For LL in the UK
Variation on a theme here LL.
Thought you might like some chronology, so that you might see where you fitted into things. You will surmise that in fact you fitted around them LL. Most of them were a perfect 'fit' too, unlike you.
The women here are not an exhaustive list. More to follow in another blog ...sometime. To enhance you 'experience' I have included extracts from my diary at the time. This is a sub diary to my main business one for obvious reasons. We can discuss if you wish my name separated by an underscore at That might be an interesting discussion!!
The women below are and were interesting and very interested...
All of what I have written about the many women that I have bedded and who, more to the point, wanted me to bed them, must have come as a bit of a shock to you LL.
I recall you were jealous of Carole and tried 'slagging' her off. You had far more than Carole to be jealous of, but you never knew it. Funny because you were the one who warned me not to tell people too much about myself. Talking of Carole here's a partial photo to remind you. She looked pretty darn good in bed naked. I guess she was one of the 'older' women I made love to but she pretty fit.
Not quite as fit though as the lady in the main shot who I had in April 2004. It was so easy as well LL. What a lithe and perfect body to start with as well and she could take any amount of sex I cared to offer. Her name was Helen.
![]() |
Carole |
April 2004 Norfolk UK
I was lying on my back on the lawn in my back yard in Norfolk when I took this one. It was just about ten days after the one above.
Tina had driven up to stay at my place from Essex. I had been quite busy on the Internet and remained so during that year, LL, and was becoming adept at managing three four or five relationships at the same time. I only allowed it to take off, in a manner of speaking after your revelation that March 2004. Tina spent three days there.
Tuesday thru Thursday and then she went home and on the Friday I headed of to see you and other. Highly sexed as you know I am, I couldn't wait for the next woman...and in time many couldn't wait for me to be with them.
Tina and I fucked every day those three days and then I did the same with you. I subscribed to that old saying - use it or lose it. Still do! She was a fine lay as well, whichever way she wanted to do it and those firm boobs of hers made it so much better. She was as horny as I was most of the time and loved my thickness inside her, frequently. I went on seeing her there and in Essex throughout the rest of 2004.
May 2004 London
London was going to be a surprise for you. My apartment that is. Instead it led me to make a few friends there, starting that April. This sin't my apartment but Emma's, the lovely woman in the photo. This was one Sunday morning on the single weekend I didn't visit you that April. After this early morning shot we went back to bed. Emma's flat was out west at Barons Court.
May 2004 Norfolk, UK
Back when my daughter had her sixteenth birthday party around our pool with all her girl friends. This lady also attended she was a bit older at nineteen. In 2004 she was nearly thirty. I had met her in the local town Dereham a couple of times, purely by chance.
Her name is Kim, one of four I met in East Anglia. Seemed to be a popular name over there back then. Obviously, since that party she had matured and knowing, I guess, that I was single and on my own she started flirting the third time we met. As I've said before, LL, I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. Kim wanted to get laid. She didn't say in so many words, but it was more than obvious. She knew I was practising my photography and suggested that she might be a subject for me to practice with...or as she put it...on. You see what I mean by not so many words.
Kim arrived at my house one weekday in April 2004 . Wednesday April 6 to be precise. We went through the charade of taking some shots. Her dress came off and I was expecting a bra and panties, but she was wearing a bikini. Given that she had virtually bared her body for me I took a number of shots and she posed quite sexily for a few.
Then we popped in through the patio doors to the day room. Kim lay down on the large couch came her bikini top LL. I knelt down ad took various shots including this one above. Randy wasn't the word. She was more than ready for a a good fuck. My hands replaced hers after I removed her bikini bottoms. They we were wet in the crotch area.... Some quick undressing on my part and we had sex on the couch then ran naked upstairs to the bedroom for more....
I thought of you and that bed at he time...but only briefly.
When I made contact with this lady, it was a little amusing as she shared a surname with someone we both knew at that time. I never told her though. Her name is Karen and she now lives in Switzerland. In Basle in fact.
I surprised that a woman as attractive as she was was desperate enough to have to resort to the Internet. She had a nice modern home in Newmarket and worked at the university in Cambridge back then. kare also drove a VW Golf which was often parked up at my place when she came over on those occasions she had a late start at work. More often than not LL, it was me visiting her....evenings. You never used to phone me on my landline so you never knew that I wasn't there more often than not. A laptop enabled me to mail you without disclosing where I was. As I said once or twice before - you have to get up early in the morning to get the better of me.
Back to Karen and on her back is where she frequently was, like the shot above. I don't think she had had sex for ages until she met me. There was a lot of catching up to do for her and we both revelled in it. She eventually went to Switzerland in late 2006, so we had quite a long long as mine with you LL.
She was the first to comment on how highly sexed I was. She could match me too. I made love to you four times in 24 hours as you once remarked on. Well, I frequently made love to Karen five times in 24 hours. She had that effect on me and she could take it too. Whether it was on her back, on me, bent over in the kitchen, or kneeling butt up on the bed. Once or twice in the garden as well. I've always been a keen gardener and I like to get down in the bushes or plow a furrow or two!😜
May 2004 Norwich
Jan was someone I sandwiched in between Karen and the lady that follows, Nicola. Not that I gave up on any of them, I just had to juggle things around so they all got serviced along with you LL. I think I had five regulars around that time. Some once a week others more than once. It's a wonder I wasn't burned out! But...I wasn't and it was in the most part a pleasure to be of service...servicing.
I say in the most part because I came across one or two women who weren't so attractive or were pretty passive and placid when it came to their lovemaking. I dropped them. Mostly they were women in their mid to late forties which is why you don't see many in my photos. There were exceptions of course. Another Karen, Carole and a Kim among them. Later, from 2007 that changed a little
Jan liked me sandwiched between her thighs and fully connected. I rather liked her boobs too. I spent many a happy time with them in 2004. Then we went our separate ways for almost a year when she came back for more right around November 2005, if memory serves. Your remark about that time regarding the fact there were lots of women wanting to be laid, made me laugh. I even thought of it once when I was thrusting into Jan and again in December when it was Lucy in London.
June 2004 Ipswich, UK
I was in the swing of things by June when I hooked up with Nicola in Ipswich, LL. When I say that I mean I had things sorted so that I could plan my visits to my women. As I said some I saw maybe once or twice a week, some every ten days or so and the local ones, if I wished almost as frequently as I wished.
