Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Old Times

For LL

Here I am enjoying the Languedoc and .... all it has to offer LL. Wine, *****, and great food

In an idle moment today, I thought I would post a few shots from an older portfolio - all clothed, pretty much. Lots of  work, clients and places. Never a dull moment in my life these last 14 years. How about your life?

Unlike you, I don't live to a boring routine, find myself in a rut or spend my time with vertically and horizontally challenged obese people, as you can see from below.

As you said once 'you are lucky P'. Yes, in a way I have been, but the difference with me is that I made it all happen. I didn't sit back and hope. To me it's not luck but the result of my own efforts and some shrewd decisions.

Paris - Flowing

London - Studio

Boston - Studio - Draped

Oregon USA - Slipping

Berkshire, UK - Lace and Lust
(and that was just her!)

London - One Step From ...
(sexy studio shot)

Paris Studio - Coiled
(a classic photographers pose - love such shots)

Personal - Atlanta, Ga - Breast Plates?
(where her hands went, mine followed)

Norfolk UK 2005 - Cheeks and Peaches
(really ought to have cut the grass - but I was distracted)

London Studio - High Time

Italy - Riding

Paris - Cupped and Covered

Oregon - Lake Oswego - Keeping Them Warm


 Bordeaux - All Fingers and Thumbs

New York Studio - Polished

Surrey, UK - Perfumed Places

Paris - Two shots same lady - Nearly There

Paris - Nipple Cover

California - Pensive and Pointed

Lille - Dee Flowered?

New York - Studio - Hanging in There

Madrid, Spain - Adopting the Pose

New York - Studio - Stretching Points

Italy - Canem Via (It's Latin)

Los Angeles - Rings of Confidence

Cheltenham, UK - Lady in Red

London - Shadowlands

Rouen, France - Promise

Bologna - Fruit Bearing

London - Apartment - Through Glass

Bristol - Appropriately!

Washington DC - Hotel - Outstanding

Austria - Two Classics
(Previously seen LL in other shots)

Paris - Crotch -et -ed

Carcassonne - Couch Coaching

London  - Hotel Handful

დ――♛――ღ Taste & Class


Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©

Sometimes men have the last laugh

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