A further encounter from the anonymous author, which I publish on his behalf.
For LL
After 'Green' I thought some black and white interspersed with a little color might amuse. These are both studio shots and personal as previously. No trouble with beautiful women as you will see and do see.
I am always entertained, if that's the word by the mundane existence you lead compared with what you might have had. There you are again off over here to Spain. Is there nowhere else? Is there no ambition or desire to see other places? Or is it that you are not in 'control' of your own destiny.
You once wrote that you like a man to be in control but not controlling. I wonder where he fits into that definition.
On the other hand, of course, your choice of destination may be purely down to funds, or lack of them. That and the controlling element would not have figured if you had chosen a different life.
You didn't partly through cowardice (and maybe fear of your present partner). The invitation to contact was genuine, but again cowardice crept in and you haven't had the courage, yet again. makes little difference as I have a superb life, but after 2 plus years together, I thought you might be mature enough to rise above everything. Obviously not judging by present performance.
Enough of those reflections. Back to the gallery below
Recognize the gown?
Client shots
Mainly Personal
Studio shot

Should I compare you to the other women I have enjoyed? That is a question that may never be answered, but physically they were all outstanding in one way or another and in many cases in all ways. Their desires and abilities varied, but none were naive and not all were 'single' What a great period in my life. Particularly after you had let me down so badly.
So where do you come in the scheme of things? Physically, not that high. Emotionally, quite near the top. That latter comment may surprise you, but it shouldn't in the light of what I have said previously.
Finally, enjoying breakfast and.... the view in Paris, back in 2006. This lady had very recently divorced her French husband and we enjoyed a lovely week together. The venue is in her private back garden in Paris, hence the freedom she is enjoying. I took thsi photo and others after we had made love and showered together. I had her nail marks on my back for a week afterwards! We met again in London, where she stayed over in my old apartment (since sold - it was the one I had when we were together, but never told you about). I was probably right not to wasn't I.
Ciao enjoy the sunshine here, we are!
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity, but are concurrent with the events told in this account. All photos are taken by the narrator and are copyright. ©
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