For LL in the UK
I was sitting thinking while I was in Tennessee recently. My thoughts were that in the nearly sixteen years since we parted, how different my life is and how very much the same yours is LL. I try to convey how much things changed for me when I was rid of you, but I don't think I can really get it across fully.
At the beginning when you let me down and admitted it in March 2004 during a drunken episode here in Florida, I was shocked that you had done what you did behind my back. Your being the first woman I had met after losing my wife was a blessing for me at first, but then you destroyed that feeling and any feelings I had for you. Trust once lost LL, is very hard if not impossible to regain.
I decided that two could play your game and I was a darn sight freer than you to do so. Around that time also, April 2004, I decided to take up photography again after more or less allowing it to lapse for many years. The trigger for that was you as well. The nude photos I took of you in Sorrento gave me the idea. It wasn't that I thought I would be on a course to take shots of women in the nude. In fact I just wanted to take good photos of anything and every thing. I knew I had an 'eye' for it from previous compliments way in the past.
The first woman, apart from you LL, that I had at my home in Norfolk invited me to take shots of her topless. She liked what I produced and also the way I had her pose. The next time she came over that April in 2004, she went the whole hog and stripped off completely for my camera. To be fair she was younger than you were, taller and with a better figure.
So it was that, from that beginning, I gradually built a vast portfolio, not only of nude and semi nude women including some more intimate shots, but landscapes, cityscapes, nature and macro photography. I have won prizes for my work and earned a considerable income from it. I guess I owe you an indirect 'thank you' for that.
You never really knew me so you had no idea of my talents in various fields, nor did you stay to find out. That was your loss entirely in so many ways.
From my previous blogs you will have a fair idea of my life - my multiple homes, my wealth and perhaps that ever since about 2006 I have been a very happy and satisfied man with my life. So much changed after you and all for the good.
In turn, you went your way, but it has been a pretty mundane existence from what I'm told. One of weekends spent mainly over the border, of vacations that rarely vary in their destinations and of weekdays bereft of your fat partner. Then there is your physical appearance which has gone downhill considerably. How you let yourself go to that extent beats me. I, on the other hand, have looked after myself and it is a good job I have. No gym, just riding, swimming, golf and long walks...and a sensible diet. One other form of exercise has figured a lot in my life too and that is sex. Now that always provides a good work out LL!
On that last subject her are some shots of lovers past and present, many of which you have seen before. Enjoy - I did.

A case of turning left on Monday morning on the M6, instead of turning right towards the south. Then returning to you on the Friday, you being none the wiser. Come to that neither was Helen, the lady above. Early summer 2005 and yes, she was a great lay.
One of my best early black and white shots and a pretty good model for it!
This one was taken in my hotel room LL. That is my hotel room not hers. Her name is Katya and the idea was that we were going out to dinner together, but then we had another idea that needed fulfilling first ... and filled and fulfilled she was. In case you think it is just someone I picked up, you would be wrong. Katya runs our office in Dubrovnik. I was in Bari Italy as luck would have it. So a trip just across the water brought us together
I had gotten into the 'habit' of staying with Katya instead of my usual hotel which worked out very well as you might imagine LL. Long, long legs LL...something you lacked.
An early morning shot on a near empty sand beach with the rather lovely Joanna. We made contact in late 2004 online and met in person in early January of 2005. January on that beach would have been freezing LL. The photo was taken in late June of that year. I had stayed over at Joanna's in Stalham and we had planned this photographic excursion some weeks before and decided to go for it that sunny June morning.
It was her idea to pose nude on the beach and I wasn't complaining! We did know each other intimately so there was nothing I hadn't seen before. I have enlarged the shot, hence there is a little 'roughness' to it.
This is Kim #1. Two things, and I am not referring to her lovely breasts. Firstly this shot was taken in November 2005. The reference to 2004 above is when we started seeing each other. Secondly, from early morning on the east coast to early evening in Kim's bedroom. The only items of clothing she is wearing there are her hold-ups.
I love this shot of her as does she. I like for two reasons. It shows how attractive she is and it also reminds me of our lovemaking that evening. Me getting lost in her loving arms and body she telling me how much she enjoys my company and our sex. It was easy to forget you LL, much easier than you may have imagined.
Two versions of the photo above. The first is the original size and the second slightly enlarged.