There was no one more surprised than me when on my second visit to Nicola she invited me into her bed. I asked later why she did. It was quite flattering. She thought I had a lovely smile, loved my eyes and the way I kissed her. Added to which she told me she preferred older more mature men. They made love far better than her own age group.
Nicola thought I measured up (for some reason I find that phrase amusing) admirably, giving her more satisfaction than she had received for a long time. She had, what for me, was an almost perfect body. All the curves in the right place, great breasts and she was far from passive when we were fucking each other.
It was about a two hour drive to see her, so I usually stayed over one or two nights. Didn't make it every week, there were other calls on my time. That made Nicola that much more 'hungry' and sometimes I had hardly arrived when she wanted me inside her. Sometimes we didn't even make it to her bedroom.
June 2004 London
A special lady. What you might call not only my first client but my first very wealthy one. That came about through an introduction via a banker living near me... a lady banker, naturally. The very first visit I did for free. I was still learning and didn't have all the equipment I have since acquired.
Fairly early on I gained the distinct impression that Michelle had an agenda that went beyond mere photographs. I found out on the second visit one evening in June 2004. She greeted me at her large apartment in a dressing gown, always to me a sign of something else unless a dinner date had been arranged. None had that evening. Very shortly after I arrived, which was around 9,30 pm, due to her having been away, that gown was allowed to slip to the floor. She stood right where you see her. Looking out of the window wearing some sparkly bra thing and a G-string.
I have to say she looked great. The first time,but not the last that I had seen her out of her regular clothes. It seemed seduction was on the cards. It was. Without turning around she asked me to take her to bed. I rose walked up behind her and undid the bow on the bra.. Then I placed my hands on her upper arms and kissed her neck. She swiftly moved my hands onto her breasts. I fondled them LL and she liked it lots. How much I found out shortly afterward. Her next word was just one -'bedroom'.
When we reached the bedroom I was down to my boxers and socks. Therest of my stuff strewn in a trail from the lounge. Michelle was facing me now and the G-string just about covered her pussy, but barely so. Her breast looked great and her nipples were erect. The G-string came off with a little help from me. The crotch was wet...and so was Michelle's pussy when I paid it a visit...twice.
I only met with her twice that year...but in 2007, we bumped into each other at a restaurant one evening. She was with a group and I was with friends. She said hello....and close to my ear said also 'I've missed your cock inside me'. To which I replied LL, 'That can be remedied.' I was.
July 2004 Norfolk
This lady who has just been laid is Kay. She posed for this photo in the warmth of her orgasm as she put it. I have adjusted it a bit in Photoshop. Darkening it in places and reducing the color mix, as I recall. Taken on my first Canon DSLR. Kay lived in a small village called Castle Acre and worked as a nurse at the hospital in King's Lynn - Queen Elizabeth's Hospital.
We met via the Internet. Being a nurse and having the shifts she did, day times were always best for her. So, pub lunches and afternoons of sex, like the one above, were the order of the day. That left my evenings free for shall we say, other pursuits...
Slim, long-legged and sexy. Kay was just my type and she liked older men too. that combined with the fact that most younger men were working daytime suited her down to the ground, which is where she was frequently. She was a pretty good fuck too. No laying there passively, she did her bit as much as I did. That combined with her being rather insatiable when it came to sex made her a rather lovely partner, for a good year.
Never one to stick with the 'same old', we tried all sorts of positions. On her back, on my back, standing, bending over, on my lap, in the shower, in my garden, in my office chair and on my office desks...oh and some 69.
It's true what they used to say about nurses LL.
This lady who has just been laid is Kay. She posed for this photo in the warmth of her orgasm as she put it. I have adjusted it a bit in Photoshop. Darkening it in places and reducing the color mix, as I recall. Taken on my first Canon DSLR. Kay lived in a small village called Castle Acre and worked as a nurse at the hospital in King's Lynn - Queen Elizabeth's Hospital.
We met via the Internet. Being a nurse and having the shifts she did, day times were always best for her. So, pub lunches and afternoons of sex, like the one above, were the order of the day. That left my evenings free for shall we say, other pursuits...
Slim, long-legged and sexy. Kay was just my type and she liked older men too. that combined with the fact that most younger men were working daytime suited her down to the ground, which is where she was frequently. She was a pretty good fuck too. No laying there passively, she did her bit as much as I did. That combined with her being rather insatiable when it came to sex made her a rather lovely partner, for a good year.
Never one to stick with the 'same old', we tried all sorts of positions. On her back, on my back, standing, bending over, on my lap, in the shower, in my garden, in my office chair and on my office desks...oh and some 69.
It's true what they used to say about nurses LL.
July 2004 Norfolk
2004 was a year of first for me LL, both sexually and in heading in a number of different directions in my life. I held onto you because I hoped that you would commit. Whatever I said, you didn't. Hence I felt 'free' especially as I wasn't sure I could trust you ever again.
One of my firsts appears in next anecdote, but Sarah above was also one. She was the first woman that I had come across since the 60;s who had an approach to sex that equated to a phrase from that era - free love. In other words LL she thought, a little as I do, that sex was fundamentally a biological urge and needed to be satisfied regularly. No hang ups on emotions although it turned out she was quite an emotional lady.
She loved cuddles, touching caressing - me as well as her - and never had any inhibitions right from the get go to stripping naked and opening her legs to receive me. hence the shot above. Sex with Sarah was like a breath of fresh air after making love to you. She was so easy, no hang ups, no baggage and no inhibitions often wandering around her place on the edge of Norwich stark naked and then just presenting herself for sex when she fancied it. Hence the photo above which I took on one such occasion when se suddenly wanted me inside her.
I used to say she was like a bitch on heat ... permanently. She was no bitch of course LL, but you were. Where did you learn to be so nasty I wonder.
Sarah had a pretty superb body too as you can see above and she was pretty as well. that smile always had me giving in, whether it was sex or a new dress etc.
August 2004 Norfolk
That August still lives in my memory, mainly because it was the first time since the sixties I had been involved in a twosome.
These two ladies Hannah and Chrissy (her spelling) were a cheeky couple too, and I'm not just talking about their butts which were very nice as you can see. This photo is taken from behind, obviously, with me lying on the bed at Chrissy's place and the two of them looking out the window at the back of the property.
