Here are two tales (or should that be tails) from Germany.
In deference to the fact she is German and has a distinctive name, I will refer to my lady in Germany as S.
I travel, that's a fact, one particular reader will realize that. No dates, calendar ones that is, but let's just say this event took place in the period after March 2004, at which time certain events came to light concerning the woman who 'called' herself my partner. Germany was something of a coincidence in events, as I had discovered timetables for flights to Germany on my laptop after use by the very same lady. My IT skills have always been excellent, due to my background and training. It took no effort at all to see what had been 'going on'.
All told that prompted me to re-visit Germany, which I had last been to in the 80's, on business and the 70's for pleasure - the former nearly 12 years previously. Bavaria is beautiful in the Spring and that's where I headed having flown to Munich and hired a car.
There was a trip I wanted to take and as I was a 'free' agent - I had no guilt regarding the woman mentioned earlier in view of her infidelities - felt I was free to enjoy myself. The trip was along what is called 'The Romantic Road', the old trading route to and through the German Alps.
I guess that sets the scene.
I picked up a car at Frankfurt airport and headed for Wurzburg where I was intending to stay that night. The following morning I spent some time exploring the town and then headed to Rothenburg ob der Tauber. It was there that I met S.
She was in a cafe on her own when I entered. She glanced up from her reading when I sat down just two tables away and then returned to what turned out to be a guide book. There were few people there that morning. I had a similar one book and after ordering a 'Kaffee', I pulled mine out and started to flick through to the section on Rothenburg. S was at the next table.
She was dressed casually in a summer dress and seemed from the guide to be doing what I was - exploring the area. She glanced up, as I had been looking in her direction, smiled and wished me good day in German, naturally. I responded similarly in her language. I speak a little German. However, I then spoke in English which she did also. We passed the time of day to begin with.
She had long shapely legs and, contrary to the stereotypes that people have lodged in their minds as a typical German, was a brunette
It transpired that I was wrong - she wasn't a tourist, like me. She told me she was swotting up on the area so she could show some friends around who were coming over from the States. We 'clicked' in a very pleasant way, felt comfortable in each others company and I flirted with her and she with me.
We finished our coffee and she inquired as to what I was doing for the rest of the day. I told her that I planned to explore the area, but had nothing firm planned. She suggested that I be her experiment (we English might say guinea pig). I agreed after all I was there to see the place and what could be better than with a pretty guide by my side.
I guess I must have a friendly demeanor or aura, as I never seem to have failed to meet a pretty woman whenever. S said I had friendly eyes and a great smile.
I'll cut to the chase soon but we set off to explore the town and she proved to be very knowledgeable. In between the history lesson - churches, museums, and Topplers Castle - we talked, flirted and held hands. I felt like I had known this gorgeous German lady all my life. Not just a morning and afternoon. She was/is single and at that time four years out of a relationship.
Eventually we headed back into town from the castle visit having had a light lunch on the way at Zur Holl, a charming old restaurant that served good wholesome German food.
I guess it was approaching six in the evening when we returned having walked a fair bit that day. We had agreed on dinner back Zur Holl, but needed to shower and change. It was on the cards that I join her in her apartment so I gathered my change of clothes from the hotel and walked the short distance to her place.
The literal translation of Zur Holl is 'To Hell' but it seemed I was headed in the opposite direction as when I arrived at S's place she was dressed if that's the operative word in just a shirt and her underwear. Gone was the light summer dress.
We had, had a good day and seemed to be on the same wavelength so I took her by the upper arms and pulled her closer to me. We kissed and she wrapped her arms round my neck. I could smell her fragrance close up now, having caught a little of it on the air all day.
We had a couple of hours before dinner and it seemed S wanted to 'relax' a little ... free of our clothes. Within a minute we were both down to our underwear. She merely slipped her bra off to reveal a beautiful, shapely body and a pair of gorgeous and firm perky breasts. Her nipples surrounded by a dark brown aura were already proud in anticipation. She was greatly amused and indeed flattered to be photographed then, posing quite unashamedly in a variety of poses. She had no qualms in showing off the whole of her body...and I mean all of her.
She knew how to tease...expertly!
All of which caused me to abandon my camera. She was not shaved but fairly short in the 'working' area. Her body glowed with anticipation - we had made it to the bedroom and she had laid back on the bed with her legs spread wide. I knew what she wanted, and it wasn't immediate penetration. I knelt on the rug next to her bed - my manhood was rock solid by now - and used my tongue on her clitoris, flicking and teasing. This came to be accompanied by Mmmm's from her. Gradually I intensified my efforts with my tongue adding some pressure. She became far more voluble and I could sense her stomach muscles contracting. She was nearly there...and then she was. She reached her climax with some force. She tried to lift my head away but I persisted a little longer and she came again.She laid back on the bed. Legs still akimbo and showing a well lubricated pink area between her thighs. She turned over, stood facing the bed and allowed me to fondle, caress and squeeze those beautiful breasts. The more I did the firmer they became and so did I. My firmness slipped between her buttocks and I rocked too and fro between the lips of her vagina much to her delight....and mine.
She leaned forward onto the bed, spread her legs and presented herself to me. I entered her relatively easily as she was fully ready. Grabbing her hips, I pulled her onto me and held her in place while I entered her with some force thrusting hard, again and again. She cried out saying "mehr, mehr" having reverted to German in her moment of ecstasy. That elusive G spot was at work again because I had undoubtedly found it and she was reveling in the fact, becoming increasingly wetter and wetter.
Neither of us could hold back any more and I came fully into her as she cried out one last loud "Ja, ja" and came too, convulsing with the moment.
We were both panting a little by now. She threw herself on the bed and laid back on the pillow looking up at me dreamily. I knelt between her legs and caressed her body from thigh to breasts, leaning over on my hands I kissed her too. My lips brushed her nipples and I then licked them eventually sucking on both breasts, alternately.