My very private pool and my companion on that occasion, who I have introduced you to before - Gabriella. We have known each other since 2009 and renewed our more intimate relationship after I lost Ash. Missing all these ladies over there in Europe and elsewhere.
Mind you, LL I have my hands full, literally, over here so I’m not suffering ‘withdrawal’ symptoms!
To think this was waiting for me just two miles away and I had no idea she was interested in me. I guess having you in tow LL left me a little slow on the uptake as far as the signals she was putting out to me and for me. It all came to a head when I met her coming out of the Post Office there one day.
She bumped into me , on purpose I found out later, and allowed her breasts to brush against my chest. We chatted in the street and well, from there things escalated and ended up with her gracing my bed and she receiving my head into that lovely pussy of hers. I will always remember the conversation we had afterwards. It revolved around the size of men's penises. She told me that what she had been used to was nowhere near as thick as mine.
That she told me really stimulated her when we were fucking and made her come multiple times, which I knew of course. I said rather like an automatic gun as opposed to a single shot. She found that very funny for some reason. Hannah was only with me for the sex and we enjoyed each other from then on all the way through to, and including part of, 2007. Hannah was married, in a manner of speaking, so all our meets were at my place.
I was last with you LL in October 2005. In March 2006 I was in Florida with this lovely lady. When I say with, I am sure you will realize I am talking about sex. No comparison is there between you and Lee. She was great in bed too and around the WLC home I owned then, the place you once knew in FM.
Post shower and post sex.
As women's bodies go, and yours was well on the way to going at this time, Alex's was in superb shape and she knew as you can tell from this pose taken out in the wilds of the State. Another lady who rather liked the older man and she certainly liked me LL. So much so that those nails of hers left marks on my back. I had to refrain from 'entertaining' any other women for a few days until the marks disappeared.
You said I would land on my feet. You were right on that score although as you now know I had already hedged my bets, once I found out about your deceit. What you never knew about me perhaps is that I am a strong individual, self reliant and always looking several steps ahead in life. You may have now realised that I am quite a social individual with many friends and many umm 'friends'. I was never reliant on you, although I was once very fond of you.
Thirsk and boy, did she have a thirst. Couldn't resist that one LL.
It was true however, she was a lady who liked her sex and lots of it. She also never objected to intimate photos and she adored watching the videos I took of us together. I rarely got away with at least fucking her three to four times each session LL. Something I don't think you could manage back then. Mind you Becky was a fair bit younger than you were by about sixteen years.
I don't think you need to ask why she is in that position in the photo!
Annie was my very first in this neck of the woods. That is the NE of this country. She was quite an introduction to what was nearly New England being just over the western border of New Hampshire. Things certainly didn't start out as you see them in the photo above, although she did have her hands on me from the very start.
The time was October 2006, after I had passed on Carole and before Lucy and our 'play acting ' came along in the November. I had flown from London to Logan in connection with my home in NH. That business completed I had arranged to meet up with an old USN buddy in Albany, NY. That was fine. I stayed over two days at his place and decided to drive back via Saratoga Springs taking the route from there through the forested areas to get some photographs of the Fall colors. As it turned out I was to have ample opportunity.
On the way back to Concord NH I stopped off in Saratoga Springs for some lunch and I also decided I needed to get my hair cut. I found somewhere after lunch that could fit me in and my 'tidy up' was taken care of by Annie - hence she had her hands on me from the beginning. She also had her boobs on me as well as she fussed around the back of my head brushing her breasts against me unintentionally, or intentionally. Of that I wasn't sure and decided it was the former.
As I paid Annie and gave her a $20 tip she slipped out of her hair dressing gown and walked with me to the door. She told me she was going to garb a late lunch and would I care to join her. I had eaten of course, but Told her I would grab some coffee. She had wanted to hear more about Europe and my travels which is something we chatted about while she was cutting my hair LL.
To cut a long story short she wondered if we might grab dinner later on as she wanted to hear more. I wasn't so sure of that. I could tell she had taken a liking to me and I rather liked her too. I spent the rest of the afternoon having a look at the town and spending time in a book store until Annie finished up fairly near six in the evening.
I met her in a coffee place across the street from where she worked and then followed her back to her place once she had picked her little Honda up. We went to dinner and I was invited to stay over. It's about two and a half hours back to Concord from there LL, so I didn't demur and said I would stay. Naturally, well naturally for me anyway, we ended up sleeping together and fucking together and then Annie fell asleep in my arms. I slipped my left arm from under her then slept myself.
