citizen (then), and secondly, I went out and stayed away on photo shoots and business trips.
Her name was Lucy (her dad loved the Beatles - she told me). She was blond and about your height LL,. maybe reaching 5' 4" but no more, with all the curves in the right places. She wore tops that were as tight as a sock, so it was pretty apparent and on occasions almost transparent!.
We bumped in to each other a couple of times more, once literally as we rounded a corridor corner in opposite directions at the same time. The pleasure was all mine. I told her we couldn't keep meeting like this as a joke, and we both laughed. How about a coffee across the highway I then asked her.
So later that day we met up in a diner across the road. She asked what kind of photograph s I took, so I explained - wildlife, landscapes, street scenes, portraits, fashion but not weddings. I wasn't in that market, as I licence my photos for others, and for an income, of course. I get paid very well LL.
She then asked whether I would photograph her. Lucy said she would pay but I said you can have them on the house. In any case she really couldn't afford me on an admin manager's income. I asked where and when. She suggested the weekend and somewhere out over toward the coast. There's not a lot, apart from miles and miles of agriculture, in the San Joaquin Valley so that was set. I said I would pick her up around 10.00 am Saturday unless she would like dinner on Friday night.
When I was in Oakland I used to stay in my regular hotel LL. It was some years before I/we (Ash and I) would have a joint home in San Francisco. Lucy agreed to dinner and so I picked her up that Friday in a cab, so we could drink, and took her out for a lovely evening. I really enjoyed it, and so did she.
After dropping her off by cab and arranging to meet the following morning we said our good nights with a peck on the cheek. Next morning I picked Lucy up at 7.45 a.m. and we headed for the the Sierra Nevada and a place called Sonora that Lucy said was a good spot to explore the mountains. It was about a 2.5 hour drive heading out on 580 from Oakland.
WE put the radio on, found a C & W station and settled back for the drive. Lucy wore shorts and one of her tight as a drum tops. She put her feet up on the dash and we chatted away - her more than me. Stopping off at some place just on the edge of Sonora we had a late breakfast and plenty of coffee...for me.
Then on Lucy's instructions we headed into the hills on a back road. She told me she grew up out here and loved the hills. It was quite warm even allowing for a slight change in the climate in the hills. We pulled over at an out of the way spot she knew and broke into the cool box she had prepared. I grabbed an orange and a cool drink. Californian oranges are huge LL. Nothing like the Spanish ones you get in the UK and real juicy. After demolishing half and Lucy doing the same I prepared my cameras with a couple of different lenses and a lens flash.
'Where do you want me', she said, laughing at her innuendo.
'Just do your own thing and I'll take the shots and tell you if I think you need to change any pose you adopt.'
So away we went. Me circling her as she walked around the area and looked down into the valley and lake below. One shot, she stood on a rock looking back toward Frisco. Hands on her belt...or so I thought. It was a good photo, taken at an angle from behind with the sun catching the outline of her face.
In fact she had been undoing her belt and her shorts. She turned and took them off revealing white lacy panties, which left little to the imagination. She said she wanted some shots in her underwear and then took her top off revealing a matching bra that was fighting to stop her boobs falling out.
It was getting hard to concentrate on the photos and she knew it, but I carried on. Somehow it seemed the most natural thing in the world to do, when she slipped her panties and bra off and posed, arching her back, sticking her ass out and crawling about on all fours. It was as we both knew an invitation. If a woman can flirt with nothing on then she was doing it and then some. I slowly lowered the camera I was holding and just stood and admired her body.
She may not have been tall but she sure made up for it elsewhere. Her butt and firm good sized boobs had me stirring and she could see that I had a 'pressing' need. She came over, unbuttoned my shirt and slid it off my shoulders. I could feel her nipples brush my chest. Then I embraced her and she me and we kissed passionately. I nuzzled in and around her neck and she set her head to one side so her long blond hair fell away exposing her neck. I kissed it softly and with some lubrication. I felt her hands drift down and unbutton and unzip my shorts. They fell to the ground and she put her hands inside my boxers and slid them off.
My hands were on her ass by now caressing it and taking it's curves all the way down between her legs.
