Annie is back in London. I flew her back Tuesday morning, before a fairly quick turnaround and then down here to Malaga Airport and onto my home in Marbella. For a few days I have been between women - nice turn of phrase, I thought. Conjures up all sorts of images. Now rectified.
Time to work on my eighteenth book and write a few blogs for your attention LL...and also your edification. Here's one. Always remember when you read stuff from me that you could have been part of this life and my life - rather late for that now, sadly - and enjoying something far more exciting, rewarding and fulfilling over the past nearly thirteen years. I have had a wonderful life, since we parted, that has had all those elements in it -exciting, rewarding and very, very fulfilling.
My photographic work has been a fantastic experience LL. I post photos of women, really to emphasize a point to you. That when you and I parted and you gloated over the fact, I was far from in the situation you imagined, although I admit I helped paint it with disinformation. I have taken many other photos of nature, events, portraits, wild life and landscapes. Maybe you might appreciate those more than the women I photographed and, in quite a few instances, enjoyed. But for now I will assail you with images that you can imagine I have seen and in a lot of cases enjoyed,
Before embarking on what I intend you to see and digest, here is an example of my other work, taken in the Western USA.
As you know, I'm something of a 'boob man', so I thought you might like to view some of the larger examples I have come across in the last fourteen years...and laid across in a number of instances. Mainly black and white shots.
Whatever the language - see title in French, Italian, German and Greek - they are the same thing, or things, breasts😋.
2004 Dorset
One of those weekends I didn't visit you LL. This was taken in August of that year I was in the Bournemouth area seeing someone I've known for sometime This isn't Bournemouth but it is somewhere nearby. Yvonne did this for a dare, although she I and they were already well acquainted.
London 2006
Large boobs on a curvaceous lady. A little larger than would be my normal choice LL, but she had a great sense of humor and lovely big boobs, so what wasn't to like. Not a bad lay either. We had a few weeks of fun off and on in March of that year. Then amicably went our separate ways. You could say it filled a gap for both of us...her gap in particular! Her place in Islington if you are interested😜.
Montpelier, Vermont 2006
Well you can see her boobs well enough in this shot, LL. I can tell you that they were really firm and responsive, but then I guess that is what you get with a younger woman...everything nice and firm.
I was staying in Montpelier, but this is at a small town nearby nestled in the green woodland from which the State gets part of its name. Her body was a delight, LL, you can't imagine how good it was, she and we were together. To think this was within six months of our parting. You with the fat man and me....having a whale of a time.
Fakenham, Norfolk UK 2006
A little more revealing this time and the photo a little overexposed too, but it was taken almost in the heat of the moment. Destination in sight. You should know who this is although you never met her. I told you about her at the time. K was and probably still is a very sexy woman.
Near King's Lynn, Norfolk 2005
Another size 12-14 (in the UK I think that's 14-16). she was definitely built for comfort LL, but still curvy as you can see.
C was an executive with a government agency and knew what she wanted, and when. KL was a half way meeting point. I sometimes called in on her when she was working from home as I returned from Cumbria....think on that LL. You only had yourself to blame.
An unsolicited 'selfie' from a French lady I know. She lives in La Rochelle. Might look her up again one day...or is that look down on her.😜
London Studio 2012
Client shoot - it's the right one😉.
Near Nantes, France - 2007
I loved touring France (on commissions). You see so much driving around - hills, valleys and ...clefts.
Suffolk, UK
Enhanced with Photoshop LL, but she needed no enhancement. Perfection, and I was given the chance to photograph this flawless woman.
The photo tells you all you need to know about what happened next.
Paris, Studio 2007
Client shoot.
California 2007
Coming off or going on? Off actually. Part of my Californian tour over three months up and down the coast from Crescent City (a bit of a one horse town) down to San Diego. This was taken on a remote beach, of course, to the west of a small place called Petrolia. It was so named as it is near the site of the first oil well in the State.
Nobody for miles and miles where we were LL, so a little fun on the beach and exploring Gemma's well was a great way to spend nearly a whole day. We had to walk a bit to get to this spot, but Gemma made it more than worth the effort. She had local knowledge of the place and by the end of the day I had local knowledge of all her sights of delight!
London 2008
Spanish senorita in London. A friend from Marbella in fact who joined me for a week in London. I think she fell in love with my tongue that week, if you follow my drift, LL. I fell in love with her boobs and that wonderful cleavage. What were you doing in June 2008?
Angers, France 2006
This was actually taken for her, Juliette that is, not so much for me. She was quite an erotic woman wanting to explore and be explored in a sensual manner. No crashing through the front door for her. It was more a matter of exploring the whole of the house lingering in various 'rooms' and appreciating each part, before slowly stoking her fire long and slow and until that fire was roaring away. She didn't roar as such but she did scream.
I like a screamer occasionally it tells me I'm appreciated and doing all the right things and touching all the right places.
Knightsbridge, London 2018
They don't come more recent than this LL. This is Annie at my place before we left for Portugal. How do you compare these days? You would get an inferiority complex I think...inferior being the operative word.
Norfolk, UK 2008
We were going for a pub lunch at the Canary and Linnet (remember that place - I took you there), when S appeared dressed like you see her above. She said 'Ready?', to me, I recall. Needless to say we didn't do lunch, although did go out for dinner.
She had made her point, two of them in fact. So we decided to explore all her points. The top came off and she lay down on the three seat couch there while I removed her jeans pulling on the legs. Unfortunately, no fortunately, her panties came with them. We made love on the coach with a towel beneath us. First from the front then again when she bent over holding the arm LL.
We were hungry afterward and had a light lunch by the pool so that I could continue to admire her gorgeous boobs.
Lake Oswego, Oregon 2005
You have seen this lady before. I met her in lake Oswego, near Beaverton in the Portland suburbs during that trip I took in March of that year. The month I caught you starting your affair with the fat man. Yes, of course we had sex, given the photo above it would be impossible not to and she was gasping for it. I only had five days there and had to slip out from the relatives to keep her satisfied.
I did and it was fun and exciting. The relatives never knew...
Florida 2008
Not the house you knew LL. I sold it long before this lady was a house guest. I'll leave it to your imagination as to where those hands that once caressed your body, were applied.