In the morning, a Sunday, we both awoke, kissed cuddled and then were at it again. She mounted me. Stimulated her clit with my erection until she came then slipped down onto me and started over toward a second coming...which arrived minutes later. Her breasts were great LL, firm responsive, great to suck on and just the right size.
I rolled her off then mounted her and thrust long, slow and made sure I came down on her clit as much as possible. Sure enough among the mmm's and ohhh's she started toward yet another climax. I watched her face redden her eyes start to roll then with one big buck up toward me she came a third time. I withdrew and watched her pussy cramping and exuding her cum. I hadn't come.
Annie was still panting a bit when I had her kneel on the end of her bed with her butt facing me and her legs slightly open. She knew what was coming. Me, hopefully, I have noted. I surprised myself that morning by maintaining my erection without any coaxing from me or from Annie. I slipped inside her and basically went for it. I had given her pleasure and now I was going to fuck her for my own reward.
I thrust hard and deep LL, accompanied by Annie saying 'Oh yes' then,' Oh no ... yes, yes, yessss!' She came again, but this time her convulsions didn't stop until I came inside her and stopped thrusting. Even then she was cramping against my cock inside her. That was quite an introduction to hair cuts in NY State!
I had ample opportunity to get those photos of the Fall colors. I was going back and forth to see Annie all through October until I had to fly back to the UK. Next time I saw her I had my place set up. That was the original home I bought here and she visited me in that little re Honda of hers. We continued our relationship between my absences in Europe right through to late 2008. Whether she knew that I had other women I don't know. Whether she had other men I don't know. It seemed neither of us cared because the sex between us LL was great.
The photo was taken one morning in the summer of 2008.
Being something of a 'foodie' with my cooking LL, I came across this lady as a result of E 35. No, it's not an additive, but the route to Parma, Modena and Bologna from Milan, where I had enjoyed a commission and indeed the lady who engaged my services.
I hadn't booked ahead when I decided to stop in Parma, but managed to find a pensione with a double room. This small hotel come guest house was fine and one of the best things was that they served an evening meal. As I didn't arrive until around five thirty-ish that was a bonus LL. The other bonus was who turned up in my room later. The lady who served my meal and chatted with me. I was the only guest that evening. Nicoletta was a hot-blooded Italian woman who stayed over she told me to look after the place in the evening. Then to lock up and sleep there.
The fact she came to my bedroom and stripped off without a blink of her lovely eyes was one of the best parts of that trip LL. The best part was when we were hands on to our bodies and then having sex. Slim, nice boobs a passion for sex and a lovely body gave me the weary traveler a de-stressing release and her three orgasms.
We slept together, had one bout in the morning then showered in the tiny shower together. That was up close and very personal too. Especially when Nicoletta had me enter her from behind while the shower pounded down on us. She came in there too.
Then I was hitting the road again, but I booked in on the return trip four days later for a repeat performance!
Some Black and White Shots.....
It is rare that I let faces appear in my blogs LL, mainly because I am protecting the women in question. Here are two the one above and the one below. The lady above who will remain anonymous helped me in the purchase of my Sandbanks home. I will leave you to consider her as I am not adding anymore.
A lady who booked a commission to photograph her. My services were required in the bedroom as well LL, which is where this shot was taken, post intercourse.

London 2009

Cannes 2015
As women's figures go Mireille' is almost perfect and her all over tan just made so much better to see and to photograph LL. I was sitting talking with her when she gave me that sultry look for the camera. There was room for two in that bath, but I didn't join her because it was after our activities in the room next door.
I was surprise Mireille took to me as she did. There are a fair few years between us, but she did and she shared my bed with me. One of many in my quite frequent trips to Cannes in the summers from 2015 to 2019.
Cannes 2015
My second trip to my villa that year LL and a lady I had known as a close friend joined me from Paris. Her name is Joëlle and she is also widowed. Her husband was a lot older than her and she had not had intimate relations for some time before his death.
I guess we were two kindred spirits that year. I invited her down because having lost Ash and my first wife both at relatively early ages. I knew how she must have felt. It was only a matter of six months in my case and three in hers. She wanted to get away from Paris and reminders of his death.