In the meantime I was real hard and she had me in hand, so to speak.
'Take me', she said. 'Take me, now.'
I did.
I've handled some boobs and ass in my time but her boobs were something else and I loved all her white bits...twice. I'll leave it there LL, although we didn't. It was a regular 'port of call' when I was there.
It must have been that certain 'je ne sais quoi', I seem to have that attracted these women. You never really knew me, did you. Never understood the grief I had at that time. But I came out of it and you - you couldn't wait. Your loss LL - not mine.
Norfolk, UK
Remember how hot, and how private, that back yard was in Norfolk LL. The one with the swimming pool that is. Not one of the various properties I had in Norwich, back then. Just remembered you didn't know about them at the time. You see - I didn't need your advice about not telling folk everything about me. In fact you never knew the half of it. You do know more now though.
You will have realized that you weren't the only 'visitor' to the Norfolk house, although from 2003 thru March 2004 (date of your 'confession' to playing away), you were the only one. After that, and not being able to trust you, I considered I was 'free', but I hoped you wouldn't repeat what you did. did didn't you.
So during that year, apart from you, I got into photographing nude women ( and many other things) due to the lady below.
Believe it or not, she lived just one field away from me. In fact you could just see her place in the distance from one of my bedroom windows. Looking back I find it quite amusing how we met. Remember I used to frequent a place called Auberge (now gone). Well I was in there one Friday lunchtime having lunch at a table for two. It was packed. I was eating and reading a book when I looked up and saw a brunette lady hovering close by. She asked if she might share my table said yes. She apologized for interrupting my reading. I told her that was OK.
She was tall slim and dressed in business attire and I caught a whiff of perfume as she sat down. She crossed her legs and I hear the whisper of her pantie hose (tights) as she did so. We talked and it soon transpired we lived (me part-time) in the same village. Amazing how people open up about themselves with a stranger over lunch. I had coffee, but as we talked more I asked her if she would like a glass of wine. I ordered two glasses.
It transpired that she was a lawyer (solicitor) and had been in court all morning but was now finished for the day. She also told me she was divorced, hence the smaller place in the village.She had obviously seen the ring on my left hand and asked if I was married. I explained that I was widowed.
As the conversation continued we seemed to be hitting it off, so I suggested she might like dinner on Saturday, the following day. She said she would. I booked a place in the country, later. In among our chat she mentioned she thought my place had a pool and wondered if it was still there. I confirmed it was. and said would she like to use it.
As a result we agreed to have a day in the sun at my place around and in the pool.
The next day she came round. I had the sunbeds out and plenty of ice in the freezer. She slipped out of her clothes inside and reappeared in a bikini. After a short swim in the pool we lounged by the pool reading and talking and just laying in the sun. I remember that it was a very pleasant morning.
All the patio doors were slid back and we came and went in and out of the house to get drinks and coffee, then in the pool again until we got hungry and we sorted out a salad together from the groceries I had.
After lunch and cleaning up we went back out to the pool and the sunbeds. So far, a very lazy day.
If anything the afternoon was hotter. Which was when my guest decided to shed her bikini altogether. She dived in the deep end and the last thing I saw was her bottom disappearing under water. I joined her and afterward we sunned ourselves on the lawn to dry off. See below.
You can imagine that two people completely nude, both single (in a manner of speaking) didn't waste that moment. We went inside but didn't make it beyond the large couch in the day room.
I loved her long slim body and her long legs, especially the time I spent between them LL.š
It was a good job that the house was where it was/is. She was a screamer when it came to lovemaking and when she came as well! After our romp on the couch, we went upstairs to shower, but didn't make it immediately. As I pushed her gently onto that bed LL and we did it all over again..
Later, much later, we headed out for that evening meal. She spent the night with me and we woke up to some early exercise on the Sunday morning as well. Four times in twelve hours LL. Remember that? You weren't the last, by a long way.....
As she was just up the road, literally, there were a number of repeat performances, even after I moved down to London in late 2005.
I had a hell of a good time in those years before I remarried LL. In no small part, that was due to you straying so early on, losing out a big way.

In the title.....
Ne = New England
No= Norfolk
Ca= California
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity, and are copyright. ©
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