For LL in the UK
Not my first in Carlisle LL, nor my last. This was 2005 one Monday afternoon after I had purportedly left you to go home to Norfolk. In fact, I took a circuitous route to Julie's.
As you can see from her lovely butt , she was certainly younger than you and much more fun. Julie would greet me on those Mondays, either in a dress with no bra or panties beneath, or in her dressing gown, my having sent her a text saying I was on my way. The watch I'm wearing in the frame above was a gift from Julie - my Christmas present for 2004. The best Christmas present I told her at the time was her.
Our relationship was what you might term 'open or loose'. Neither of us felt tied and so we saw others, but never really discussed it. I did tell Julie about your cheating ways though.
Julie worked shifts LL, so my calling on her on that Monday fitted perfectly with her day, our desires and our ‘connection’ the latter being also perfect.
I could relate quite a few occasions we were together, mostly Mondays, but sometimes Thursdays as well if Julie was 'free'. However I will stick to this one time in 2005. I parked my car, the old silver Lexus, behind her property and then returned to the street and walked up the path. She was at the door by the time I reached it. It opened a crack and Julie's head appeared around the edge of that portal. She opened it wider, staying behind the door.
I slipped inside LL and she closed the door. That morning she wore a tee shirt, quite a loose fitting one and a pair of fairly miniscule panties. It was more than obvious that she wore no bra under her top. Julie would vary her dress when I let her know I was on my way. Sometimes it would be just her gown with nothing beneath, sometimes she would greet me topless but wearing panties, and sometimes just the tee shirt with nothing beneath. A very sexual lady and one who was highly sexed to boot. She was hungry for sex almost without exception when I called on her LL.
That morning I had brought with me my old video camera and before we started anything I set it up at the end of her bed, checked it was lined up and set it to roll once we had both stripped off. Once I told her I had the camera Julie came up with the suggestion we should film ourselves having sex.
As you can only see her back in the frame, I guess I should describe her body a little more. Apart from her cute ass, LL, she possessed nice firm boobs that fitted my large hands perfectly of ‘perfect as you used to say. She was slim and had lovely legs a mischievous smile and green eyes…like mine. She was incredible flexible, physically too, which she put to good use in bed.
Before setting up that camera to film us we had embraced each other by way of a ‘warm up’. Julie liked me taking her boobs in hand from behind, which I did that morning. She still in the tee shirt and small panties and me with just my underwear on. Funny really, from my point of view bearing in mind you were cheating on me, because that day I arrived at Julie’s just under 45 minutes from seeing you off to work. There I was about to get into bed with another woman. That always amused me, whenever and with whoever it was after you played away and long before you knew anything about my sexual exploits LL.
There we were. Me with my hands beneath Julie’s tee shirt with my hands on those firm boobs, feeling her nipples harden under my touch. Once they were erect and I was hard., off came her tee shirt and we removed each other’s underwear. Julie climbed onto the bed and lay on her back. I started the video and then climbed between her legs. She was wet and her pussy partly open. Enough to allow my tip in and gentle slipp right inside her.
She always gasped. She said that was due to my thickness, but once in she found it very arousing, filling her as I did. Slow thrusting released more of Julie’s juices, which eased things more and more. Combined with the dilation of her pussy our fucking each other was a very comfortable affair. I slid in and out easily with Julie's generous pussy accommodating me full. Her legs went high and wide and her groans followed with each thrust. The shouting came a little later when she was close to coming and then came. As I have a video of that day I can tell you she screamed out when she hit the heights.
For my part, I was covered in Julie’s cum and still erect LL… and that after making love to you earlier! We had hardly said ‘hello’, but after that first climax of hers we lay side by side. Her warm lovely figure against my body. After she had her breath back we talked a little and then she sat astride me rubbing her wet pussy up and down my erection until she wanted it inside her. Slipping it in she started using her lovely hips to move to and fro on me while I paid lots of attention to her breasts and that superb tight ass of hers…and that is where the frame above came from.
To talking about ‘came’ we both did.
Newmarket is, as I think I have said in the past, a town of two halves. The southern end is just a typical UK town with stores, pubs etc. North of the the clock tower roundabout it is quite different. There the properties are almost all private dwellings and quite large partially due to the racing fraternity. There is also a somewhat upmarket hotel as well.