We ended up consoling each other both in and out of bed. I think it helped Joëlle a lot and me too to an extent. The fact that she was an elegant sexy woman helped and as you can see from this photo taken in the garden just outside my bedroom, she has a rather nice figure.
I'm not going into detail out of respect for a lady who has graced my apartment in Paris and my home in London more than a few times since that summer of 2015.
Izzy (Isobel) was one of the very first women that I photographed in lingerie. She had quite a wardrobe of quite sexy pieces. I say pieces because that was what they amounted to LL. Pretty, lacy scraps that just about covered her essentials from the front and not at all from the back.
This shot above though was in a house I had just bought and was looking to renovate. Well my builder and decorator was doing the work, not me. We had been to London together to see a matinee show and rather than stay in Town that Saturday we decided to come back to Norfolk, return to Izzy's and have something to eat there. While we were on the train Izzy said she would like to see the tree storey place I had bought and then head for her place.
I took her there. No furniture of course. In fact the place was entirely empty...but Izzy was horny and couldn't wait until we arrived at her place LL. The photo above was taken after she had taken her dress off. After the photo her bra and panties came off. There was nowhere for us to lie down so she leaned against one of the walls with her legs apart. I fondled her breasts and she took my erection and rubbed her clit with it, stopping occasionally to rub it right along her wet pussy. I watched face. It went from smiling to oh,oh, oh, then a frown as she started to come finishing in both senses of the word in a big 'O' shape to her mouth and a whimpering cry when she reached that point where she knew she couldn't stop her cum.
That was when I entered her leaning back as she was LL. Up I thrust, after easing my way in, again and again until she was crying out 'Yes, yes, yes', followed by 'Oh my God' as she came again. In my experience women, at least those who speak English come out with the same words and very similar sounds when they climax.
I withdrew, turned her around and she put her hands on the wall while I fucked her from behind until I came. Both satisfied and after some kissing and a cuddle, both naked, we cleaned up with some tissues, dressed and left for Izzy's. I think we got a take out in the end and watched TV until bed called. No guesses as to what went on there, of course. The following weekend I visited you...among three others.
I met this lady at a party in Salem that I had been invited to, just after I closed on my Lake Oswego home near Portland. Her name is Kirsten, but as a joke I referred to her as 'Mrs Robinson' (not her name). She got it straightaway. I wonder if you will.
Kirsten worked for a company in Portland and it was her boss who threw the party. I have had dealings with the firm, investments, and was invited along with other clients. It was all about networking and glad-handing, something I am quite familiar with LL.
Anyhow we ended up in the small hotel where she had booked a room for the night. I could easily have driven back the SW Portland, but we had both been drinking which in part probably explains two things. One how I got the photo above and two how we shared a bed that night. Quite a sexy lady was Kirsten LL. We managed to meet up a few times in Portland over the next two years, all to one end - sex. She rather enjoyed the way I delivered it and the 'outcome' for her. Maybe that should be out and cum.

Sarah - you don't need to see her nude to gather that she has all the right assets in all the right places. Sarah was a commission in the year I started getting one intro after another. To my surprise 70% led to sex, which was certainly the case with Sarah, but not on my first visit.
That and Sarah came later. That wasn't necessarily that she didn't want sex, but more a case of waiting until her husband was away. Frequent, is the word that springs to mind with Sarah, along with hungry and demanding. I could keep up, so we were both happy. Sarah in particular was more than satisfied with the 'service' I provided and I liked visiting her, well almost as much as she wanted me to. Apart from everything else she had lovely thighs between which I nestled quite a few times.
London 2006
Charlotte was recommended to me by Emma, who appears below. Both photographic clients.
Charlotte came just after Sarah, chronologically, and otherwise LL. There was no doubt what she wanted and that was me. She made that quite plain when we first spoke and she sent me two quite intimate photos. She too was married, but she owned a rental out just north of Highgate, north London. We agreed to meet there.
On the first occasion of our get together, under her dress she wore just what you see above. I was tempted to use the moniker 'Mrs Robinson' again but Charlotte was a different personality to Sarah. One thing they had in common though was the size of their breasts, which pleased me no end and my end pleased Charlotte and quite a few occasions. She did like a good romp and as I was in London at my apartment more often than not in 2006 we were able to get together and 'connect' usually after a brief phone call. She had me down as 'Andrea' in her contacts - you'll figure it out LL.
Me I had four different cell phones at that time - easy to get contacts mixed so I had one for normal then Europe, North America and business.