They liked to play.
Hannah who I have talked of before was the lady I first met through an old connection at the insurance company. My department which I headed, worked alongside another which was larger in terms of staff numbers. they operated a sort of call center for land title indemnities. There were a lot of women on the staff and a lot of them in their twenties and thirties. I met Hannah when I was meeting for coffee with another lady who was an old buddy from the company.
Hannah was single and then around thirty/thirty two. At that coffee meeting Sue my old and older friend had to leave which left me chatting with Hannah. I'll cut a long story short LL. We got along pretty well and I had been well liked in the company and those two departments, so when I suggested we meet up for dinner sometime, I was not completely surprised when Hannah agreed.
She came back to my place at 19 SR that evening and we slept together, then repeated the performance the following morning. A few more weekday meets and Hannah was wanting me more and more. I never cease to be amazed at the sexual appetites of some women. Hannah was one of them.
One weekend that August when I wasn't visiting you Hannah had suggested bring a friend along and asked whether I was up for two women. We made some jokes around that remark as you might guess. I agreed - it had been a long, long time since I had entertained two women. It was agreed we would meet at Chrissy's place.
That is where the shot above was taken by me laying on Chrissy's bed in my boxers. As I said they liked to play so both girls stripped to their underwear and, with their backs to me as you see above, together removed their bras. They still had their backs to me as again in unison they removed their panties. Can you imagine the anticipation or indeed the scene LL. I was excited both emotionally and physically...and I didn't give you a thought beyond thinking I wonder who you are fucking behind my back!
Both Chrissy and Hannah then turned around and climbed in the bed either side of me. Grabbing a leg each and laughing, they pulled my boxers off. that revealed my interest well and truly LL. they both looked at each other and I think they said something like you first or me. Chrissy decided she would go first and Hannah would have me make her come. I didn't have a preference. they were two attractive women both bearing boobs that were nice and firm and large enough for my hands.
Hannah is the one on the left in the photo, LL. She straddled me and took my erection in hand. I took her boobs in hand and fondled them. Very nice they were too. Firm, responsive and lovely erect nipples. Chrissy placed her pussy over my tip and used it to arouse herself. I could feel her becoming engorged and of course quite wet. Then she was ready and slowly lowered herself fully onto me LL, so that she was fully penetrated. That was rather heavenly, thinking about it now. Her pussy was nice and tight enveloping me completely. I had removed my hands from her breasts as she leaned over me and allowed me, indeed encouraged me to suck her nipples and tits LL.
All this time I had another naked woman kneeling right alongside me watching us. I had used one hand to occasionally fondle Hannah's boobs as well. Now she decided she would straddle my face as Chrissy slowly rocked to and fro on me.
Hannah's pussy was already wet and open when she lowered onto my face, no doubt aroused by what Chrissy and I had been doing. I started eating pussy then licking as I felt Chrissy rising up and down on me. I had Hannah on her way, certainly after my tongue touched her clitoris. Two women on top of me LL, both moaning as they felt the sexual pleasure coursing through their bodies. Quite a moment for me too. I hadn't had two women together since the sixties.
Hannah, funnily enough was the first to come 'Ooooh, ooooh, oh yes, oh yes were the words she uttered and then she came. That seemed to spur Chrissy on as Hannah rolled off me and lay beside me enjoying the rest of her orgasm. That freed me up to thrust upward into Chrissy who was now leaning over me with her hands on my chest. Her sounds weren't dissimilar although as I thrust each time it was accompanied by her uttering, 'Uhh, uhh, uhh'. I went fast she went faster both of us in unison and then she came. I nearly did, but held it as I had something else in mind by now.
Chrissy was panting LL. I looked up and could see her lovely chest heaving and then slowly she rose up off my still erect cock and lay the other side of me. It was getting crowded on that bed in the nicest possible way. I raised myself up from between them, turned around and knelt on my haunches looking down at to quite delectable women.
Chrissy had come with me inside her, Hannah hadn't. My erection was still full on pointing toward them both like it was making a choice. It didn't but I did. Hannah. I eased her legs apart and slid between them. Her pussy was still very wet and when I inserted my penis she just opened her legs wider and brought them up as I started fucking her. We had of course had sex on a number of occasions previously, so I knew what she liked and I gave it to her. Just before she came she thrust up hard against my downward thrust and we both came at the same time.
A little frolicking in bed, touching, squeezing and then Hannah showering. She had to leave. We had been fooling about and having sex for nearly four hours LL. Hannah left and that just left Chrissy and I> There was no hurry on my part. I would be going home to an empty house. Neither of us had showered. Chrissy was in a dressing gown and I had put my boxers back on.
As she said good bye to Hannah I waited in the kitchen leaning against her counter unit. She wandered back in and walked up to me. 'What shall we do now?' she said, as she placed her arms around my neck. With an attractive young woman, naked under her gown, right before me, I loosened her gown belt slipped my hands inside arond her waist then onto her butt and pulled her against me. We kissed. She slipped her hand insde my boxers and that was it LL. Off came her gown, off came my boxers.
I turned her around so she was facing the kitchen counter and took her boobs in hand squeezing them and slipped my erection between her legs. She was wet and I was already sticky. We were both pretty horny she slid to and fro and so did I both of us quite passionately. Then Chrissy bent over and gripped the counter and I slipped inside her and we fucked fast and hard. It was quite a way to finish the afternoon. Me taking her from behind, she screaming out as she came and perspiration rolling down both our bodies.
WE showered, she asked me to stay the night, she wanted me to make love to her that night and the following morning. I did everything she asked LL...and enjoyed every minute of it.
It was decided that I tell Hannah that I left shortly after she did rather than upset their friendship. that si what I did and by way of reward I met Chrissy one day about a week late and we went into Thetford Forest for a picnic and some very nice sex.
That wasn't the end of either Hannah or Chrissy...but that's another story. All this and you hadn't a clue. I did by then have suspicions of you probably seeing or having been with several other men, so I didn't feel guilty at all.
This wasn't all that took place in 2004, but it's enough to be going on with...for now.
