Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Encounters - A Prologue

This is a new blog which will comprise of a series of friendships and in some intimate detail.

The purpose LL is to demonstrate how life became much more exciting for me after your admissions in 2005.....and your actions in 2004.

You may have written me off but that was very much your loss. You were/are a very mixed up person and perhaps that was what lie at the root of your behavior. Thankfully, and I knew it anyway, other women did not share your view and found me very attractive. The series, and it is a series which is already part written, will feature my encounters with the women I met. Bar one special lady who I married, the things we shared were friendship and intimacy only.

The first woman was the first 'post you' and she is called Joanna.


As you know my wife is heavily involved in the fashion business. That gives me the opportunity, often behind the scenes to practice and snatch some photos of the models. Thought you might like to see a few and get an idea of the completely different worlds we inhabit, nowadays.

I've always loved a beautiful woman and it is a pleasure getting these ladies and others to pose for me. Half the battle is giving instructions on how to look, although some know exactly what is required. Gave up with the last  but one girl, she just kept laughing.

The last one? That would be telling....

There are more, but these will do for now. Back to the sun, the pool and the great food here. Out dining with friends this evening...with my wife, naturally.

As the man said many moons ago  "You have a nice day ma'am"