It was to one of these houses that I was invited in 2005 LL. By that time I had acquired a much better videocam. Quite a large one which I used then for wildlife. Naturally, it come in handy for the ladies who wanted a recording of their lovemaking with me. That obviously didn't come into play at the outset of any relationship but, as I have said. it was quite a popular 'add on' to our sex. Sometimes when thinks got a little wild it would get kicked off focus, but we always managed to catch lots of action.
The lady in the bath was someone I knew through my banking connections. you could say I was surprised to hear from her in the spring of 2005 as I had had nothing to do with her or her husband for nearly four years. Her name is Claire. She managed to get in touch with me by phoning my bank and asking if they could relay a message and her number to me. Unusual, but not the first time it had happened.
The message was received by me along with her number and so I phoned LL. I was intrigued after all. Claire and I spoke and she asked if I could call at her home in Newmarket. We set a time and a day which was a couple of days ahead. It seemed from what she said she wanted me to look something over and seek my advice. I thought nothing of it during that call, but when I reflected upon things later I realised she had been deliberately vague about what it was she sought my input on.
It was her LL.
On the appointed day and at the appointed hour I drove onto their drive and headed for the front door. It was opened by Claire who, in fairly short order, told me we were on our own as her husband was away. At that point I wasn’t aware of the significance of that remark. I followed her through the house, which was a pleasure in itself, trailing behind shapely figure and downwind from a rather nice perfume that she was wearing. It was coming up on eleven in the morning LL, so I wasn’t surprised to be offered coffee. WE sat at the kitchen table, a large wooden affair devoid of any clutter apart from a bowl of fruit.
We talked and Claire suggested she give me a tour of the house before, as she put it, we get down to business. I was happy with that. As you can see from the shot above from a later encounter, she was quite a woman physically. Possessed of nice long legs a great looking figure with all the curves in the right place and, as I was to discover, a pair of superb tits.
Having finished our coffees, Claire walked and talked me around the house. We went everywhere ending up in her bedroom from which she ejected me as she said she was going to change. On the same floor was a small room that served as an office. Claire suggested I waited there while she changed. I was browsing the bookshelves when some minutes later I heard her call me to return.
I walked up to the partially open door. I couldn’t see inside but Claire had detected the fact I was there. She told me to come in. I pushed the open slowly revealing more and more of the room. There in the centre as before was the bed. It had been empty and made up when I first saw it LL. Now it was occupied by Claire who was sitting propped up by. Her shoulders were bare and she was holding a sheet up around the rest of her body. I pulled my eyes aware from her momentarily, glanced around the room and saw her dress, bra and panties casually thrown on a chair to the left of the bed.
She smiled and asked if I cared to join her LL. The rest as far Claire and I were concerned was history. or rather is history. I stripped and climbed onto the bed. Claire let the sheet drop, kicked it back and shuffled down so she was laying there totally naked. The sight of her naked body to a red-blooded mail like me had the required effect and I rose fully to the occasion which pleased Claire no end. It was my end she was interested in. Me, I was interested in her end.
I gave up trying to analyse why so many women over the years have wanted me to make love to them LL. I have just accepted the fact and enjoyed myself while giving pleasure to all those ladies. I took the lead in that Claire having invited me into her bed it seemed the decent (or indecent( thing to do. I placed myself between her legs which she willingly parted. I knew from the way she looked at me that morning that she anticipated that my next move would be to penetrate her.
It wasn’t LL. Instead I shuffled back a little way leaned down and buried my head between her legs so far up between her thighs that my nose was resting on her pubic hair. My tongue flicked out like that of a reptile seeking its prey. I touched her pussy with it and then she knew that I was going to take her from mere wetness to a full blown climax. Her next words were 'Oh, yes please'. I licked and I flicked her pussy gradually moving onto her clit. It didn't need arousing by the time my tongue reached it. That little pearl previously wrapped in its 'shell', was standing quite proud.
Stroking it and sucking it made Claire moan of course LL...almost continually until I sensed she was right on the edge of having an orgasm. Then the moans changed to 'Oh's' slow at firts but rapid as she came. One final shout of 'Oh, yes, yes, yesss!' and she was there. Legs quivered around me, her pussy was contracting along with her tummy and she was panting. I knelt up from where I had been LL and steered my cock into her pussy.