I've attached my diary for the period below LL so that you can see what a 'busy boy' I was. You weren't coming along with me in life so aI allowed life to take over. I call it and called it my - Diario della conquista
July 2005 Cambridgeshire
You may recall that I had a contract job in between my real estate activities with a building society as a commercial mortgage development manager. That led to my calling on companies to seek business. As with many of such meetings the first thing you encounter is reception and 90% of the time the receptionist is female.
Laura, above was the receptionist at a company I called on in Royston Herts, UK. As with many she plied me with coffee while I waited for the meeting. We chatted a fair bit, mainly about each other. How long she had worked there, why was I doing my job etc. Then the meeting started. A week later I was back on the follow up and found myself chatting with Laura again. More coffee and then into the meeting.
I gained the business and something more - Laura.
After the second meeting she followed me out into the car park and called to me I stopped she walked up and said something about lunch. I had been planning to stop somewhere along the way back to Norfolk but she suggested we might have lunch together. Given the choice between no company and that of a pretty woman - it was a no brainer. We had lunch together.
Lunch led to dinner led to bed and sex. Laura lived in Cambridge so I stayed over that first night. it went on. Not only with Laura who I saw off and on right through into late 2006, but all the others too.
July 2005 Norfolk
I was invited to a black tie dinner in July 2005 by the finance director of a large civil engineering company. The dinner was in Norwich. The company had been one of my clients at the insurance company as we underwrote their contracts.
As I had no partner I was 'paired off', at the table I was allocated, with a single lady called Samantha. It was a three course dinner with a generous allocation of wine, followed by some formal company speeches and employee awards/recognition. That was followed by Port or Brandy and good cigars for the men and chocolates for the ladies. Sammy and I chatted freely although we had previously never met.
She wore a black evening dress and over her shoulders and breasts a lacy sort of top, rather like a bolero type garment. It ensured she didn't get cold. I think Sammy was a little tipsy by the end of the evening. She told me she was staying over in an hotel - The Maids Head, which I used to know well. We weren't that far away, so I said I would walk her home. My car was parked at the bank building I used to work at and I still had a key. It was not too far in the opposite direction.
Being that little bit tipsy she took my arm I guessed for some support as we headed down the hill to the hotel. I had my small silver Canon with me. In fact I still have it. Never disposed of a camera. I took a couple of what might be termed silly shots of Sammy clinging to a lamppost as we meandered to the hotel. She was 'hamming' it up a bit. We laughed at the photos when I showed her half way down Elm Hill.
Then we walked on and she took my hand this time. We arrived at the hotel.
Sammy said, 'Stay with me, please', It was half question, half statement LL. I did. The night porter was on duty so we just sailed through reception and went to Sammy's room. When we were inside I took my dinner jacket and bow tie off and Sammy her coat and that bolero thing. Her boobs bulging over the top of her dress, which hugged her figure down to her waist where it then flared somewhat (I have photos - memory is good, but not that good!) Looking pretty damn good I told myself LL.
Sammy disappeared into the loo, as ladies do. I took my shoes off, placed my gear including the camera on the bedside table. While I was sitting there I reviewed the photos and smiled to myself, then put the camera down again. Sammy reappeared. I watched her walk to the bottom of the bed, her boobs still almost bulging over the top of her dress.
She fell backwards onto the bed her legs partially dangling over the bottom. She pulled her dress right up around her waist. No panties. She must have removed them in the loo. I stood and walked to the bottom of the bed and stripped. She was smiling up at me. Then she pulled her legs up and wide. I was erect. She was open.
I stoked her pussy with my cock, standing there between her legs. S he was wet and now receptive. I slipped inside her and she gasped. Before we reached her climax she remarked on how thick my erection was and how much she liked it. I thrust into her and was surprised that after mere minutes, and very few at that ,she came. We were both in a hurry for sex, but I managed not come so was ready for a second slower affair. Sammy stood after she had calmed down a little and slipped the dress right off. Her breasts were great LL. Really superb, firm large tanned and a delight to behold and hold. This time were were on the bed properly and took things as I said much more slowly.
Slipping in and out of Sammy was wonderful, drink or not. She was one of the best lays that I had that year ...and I had some very good women under me, on me and bent over in front of me.
We worked our way together towards a mutual climax. Afterward as we lay there now with the lights off, Sammy cuddled up to me said mmm several times a fell asleep. We made love twice the following morning as well.
I twas only when eventually I got home that I noticed that I had a video on the camera card. I must have left fact I know I did. I had captured Sammy's top half (see above) including her open mouth when she came that first time. I have posted the relevant farme above. There are two images as it was sideways on - the first shot and then the second is her as she was under me with her dress around her waist.
As she lived at Brundall, to the east of Norwich we were able to join up, literally, quite frequently. That also carried on into early 2007. Whenever, the fancy took us in fact. No ties, just sex, no baggage, no complications.
July 2004 London
I went down to London to meet up with an old friend from the Bank, who had been transferred to an office in the West End. Jenny used to be my assistant in Norwich and now had a flat in town, albeit small and out a bit.
As you know I no longer worked in banking but Jenny and I had been a good team. I met her near her office in Regent Street and we lunched at Selfridges along Oxford Street. We had planned to have dinner together, before I caught a late train back to Norfolk. All went to plan LL, except Jenny suggested I stay over and I agreed.
Funny how you can work with someone and not realise they fancy you LL. That was the case with Jenny - she fancied me. To be fair we had worked well together and been a great team. Now that I'd left the Bank her desires came to the fore. The photo was a present to remind me of the pleasure her pussy had given me and how and where I pleasured her. My photo and my camera of course.
I slipped this 2004 one into 2005 by mistake., but it wasn't a mistake when I slipped into Jenny!
July 2005 Norfolk
The one and only Jessica I have come across...and I have come across a few ladies in my time LL. All at their request. There have been a few Jess's, mainly or almost entirely over here.
She lived at Saham Toney and worked as a dental assistant in Watton, back then. She had the dubious honor of using the dental vacuum thing in my mouth. I loved the way she used to bend right over so her breasts were touching my shoulders. There was a lady dentist there that did the same. She used to press them hard against my head. I had them both eventually although the dentist didn't come until early 2006, but she came. Her name was Sophie and in her thirties.