North Norfolk 2005
There are some remote beaches in North Norfolk but you have to get there very early in the morning to be able to take photos like this there. Otherwise the dog walkers, beachcombers and just plain walkers appear. So we headed there before the sun was up around five in the morning.
K wanted me to take nude shots of her on the beach, a place she knew well as then she lived in a place called Holt. Rather than exchange money for the shoot we settled on exchanging juices. Far more enjoyable than mere lucre.
In case you are wondering, not there. Too much of a risk, but we did find somewhere after having breakfast locally...in a woodland. You said I was boring. K didn't agree with that view she thought I was exciting and quite erotic in the way I caressed her and made love. Your loss LL the others gain.

Los Angeles 2007
When I sleep, I am a one pillow man, but snuggled down between those two 'pillows was a delight and the use of my tongue while I was there greatly appreciated. The pleasure was all mine, but my efforts brought results much further down. Excessive lubrication in fact.
Norfolk 2005
Looking at D's lips in this shot, I remember how kissable she was. Lovely in fact. They weren't the only lips I kissed though. Both versions were appreciated by both of us. When? August 2005.
Denia, Spain 2006
A near neighbor in Denia. No, not the s**t hole that you chose but my present place. This, however, was her place and it was late 2006. She had a pool and had invited me over for a chat and wine - I took my small Lumix camera with me.
When she caught me out front for the invite she was wearing her swimmers (an Oz expression) under a wrap. I accepted her invite as I was there on my own and I knew she lived n her own, purely from observation. She had chilled bottle of white Rioja and so I offered to open it and pour. She disappeared for a few minutes and I heard water running upstairs. Then as I walked around her place waiting She appeared at the top of the stairs that you see in the shot above, in just her trainers.
Then L walked slowly down toward me. I remember tow things and they were both jiggling as she descended. The rest of her body was a bonus. I had the presence of mind to take some shots on the multiple setting.
r arms around my neck LL. She said nothing and just kissed me. As we kissed she slipped my trunks off and grabbed what she wanted (it was well on the way to being ready for action), so I did the same thing. We never made it to a bedroom...

London 2006
Oregon, USA 2007
This lady 'christened my new home in Oregon. I bought the place in 2007. Still own it and still use it. I think you understand 'christened' and all that implies. M was a handful in more ways than one, and you can see two of those handfuls above.
Essex, UK 2004
One look at the shot above of this North Essex girl and one of my cameras, probably tells you all you need to know. She liked using her mouth and she liked me using mine along with my tongue.
This encounter occurred after you told me all about your seeing J behind my back - one evening, in your drunken stupor, in Florida. T was one of the early ones you, could say.
London Studio 2018
This one is just to show you I'm still working, if you can call it that. Taken a few weeks ago for a client.
Cumbria, UK 2004
By rights this shot shouldn't be in this blog as she doesn't fall into the 'large' category when it comes to her breast. I couldn't resist for two reasons. One, this was taken in your City, and two, she had lovely firm breasts that she lived to rub up and down on my chest while she sat astride me.
You had no idea, did you LL. You only had yourself to blame though.
London 2007
This was a client shoot in my London studio. However she was quite a horny individual and on the second visit for nude shots, we ended up on top of each other, alternately.
That continued for several months off and on (I was frequently abroad), whenever this married lady felt the need. Nice puffy nipples apart from enormous boobs.
Guérande, France 2006
I doubt whether you will have any idea where Guérande is. However it was a place I stopped over in on a commission. The lady in question used to escape there from Angers.
She was and probably still is well endowed. A pleasure to photograph, clothed and unclothed. I cancelled my hotel booking to stay at her place, and the inevitable occurred, naturally. After all it was France, and they don't have the hang ups the English do.
Sofia, Bulgaria 2008
The places I went the women I had the ladies I photographed. This was a one off, although I did a number of shoots in Kyiv (Kiev, Ukraine) over the years. Nice boobs. I was massaging her if you are wondering, LL. My companion and translator in Sofia.
California 2007
A posed shot for a wealthy West Coast client. She qualifies for this blog on boobs with the extra bonus of great legs. Long too, another of my preferences.
California 2008
Just a lovely morning on the beach near LA with two bosom friends, that I know intimately.
Esslingen, Germany 2010
This was a favor for Dieter's wife.
California, 2006
I let this one slip into the blog somehow, just as we slipped together. After the shoot, I shot. This was taken in one of her garages.
London Studio 2006
Near Epping, Essex UK 2006
A walk on the wild side, perhaps. More 'innocent' than that in fact. A fleeting liaison. One of those dating sites. She came onto me on a woodland walk and so...
Oregon 2018
Portland shoot March of this year LL. great curves. I've been invited back. Not bad for a man of my years wouldn't you say. Mind you I'm still fit and pretty much as I was when we parted.
All of the above shots are in my favorite medium black and white. But I didn't want to leave you without a little colour, so say hello to two ladies in full color
Italy 2007
They say Italian women are hot and passionate - they are! This one liked to buck, if you follow my drift.
Sarasota, Florida 2008
That pose tells you all you need to know, doesn't it LL. Hispanic American - fiery, passionate and extremely sexy.
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
Sometimes men have the last laugh