Monday, May 4, 2020

They Keep Coming...

For LL in the UK

I'll leave you with just the photos and the title, which of course, has a double meaning, LL. I love playing with words....and other things.

Comments where I feel I want to add something.

Denmark 2007

 Italy 2007

 Greece 2008

Near Skyros.

 Italy 2017

 London 2005

When I had something like this on offer LL, why would I bother with a two timing woman like you? So, I didn't.

Cumbria 2004

Meaty and nearly always ready. Someone in your City, LL. A selfie from way back when.

Norfolk, UK 2004

One of the best lays I had in those years 2004 to 2006. This time it was me that kept coming back for more (you can probably see why), but there were no complaints from Sarah, either LL

 France 2006

I'd almost forgotten Camille, but looking at her portfolio it has all come flooding back to me (my notes help too). She used to flood as well....

There are two good reasons why I shouldn't have forgotten, aren't there LL!

 Studio Paris 2018

  Studio Paris 2018

 Denia, Spain 2017

Justine. An unusual name these days, but not an unusual woman. A friend from London who flew out to join me for a few days when I was over. As you can see we had some fun as well

 Harrogate 2005

Married lady that I used to meet in an hotel room LL. This started late 2004 and then through 2005. It was worth the stopover, I can tell you! Great body and a lust for satisfaction - she wasn't getting it at home, but she sure got it with me. Name was Ella.

 California 2017

 Dorset 2008

Flashing her if I needed that. She did it for fun and for me me, before we went to bed. Lady called Lynette an employee from London on a long and naughty weekend.

 California 2007

 California 2018

 Oregon 2009

Somewhere south along the Willamette Valley in Oregon. A visit I made to a 'couple of old friends' dating back to  2006. You could say this lady was passed to me by another, both in need of something I could give them LL. My reward...well you can see that above.

 New Hampshire 2017

 This is Terri, LL. Need I say more.

 Somewhere in the Mediterranean 2017 - Aboard

 Norfolk 2004

Funny how things just fell into place after I knew you had been two timing me. That followed your admission in March of that year which you put down to a slip of the tongue in getting the wrong year.

I had never heard anything so weak, when it was backed up by the details you gave me of your supposed trip to an old lady friend.

When I said things fell into place though, I am not talking about you. I'm talking about my life some eighteen months after losing my wife. Things fell into place in many ways. Business wise I decided to take things forward as though you weren't going to be part of my future. As a result you never learned of the true extent of my activities. I didn't lie like you. I just didn't disclose. Something you advised me not to do after we parted. I found your remark very amusing. As I have said before you can be very naive.

One of the other things that fell in place in my life were women. I had no idea how attractive I was to the opposite sex. having been married all those years and not looking at another woman, I guess I was a little taken aback by the attention, but I soon got used to it LL. One such lady who found me attractive was the daughter of the car man I was briefly involved with in a business venture. We were both good with spreadsheets.

I provided the sheets and she would spread. In fact she did deal with the finances of the company and compiled spreadsheets. Her work was good. Her performance in bed was better. Kate just came onto me in June of 2004 during one of my visits to the engineering premises. Her dad wasn't there and she was alone in the office with me. We talked, we went through some figures and then she started. Wanting me to explore her figure while she kissed me. 

She wasn't the first after March 2004, but she was an early one. Kate knew I was widowed of course and so she used to come over to my place for  sex. I didn't object. She was slim fairly tall and had a very nice pair of boobs. What she harbored between her legs was even better, when I was allowed in, and that was frequently. We carried on, now there's a phrase, until 2006 when I started travelling a lot.

Photo was taken as she was climbing onto me one fine day at number 19.

 France 2008

 Florida 2019

Note for you LL - she's tanned all over, as you can see. Laura, a regular companion.

 Cannes, France 2018

California 2017

Cumbria 2005

Temptation before the act. Hannah bathing, before bed. That's alliteration, by the way. Lot of vowels from Hannah in bed though....mainly 'o's'!

Near Phoenix, Arizona 2008


Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©

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