Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Just We Two

For LL in the UK

Hexham was the location of these shots and the place was her grandmother's place. The year was late 2004. Grandma was in a residential home for a short period, I think about two weeks. As Mandy (Amanda) was 'sort of' married we had to be circumspect on where we met, and a little devious. 

Mandy would park her car up at one of the supermarket car parks and I would pick her up from there. More often than not it was Waitrose as it was the one place she and her husband never used. I think you have a three hour limit on parking over there in supermarkets. We managed to fit in everything (pun intended) we wanted from each other in that time and get back to her car.

The non-performing, or infrequent performing, husband worked in Newcastle, so the risk was worth taking LL. On most other occasions I would meet her at the Metrocentre in Gateshead, we would have coffee and then drive to my hotel, which was the George Washington at Usworth. 

The photos below were taken after several meetings and on two separate occasions, not obviously at the first meet, as she hardly knew me then. However, by the time she posed for these below she was completely at ease with me , as you can see. Mandy was the opposite of her husband as far as I could tell, she loved sex and lots of it. In the end she left her husband and moved into Newcastle which made life much easier when we met up at the hotel or her place. More often I would stay with her for a couple of days before hitting the A1 southbound....and you didn't have a clue about her or any of the others did you LL.

If anyone was a fool in our 'relationship' it was you by a long way. You should have reversed your decision when I gave you that last chance in late January 2006. Even then you couldn't make the right decision. I guess I did have a close shave!

Mandy was, as you can see from the shots below, uninhibited, slim, flexible (beyond belief!), possessed of nice boobs and a generous pussy. Above all she was in her thirties and lovely and firm.

Sex with her was very satisfying for me. She didn't want me to withdraw early for one thing, but beyond that she could keep me going right through the several orgasms she always had on the first run of each meeting. Then we would have a second run, as she said, to satisfy me as well. Mandy was always well satisfied she said, LL. 

She was fun and she felt able to really let herself go with me ... and she did. Screaming at the top of her voice when she came although she did tone it down at the hotel. Mandy was flexible, physically speaking, as you can see in the fifth photo below, a position that enhanced her enjoyment and mine!

Given how much older I was than her husband, or part-time husband to be accurate, she found me very refreshing she told me on more than a few occasions LL. I could tell you a lot more about this very frisky lady and what we got up to, but I'll leave there.



Have a nice day ma'am

Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©


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