London 2006
Emma was the lady I met just before Charlotte. In fact I wouldn't have met Charlotte without first happening upon Emma - quite a few things happened on Emma LL.
Rather a wealthy younger woman who was single. I guess you could say she was 'sandwiched' between the two married women Charlotte and Sarah, not in a literal physical sense, but falling between them on my calendar of dates and sexual encounters. All three weren't alone LL. As you once said there were 'plenty out there'
I've included these three in this blog because they were all into sexy lingerie, even though you can't see Sarah's. The shot above of Emma features her missing two items of her lingerie, namely her bra and her panties. She didn't get any further before she wanted to have sex with me. I knew she did the first time I called on her to undertake a shoot. She made it blatantly obvious without verbalising it.
On the second visit I rose to the occasion literally and she did the opposite, falling onto her back with her legs up and apart. What followed was rise and fall thrusting. Three times she came that morning without me using my tongue. I reserved that pleasure for her, for another occasion.
Madrid 2007
This was actually taken at Alicia's place out in the suburbs. I was there on business and to attend the Foreign Ministry to get some paperwork completed. It was Alicia that I started chatting with while I waited for my appointment with the English speaking official I was to see.
She had visited the UK on vacation and we got talking about Spain and England. I guess you could say we hit it off despite her being in her late thirties to my almost twenty years older. A day later we had lunch together just off the Puerta del Sol. That had been arranged at Alicia's request. She wanted to talk some more.
I had no idea of her marital status if any at all. She wore no rings on that finger. As she had invited me to lunch, I invited her to dinner. As I found after heading in a different direction to you LL, it wasn't difficult to entertain women and most found me both interesting and amusing. By now I had left my immediate bereavement and you behind. By the end of the evening she was no longer siting opposite me in the restaurant but had moved to sit alongside while we watched the world go by from our outdoor table.
She put her hand over mine then placed it on my leg, then leaned toward me, gave me a quick kiss on the lips and thanked me for dinner. Alicia said she had really enjoyed it and my company. After one more nightcap we left. I hailed a cab to get Alicia home and I joined her so that the cab could then bring me back to my hotel.
I never made the hotel LL.
Alicia invited me in to her apartment and that was it. We slept together making love twice before we slept. The photo of Alicia above was taken after we had risen, showered (and made the bed!) the next morning. The morning didn't start with a shower though. It started with Alicia's legs in the air and me nestled between her thighs, before she decided she wanted to go for a ride ... on me. Her breasts were lovely, pert and firm her figure delectable and her 'comings' full on.
We did meet again both in Madrid and when I invited her to London three times. We didn't stay in London. Alicia hadn't seen any of the country beyond the capital, so we went on a couple of tours, mainly in the south. One very sexy lady who warranted a 10/10.
Cheltenham 2005
I always found it amusing LL that you had no idea about the other women in my life in 2004 and 2005. In fact you didn't even know that I slipped away from my home county from time to time to meet up with women such as Vicky (Victoria) above. You so very rarely called me on my landline that it was a risk I could easily take. Had you called using that means of communication you may just have wondered why I didn't answer! In fact you did wonder if I was 'talking' to others when you mailed me in the evenings. The answer to that of course, is yes.
I have friends in Cheltenham (and a past lover, or two, or three or …). These friends I have known for many years dating back to when I was posted to Bath by the Navy. I went to stay with them for several days in 2005, to catch up and enjoy their company. They invited their married younger daughter over for dinner on my last night, from where she lived on the edge of the city. Catherine and her husband brought a friend along, namely Vicky.
I guessed it was to balance the numbers. Vicky was a friend of Catherine's and the same age, then - early thirties. We all had too much to drink that evening and with Vicky sitting next to me and her hand wandering around my crotch during the evening, you could say it was quite pleasurable LL.
As I was staying with my friends, I said good bye to the two ladies in the usual way - a kiss on the cheek - and shook Jon's hand, Catherine's husband. Vicky slipped a piece of paper into my hand as she left. I held it then put it in my pocket. When I was finally back in the guest room where I was sleeping, I unfolded it.
It had two phone numbers, an email address and a question written on it LL. The question was certainly to the point. It said, simply, 'Fuck me?'