Claire widened her legs and drew them up. We both looked at each other as I slowly entered her wet vagina. Claire gasped and her eyes widened as I popped my hood past her entrance, but then she started thrusting upward against me until I was all the way in. Then I did the thrusting. Slow at first then fast then slow again. I wasn't being something of a tease although it had that effect Claire told me later. In fact I was trying to make sure I didn't come as I had it in mind to make the most of that morning with this gorgeous woman. I never thought at that time that we would become quite a regular two for frequent coupling.
I think I turned something on in Claire because that morning having come under the caresses of my tongue she came again quite quickly under the caresses of my erection and she enjoyed evry minute of it. After that and seeing that I was still erect se mounted me and we were away again. Claire impaled on my cock and me with my hands full with her breasts. We both enjoyed that last fuck greatly. She was in no hurry to come and neither was I, so there was lots of gentle rocking on me by Claire while for a while I stayed passive. We even talked a fair bit until the urge overtook me and I found myself thrusting up into her with some ferocity. I was a little worried about that at the time but after we had both peaked, Claire told me she liked it like that sometimes.
There was never anything to discuss or advise on. Claire had merely wanted a man in her bed. She said she was surprised at how good I was and how attentive to her needs.. After our sex I suggested lunch, but Claire said that was a bi risky with people knowing her quite well in the town. I cleaned up and dressed, Claire ran a bath and I sat in the bathroom talking to her until we both decided I should leave. I leaned over the bath and kissed her getting my hand wet when I had a final feel of her breasts.
We arranged other meets LL. These were mainly at my place for obvious reasons - her husband. Claire told me she made sure she was never followed, which was fairly easy on those lanes around my place and then when she arrived we would garage her car. I called on her of course, but not as frequently as she came to me. On one of the occasions I was at her home, we had sex in the bath. The bath you see above. I think you will figure out that Claire has climaxed. I am in that large bath as well, but I have cropped myself out of the video frame.
This lady, see above, liked her sex in quite a few different positions. The year is 2004 LL and the location somewhere near Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk. The lady is Lyn - someone who was on our old website LL. She contacted me to begin with, in April 2004, but we were soon chatting away through the rest of that month and into early May. Then she asked if we could meet. We did in Bury, at The Angel Hotel. Seemed she liked me as after that first meeting she invited me to her place, a new build on the edge of the town.
Lyn was separated and as she put it at one point back on the market. We were never going to be an item as she in her thirties back then and the age difference was too great. However, that didn’t stop her having me service her LL. That was a pleasure in itself and Lyn was a nice woman with a great personality and figure, so it was no hardship for me.
As I mentioned in my narrative regarding Claire, I have given up and had given up trying analyse why women wanted me to climb into bed with them or indeed to perform sex in other places. I went with the flow…within reason.
Lyn had cooked a meal for me and we ate early the evening she invited me over to her place and we chatted freely while she prepared the meal. I acted as sous chef in a very feminine apron which amused Lyn. A low light in the dining area, a candle on the table and wine provided by me. It was very nice LL. Remember this was 2005 and you had been going behind my back since March of the previous year, so I found the company of others much more to my preference than someone I couldn't trust. I gave you enough rope...but you still betrayed me.
Lyn and I were into bottle two of the wine by mid/late evening and it was obvious I wouldn't be able to drive. You can guess where I ended up LL. Snug as a bug in a rug under the duvet with a naked Lyn She had been separated sometime and whilst she was hungry for sex LL, she asked me to be gentle with her. I was that night and again in the morning, before we rose. That was our first time.
Having been introduced, so to speak, to my lovemaking and having been 'without' for sometime Lyn wanted to see me more often and have me more often. I soon discovered she had quite a hunger for sex and that she liked to try it every which way. That brings me to the first two frames above, taken on my old video camera in late July 2005. By that time we were as you might say very familiar with each other's anatomy.
On the occasion of the video above we had sex three ways. I came on the third occasion. WE started in her small snug room at the rear of the house. Both naked, we made love in the traditional manner LL, with me on top, between her long legs, fully immersed inside her sliding happily and nice and sickly in and out - a pleasure for us both. I brought to a climax far before I was anywhere near thankfully. I was saving myself for what we always termed the tertiary, or sometimes quaternary explosion. She loved me coming inside her. The feeling she received when she felt me swell and then shoot all I had into her. The throbbing straight afterward of my cock and then of course that male grunt when I spurted. She loved it all.
