For LL in the NW - UK
I realize it is sometime since I posted a blog with just photos of one woman in it. So, here are some shots from a September in Paris and, although there are no shots of me in it, I have plenty of Jenny. She was from London and we enjoyed a 'hot' weekend in the city of lovers. Several weekends in fact in 2016 and more latterly in 2018.
As you can see LL she is only in here thirties here. I 'll let you view the photos without explanation from me. You will find they speak for themselves. They were taken over two separate days in the same bedroom. We spent an inordinate amount of time in that room ... and the bed received a good pounding as did Jenny, but then she loved it. I'm not sure about the bed, though!
Lovely body and her pussy oozed her juices before I even touched her, on several occasions. Very sexy for me. One thing, she enjoyed, apart from the more obvious positions, was sitting on my lap having sex while I licked her nipples and sucked on her boobs.
Never at a loss for a pretty lady LL. What a life I have led since your time...that being the period between 2003 and 2005. You were fine to start with, but then.... that requirement for premature withdrawal was one of many things that made me think again. The rest you know of course. The main thing being your infidelity. We might have made a good couple once, but not now and not given how you have let yourself go, physically.
I have a wide choice of very attractive women, far better than anything you might have offered me or I even imagined. Thank you for being a liar and a cheat.
With that little aside said...enjoy the photos and Jenny. I did...and do.
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
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