The following morning I was leaving. I said my goodbyes and after I had left the City, put a few miles behind me I stopped in Stow-in the - Wold and grabbed a coffee. Whilst I was tempted to drive home, I was also tempted by Vicky's offer and her apparent 'availability. I phoned her. She wanted to meet. Rather like the first time we did LL, she woke up feeling hornier than she did the night before. I managed to book a room in a local hotel, a rather nice one and was told they had a room ready and waiting. No delaying my entry to the afternoon.
I called Vicky back and told her where she could find me. I guess it is about a half hour drive from her home to that hotel, so I timed her and also waited for her in the car park. She was right on time, which told me something I knew already, she was very keen and very horny. We may have been sober that morning LL, but our 'appetites' were if anything more than they were the night before.
I remember that morning you arrived at my hotel/motel having called to say how horny you were. You asked me if I wanted you to take your clothes off. I always thought that was a daft question given your need that morning. No such question came from Vicky. She looked around my room went into the large bathroom and then having 'prepared' herself, she opened the door and started to strip off - I was down to my boxers already.
Vicky had no qualms about my taking the shot above. I settled for that gorgeous rear view on that occasion, more on several subsequent occasions, mainly at her place and my place in Norfolk. When she turned around and showed herself my arousal, that had already started, completed itself rather more quickly. My boxers lay o the floor and moments later Vicky lay on the bed. Minutes after that she came. Then again and again. Once with my tongue, once with my having mounted her and lastly when she mounted me. Her curves, all of them were fully explored, fondled and squeezed and I don't just mean her boobs LL.
By the time I laid Vicky, I was wondering what it was that attracted women to me and they were attracted and they did want to get laid, I rarely had to persuade them. Was it because I was single? Was it because I was experienced? Was it because of my eyes and my smile or my humor and conversation? Or, was it because I exuded something that only women could detect in the way I looked at them or met their gaze?
Whatever it was it stood me in good stead then and now …or should that be 'lay' me in good stead.
Sleeping beauties ….
London 2006
A couple of ladies who I have termed sleeping beauties. They were certainly beauties although Helena the lady above was only on the verge of having a doze. Both shots, above and below, were taken after they had been satisfied … more than once, but on different occasions and at different locations
Helena, was a woman who couldn't wait. My first visit was a shoot, one of my very early ones. The seond visit at her invitation soon degenerated or perhaps a better word would be improved enormously when she greeted me in a dressing gown and threw her arms around my neck. Kissing me LL, she struggled desperately, for this was a rather desperate lady sexually, with my belt and trousers.
In doing so her gown came undone revealing a quite spectacular body, part of which you can see above. As with most of my blogs I have cropped her face from the shot. With that gown flapping around LL, she pulled me towrd where she wanted me me take her. My trousers and my underwear were around my ankles, so I was shuffling along. We both laughed. I took them off.
Then I took her gown off and we made it to her couch where all the action took place LL. She was definitely very hungry and definitely in need of a man. I managed to fuck her for nearly five minutes without my coming. Helena on the other hand came twice. Afterward, as I withdrew and she was panting down there on the couch, she looked up at me and at my still erect cock and said, 'You aren't even panting. Wow!' Then, 'That was fantastic!'
I took her hand and she stood up, a bit wobbly she said. Her legs were weak, in fact they were still quivering. My turn to take charge LL. I turned her around fondled her tits, slipped my cock between her legs and had her bend over the couch arm. then I slipped inside her and a few minutes later we both came LL.
Helena, told me afterward that she thought she was highly sexed, but that in her book I beat her. Modesty prevents me from relating any more - he says. A few days later she wanted more - I gave it to her, but this time in and on a bed.

London 2007
Kay, the second lady, was indeed fast asleep when I took this shot.
Kay was involved in the Arts back then and I guess she still is. Coming across this shot of her has prompted me to think of looking her up. She was very attractive, elegant, poised, spoke well and was intelligent.
She was also quite sexy when she relaxed and extremely good in bed and that's not an accolade I bestow on my lovers, easily. She actually liked the shot I took of her sleeping LL, breast and all.
Harrogate 2004
Quite a jump from Kay to Mandy (Amanda) both in terms of social standing and occupation. But, do you know what LL, they were equally as good on their backs and both very appreciative of my attentions. Sadly, for you, Mandy was during your time with me. Post your March 2004 revelation of course. I didn't 'indulge' until after you had. Even to this day I can't believe what a fool you were cutting yourself off from a life you will never have or enjoy … but I’m glad you did!