As I said LL, on that July day I made her come. While she was still oozing her cum, she sat astride me with her back facing me and steered my erection back inside her. She was well dilated of course so it slipped in easily. Lyn leaned back on me as you can see and that gave me the opportunity to fondle her boobs which as you can see swelled nicely for the occasion … as did I. Lyon’s boobs always made me harder especially when I fondled them. They were firm to start with and could feel them harden under my hands and her nipples pop up nice and erect. That was always very arousing.
I believe it was the angle of entry that Lyn enjoyed when we fucked in that position. She used to say I was touching her inside with my thickness where she had never felt a man before and that it was very, very stimulating. judging by her expressions and the noise she made I guess you could say I was hitting the spot. On that day in July 2005 I was sliding in and out of her while she lay at an angle across my chest. Most of the time I was squeezing her tits and thrusting with my hips.
It didn’t take much before she came a second time, her justices flowing. Freely out around my cock as I remained inside her as she came down from her ‘high’. Then she rolled off and lay alongside me before turning, pressing that shapely body against mine, her arm across my chest and one of her long legs across both of mine, as I lay on my back.
We caressed and we kissed. Lyn said how good it had been. I returned the compliment then a mischievous smile spread across her face as she started on raising me up once more. To help it along I worked on her boobs. Next thing is we had realigned the video cam and Lyn was on her back, legs all the way back inviting me to take her again, which of course I did. She liked me to finish our sexual bouts fast and furious. Considering I had a pressing need to come, I did exactly that.
Slipping inside her LL, I didn’t bother with a slow start or any other technique to turn Lyn on. There was no need, she was begging me to fuck her hard and fast. For her part, she met me half way physically, so that in fairly short order we both erupted in a joint climax of stickiness and wet as my semen mixed with her cum.
We didn't always use the video cam LL, although Lyn loved watching us afterward when I played it back. She used to say it was like having a voyeur in the room spying on us but the fact it was all recored made it more exciting for her.
Wet and wild. Anne nearly always was and boy did she like my cock inside her. Sometimes she couldn't 'wait' - see above.
Ann lived near King's Lynn, over there in Norfolk LL. She contacted me through another dating sight - not the one you and I used. We met at a pub out in the sticks, the first time we were face to face. She was an OK woman. By that I mean she wasn't a raving beauty, but neither was she ugly. Anne was in her early to mid forties back then. Next step was a meal out and then she asked to see where I lived. I took her there the night of that first meal. She followed me home in her own small car.
Anne spent that night with me and it soon became apparent when we had gone to bed tha she was something of a nymphomaniac. She wanted sex and lots of it and she didn't waste any time either. That first time we started out in the good old sixty nine position with her sucking on me and me eating pussy and licking and flicking her clit. What she did for me was lovely but fortunately I didn't come and I know she didn't want me too. However, Ann did come well and truly spurting her juices and cum all over my face.
A quick clean up with tissues and Anne was ready for more. She was on her back legs held high and wide when I climbed between them. The sight of her open wet pussy was enough to bring my cock right back up to its full size. Even though some time before she had been sucking on it I recall she mentioned how thick it looked. Moments after that remark I slid slowly inside her accompanied by several gasps from the lady and she became very familiar with that thickness.
She came again and then we reversed positions while I was still hard Ll and she mounted me and awy we both went. She rode me like a Valkyrie and thrust hard against her like a steam hammer. We both came, both cleaned, both slept and in the morning repeated matters all over again, although we varied positions. Neither of us showered until mid morning.
The shot above is in fact a photo not a video frame. She wanted me to film her as I took her, after a night out and more than few drinks and liqueurs when we got back to her place. She had this scenario she wanted me to play out which involved me stripping her dress and bra off and then showing how impatient we were I was to pull her panties aside and take her from behind - hence the shot above LL.
WE both found it incredibly sexy and we both came. With all the drink inside us we could only manage that once which despite that fact was great. We made up for it in the morning!!
Anne liked acting out a few different scenarios something her ex-husband could never do. Apparently, she reckoned he was repressed. Not something she ascribed to me though. She thought I was highly sexed and more than her equal in bed.
Words first this time and video frames below.
This is a rarity LL, in that I have allowed her face to creep into the frames from the video. This was 2005 again, quite close to home (mine) in Norfolk. The lady is Kelly and she hailed from my old insurance company 'gang' of ladies who 'did'. In my mind they were my 'Pussy Pack', always up, or rather down, for sex and satisfaction. There were around six or seven LL, which kept me rather busy when you consider the others I had on the go.