I still marvel, even now, at how I seemed to attract such women, with little or no effort on my part. Perhaps my natural charisma?😉
The photo above among others was taken at her house in Saham Toney. I won't bore you with how she met me in a local coffee shop in Watton. How we chatted, how I took her out for a lunch and then a few days later, dinner. I didn't have to work hard at all LL. She wanted sex. She told me over that first dinner she was starved, so to speak and her dildos didn't do it for her. I went back to her place after that early dinner.
We didn't hang about. Jessica definitely didn't I was still undressing while she was naked in a jiffy. I guess and summer dress, bra and panties don't take that long to discard. Taking photographs of the women I fucked, didn't seem to phase them at all (not all agreed though). Most were only too ready to show their bodies off for the camera. they all received copies of course.
Jessica's body was lovely, as you can see, and her young firm boobs a delight. The shot above is where she is crawling up the bed between my legs. I was, soon after that, licking her nipples while she grasped my erection and rubbed it too and fro on her pussy. She rode me first, but then after her first orgasm we reversed positions. Naturally, I slept there that night, was woken early by a very horny Jessica. What a lovely way to start the day with that gorgeous body beside me, under me and on me.
I said that I had come across her and I did right on those lovely breasts. She also liked to suck me while I licked her, classic 69 style. Jess used to swallow my semen as well. Her favorite 'lollipop', she called it!
July 2005 Hingham, Norfolk
The dentist Sophie followed quite soon after Jessica. I have no idea if they talked (probably), but I was phoned from the surgery by Sophie one day. Thinking it was about dental treatment, I just waited for her to tell me what the call was about. I noted it all down afterward, that is after we had met. She had started the phone call with how was I today etc. Then she hesitated and said that the call wasn't about dentistry but about her and me. You need to know that my dental practice there was a training one. Sophie was undergoing her training after dental school, hence she was only in her early thirties.
Her hesitation gave way to a more confident tone when I put her at her ease. I had an inkling what the call was about as she had been more than a little friendly when I had gone for check ups, scale and polish etc., LL. Pressing her breasts hard against my head as she leaned over to examine my teeth was one, then she would touch my arm shoulder and hand, When she did the latter her touch would linger a little longer than necessary, so I was sort of prepared, especially bearing in mind that the week before I had slept with Jessica her sometime assistant.
Having established the call was 'personal' and that she wanted to meet me outside of her work I agreed to go for a drink with her. She lived in Hingham, and I of course lived a little way west of there. We decided Norwich would be best as she wanted to be away from her home area.
When I returned from a trip to Kent (another story there!) we met up - the week following that in which we had chatted. Nearly three weeks since I had made love to Jessica. Interspersed with another lady I had met in Canterbury, life continued to both interesting and exciting LL.
We met for a drink in Norwich at lunchtime on the first of Sophie's two days off and spent the afternoon talking and walking and sitting. I recall the weather was lovely. Eventually the time came around to early evening and I suggested Brummells seafood restaurant for dinner. Sophie agreed and we enjoyed a lovely meal together.
She invited me back to Hingham afterward and as we drove there from Norwich she stroked my leg from time to time and told me what a lovely day she had had. Her car, incidentally, was left at one of properties that was empty at the time.
We arrived at her place and she poured two liqueurs to finish the evening off along with coffee - espressos. I forget what the liqueur was. At that point after two glasses she said I shouldn't drive home. It was a verbal and sexual 'dance' in effect LL. I would 'have to' stay.
We went upstairs and on reaching her bedroom door I took Sophie in my arms and kissed her. She dragged me, not unwillingly, into her bedroom and we both fell onto the bed kissing. Her hand found my crotch and one of my hands found her breast. After that we couldn't strip of fast enough and we made love. Just the once, but it was lovely and we fell asleep in each other's arms.
In the morning I woke to find Sophie had gone downstairs. I pulled on my boxers and went to find her. When I did she was standing in the kitchen drinking water stark naked. She turned around put the galss down and kissed me. Then despite not having any make-up on she allowed me to take a number of photos of her. She posed and laughed and I clicked away. Her poses were suggestive enough to have me showing a full erection inside my boxers, and it hadn't gone unnoticed by Sophie LL. The last shot I took that morning was the one above. Shortly after we made love doggy style on that couch. She had never been taken from behind and enjoyed every minute of it. Then we ent back to bed to use my still erect cock in a more traditional position.
We became regulars for a while. Not a true relationship - just a sexual one. I made room for her in my diary so that we could meet up on her days off, often at my place. She did know about Jessica. It was the latter's 'report' that encouraged her to contact me after Jessica spoke of having 'fantastic' sex with me. I didn't think I was that good, but apparently both Sophie and Jessica did. I did see Jess again and again, not always to Sophie's knowledge or vice versa. they both had great bodies and the sex with them was getting better each time.
No wonder I didn't bother with you much LL!!
August 2005 Norfolk
Melanie lived way over to the west in Norfolk in a place called Mundford. It's a village to the south west of where I lived LL. I had been chatting to Melanie online off and on for several moths before we met.
I'm not sure, however, I think during those months she had a boy friend, partner whatever, but was seeking something a little more exciting. I really didn't know too much about her despite all the chat/mails etc. I knew she had a sweet voice as we called each other from time to time. I took it taht she just wanted me as someone to talk to. There were a few women like that.
Eventually she invited me over to Mundford. Mel was in her early thirties and lived up to the photos she had sent me. The other thing that was a surprise was her home. I knew Mundford and it always seemed to strike me as a place with a lot of bungalows and older people. However Mel's house was indeed a house with a large back garden or yard set apart from its neighbors, with a very private patio area.
Mel it turned out had two things about her. Firstly she had been in a relationship all those months she had chatted to me online and on the phone, and, secondly, she had a thing for more mature men. Her last man was around her age and apparently full of himself, hence he eventually got the heave ho. Not only that, Mel being fairly outspoken, told me sex with him had left her far from satisfied....which is where I came in. Came and in, being two very operative words LL.
When I arrived Mel was wearing the top you see above, with no bra. That was more than apparent along with a cotton skirt. She invited me onto the patio and poured herself a Coke and made me a coffee we sat and chatted. First of all across her patio table, then she drew her chair right up to mine as we talked and drank. After the coffee we decided to have something a little stronger and I opened the wine I had brought with me. Returning to the table we imbibed a couple or three glasses until the bottle was just about empty.