Mandy did the slow strip, that you see in mid flow above, on my third visit. We were used to each other by then and so she indulged in showing her body slowly, while she watched me become erect. It made her go very wet LL, that I can confirm. In turn that eased everything along, or in, and she had a generous pussy, generous enough to accommodate my rather large thickness.
To be fair most women’s bodies, unless they are fat, ugly old or gross have the same effect on me as Mandy’s used to. Getting down to things was something she liked to do frequently during my visits, whether it was for 24 hours or 72. Four times in 24 hours was often exceeded. Mind you she had a great body and she was very good in bed. Not passive like you and some others, but quite ‘active’.
I’ve given this shot of Clare a different background/layer for two reasons. One to shield the location and secondly to enhance the shot of her and her perfect female form. She loved it by the way - the photo I mean!
At thirty five and without children Clare was in her prime both physically and sexually. The latter, for her was the sad part of her life. She started talking with me on the Internet that summer of 2004. Clare was married then, but not happily. In fact far from it. Talking with me as a near anonymous person, seemed to help her. She unloaded most of her woes on me, but I didn't mind as she wasn't the first (that was you LL) and not the last by a long, long way.
We talked for several months until I told her that if she wanted to meet I could book a hotel near to her and let her decide on a public location in which to first see each other in the flesh. It didn't matter if she didn't want to and for my part I had only seen a photo of her head and shoulders. However Clare agreed on a week when her husband was away. The venue was a country pub some miles outside York, although my hotel was in the City.
We had lunch. Clare told me that I was just as she imagined me and what I'd be like …and that I had kind eyes. I let her know that she was even better than I expected, and she was. I hadn't realized how tall and slim she was from just the one photo I had seen. After lunch and in the car park she kissed me on the lips and thanked me both for lunch and the fact I had listened all those months. I told her where I was staying and she would think about whether she could meet me again on that trip.
Clare hadn't talked about the fact she was sexually starved, both of affection and physical love, when we met for lunch, but I knew she was from her actions during our meeting. Whatever stopped her saying anything earlier that day she overcame any qualms she had LL.
I had ambled around the Shambles and other parts of York, camera in hand, then back to my hotel room to make some notes and bash out an email to you using my US email account. I still use it by the way along with others.
Just after four in the afternoon as I was emailing you LL, merely to allow you to think that you were the only women in my life, Clare contacted me. She wanted to see me. I knew why. Unlike you, she didn't say she was horny, nor did she ask whether she should take her clothes off when she reached my hotel room, also unlike you. She just did, revealing her beautiful body in all its magnificence. See above - that photo was taken on another occasion, incidentally.
We made love in the afternoon and we made love that night and we made love in the morning. I think Clare was very satisfied and her sexual needs fully sated. She wanted more from me LL, but I had to get back home that week for business reasons and also two other dates I was committed to. I skipped visiting you that weekend. I don't recall the excuse I gave you, but I know it involved Kim #1.
I visited Clare, or rather she visited me in my hotel again, on my way up to see you. I booked the Wednesday and Thursday and left on the Friday to arrive with you for lunch. Clare was great in bed. She was getting used to me and I t her in knowing 'which buttons to press' to pleasure her and make her comeHer almost perfect body did it for me. There was no problem in becoming aroused at all...and staying there. Her breasts were so firm and her legs could go places yours never could dream of. All of which served to satisfy her and me...fully.
Positions? We tried and enjoyed at least six and on another visit added one more. I'll leave you to guess what they were.
Clare remained married, but we continued our affair right through and into 2006. That is partly why sojourner is the word I use as my 'moniker' on social media. It means one who doesn't stay in one place, a traveler - that's me LL, maybe come s from my Navy days and all the moves I have had in my careers.
Janie (Jane) was someone I had known from my insurance company days. She worked in the city office of the company where I visited twice a month in my role back then. I called in after I left to say hi to all the folks and Janie said I couldn't just 'go' without a little celebration. That involved just her. I stayed over in an hotel that night and as I had other business in town the following day, so Janie and I decided on dinner together. It was summer and she said she would call at my hotel and we could go from there.
I had just gotten out of the shower around 4.30 pm when I got a call on the hotel phone. With a towel wrapped around me I answered it. Janie was downstairs. I told reception to send her up. I guessed she had the afternoon off. I had no time to dress so stayed as I was until she arrived.