It was like one of those acts where a man is spinning plates on sticks. You just get them all spinning when the first one needs attention. In this case a woman of course. Not that it was necessary to service them all individually. Several were up for a threesome and once I had all four spread out in my bedroom. Their request.
Onto Kelly and I was that August when this video was taken. We had made love before and she liked what I gave her. In fact she joined in a threesome with another lady called Laura a few times. On this occasion a Saturday morning when I wasn't with you, she called me and asked if I could see her at her place. I was going into Norwich so I said yes. I didn't expect sex and I had a date that evening anyway with Kim #2.
I arrived to find her front door unlocked with a message taped to it to say jsut come in. I removed the message and did just that, walked in. Kelly was in the hallway wearing just her bra and panties. I wasn't sure if she was in te midst of getting dressed or undressed. Turned out it was the latter LL. I knew the reason she had gotten me to call was sex, but even for Kelly I thought it wouldn't be the case before ten in the morning.
That all went out the window when she took my hand led me upstairs had my polo and chinos off in a flash as she kissed me. While we were kissing I used my hands to remove her panties as she did the same with my underwear. That left her bra but neither of us could wait. I was fully erect and she was very wet, and I mean very wet LL. She had asked me to bring my video cam. I kept the tripod in the boot except when visiting you. We had set it up to the left of her bed and she had me wear my GoPro (camera) to get some extra shots from above and below.
I’ll tell you one thing about Kelly, she could make me hard just by my knowing she wanted me. It wasn’t just a normal erection either. The effect she had on me was nearly always to make me ‘lock’ into an erection, completely rigid. That was they way she liked it. No floppy cocks for Kelly. Her pussy pretty much always, was wet in anticipation LL, as it was that morning. She was on her back. We hadn’t gotten around to removing her bra so I pulled the cups down so I could fondle her, flesh on flesh and work her nipples. The latter she loved.
Despite being wet on that morning like all other occasions she gasped as I entered her - see frame one below We fucked, changed positions before either of us came and then changed positions again - frames two and three. It was while we were enjoying her riding me in position three that we both came. Sometimes Kelly could match me for lasting power, however much she wanted to come.
Moving on to frames four and five. These were taken in October of the same year. Kelly had a predilection for sex from behind. I liked to take her that way too because it would trigger multiple orgasms for her. It was great for her and I found it incredibly sexy myself LL. She might come four or five times and I would still be utterly rigid inside her. Then as you can see in frame five she could hold herself no longer. That frame is just before we both came.
frame six and Sven speak for themselves in a way LL. It was Kelly’s period week but she didn’t want to disappoint me that November. Hence she let me caress her body and those lovely tits of hers easily making me hard. She worked my cock until I took over and she gather her boobs and had me spurt my semen all over them. Kelly and I had great sex pretty much every time - unlike with you LL.
There was another Kelly who I think you sort of knew about, but it never clicked with you that I could have been bedding her. maybe one day I will relate that connection too.
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The lady above was almost on your doorstep LL, at Brampton. I’ve included these two frames of here post shower (s) to demonstrate that when it came (or even comes) to boobs you were outclassed even that close to your home. She loved me sucking them too.
Her name was Gemma and she is long gone from the area now. handling her was a real pleasure that brought some great rewards for both of us. I often wondered if you might turn up where we ate out but of course you never did…and I was always with Gemma weekdays 2004-2005. You even emailed me while I was there sometimes. If you had only resorted to my landline I’d have had some explaining to do. Thankfully, you never did.
Gemma was a 9/10 by the way. Ahead of you by a mile at your 4/10
Our first video LL. No not you and I, but Debbie and me. This particular one taken one Tuesday in her home in Keswick. The first video frame is the first fuck of the day and the second is ….well, the second.
AS you can see she came the first time that is why her legs are together in the first frame above and of course that expression on her pretty face said it all. She wasn’t aware of course that I had you on the Sunday before and Gemma on the Monday. You were all unaware of each other of course. If it hadn’t been for the age difference, Debbie and I might have been a more permanent ‘item’. As it was we continued to see each other longer than you and I did LL.
I arranged for Debbie to fly down to Stansted where to begin with she stayed with me at my old Norfolk abode. Later in 2006 it was my apartment in London, plus some mini vacations.