We were one then. Me teasing her as she held her upper thighs with her hands and spread her legs real wide. From that standing position I was able to enter her fully and with some force on her clitoris. The more I did it the more she shouted 'yes' and 'more' in both German and English. Her breasts were moving around in rhythm to my actions - her nipples and breasts firm and hard...perky as well. She had her eyes closed but I was looking down at her as I continued to make love to her. Her body looked great, her face was flushed with blood and she was very wet. The sensation for her was plain to see on her face and in her body. For me I felt all parts of my member stimulated and my eyes were more than a part of that taking in S's beauty.

The poses that she provided are still treasured. They have been edited to protect her identity.
One final shot follows of her beautiful ass or part of it - she was winking at me at the time...and not with her eyes!
That evening there few people at the bar where I sat, despite the fact it was raining hard. A couple at the far end, in what seemed like fairly earnest conversation. The barman and cocktail waiter equally engrossed in another conversation at the other, open end, of the bar. That left me in the middle contemplating my own image in the mirror behind the glasses and bottles at the back of the bar.
That is until a young lady walked in, all alone. She had almost black hair, a pale complexion, was slim and wearing a white dress. A guess you would call it a classic A line dress with a round collar and no sleeves. She had a watch on her left wrist and a silver bangle on her right one. Clutching a small silver colored evening purse, it was apparent there were no rings on her left hand.
She came up to the bar and sat one seat away from me to my left. She ordered a glass of wine. For a short while she just sipped her wine and me, my Jack Daniels. I looked up and into the mirror at the back of the bar to see her looking at me. Our eyes met via the mirror and she smiled and so did I.
She said 'Guten abend' which I returned then reverted to English and said hello. Thankfully, she had fluent English. We started chatting and I asked if she was eating in the hotel or perhaps had another engagement. She didn't so I invited her to join me if she wished.
There were few people in the restaurant but it was arranged in such a fashion that it felt warm and intimate. The menus came and the wine list. I ordered a bottle of Pouillac, a favorite of mine and we both enjoyed a fish dish as our main course. The evening went well. Martina, that was her name told me she was in her thirties and lived in Frankfurt. She was like a little elf although she wasn't small. She was very feminine and well read. Our conversation wandered through a variety of subjects.
Eventually we were on coffee and liqueurs and it was only 7.45 on a very light if wet summer's evening. I suggested it was too early to call it an evening but too wet to wander around the City. She suggested we order a bottle of Champagne and retire to her room, ostensibly to continue our conversation. We entered the lift and standing there opposite each other we knew the rest of the evening was going to involve more than just conversation.
I slipped back to my room while Martina went to hers. I left my jacket there, picked up my camera case and headed back to Martina's room. She had left the door slightly wedged open with one of her shoes. I entered picked up the shoe and walked through into the large room she occupied.
The Champagne had already arrived. I could see it on the side cabinet before I reached the room properly - German efficiency. Not only had it been oped there looked like a glass was waiting for me. The other glass was in Martina's hand and she - well she was on the bed wearing nothing but a sheet.
I was not the youngest man she must have met nor was I close to her in age. I asked her why she felt attracted to an older man like me. She replied that she felt safe with me, even after only a few hours and that she liked older men because they were confident, usually secure and life. She saw my camera bag and asked what it was - she already knew I was and still am something of am amateur/semi professional photographer.

We sipped and quaffed the Champagne between laughing and me taking photos - Martina was getting quite giggly with the combination of wine, liqueurs and Champagne. If she had any inhibitions about nudity, they weren't apparent that evening.

She knelt on the edge of the bed and dropped the duvet altogether. At that point I put the camera down and took her breasts in my hands and squeezed them repeatedly, teasing the nipples with my thumb and for finger, pulling slightly. They were proud and Martina was obviously enjoying it. She drew my head down so I was able to suck on each breast in turn as I caressed her thighs and buttocks.
I massaged that area carefully. She was clean shaven - just like me - but in a totally different area! Her arousal was strong now and mine was self evident to the point of weeping. She was in a mischievous mood and although we both wanted to consummate our foreplay she was playing a half hearted game of hard to get.

I climbed between her legs and she worked my member against her clit vigorously climbing inexorably towards a climax. She came with a series of oh, oh Oh's! Pulling her legs up to facilitate access, she opened her legs to their widest enabling me to enter her and continue her pleasure. I nearly had her at her peak once more when she rolled from under me then turned me over and mounted me.
The sound of her wetness was a great stimulus in itself apart from her breasts hanging over me to suck. She pulled herself upright and rode me hard crying out as she did.
Then she leaned over me and said to spank her as I thrust into her with some force. I hit her hard on each buttock which just seemed to send into ecstasy - her cries louder than ever. Then she came in a wet gush over me. That combined with grabbing her breasts brought me to my climax. What an evening that was.
We slept together that night interspersed with some occasional gentle lovemaking and caressing the morning I greeted with the sight below. We showered...together with lots of lather....
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity and prevent full nudity, but are concurrent with the events told in this account. All photos are taken by the narrator and are copyright.
Ciao LL it was a pleasure....