Mel was quite relaxed by now and took my hand and slipped it under skirt allowing her legs to part. My hand travelled along her thigh until I reached her groin. I was well and truly aroused by now, feeling the silkiness of her thighs and the warmth emanating in that area. Then my hand reached her pussy and I gently parted her lips there. She was as wet as I was hard and I slipped my fingers inside her and also rubbed her clitoris.
Her demeanour changed from a cheeky smile beforehand to a series of mmmm' s and 'yes's'. She was on her way. She stopped me for a moment. Stood removed her skirt and lay on one of the sunbeds with her legs dangling over the sides. All I could see as I stood before her removing my chinos and boxers was this pink wet opening inviting me in. Mel hoisted her top, the one above, allowing her generous boobs to pop out and that was it. I was on her and then in her and we fucked each other like it was going out of fashion. She came long before I was there and lay panting on the sun bed I withdrew stood and said to her 'again?'
MMel nodded and stood with her back to me. She wanted me to caress her boobs. I said as long as I can take a shot. She laughed then bent over and I got a lovely one of her as above. Afterward we both thought it was very sexy.
Not wishing to waste her position I took her from behind, quite fast and quite hard until just before she came when I gave both her breasts a hard squeeze which brought her to her climax. I continued thrusting briefly until my seed started shooting forward and then exploding out inside her.
Her words afterward LL, were, 'Wow! That was fantastic and so sexy out here on the patio. I hope you are staying tonight'. I did and I stayed quite a few more nights, all the way into late 2006.
August 2005 London
Emma was/is a friend in London. The photo above was one I caught while Emma was fooling around on her bed. I kept it even though it isn't fantastic because she had such a great butt. That garment came off by the way and Emma came that afternoon, evening and the following morning! She was worn out...or at least her pussy was!
Happy days/nights/ mornings...and certainly not the only one either!
June 2005 Florida
This shot was taken at Lori's place in Cape Coral across the Caloosahatchee River from Fort Myers.
Previously I had been over for a shoot as I was starting to gather a few clients in the area. The photos I took of Lori on that first visit were innocent enough and the barest I saw her was in her bikini. Three days later she called. I was only in FM for eight days on that trip so it was just as well.
Off I toddled, ostensibly to take more photos for her, as she was pleased with the prints I had sent her from the first visit. When I arrived and after the usual niceties and some very good coffee she asked who I was with taking nude shots. After I told her I was fine with the notion, she removed her beach wrap and I took several in her bikini, then with just her bikin bottoms in place. Finally, she took the bottoms off and I had her strike several poses including the one above which was taken against her pool wall. I like the shadow from the palm falling across her LL - apart from the obvious of course!
I made some joke about it being a wrap as she gathered up her bikini bits and wrap. She then went into the house. Momentarily, I stayed by the pool but Lori said to follow her through the house, so I did. I stopped in the hallway and called out to find where she was.
Her voice floated out from one of I think three bedrooms. I followed the sound and entered the room from which she had called. That long slender body complete with tan marks was stretched out on the bed, her boobs pointing skyward LL. She asked me to make love to her. By now in my life after meeting you, I wasn't surprised. I stripped off my pol and shorts etc and by that time I was fully erect.
My notes tell me that I climbed onto the bed between her legs. Close enough with her legs wide open to take her boobs in hand and fondle and squeeze them. In the meantime she made use of my erection on her pussy, rubbing it to and fro along her wet furrow and clit.
'Oh, Oh, Ohhhh....', followed by a series if moans told me she was on her way LL. What she was doing with me made me rigid.
I decided to finish things for he and buried my head between her legs applying my versatile tongue to her clitoris. At the same Time I reached up and squeezed her right breast hard and....she came! cramping and shouting out 'Oh yes, yes yessss!'
I pushed her legs up with my arms and entered her. I couldn't believe at the time that I was having sex with such a beautiful woman, but I had no time to pinch myself. Thrusting slowly as she regained her breath Lori appreciated my taking things slowly and so did I. I like to enjoy sex and make it last. Strangely we talked a bit between Lori's 'mmm's'. What a relaxed way to make love LL.
I watched her breasts moving on each of my thrusts. that kept me well and truly rigid. I rotated my cock inside her pleasure every part of her pussy. Then , you know how it is. Her urges and mine took over. I lay down on her cushioned by her lovely boobs and together, fully penetrated we fucked against each other fast and hard. We also came together. That was rather wonderful in itself.
After a break it was once more into the breach LL. This time the lady was in the saddle. We both rode regularly after that whenever I was over, mainly in 2006 onward.
August 2005 Saffron Walden, Essex
Among the myriad of photos I have in black and white, this one of Louise is a favorite. She was a favorite too and I guess you will see why.
Another Internet contact.Louise lived in Saffron Walden, a rather upmarket town in Suffolk. I drove down when she agreed to meet at a pub restaurant (The Eight Bells) suggested by her. At that point I had no idea what lay beneath her her clothes of course and didn't think I would ever do so.
We had an excellent meal both choosing Dover Sole and all the trimmings and nice Chardonnay to go with it. We chatted that first time face to face and got on really well. Louise was divorced and lonely, despite having an excellent job and from her car, a Porsche, pretty wealthy. Loneliness doesn't discriminate and she said she carved the company of a man. From there she went on to say that there were some real idiots and macho types on the website and that I was the first 'civilized' man she spoken to and could converse on her level.
If she was feeding my ego, it worked. I liked Louise a lot and she was definitely a lot closer to my class of woman than you LL. After our meal. We said goodbye in the car park and for my company etc I first got a kiss on the cheek and then on the lips. We hugged and Louise said she would like to see me again.
We did two or three times. It was on the third occasion that I was invited to stay over. It was also on that occasion that I was allowed to take photos of Louise including the one above in her bathroom. I think I was sitting on her loo taking that shot and she on the edge of the bath. It was the second time I had washed her back...and front. The bath in her en-suite was too small for both us, but the shower wasn't.
On that third visit I was invited into Louise's bed LL. I guess having been divorced she was a careful woman, but I seemed to have gained her confidence and alleviated her loneliness. In fact she bloomed you could say in my company. We later spent time in London at my apartment, went to the theatre etc. She enjoyed my company, I enjoyed hers. She greatly enjoyed our lovemaking and I enjoyed her body as well.