Returning to that Tuesday in 2004, I arrived from Brampton and Gemma around mid morning to be greeted that July by Debbie wearing shorts and a tee shirt and not much else. I love meeting women I know, who are exuding their desire for sex and Debbie did that for me, frequently. She positively encouraged me to have her as soon as I arrived. Not every time but pretty often. It was a case of my being able to satisfy her needs each and every time LL. My libido needed no encouragement when I saw Debbie naked. Her body, or the sght of it, did all the 'heavy lifting', and so it was that day LL.
I undressed as Debbie removed her top which of course covered nothing bar her bare breasts.. Then she slipped her shorts off and threw them to one side as I readied the video camera for the action that was to take place. Both of us in our underwear, Debbie in he panties me in my pants. We stripped each other of those final items then it was body against body as in our clinch we fell back ono her bed.
I was erect. She was wet. I was randy and she was very, very horny. We connected slowly despite the fact she wanted me urgently. My tip resting in her opening between her 'lips', nice and wet, warm and silky smooth. A little gentle thrusting and I popped in, accompanied by Debbie's little gasp and a smile from her. I slid further inside her wet warm pussy LL, until she had 'swallowed' all of me. Then the slow thrusting lubricated by Debbie's juices.
She always made totally rigid with that body of hers. I filled her lengthways and widthways and that she loved. For me it was fantastic after your withdrawal requirement, enhanced by gorgeous boobs. Not too long after I had entered her she came such was her need not having seen me for a week or so. That was followed by a second orgasm which caused her to close her legs as you see in the first frame above LL.
After a short, very short break, Debbie straddled me and we made love again - see frame two above - it didn't take much for me to steer myself back inside here from where she slowly lowered her dilated pussy down my erection and started 'riding' me. As I said she was really horny that day and sure enough she came before I did. I was pretty close to joining her in climaxing, so I flipped her over and entered her from behind as she knelt on the bed. I came, she came and as I withdrew I watched pussy dilating and oozing our combined cum. Very sexy LL
Bear in mind I had you on the Sunday and Gemma on the Monday…Debbie Tuesday and as luck (?!) would have it I wasn’t finished that week.
Like quite a few others, Debbie lasted a lot longer than you. We continued seeing each other in a non exclusive relationship for just over four years
Another Norfolk lass offering herself up to my attentions, very willingly.
Jenny liked having sex from behind and also liked me filming the both of us. She wasn't alone by a long way. Once women knew I had a video cam or two they wanted their lovemaking with me videoed. Without exception they told me they found it very sexy watching themselves make love and come.
Jenny was a regular fuck buddy, 2004 to 2007, hailing from my bank days. She didn't have a regular fella and so when we were both at a loose end we would go out to the cinema, a meal or the theatre. Jen loved her sex and so we frequently ended up in her bed or mine .
The frame above comes from a video we shot one evening after we had been out for a meal in Norwich. She couldn’t wait to be bedded so we skipped dessert and went to her place for our ‘dessert’, one of a sexual nature. Jen had three helpings before a shower a few drinks and bed together. Nice firm butt and tits. When we worked in the same office she nor I ever thought we would end up having sex together. Another thing I never knew about her was she had a penchant for sexy underwaer and suspender belts.
A position you shared with more me than a few times LL.
This young woman was from Carlisle, or at least nearby. She worked in the city. I’m pondering here on whether to reveal how I knew her in both senses of the word, but I guess I will. She worked in the Tesco store where I used to fill up with gas before supposedly heading home. Until you cheated on me I never gave too much attention to other women, but once you slipped up and told me, I gave any woman within reason who came onto me, encouragement.
That is what happened with Jan, the lady you see above on her back receiving my attentions. Regular visits to Tesco’s store and seeing Jan most weeks led to a friendly chat or two. By may of 2004 I was ready to see if she was interested in me. She was and being separated she liked the idea of our getting together, without strings, to enjoy some social life and of course after a several meetings, sex.
When she saw my video camera in the trunk of my car she asked if I would film us making love. I explained it was old and filmed in B&W but that didn’t bother her. later in 2005 she saw herself having orgasms in full color LL. Firm butt firm boobs and a tight pussy made sex with Jan very satisfying for me and her…and I was allowed to unload fully inside her. You have no idea what a relief that was after your requirements. SExy Jan…I won’t forget her in a hurry.
The lady couldn’t wait.
