Thursday, August 24, 2017


For LL

Time for more from the portfolio LL. Maybe one day I'll post more innocent stuff, but these kind of blogs are to ensure you know what I had at my fingertips (so to speak😉) when you thought otherwise.

Studio NY


This is quite an old one - well before you and me.

Studio London

She had a great body and was very fit, in both senses of the word. A promise fulfilled you might say. She loved the shots, I took for free on this occasion.

Two's Company  or rather 'four' in this shot

These two lovely ladies were at the Norfolk place one lovely summer's day in 2005 for photos. The pool called and out came the sun tan lotion. The nearest did the furthest and I did the nearest. A very pleasurable day LL. All were fully satisfied, some twice.

Showering in an Italian hotel...with a friend

Part of my six month sojourn in Italy, ostensibly to learn the language, which I did. I and various partners learned a few other things too.

Studio Lingerie shot - Bristol (appropriately!)


London - An oriental friend

We met through my regular visits to a certain restaurant in Chinatown. Not my first oriental conquest though....

Holiday in Valencia, Spain

Invitation to a party and then another sort of invitation ended up with this lady spending two or three nights in my bed. I took this as she was getting ready for bed, I think on the second night. I think it's quite a good shot although you can't see her face in this cropped version.

New York

Not a studio shot and I recall it was really cold outside. We kept warm though....

London Apartment

An English rose and the pale complexion to prove it. Great nipples. I was kneeling when I took this shot for her. Then she stood right over me...another invitation. Lick and flick she said, so I did. The rest I leave to your vivid imagination LL.

Location shoot - near Cincinnati, Ohio

Remember that trip I took in 2005 LL. To Indianapolis then on down to Florida. Then leaving there for Portland, Oregon, via Cincinnati and Salt Lake City. I'm sure you do. One of the reasons for stopping off in Ohio was that I had a several commissions to fulfill, photographically.

The above lady was one such although to be honest the rest were more industrial in nature. She was the respite from the rest. I seem to recall that we travelled to an factory that I had photographed the day before so that we might get some 'atmospheric shots. She loved them. Bearing in mind she was the wife of a industrial sites owner, she knew her way around the area.

Another neglected lady...there were so many.... You could have called it 'Brief Encounter' I guess. We had our fun in that old factory and I moved on to Salt Lake City the next day.

London Studio

London Apartment
London Apartment

I think the fact it was my apartment leaves the photos requiring no further explanation LL. The file says early October 2005. Interesting don't you think...

Norfolk, UK

Same bed, same bedroom sheets. I threw all of the others out when I found out what you had been up to. Lovely lay.

New England

A commission with benefits - 2007 - many of them were. Lucky me you once said. You never knew how lucky in some respects...LL.

Florida I need to say more. Met at the know the one LL.


On my travels alone with nothing but my cameras, I met many lovely women. This was another of them. Do you know the State is called the 10,000 lakes State. We found this one for our shoot. Not a soul there...but you had to know your way around and she did...

Norfolk UK
Bottom up, and thee had been plenty of those at the Norfolk residence from 2004 onward. I think this beautiful creature dates from April of 04. A month after I found out about your playing away. First of many LL, first of many...

Studio London

Fakenham, Norfolk...with a friend

I told you about this lady way back - name begins with a K. This was taken at her place one rainy day. What do you do when it rains in a place such as that...hmmmm...well we weren't at a loss and it kept us warm

New England

This was a shoot but this particular shot was between more posed photos. Lovely view wouldn't you say.

Norfolk, UK
This shot should be familiar to you. It featured along with others in a much earlier blog.

Georgia, USA

Another encounter along the way back in 2007 with this black lady. She had the most perfect skin and the color was was she.


Being a boobs man among other likes, this shot is one of many I have taken of various ladies over the years. The difference here was that it was taken at one of my places in Florida and I had the honor to handle them.

Boston, USA

A studio commission that turned into a brief relationship while I was in that neck of the woods. In deference to that fact this photo is cropped more than normal.


Without ever thinking about it or intending it, California turned out to be quite a 'fertile' State as far as women were concerned. Californication I guess you could say!

Here's one of the lovely ladies awaiting attention and satisfaction. We both received it!

The benefits of staying over at an old friend's place. No more need be said😉.


Come on down...and she did. This was the view I had lying on my back for a change...and it was lovely, especially those beautiful boobs. Plenty to handle there. Believe it or not LL, this was in a place called Bend, Or.


I flew to Edinburgh from Norwich for this shot and quite a few others LL. This was back in 2006. After the shoot I took the opportunity to visit my Scottish grandparents gave in Arbroath and to see my cousins in law near Pitlochry.

But this lady took precedence and she was a great subject even agreeing to lay on this cold and wet stone bridge for this shot. She came from Edinburgh or at least lived there and I stayed in Edinburgh for a couple of days before Arbroath etc...she was married but wanted a portfolio for her own reasons. There are three categories of women I have met - she fell into the subtle division, but not so subtle that she didn't get what she wanted...and she did in those woods and later, a day later at my hotel.


Boston, USA

Back in Boston and you could say the 'luck of the Irish'. Appropriate for that city. My first day and night at my hotel ended in this post- coital photograph. Why are there always women in hotels looking for a quick lay? Never bothered to answer the question myself, just grasped opportunity with both hands in a manner of speaking.

After you and your machinations LL, I had no qualms about bedding as many women as I could. Life is for living, not moping about.

Philadelphia, USA

Similarly, this encounter in Philly was another hotel encounter. This lady was quite brazen about what she wanted and also had no inhibitions when it came to exhibiting her body. This was pre-coital. You can guess where I went from here...right where her right is.

Spain - villa

Another K this time. I took her on a long weekend break to my villa in Denia in the summer of 2005. You never knew about the villa did you - I said I hadn't told you everything. She hailed from Suffolk then, but now lives in Switzerland. She had lovely firm breasts I recall but could never come with her legs up. So that made life interesting but I satisfied her over and over again.

See below also...nice butt!

Spain - villa


This was a recommendation from the Minnesota lady above. When I say recommendation I mean for a commission to take fashion and nude photos for a married friend of hers. Somehow, although shy and coy to begin with, she lost all her inhibitions by this stage of the shoot. Then she was very naughty and lost even more on that blanket. I often wonder whther she and her friend compared notes. Perhaps not as she was married.


Back over the Pond to England for the next two shots - above and below. The K from Fakenham posing for me on a hot early morning on a wild stretch of the north Norfolk coast. later back to her place for a shower and some 'recreation'. If you are muddled there was another K in California, but sadly she is no longer with us.


And finally.....


A touch of color. This technique is relatively easy, if you know how. I quite like it occasionally. This was quite a grand event that Ash and I attended just a year ago. The Bentley is just a few hundred yards away.

You have a nice day ma'am and consider what you 'pushed' me into. I thank you for that most sincerely.

Ciao Bella

Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©

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