Bear in mind LL, that I had no trust in you, from way back in 2004, which was compounded by further instances of straying in 2005. No wonder I moved on pretty much once you played away. If we had been closer in age I think Louise would have been an ideal partner for me. The same social class, used to wealth, intelligent and well educated and sharing many interests. Add to that the fact she was very attractive and had a beautiful body...I wonder why I still kept you going, albeit by this time at arms length. Cyprus was your final 'test' failed.
A footnote - Louise was going to have the house partially renovated when I first met her and the bathroom above was on the list.
August 2005 Norfolk
Just before I met Louise, this young lady walked into my life. I suppose walked is not quite right. She knew Melanie the lady who lived in Mundford.
I was in Swaffham when I met Kate. Not a town I went to much, but I couldn't get into my barbers to have my hair cut so managed to get in at a place in Swaffham. Kate cut my hair. We chatted as you do and it transpired she knew Mel. Not so surprising as Swaffham and Mundford aren't that far apart. She said that she thought she recognised my name when I booked.
Turned out Mel had mentioned me to Kate. Not only that she had imparted some detail of our sexual encounters it seemed. Nothing was said in the barber's chair but as I left Kate walked with me toward the door, made a fuss about brushing my shoulders off and slipped a piece of paper into my hand. 'Call me', she whispered. I left. Checked the paper - it had her number on it - ad put the number in my phone.
When I got home LL, I checked when the barbers closed and then called Kate in the evening. We chatted and then she came right out with it. She told me how much Mel had told her of our sex together and wanted to see me that evening...for that very This rated as one of the fastest encounters I have ever had.
I didn't hesitate, who would when it's offered on a plate like that. I reckon I must have been born with desire for frequent sex, because I sure kept busy from March 2004. G, my late wife, and I had a very active sex life, so it wasn't new at all. In fact before I met G I was very active in my late teens and twenties.
I gave Kate my address and about 8.00 pm I heard her car turn up and come to a halt on my gravel forecourt. We both had a couple of drinks then adjourned to my bedroom where Kate and I stripped off. She had no objections to my camera so I took a few photos of which the above was one LL. As you can see she had no inhibitions either.
Her body was enough to get me aroused. Kate isn't tall and wasn't then, but she had a curvy body and a firm one, with nice sized boobs Right after the shot above which was about the last that summer's evening, we got down to it. I started by licking her pussy and clit and making her come, then it was time to 'go inside'. My notes say her pussy was tight, but not so tight that I couldn't slide in after giving her the first orgasm of the evening. Once in we were away.
Kate's legs were apart and her feet down on the bed. I was thrusting and she was coming up to meet me each time. The look on her face which alternated between a smile and a frown, mainly of effort and pleasure, told me she was enjoying our love making. I slowed and explored her inside and played with and fondled her boobs. I knew she wanted to get there when she started thrusting up gain vigorously. I gave it to her fast, making sure my pubic bone hit her clit on each thrust. Then she was uttering the classic 'Ohhh's as she felt herself coming. I squeezed both her boobs hard and that was it for her - she came again.
' Oh God that was good P, we must do it again soon' . I said I hadn't come yet and she looked down at where I had withdrawn from her to see my still very erect cock LL. From there I had her stand and bend over the bed and then took her from behind, fast and hard. To my surprise she cam again before I got there and as I was continuing I felt her cramping on me but I didn't and couldn't stop Shortly after I exploded inside her which had her gush.
Kate told me she had never experienced anything like her gushing before - her female ejaculation - nor had she ever had three orgasms, one after the other. She also said that now she knew what Mel had been talking about.
It was decided that neither of us mention our sex to Mel. Kate and I agreed to meet for sex at my place whenever we fancied it. Just a phone call from either of us and if we were free then we would get together and get 'down and dirty'. Kate became a regular habit LL. The more we got used to each other the better our sex became...and not only in the bedroom.
September 2005 York
After Cyprus and on my way back down to Norfolk I stopped off at York to see another lady I had been seeing off and on since January 2005. We were basically fuck buddies and I usually stayed over one or two nights on the way back from you when the fancy took us...and we had sex.
I met Jane through the Internet and it soon boiled down to her just wanting to be wined and dined occasionally be serviced by a randy male like me. It worked beautifully until I started travelling a lot in late 2006 onward. then we just drifted although she came down to London a couple of times, to the apartment.
A generous pussy - she gave of it a lot and nice firm boobs. The photo was taken in February 2005 at her place in York.
September 2005 Cumbria
Why in crime? She was married.
Gemma didn't live that far from you LL, just a little north west of Keswick. Gemma's husband was a rather large man from the photos I saw and I mean fat not muscular. Puts me in mind of flour man. As a result his performances in the bedroom left a lot to be desired for Gemma. The other thing was that he was a truck driver LL and so was often away for several days or a week at a time. Someone had to step into the breach and that someone was me.
You were beyond waning in my mind, especially as I had access to all these other women who in the main were younger, sexier and more athletic. Gemma fitted that bill easily. Often I would leave your place at the usual time and be having coffee at Gemma's some 35 minutes later. Often she would still be in her dressing gown ad so she went back to bed with me on top and inside her, giving her everything she wasn't getting.
We had started out just a month or so before in late July when I drove up to stay with her while her husband was away for a week plus. Sex with her was very good and we enjoyed the short time we had together. I last saw her in January 2006. As you can see from the photo she had a very good body. The tan was from a holiday in Spain and there was only a minuscule 'white bit' around her pussy.
It's a good job I am highly sexed as we sometimes had sex three or four times during some days. Every time was good with Gemma, whether it was on top, from behind, under her or she was rocking he way to ecstasy on my lap.
The week I called in on Jane in York, I also fucked Sam (Samantha) in Beccles. Sam was quite young even for me but she sought sex with a more mature man and on top of that she used to work with me a few years before at the Bank.
To say I was surprised when she said she wanted to have sex with me was an understatement. I had only had sex once before then with a woman under thirty and she was 29. Sam was 25. She was a flirty young lady though and it was while I was going into Jarrolds in Norwich that she called out to me on the other side of the street from where I was. I turned saw her and she crossed the road.