Thirty two and lacking sex, that was Louise, when she contacted me via our old website LL. I wasn't inclined to meet at first as I held out hopes of your full commitment ...and she was on the young side. Your commitment didn't materialise, and I am talking about October 2004, so I opened up to her advances and chatted at length, finally agreeing to meet up.
She lived out the other side of Norwich - the east side, whereas my place was to the west. A meal out and an invitation back to her place followed inevitably ending up with my bedding her LL. Later on another occasion when se learned of my old video cam she asked me to film us making love. The frame above comes from one of those sessions.
The lady couldn’t wait when I arrived LL on that particular day. I was soon down to my underwear with help from Gail. I managed to remove her panties and then she was on her back before I got around to her bra. She had grabbed my cock placed it in her entrance and implored me to fuck her. In her hurry she moved the camera a bit on its tripod, hence I am out of shot in this frame. I know that this was when she was approaching her first orgasm LL ...from the rest of the video.
Gail was slim. Her breasts were firm and although on the small side, sexy nevertheless. A hungry pussy more than made up for that slight downside. As I said she was on the east side of Norwich and I was on the west. It was a case of east meets west if you like.
Flexibility in action. Not me her.
Jane from Saffron Walden a divorced lady (and she was a lady in fashion and elegance and class). Once again a case of meeting via a dating site, but not the one you and I sued LL. Jane I met for the first time in June 2004. I often think it must be difficult in some ways for you to learn that I knew what you were up to and not known what I was up to, as a response to your behaviour.
I met Jane at a lovely country pub on the western side of Saffron Walden that June of 2004 LL. We got on well. I seemed to with most women I have met over all the years. One thing you learn in the armed forces and also in my banking days was how to adjust to differing levels of intellect…and class. It took me very little time to figure out that Jane was quite a high class lady and even less time to adopt the right approach to and for her.
Whilst she was classy, her tastes weren't and she was quite happy enjoying a pub well as the occasional fine dining. She knew how to dress for both too. None of that blindly following the latest fashion and she wouldn't have been seen dead in leggings, cargo pants etc.
She was divorced and whilst not seeking another lifelong partner, she told me she enjoyed the company of men, to that of women. The reverse of me who prefers the company of women, more than that of men. She was quite up front about not wishing to be celibate by default either. That first evening following the pub meal, she suggested I follow her back to her home 'for a coffee'. Her home was large, larger than my place and equally off the beaten track, approached over a long driveway.
We did indeed have coffee LL, along with a liqueur which resulted in my staying the night. I was shown a bedroom in which to, I thought, sleep. I heard Jane showering in her en suite as I undressed. I was down to my underwear when she appeared in the doorway of my bedroom, clad in a bath robe. Jane stretched out her hand toward me. I took it and she gently led me into her bedroom LL.
There she let the bath robe drop to the floor revealing her naked body. Sex - she exuded it that evening. I shed my pants and out popped my near erect cock, which she took in her stride and indeed in her hand.
She slipped it between her lovely legs LL as we embraced. Her breasts pressed against my chest and her hands holding my buttocks firmly, rather like she didn't want me to 'escape'.
I could feel her getting wetter by the minute as we kissed. I know I was getting harder, that's for sure. Then she flopped on the bed pulling me down on top of her. Jane spread her legs then brought them up as I supported myself on my arms above her superb body. Her boobs were spread before me and her nipples erect. I guided myself to her wet entrance which was nicely splayed to receive me. I couldn’t believe that not only had we gone from a first meeting, first meal together to being in her bed and about to be in her, all on a first ‘date’.
Jane was incredibly flexible that night. I am talking about her legs and how far she could spread them LL. Later, on other occasions, I was to learn how flexible she really was. That night was good. Doesn’t matter how classy or high bred a woman is, when she is on her back being fucked she moans and shouts just like all the women I have laid LL….including you. Naturally, it’s a biological thing rather than anything to do with class.
Jane was excellent in bed and she could moan and scream with the best. Her pussy accommodated me beautifully and the way she used her body stimulated me further once I was in her and thrusting. She urged me on when she was near her first climax, rather like the horses she rode. She used to say things like ‘Yes Peter, go, go, go!’ That first night she also demonstrated how good she was at riding and I don’t mean horses.
Turning to the frame above, on about the third meeting at her home I brought my video cam along, the old one. Without prompting from me, she suggested we film our lovemaking. We had been out for the day to Clare and Lavenham. When we got back to Jane’s place, she was up sex and filming it. I set up the tripod and camera set it running as soon as we were both naked and then we got started. The frame above is just one from that particular time when we were making love LL. Her legs nicely spread inside her and she showing her appreciation of the pleasure she was receiving.