She was wearing a nice dress and carrying a cardigan. The dress was sleeveless (my notes again LL) and she wore the shoes you see above. Janie was/is a laugh. She was fun and certainly made me laugh. It was mutual - I made her laugh too. She wasn't phased at all by the fact that I wore just a towel. In fact after dumping her cardigan and handbag on the chair in the room she said something like, 'Well we can't waste that can we'.. She turned around and asked me to unzip her dress. I did. Janie was attractive and in her thirties and obviously wanting to have sex and I had already started to rse to the occasion beneath my towel.
I had the presence of mind to take the photo above during our chat prior to commencing proceedings. Janie sat up there while removing her shoes. Then she jumped down ad asked me to undo her bra. My words at the time were, 'A pleasure ma'am'. That pleasure was for both of us soon as she had shrugged the bar off. I reached around and fondled her breasts, stroking cupping and gently squeezing. Janie put her hands over both mine on her boobs and said for me to squeeze harder, so I did.
My towel dropped to the floor I let go of Janie, kicked it away, put my hands inside her panties and pushed them down her thighs until they too dropped to the floor. She kicked them away. Almost straight after the hotel bed took a pounding, not once but twice. Janie came on both occasions. Then I took her from behind which surprised her mildly. She did her best to stifle her cries that third time especially as I had reached around and rubbed her already sensitive clit until she came, rapidly followed by yours truly. We rested, cuddled and then showered together which was rather nice.
As we were getting dressed, Janie said, 'That was great, wonderful. I've never come three times. I didn't know you had in you'.
'I didn't,' I replied, I had it in you'. Janie laughed. We went to dinner and I made sure she got home safely by paying for a cab for her.
My London trips became more frequent with the purchase of my apartment and when we could manage it Janie and I got together for some sexual gratification. Once I had the apartment she stayed a number of times. The more we 'did it' the more she wanted more. When I made her gush three times on one occasion she told me she was mine forever. She wasn't of course LL, but ladies say all sorts of things in the euphoria and immediate aftermath of sex.
Louisa (not Louise) was another internet date. We met half way from her place and mine at a hotel in Swaffham the first time and had a snack and a drink in what could be termed a getting to know you meeting.
I had my hands full at the time - with you and about five others - so I sort of put Louisa off for a while. On the back burner so to speak. She kept up communication however, so I knew she was interested. About three weeks later I succumbed to her wishes and I took her out to dinner. Then I took her home, which is what she wanted. Not to her home, but mine. I knew there was no doubt she wanted to sleep with me LL and so she did.
I guess she was another woman who wasn't getting enough sex despite being just into her forties and divorced without children. Men are often described sexually as being rampant. In this case it was Louisa - she wasn't just hungry she was voracious and she definitely knew what she was doing. She sucked on me, she rode me, she went under me and she liked sex doggie style. Over the weeks we had sex in the bath, in the kitchen, in the garden, in the field, on the couch and against the wall, both ways.
Not satisfied with all of that she mounted me in the passenger seat of my car one night in a dark country lane. There was a shoe mark on the passenger side carpet that I never was able to erase, but each time I glanced at it I was reminded of her coming all over me where you often sat when I drove you about LL.
The photo was taken in her kitchen. That was on one occasion that I called unannounced. We had sex over the kitchen table. I being quite rampant myself at the time. I stripped her bar the hold ups and we fucked ourselves sill with her on the table then leaning against it while I took her from behind for a second climax...for her.
The photo was taken a short while afterward. We lasted, now there's a word as far as Louisa was concerned (she could last and last), for almost a year, but as I was not always 'available' we drifted. That is not to say we didn't get together occasionally after that initial quite intense year. We did whenever either of us wanted to fuck the other silly. That was Louisa's phrase. Mine unsaid was, never look a gift horse in face!
They may have been separated by weeks and on occasions a month or more but our sexual encounters was no less intense than those early days.
Hannah, a little tiddly after a nice lunch and then back to her apartment. Given her position on the floor and similarly, later in bed, I am sure you can figure how we spent the rest of the afternoon LL....
Hannah was one of my near neighbors that you have seen before. Not a bad way to spend a Saturday afternoon and a very nice woman and body to spend it with and on.
When I view all the women in my life and look back at you then and now, I wonder what I was thinking and doing then. A close shave for me, but despite your wasn't for you.
Have a nice day ma'am
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
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