Sam was on her lunch hour and I suggested we grab a sandwich in Jarrolds and catch up. It had been about four years since I worked with her in the same building which was over the road. We chatted about the Bank and about Sam. She had bought her own place since I had left and she invited me over to see it the following the evening. I said OK that I would like that. I only had my empty house to spend the evening in otherwise.
I drove over, it was a Wednesday LL, late September. I think in my mind I was largely going for the company. What was in Sam's mind was something quite different.
When I arrived she greeted me in her dressing gown, explaining that she had just had a bath. I had brought with me a bottle of white wine. It wasn't chilled so Sam handed me one of hers and I poured two glasses. We sat in her lunge area. She on the couch you see above LL and me in the single matching armchair. Being her first home it was quite small but she had it decorated nicely and we sat talking. I asked her about the house and she asked about me. How was I getting on as a now single man, did I have anyone permanent in my life, what did I do with myself etc.
I mentioned my real estate, but not in detail, my hobbies of photography and travel (but not women - the one 'hobby' that took most of my time). I told her that I had had the occasional woman friend but nobody permanent (at that stage you were effectively gone from my life LL, as far as I was concerned).
We talked on and mainly about our lives. It was funny chatting away to a 25 year old about my life since losing my wife. Naturally, I didn't mention the other women in my life, but she did know that I had slept with Kate a mutual friend. She mentioned Kate though and our lovemaking in some detail regarding the degree of satisfaction Kate experienced. By now two and a half glasses of wine had passed down Sam's throat. She asked if I could satisfy her and she stood up and dropped her dressing gown to the floor LL. I had an inkling she might have little or nothing on beneath. Turned out it was nothing.
When she laid back on the couch and let me take a few shots of her I knew I was going to be late home that night...or not at all. Turned out it was going to be ...not at all.
I followed her sexy rear upstairs and stripped off. Then I bedded her her twice. Once slowly which she enjoyed greatly and then the second time fast and to a degree hard. Sam had a tight little pussy but once it had been properly coaxed and dilated, I was able to slip in without too much difficulty.
We made love the following morning as well . One thing I would mention was that she had never been licked down there before and she thought it was wonderful. Then she rode me all the way to our mutual destination. Sam was quite the screamer when she came!
I asked her whether she was fully satisfied before I left that morning and she said like never before. I didn't see her again for a while. My life and hers got in the way, however, come November she came over to me and she came...several times. She loved my Aga by the way and bent over holding the rail more than once....allowing me to approach her from behind.
October 2005 Wymondham, Norfolk
This photo of Suzy is a selfie of course and was sent to me over here in NH just as a reminder of her voluminous breasts LL. As if I'd forget them. This shot was taken in 2005 early morning just before Suzy set out for her work.
I met her via a friend in Norwich I was catching up with. My reputation had obviously trickled down to Suzy who shared lunch with Kim (#4) and I. Suzy works or rather worked with Kim. This Kim you haven't read anything about previously. We all exchanged cell numbers so we could keep in touch. Kim had changed hers and Suzy’s was a new addition to my contacts. I keep more than one phone and more than one number LL, makes life easier and less complicated!
I mentioned something about my reputation in the previous paragraph. The reason being that during the afternoon I received a text from Suzy after both she and Kim had returned to work. It read - 'Would you like to do what you did with Kim with me?'
I replied, 'I'm up for it if you are. I love the promise your boobs offer'
Suzy replied, 'Hope you will be. Are you up now? Hold on I'll send a photo of them so you can see what is promised'
The photo duly followed LL, not dissimilar to the one above.
The week I got back from my very last visit with you, when I helped sort your larder out, I was in bed, my bed, with the delightful Suzy. Licking her lips and her pussy. The fact that you had by then said you didn't want to see me any more and that you had flour man (I had known that since March 2005), was exactly what I had planned and you fell for it.
I never even gave you a thought when I was rolling around in bed with Suzy beyond the relative size of your tits and hers.. Suzy's were much younger and firmer despite their size and she had a sexual appetite that kept me 'up' all evening and the following morning that weekend...then the same Saturday night and Sunday morning. Nice pussy and stimulation as I recall...
October 2005 Fakenham, Norfolk
In the final week of that October I went over to Fakenham to see Julie and her assets, which I enjoyed greatly LL. We used to meet up weekdays in Dereham and then drive into Norwich for a meal, the cinema or a show at the Theatre Royal.
Julie and I went way back to May 2004 and had carried on a friendship and sexual relationship from then right through to 2007. We met via the Internet, naturally. She spent quite a bit of time at my place at 19SR too. This shot was taken that week in October 2005.
My notes tell me that we had both stripped off that day and were wandering around naked. I was taking photos and we were fondling and caressing each other whenever we came close. Julie like me was very much 'hands on'., so you can imagine what she had her hands on with me. This shot was just before I joined her on the floor in the doorway of her bedroom.
Kneeling there, she was more than hands on she was mouth on sucking on me. For my part I had my left hand on her boobs and my right hand fingers were exploring her pussy and rubbing her clitoris.
From there a quick dash to her bed and we were away, fucking each other's brains out. It was great for both of us. I hadn't seen her since I think July so we had a bit of catching up to do. I loved her boobs a real handful but very enjoyable.
My lovely Kay, a lady I first met that November and had a quite passionate time with. Sadly, no longer with us.
October 2005 Manchester
You could call this a farewell to arms...legs boobs and pussy LL. Debbie was a lady I had been seeing off and on since June 2004, varying my route back from you to Norfolk to take visits to her in. The good old Internet again. This was almost my last visit and this shot was taken from her bed. I have several hundred shots of Debs and she looks great in nearly all of them.
She wasn't just looking out of the window, she was waiting for me to take her from behind, something we had done in this spot (and others) many times. She loved that position, she loved the stimulation it gave her and she always came right there.
I had just finished driving down from your place that Monday that was to be our last time together in your house. two and half hours later and this was my view. I'm not sure how you felt that particular weekend knowing what you were planning. Me I was just looking forward to the two or three ladies I had in my diary over the next week. Debs was the first to receive my attentions and I left her well satisfied and a tad exhausted. We did meet again but never in Manchester. She would come down to London where I was then spending more and more time with my photography.
Imagine my hands on those thighs LL as I slowly penetrate her, then fuck her silly. She always like it quite fast from behind. In bed on her back,nice and slow until the final rush.
And now for some further extracts from my diary, back then....
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
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