I said she was flexible and I meant it. She was flexible as to where and as to how. I have fucked her while cradling her body, her arms around my neck her legs around my waist. Also, standing, on her kitchen island, back ways over a chair etc etc
Remember this was mainly in June 2004 although we continued seeing each other right through to late 2008, far longer than you lasted LL.
Demonstrating what getting shafted means LL. You thought you had shafted me but this frame is from July 2004 in Carlisle. We focused the video cam right in on the important parts
The lady is called Amanda, or Mandy, and she loved my cock inside that lovely pussy of hers. I once had her one Friday morning before meeting you for lunch, during your break
The lady is between my legs instead of me being between hers. Her name is Hannah LL and she used to come over to my place from Necton which is the King's Lynn side of Swaffham. She used to com too and produce lots of cum. This frame was taken from a video we shot at her place in early October 2005.
I shot her too, well shot into her that is. Hannah loved feeling me unload my lot inside her when I had made her come several times. At thirty four her young body was all the stimulus I needed and my thick cock was all the stimulus she needed.
I ahd a number of fuck buddies like Hannah so I never became bored with just one or two ladies. Lovely arse an great tits as I recall. they hardly wobbled at all, just enough to arouse me.
Laura coming to a head.and it was my ‘head’ that was delivering.
As a man it always surprised me what you ladies could do with your legs, but I guess it is all down to the female anatomy and hips placement. Laura certainly liked to be down more than up, holding her legs all the way back so I could 'ride' her pussy. This video was taken in an hotel room one morning in 2006, after your time LL. I was right inside her at this point and the next few frames show her climaxing beautifully. She was just thirty when we got laid there.
Where? Surprisingly, you might find, in Edinburgh although Laura was from Suffolk.
A perfect fit LL and we were.
The mere thought of Katie's pussy even after all these years is enough to arouse me LL. That is what you are looking at above. The frame is from a video taken at my place in August 2004. Katie could take my cock all morning it seemed sometimes and she was pretty good at getting me erect several times in a row. We slipped and slid with each other a lot between August 2004 and late 2007.
Not the tallest woman I have had, but Katie had nice legs, superb boobs and as you can see a very nice ass.
Sexy Sarah.
Sarah lived in Caister a place just to the north of Great Yarmouth. We met in April 2004 but didn't get around to sex until late May. Knowing me, you might ask why. The reason was her husband. He was a clinically depressed man who rarely went out. However, he did allow Sarah to venture forth when she wasn't working which is partly why it took some time for her to be on her back in my bed.
The place in the frame above is at a party later that summer at a large house in Norfolk. Loads of people there and lots of rooms in the house. Sarah led me around as she wanted a look see at the house. We found this small bedroom with two arm chairs. See above. The door had a lock and a key on the inside so when Sarah had a naughty thought and locked the door I knew she wanted to have a quickie..
This frame above was taken with the video function on my small Canon. I recall she slipped her top and skirt off, undid my belt and zipper and was on my lap with her wet pussy as quickly as she could be. They say anticipation is a good part of sex and it certainly worked with my erection that evening. By the time she had moved her panties sideways I was fully erect and on my way inside her.
It was exciting having her in that room and then returning to the party. She liked the challenge too. Sexy Sarah liked to have sex when there was an element of risk attached, apart from in the bedroom. one of her favourite venues was the meadow to the west of my house LL. If the hay had been cut then it was the copse. North Norfolk beaches were another site and most of all we liked doing it deep in Thetford Forest.
Another great coming and another of my ladies fully satisfied. This is one of two women I had on the go in Hexham between 2004 and 2006 LL. The frame above should be viewed on its side as Jess is actually lying on her back on her bed. Fact is, she knocked the video camera over when she flung her left arm out during a frenzied part of lovemaking.
Meanwhile back in Penrith …. September 2004. Her name was Eva and she always wanted all of me inside her hence, partly, the frame above. That is her wanting all of me inside and also on the verge of coming as well. I'll leave it at that. Suffice to say it was one Monday afternoon after a liaison in Carlisle that morning after you had gone to work.
I stayed all night by the way and headed homeward, but not home, the next morning LL.
Have a nice day ma'am
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